Symptom III.

Case of emergency
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Symptom III.

It turned out that Kim Seokjin wasn’t only so damn good-looking but he was also a charming company and an excellent vet.

Of course, he did what others had already done. He asked about Barney’s medical history and whether he was eating well, sleeping well or misbehaving and inquired if I noticed any other symptoms. In response, I shared all those things with him that I had told the other experts as well, and he listened to me, his gaze never leaving my face.

I was actually shifting glances all around the room like a teenage girl at her first date despite the fact that there was nothing that should make me act this way. Except Seokjin’s presence, of course.

Nonetheless, it was enough to make me look like a terrified owner who freaks out when she confesses that she’s pretty sure that she’s reason why her dog is suffering. It wasn’t until then that his serious side showed up and he emphasized with the most soothing tone I had ever heard from him:

“This is not your fault, so don’t you dare to blame yourself,” he reprimanded me like I was a little girl and he was my over-protective big brother. As he even put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, my legs weakened at his soft touch and I became a human jelly. I honestly felt like crying but decided to get my grip together.

“As I’ve listened to you, I became totally convinced that you are doing everything that you can do to keep him in a good shape, therefore you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I believe that your dog merely needs more company. I’m not saying that he’s lonely but maybe, if you took him to dog parks or get him a new friend, it would be helpful. At his age, he needs to see more of the world and get in connection with others, otherwise he would become depressed and uninterested in anything and everything.”

“Oh,” I scratched the back of my neck as I puzzled up the words he had said.

Come to think of it, his monologue made sense. After all, we rarely bumped into other dogs around my block as it was in the city centre and not a lot of people would keep a pet in their flats. It was harder than living in a house and letting the pets out into the garden to jog a bit and play, because he was taught to stay in the living room and he was permitted to

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In the last chapter, I'll tell you why Case of emergency got this title. ;)


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 5: AWWHHHHH
How could i just find this story by now? I've been scrolling through jin and seokjin tags for long time and i just bumped this super cute story by now :') thankyouuuu for this enjoyable seokjin story. I enjoyed this :))) esp since it always a little bit hard for me to find bts hyungline stories here that could suit my taste :) so thankyou
nd1903 #3
Chapter 3: I hate myself for laughing at that joke
Chapter 5: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH sneaky cute Jin!! So smooth!!! Haha love it

Btw dancing like a lost octopus? Best line ever!

I'm so happy that they got together in the end. And Jungkook totally knows that it's because of him lol.

Thank you for writing this adorable story!
Chapter 4: Omg sassy, shipper Jungkook is the best!!! I love him haha.

I love this chapter ! Their interactions are just so cute !
Chapter 3: Omg I loved his dad joke. I'm such a er for them! XD
They're going on a date!!!! I'm so excited !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg I literally just realised that this story is finished?! I just got a notification saying that a new story had been posted ! I don't know how I missed this! I'm so sad that I missed it. But I'm glad I get to binge read!
Chapter 1: Omg vet!Jin!!!!!! I'm so excited to see how this plays out.
I adore puppy loving, shipper jungkook! I'm glad you decided to put him in the story lol.

Brilliant start to what I'm sure will be an amazing story! Can't wait for more! <3
shinnqqq #9
Chapter 5: This is so adorable!! Love how the story goes!
mrstaehyungcool #10
Chapter 5: Its end already? Wae :( but its cute story and i really enjoy it hehe