
Stay with me
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Can you imagine how hard is to act like you don't have any feelings? Like you are this conceited that don't care about other people's lives, but in the end you worry like a mother?

Nayeon was sipping on her americano, her hands warm thanks to the dark liquid, and her companion was talking about some gossip they heard in the halls. Jihyo, her best friend, made extravagant gestures with her body, signaling how surprised she was at the turn of events. The curvy girl is the most funniest girl she has the pleasure of meeting.

"Really? I can't believe that girl slept with her friend's boyfriend, I mean, every one, that includes me, thought she was a but never that she would swept that low"

Nayeon cracked a smile, took her phone and checked her social media for news.

"To be honest, nothing's surprise me anymore"

Jihyo laughed.

"What about you? Have you had a lover while I was a prisoner of war, a prisoner of an evil witch that is my teacher?"

Nayeon thought about her endless flirting with this cute boy in her class, the one with a handsome face, and deep voice, he was cool and dances really well, and a couple of girls have tried to seduce him.

"Jackson and I went on a date"

Jihyo cheered. Her smile becoming one that rivals the Cheshire cat. The girl with big eyes slapped her shoulder, suddenly angry.

"I can't believe you got all the hot ones. First, Mino, then your one night stand, that Japanese Momo, and now your future sweet heart, Jackson" Nayeon smirked "Girl, leave some meat for the rest of us"

At that, Nayeon lost it. Her loud laugh and voice broke the peace of the cafeteria, and some people annoyed shushed her. Her response was a middle finger.

" I don't know why you always have to be so loud" Tzuyu said, the tall girl carried a plate of salad in her big hands. The girl, a Taiwanese student, likes makeup so much as if trying to prove the world, she is the most beautiful and girly in the whole college. Tzuyu was dressed in a short skirt, high heels that make her look taller and slimmer, and a blouse that shows some cleavage. Nayeon and Tzuyu met when they were very little, and the Taiwanese not always looked like that.

They didn't see each other in a long time, and when they encountered again, the girl looked quite different. Nayeon reacted a little enthusiastic; her best friend was like her.

"You are a bitter female dog" Nayeon grumbled, was smiling, but she was bored inside. Her mind sometimes relying her encounter with Momo. She isn't use to that kind of anger, and she saw how the girl kissed Sana, Mark's girlfriend.

Jihyo scoffed, puts her head on her palm. Her eyes scanning the room for more gossip, her eyes stopped at Mark. Her smile was back on her face, she narrowed her eyes.

Nayeon frowned, following the direction of her friend's gaze.


He is not a bad guy, just a little possessive. But nonetheless, a charming and handsome man. He and Sana met when they went to orientation together and seem to hit it off since there. Their romance was a romantic one, where they seemed to forget the world existed.

"Mark dumped Sana, rumors say that he even slapped her in front of everyone. How bad I missed it"

Nayeon understood, life is pretty boring these days, so a little juice in it, is not bad. Tzuyu froze at the mention of said name, her brows furrowed and her lips formed a tight line.

"If we are being honest, Sana is a little ty so, I would not be surprised if  in two seconds she  finds the love of her life again. Poor soul with bad luck, the one who fall into her claws"

Nayeon thought that comment was a little cruel, nonetheless she didn’t say anything about it because  it was true, Sana was a little too friendly with older guys, and sometimes Momo.

"Oh, shut up"

Tzuyu got up quickly, and left without another word. The tall girl looked quite angry about Jihyo’s comments about Sana, the indignant frown on her face said it all.

Nayeon watched her go, not bothering to spare a glance, her mind reeling about Jackson and his adorable smile. Maybe they could kiss until Nayeon's mind is numb, it would be perfect.

Jihyo who was used to the girl mood swings, only yawned and keep gossiping with her friend.

"You think Jackson is a good choice?" Nayeon let herself be a little insecure this time, only this time. She could not commit to some random person, and the guy was really nice, with a handsome face and deep voice. The perfect guy. But sometimes, only sometimes, she still feels a ghost of a touch. The ghost of pale lips trailing her skin, and the sensation of these dark eyes staring into her soul.

Jihyo squeezed her shoulder.

"He is totally gorgeous and a gentleman"

Nayeon smiled. A couple of dates wouldn't hurt. Maybe they could end up as a couple, and they would be cooler than Mark and Sana, the royal ones of the campus. A little more excitement in her life.

Maybe that is the problem with her; she feels too bored these days to care about other things than her appearance.  

She let herself think again about Momo.  Her dark eyes boring into her, all this anger in her features, her lips bared, and her jaw clenched. Nothing compared to the girl she met in a party, where she was the most charming person she ever met, how her arms would surround her waist as they danced.

How she still remembers her dumb laugh as the poor Japanese was too drunk to walk, but giggle next to Nayeon.

It warmed her, the memories of Momo’s hug. She usually doesn’t have with her dates, but it was kind of special. The way Momo held her, and sighed against . The way pleasure overcame her senses.

But the next day, when Momo got up with headache and nausea, Nayeon understood it was one time thing, the way the other girl stared at her confused, and a bit disappointed, hurt her. But still, a part of her can’t forget those dark eyes.



We are all part of the same sick little games

"C'mon, Mina, you can do better than that"

Momo shout some instructions, as she choreographed the dance of the contemporary dance team. Thanks to training for years, she is good at this, and a lot of people come to her for help. The dance class Mina assist to, is going to enter to a competition and Mina asked her to teach them a good dance.

Mina only nodded and lifted her leg, trying to be as flexible as possible. The movements were elegant and precise. Momo envied her, so talented and beautiful.

Her cell phone beeped. Sana again. Asking about Dahyun's interests. Momo rolled her eyes. And shoved her phone back to her pocket.

"Maybe we should call it quits today" the leader told the team, and most of them sighed in relief. Mina collapsed to the floor exhausted, and Momo sat down next to her. Most of the group was gone to this point, not needing to told them twice to go home to rest.

"Are you okay?" Momo asked with a soft voice. The girl stared at her friend, with a worried frown, her insides twisting suddenly. A bad omen.

Mina didn't answer, her eyes fixated at the ceiling. Momo passed her a bottle of water and she nodded in thanks. Mina sat down to take a gulp of water, and lie down again, she was avoiding Momo’s eyes, almost as if ignoring her existence.  Something Momo did for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Mina only smiled, a one that hinted sadness. Then closed her eyes, and hummed a melody. Her hands were relaxed, but something in Mina's posture was wrong as if it was apparent she was mad or sad. Her shoulders were tense, and her jaw clenched and unclenched.


Momo felt frustrated, the lack of answer and the mood swings of Mina drive her crazy. She quickly got on top of her friend, using her body to trap her against the floor.
Mina opened her eyes, but they were empty of emotion, looking

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littlewings2102 #1
Chapter 7: Im waiting for your update
The story is too good to be abandoned.
I believe in you, authornim
Chapter 7: can't wait for your comeback author-nim! it has been a while since i last read your story
ShibaSana #3
Chapter 6: where the update at
30yume30 #4
Chapter 5: whoa... I'm speachless...
this story is sooo good and i quite don't know for which ship i should root because every shio is perfect the way you write it >.<
I'm glad i found this story d i hope you'll continue to write this ㅇㅅㅇ
Karla-AC1 #5
Chapter 5: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah me rompió el cazaron lo de Mina ;-; se nos va la pinguina dejando lo que mas ama </3
Che Momo has algo al respecto! yo sentí feo cuando dijo lo de Nayeon enfrente de Mina, pero que se le hace, tienen que arreglar sus diferencias en algún momento.
Jengyeon apareció, fue hermoso :')
Ya quiero ver que pasa después, todo me tiene tan tensa jaja gran actualización como siempre!
chy486 #6
Chapter 5: Where that update tho .-.
Chapter 5: I am feeling mixed emotions right now- how can yiu do this to me. But heck i am lowkey rooting for namo! Give mina some poosi like chaeyoung's ehehe jk.
Karla-AC1 #8
Chapter 4: Oh mi Dios, no sabes como esperaba con ansias tu actualización! y te pido una disculpa por se una mala suscriptora y no comentar los capítulos anteriores.
Que te puedo decir, los personajes son perfectos (bueno, sabemos que no, que están jodidos pero tu me entiendes) me encanta la manera en la que todas están relacionadas de alguna manera, lo que las envuelve en su vida.
Todas son un misterio, no puedo dejar de pensar en lo que paso en el pasada, en especial ahora con Momo y Mina, este capitulo me rompió el corazon jaja Mina es definitivamente el personaje que mas me llama la atención, mi pobre niña se esta droga o algo :'( necesito saber mas, de sus sentimientos, de su pasado. Pero se que todo tiene su ritmo.
Amo con locura el Mimo y también el Namo por lo que esto me mata lentamente hahaha aunque seré sincera y prefiero el Mimo pero el Namo aquí no deja de fascinarme, el como de alguna forma se necesitan mutuamente y no lo niegan.(?)
Espero sigas con esta historia, es sumamente genial, bien escrita y las personalidades tan crudas y reales, así como la historia que es el detalle que mas me encanta. Ya va para mis historias favs de la vida.
1241 streak #9
Chapter 3: MiMo vs NaMo? °0° rooting for MiMo XD poor Sana :(
Chapter 3: wow wow wow you ship nana and lizzy too???? :O