
Stay with me
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Dahyun mind’s was racing, her hands trembled and she couldn’t help but feel this butterflies in her stomach. She was dressed in a light cotton white shirt, and some black basketball shorts, her favorite pair of nike sneakers, and her red big headphones, blasting her favorite music.


She likes to run two times at day, from half to one hour, each time. It was a recommendation from her psychiatrist, to work her anxiety and let the oxygen flow into her brain. At the beginning, she didn’t find the purpose of running, but with time, and with a lean and nice body, she began to enjoy the burn in her muscles.   Now it has become her habit, or hobby, whatever you want to call it. She even likes to run in the pouring rain. She was used to running besides the same people every day.   But today, there was a new runner. Someone who makes her feel as if chaeyoung hit her in the stomach. And yes, the little hobbit has some pretty strong punches.   Sana was there, with a sinfully short shorts and a nike sports bra, her long hair in a ponytail, and she was stretching. Dahyun could see how a lot of boys stopped to ogle at her body, and it made her feel anxious. She glared at those boys, but they didn’t notice it, too busy doing their thing.   Dahyun was hesitant to go near the girl, because they barely talked the day they met. But it was worth the chance.   Sana kept stretching, a jog would make her feel better, and it was such an ego boost seeing all these boys staring at her. That made her smirk in victory; the new diet she is trying is working wonders.   Maybe the outfit she chose was the best to show off all her hard work, her stupid ex is going to go back to her crawling, and she is going to act all difficult, so that person beg on their knees for her forgiveness.  That’s her plan.   She could feel a particular stare, and for the corner of her eyes, saw how that person was walking towards her, it was such a surprise because by far no one has tried to talk to her.   “Hey” the soft voice stopped her in her tracks. When Sana looked up, she noticed that it was one of Momo’s friends. The one with the tattoos. The girl made a good impression in her, such a polite person.   Sana smiled her most charming smile. She knows that this girl is a precious thing for Momo, so she has to treat her right, in honor of her japanese friend.   “Hi” Sana smiled again, and extended a hand for the girl to shake it “I know you, are you one of Momo’s friends? Dahyun, right?”   Dahyun smiled, and took the hand between hers. “Yeah” she muttered, and looked around again, glaring lightly at the ert boys, a protective side of her surfaced, but it confused her, because it was a rare feeling. “Do you like to jog?”   Sana began to walk, and Dahyun followed her around, her hands inside her shorts pockets, not knowing what to say to the other girl.   Sana hummed as she thought about her answer.   “It’s a new thing for me” the girl giggled a little, and took her phone to search for some music to listen while she exercises, “I want to be in good shape”  

That made Dahyun perked up. Only Chaeyoung and she were into a healthy lifestyle, trying to play some sports, or gym, and eat fruits and vegetables the most. So, it’s no wonder that the two friends are in good shape, maybe not bulky or super skinny like the top models, but a toned arms and lean muscles.


“Really?” she asked somewhat awed at the girl.


Sana stared at her, and nodded.

“Yes, in the past I only ate junk food, or sweets all day, my parents used to say that i would throw tantrums if they gave me vegetables, they were very busy with work, both of them being lawyers, so they did not have time to pay attention to what i ate, the result was that i ended up being an overweight kid”


Dahyun stared at the floor as they walked along the park where a lot of runners use to train. The orange haired girl felt incredibly awkward, her social skills were a little rusty.


“Now, you have a great body” Dahyun’s blushed afterwards the comment flew out of “Sorry that was weird”


Sana laughed, the shy girl besides her was so funny, and there’s this innocent aura that surrounds her, so she is pretty sure, there is no danger of Sana being in some random bush.


 “It’s okay and thanks for the compliment” she whispered “You too have a great body” and naughtily squeezed one of Dahyun’s biceps.


Dahyun jumped surprised at the sudden action, and took a couple of steps distance herself from Sana. The Japanese girl laughed at her expense, even throwing her head backwards.


The tattooed girl cracked a smile, her heart swelling with something she can’t decipher.


“Thanks, i guess” muttered and put on her headphones, signaling with her hands that she is going to begin her training. Sana nodded still smiling, and put on her own to jog a little.


The thing is this is the first time for Sana to begin an exercise routine. So after a couple of minutes trying to keep a fast pace, she was dead tired.


Sana was breathless, and she bended a little to catch her breath. Maybe if she sits down for a little while, she could continue. She found a bench near the kid’s site.


Why it was so hard for her to do something so simple? Maybe she is as useless as that person made her to be. She still remembers the rage of her “Boyfriend” as she tripped over nothing, or dropped things.


How helpless she felt when she tried her hardest to be the perfect girlfriend, with the perfect hair and weight, and nothing of that seemed to matter. In which moment she lost the sweet boy she met on a raining day.


Her memories of him are a little fuzzy, the last days of them together nothing but a nightmare, where him became another person so different from the prince that swept Sana off her feet.


He was a tall, and Sana loved hugging him by the waist and snuggling into his chest as they watched movies together. He would say to her “You are my clingy hamster” and Sana would blush, until the tip of her ears are red.  She was so in love with him, that everything that surrounds her would vanish in the moment he said her name.


“Sana” his voice was a little deep, and held this thick accent from the country he is from. A little rough, but she loved it. He would come to her, with a shy smile, and stare at her eyes for a long time, until he would muster the courage to lean down and kiss her.


Being with him made her so happy, that all the darkness seemed a little brighter. Still to this, his memory would make the darkness disappear.


Then, he became cold and distant. And all the things that made him smile before, in the last days made him angry, everything put him on the edge.


Sana almost began to cry, reminiscing her relationship always brought her to tears, and it hurt her to no end. And all her insecurities surf

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littlewings2102 #1
Chapter 7: Im waiting for your update
The story is too good to be abandoned.
I believe in you, authornim
Chapter 7: can't wait for your comeback author-nim! it has been a while since i last read your story
ShibaSana #3
Chapter 6: where the update at
30yume30 #4
Chapter 5: whoa... I'm speachless...
this story is sooo good and i quite don't know for which ship i should root because every shio is perfect the way you write it >.<
I'm glad i found this story d i hope you'll continue to write this ㅇㅅㅇ
Karla-AC1 #5
Chapter 5: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah me rompió el cazaron lo de Mina ;-; se nos va la pinguina dejando lo que mas ama </3
Che Momo has algo al respecto! yo sentí feo cuando dijo lo de Nayeon enfrente de Mina, pero que se le hace, tienen que arreglar sus diferencias en algún momento.
Jengyeon apareció, fue hermoso :')
Ya quiero ver que pasa después, todo me tiene tan tensa jaja gran actualización como siempre!
chy486 #6
Chapter 5: Where that update tho .-.
Chapter 5: I am feeling mixed emotions right now- how can yiu do this to me. But heck i am lowkey rooting for namo! Give mina some poosi like chaeyoung's ehehe jk.
Karla-AC1 #8
Chapter 4: Oh mi Dios, no sabes como esperaba con ansias tu actualización! y te pido una disculpa por se una mala suscriptora y no comentar los capítulos anteriores.
Que te puedo decir, los personajes son perfectos (bueno, sabemos que no, que están jodidos pero tu me entiendes) me encanta la manera en la que todas están relacionadas de alguna manera, lo que las envuelve en su vida.
Todas son un misterio, no puedo dejar de pensar en lo que paso en el pasada, en especial ahora con Momo y Mina, este capitulo me rompió el corazon jaja Mina es definitivamente el personaje que mas me llama la atención, mi pobre niña se esta droga o algo :'( necesito saber mas, de sus sentimientos, de su pasado. Pero se que todo tiene su ritmo.
Amo con locura el Mimo y también el Namo por lo que esto me mata lentamente hahaha aunque seré sincera y prefiero el Mimo pero el Namo aquí no deja de fascinarme, el como de alguna forma se necesitan mutuamente y no lo niegan.(?)
Espero sigas con esta historia, es sumamente genial, bien escrita y las personalidades tan crudas y reales, así como la historia que es el detalle que mas me encanta. Ya va para mis historias favs de la vida.
1241 streak #9
Chapter 3: MiMo vs NaMo? °0° rooting for MiMo XD poor Sana :(
Chapter 3: wow wow wow you ship nana and lizzy too???? :O