Symptom II.

Case of emergency
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Symptom II.


I swear Kim Seokjin is the sweetest man alive. I’m not even exaggerating, guys, he is the sweetest man. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and check it out for yourself!

The day when I met him was actually the day after Jungkook had suggested to visit him. I had made an appointment with Seokjin’s assistant, Myungeun, and everything was fixed right away. Nonetheless, I was still a bit nervous when the day had come. I don’t even know why. It wasn’t like I was meeting the president or something like that. It was just me meeting a new vet, nothing extraordinary.

Still, an anxious shiver ran down my spine as we were waiting at the veterinary clinic and my name was suddenly called. I jumped up, immediately ready to rush into the office but Barney just wouldn’t budge.

“Oh, come on, Barney! Don’t do this with me!” I flung my arms in the air, a huff of air leaving my nose in disbelief. It turned out that it was actually a very irresponsible move since I almost let go of his leash, hence he could easily make an attempt to scamper away. Luckily, in the last second, I managed to grab it, avoiding further mishaps.

“Please, Barney,” I whispered gently, crouching down to him and noticed that he was slightly shivering. I knew that he wasn’t particularly fond of vets – who would be, I wasn’t comfortable either when I had to visit a hospital – but I never assumed that it would be this hard to even get him into the office. “The doctor won’t eat you alive,” I tried to reassure him but to no avail. He continued on being adamant and didn’t even move an inch.

“I’m a real foodie but I’ve never eaten a dog before,” a vivacious voice hollered from behind me and when I turned around to look at the owner of the voice, my heart leaped a bit. I was totally tongue-tied, I had no idea how to suppress my astonishment.

There was a quite tall young man casually leaning against the office’s doorway and I swear his handsomeness was out of this world. His long lashes made a mesmerizing combination with his russet-brown eyes that resembled mysteriously captivating dark forests that I wished to explore. His jawline was sharp yet gentle, a kind of paradox that made him look apparently confident in his looks but still didn’t leave an egoistic impact. His peachy lips curved into a heavenly smile, the kind that makes you wish he would never stop smiling. His raven-black hair was absolutely breath-taking and made him look like an exact copy of some kind of delicate prince or at least an heir from a fairly rich family.

Good grief, he totally got me.


Awkwardly, that was all I could muster as I was eyeing him to

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In the last chapter, I'll tell you why Case of emergency got this title. ;)


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 5: AWWHHHHH
How could i just find this story by now? I've been scrolling through jin and seokjin tags for long time and i just bumped this super cute story by now :') thankyouuuu for this enjoyable seokjin story. I enjoyed this :))) esp since it always a little bit hard for me to find bts hyungline stories here that could suit my taste :) so thankyou
nd1903 #3
Chapter 3: I hate myself for laughing at that joke
Chapter 5: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH sneaky cute Jin!! So smooth!!! Haha love it

Btw dancing like a lost octopus? Best line ever!

I'm so happy that they got together in the end. And Jungkook totally knows that it's because of him lol.

Thank you for writing this adorable story!
Chapter 4: Omg sassy, shipper Jungkook is the best!!! I love him haha.

I love this chapter ! Their interactions are just so cute !
Chapter 3: Omg I loved his dad joke. I'm such a er for them! XD
They're going on a date!!!! I'm so excited !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg I literally just realised that this story is finished?! I just got a notification saying that a new story had been posted ! I don't know how I missed this! I'm so sad that I missed it. But I'm glad I get to binge read!
Chapter 1: Omg vet!Jin!!!!!! I'm so excited to see how this plays out.
I adore puppy loving, shipper jungkook! I'm glad you decided to put him in the story lol.

Brilliant start to what I'm sure will be an amazing story! Can't wait for more! <3
shinnqqq #9
Chapter 5: This is so adorable!! Love how the story goes!
mrstaehyungcool #10
Chapter 5: Its end already? Wae :( but its cute story and i really enjoy it hehe