Five (part one)

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“I slept with Im Nayeon” Momo said while her friends were laughing about some jokes, Sana was with them, and the girl’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline “Twice”

Dahyun fell silent, not knowing what to say at the declaration made by her Japanese friend. Chaeyoung frowned confused.

“Congrats. Was it good?” She asked, with tone of wonder. “Is she good in bed?”

“Chaeng” Dahyun chastised her little friend with red cheeks.

“What? Is a legitimate question”

The duo was bickering at the implication of Chaeng’s words. Dahyun exclaiming that it was intimate, and they should respect it.

Sana stared at Momo for a very long time. And Momo evaded her eyes, her own glaze was fixated on her cup of coffee.

“I’ll repeat Chaeng’s question. Was she good?” there was a hidden question in the inquiry. Something along the lines of “Was it worth it?” “What about Mina?”

Momo sighed, no longer happy with the events.

“To answer your questions. She is good. And I can’t stop thinking of her”

Mina arrived just in time to hear the exclamation. She has this mask of fake happiness as if the “incident” didn’t happen at all. She greeted everyone with a calm smile on her face; her eyes were guarded but not angry. Her shoulders were relaxed.

Her aura is somehow quite different. Not angry or sad, but not happy either. Just a hollow Mina.

“Who is good?” She asked, as she sat down next to Chaeyoung. Her eyes gazed Momo, with a certain sorry in them, but Momo wasn’t angry. She smiled at Mina, a certain fear took a hold of her mind.

Dahyun who is blunt and doesn’t know about Mina and Momo answered.

“Her lately conquest. Im Nayeon, the Regina George of the campus”

Mina’s lips formed an “O” and chuckled.

“Now I understand everything” she said in a composed manner. No traces of hurt or disappointment. “Well, she is really pretty no wonder you like her”

Momo offered a polite smile, uncomfortable to talk about Nayeon in front of Mina.

“Yeah, she is pretty”

Sana, who sensed something weird happening, tried to disappear because she does not want to mend into their business. She still held some form of respect for Mina, even if she kisses Momo behind her back.

Dahyun looked at Sana, her eyes could not get enough of it. She felt attracted towards the Japanese. Her smile and voice were beckoning for her soul. Even if they are polar opposites, she still found herself over heels for Sana.

“Guys, I know this is suddenly, but I need to take a walk, a breather” Sana shot up at speed of light “I need to work on my circulation. Im off, Bye”

Mina smiled; she put her hands in front of her. And analyzed the situation. Sana being the coward she, will go away leaving Momo to fight her battles alone. And without a doubt, Dahyun who is like a puppy to Sana, will follow the girl.

Chaeyoung could be the only one who stays. And she would not be an obstacle. Or Momo could use her as escape goat. But Mina can’t predict the future.

“Hey, Sana” Dubu halted the girl in her steps “Would you mind if I accompany you? I need to go for a walk too”

Mina observed the interaction. She wonders if Sana can fall in the category of a ty girl. That made her perk up, Sana is still her friend after all. Her problems with Momo should not involve her. And in the end, Mina is the only one who can see through her façade, of a insecure girl who uses attention to feel better about herself.

Sana blushed, and agreed without hesitation. That pocked Mina’s interest; Sana is at her eyes a master of seduc

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littlewings2102 #1
Chapter 7: Im waiting for your update
The story is too good to be abandoned.
I believe in you, authornim
Chapter 7: can't wait for your comeback author-nim! it has been a while since i last read your story
ShibaSana #3
Chapter 6: where the update at
30yume30 #4
Chapter 5: whoa... I'm speachless...
this story is sooo good and i quite don't know for which ship i should root because every shio is perfect the way you write it >.<
I'm glad i found this story d i hope you'll continue to write this ㅇㅅㅇ
Karla-AC1 #5
Chapter 5: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah me rompió el cazaron lo de Mina ;-; se nos va la pinguina dejando lo que mas ama </3
Che Momo has algo al respecto! yo sentí feo cuando dijo lo de Nayeon enfrente de Mina, pero que se le hace, tienen que arreglar sus diferencias en algún momento.
Jengyeon apareció, fue hermoso :')
Ya quiero ver que pasa después, todo me tiene tan tensa jaja gran actualización como siempre!
chy486 #6
Chapter 5: Where that update tho .-.
Chapter 5: I am feeling mixed emotions right now- how can yiu do this to me. But heck i am lowkey rooting for namo! Give mina some poosi like chaeyoung's ehehe jk.
Karla-AC1 #8
Chapter 4: Oh mi Dios, no sabes como esperaba con ansias tu actualización! y te pido una disculpa por se una mala suscriptora y no comentar los capítulos anteriores.
Que te puedo decir, los personajes son perfectos (bueno, sabemos que no, que están jodidos pero tu me entiendes) me encanta la manera en la que todas están relacionadas de alguna manera, lo que las envuelve en su vida.
Todas son un misterio, no puedo dejar de pensar en lo que paso en el pasada, en especial ahora con Momo y Mina, este capitulo me rompió el corazon jaja Mina es definitivamente el personaje que mas me llama la atención, mi pobre niña se esta droga o algo :'( necesito saber mas, de sus sentimientos, de su pasado. Pero se que todo tiene su ritmo.
Amo con locura el Mimo y también el Namo por lo que esto me mata lentamente hahaha aunque seré sincera y prefiero el Mimo pero el Namo aquí no deja de fascinarme, el como de alguna forma se necesitan mutuamente y no lo niegan.(?)
Espero sigas con esta historia, es sumamente genial, bien escrita y las personalidades tan crudas y reales, así como la historia que es el detalle que mas me encanta. Ya va para mis historias favs de la vida.
1241 streak #9
Chapter 3: MiMo vs NaMo? °0° rooting for MiMo XD poor Sana :(
Chapter 3: wow wow wow you ship nana and lizzy too???? :O