Symptom IV.

Case of emergency
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Symptom IV.

I had to admit that I was way more nervous before that Friday than I had originally intended to. I spent an entire hour picking out the clothes that I wanted to wear because I wanted to look pretty. Not like he hadn’t seen me last time but still… that little voice in my head urged me to make a move. I bet that Seokjin was used to attractive girls with outstanding outfits, so I couldn’t even compete with them. I could imagine now why Jungkook had mentioned that he had thousands of female clients. If I had known him before, I would have taken Barney to him immediately and maybe we wouldn’t have been here today.

On the other hand, as the saying goes, everything happens for a reason, so I guess that’s how it should have happened. After all, taking our dogs for a walk together sounded absolutely amazing, therefore I was really looking forward to it. Of course, just for Barney’s sake, he needed it for his recovery.

When I arrived at the dog park which Seokjin had mentioned, he was already there, waving in my direction. I could have mistaken him if I hadn’t caught sight of his signal in time since instead of wearing his typical doctor gown, he was actually wearing a fluffy white-blue stripped sweatshirt with black jeans and sneakers. He looked like a casual college guy waiting for his buddies to show up, except that he had a maltese with him.

Speaking of the maltese… Oh my dear, his dog was the cutest little fluffball on Earth! (After Barney, of course.) He had shiny, white fur, small wonder why he actually looked like a tiny, fury ball. Or the mackerel-sky which was dotted with beautiful white clouds. Either way, he was undeniably cute.

“Oh my gosh, your dog is so adorable!” I exclaimed joyfully as soon as I approached them, making Seokjin more than proud after hearing my compliment.

“I know, he’s just like his owner.”

“Well, he does resemble you a bit,” I pointed out, a giggle escaping my mouth. Even though some people might have misunderstood the overflowing confidence of the vet, I actually admired that he was totally aware of his looks but didn’t take advantage of it. He was self-conscious yet humble. A combination that I seek in all guys but never seemed to find it before.

“What’s his name?”

“Jjangu,” Seokjin flashed such a seducing smile that could be used for Valentine’s Day chocolate bouquet promotions and everyone would buy them right away.

“Well, nice to meet you, Jjangu. I hope you can be good friends with Barney,” I crouched down to the other puppy but didn’t pat him for long because my dog started acting jealous and threw disgusted glares at me. Believe me, when dogs are jealous, they act almost the same as humans. They become oversensitive and even if you take a step closer to the other animal, they come even closer to you, so that they can’t be out of your reach.

“I hope it helps Barney,” the doctor clenched his jaw while his voice was suddenly laced with worry. It seemed that whenever it was something concerning business, he could get into the serious mode in an instant. “He seems a bit irritated for the time being but I think he just needs time to realise that we are all here for him. We should let them play together.”

“That’s a great idea,” I nodded my head in submission.

We both let our dogs off leash and watched as they started to smell each other and then kept distance for a while. It was an average sight with two dogs who met for the first time, so we let them be. Besides, we could have a little time for ourselves and immerse into enjoying the lovely spring afternoon.

“So, how long have you been having Barney?” Seokjin’s honey-like voice filled in the comfortable silence and that’s how our little heart-to-heart talk actually started.

In the next two hours or so, we talked about the things we liked or hated the most. We discussed that even though Seokjin was a vet, he wasn’t particularly fond of all types of animals, especially not insects or snakes. He even mentioned that as a trainee, he had to go to the jungle to observe the species there and a guy casually made snake soup for dinner. Needless to say but Seokjin didn’t take a bite. Despite the fact that he was a real foodie, it was too extreme for his liking.

“I know that you love eating but can you cook as well?” I challengingly

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In the last chapter, I'll tell you why Case of emergency got this title. ;)


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 5: AWWHHHHH
How could i just find this story by now? I've been scrolling through jin and seokjin tags for long time and i just bumped this super cute story by now :') thankyouuuu for this enjoyable seokjin story. I enjoyed this :))) esp since it always a little bit hard for me to find bts hyungline stories here that could suit my taste :) so thankyou
nd1903 #3
Chapter 3: I hate myself for laughing at that joke
Chapter 5: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH sneaky cute Jin!! So smooth!!! Haha love it

Btw dancing like a lost octopus? Best line ever!

I'm so happy that they got together in the end. And Jungkook totally knows that it's because of him lol.

Thank you for writing this adorable story!
Chapter 4: Omg sassy, shipper Jungkook is the best!!! I love him haha.

I love this chapter ! Their interactions are just so cute !
Chapter 3: Omg I loved his dad joke. I'm such a er for them! XD
They're going on a date!!!! I'm so excited !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg I literally just realised that this story is finished?! I just got a notification saying that a new story had been posted ! I don't know how I missed this! I'm so sad that I missed it. But I'm glad I get to binge read!
Chapter 1: Omg vet!Jin!!!!!! I'm so excited to see how this plays out.
I adore puppy loving, shipper jungkook! I'm glad you decided to put him in the story lol.

Brilliant start to what I'm sure will be an amazing story! Can't wait for more! <3
shinnqqq #9
Chapter 5: This is so adorable!! Love how the story goes!
mrstaehyungcool #10
Chapter 5: Its end already? Wae :( but its cute story and i really enjoy it hehe