What if ?

Our surprise encounter
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The next morning the girls were overjoyed to meet the new member of thier family .

" Unnie , he is so cute ..." , said Dasom , taking the little kitten in her arms .

"Wait a minute , I want to click a picture of the two of you ", Soyou told the maknae and raced off to her room to retrieve her camera .

 It's been like this the whole morning through, the girls simply couldn't get enough of the adorable kitten  .

" Girls , we need to feed him . He must be hungry ",said Bora , bringing over a bowl of milk .

"Wait !!! Give me a minute ", Soyou insisted , still rumbling through her belongings in search for her camera 

"Soyou , hurry up , he is hungry . And it's not like he is going anywhere , he is always gonna be here  ," Bora reasoned out ," Can't you just click with your phone and get this over with "

" Found it!!!", Soyou was not one to give up that easy .

"Find then . Even I want to be in it ", Bora placed the bowl of milk on the table and dragged Hyorin along , " come on Hyorin"

"Not fair ", Soyou wanted to be a part of it too," Even I'm coming "

" Come and sit beside me,unnie ", Dasom offerded , shifting a little to make space for Soyou

And so, Soyou put her camera in the automatic mode and raced off to take her seat before the countdown began .

They scream in unison as the camera began to tick 







All of them raced over to check out the picture 

"Nice ", Soyou said, excited 

"Lovely , but I look shocked ", Dasom added 

"Soyou , send the picture to me , I'll send it to Seungri ...", Hyorin requested 

" No way Hyorin ", Bora objected ," not with us looking like this " , she pointed to the picture 

"Why ?" , Hyorin  questioned ," What's wrong?"

" Unnie ,we all look like we just got up from bed ", Soyou explained ," My hair is going off in all directions "

"Alright ", Hyorin agreed they were not at their best that morning ," Next time then "

" Bora Unnie ,what happened to all the complaining about the kitten being hungry ,You forgot? ", Soyou teased 

"Oh yeah!!How silly of me " 

Dasom placed the little kitten on the table top and it began to u

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sistarwiru #1
Chapter 42: This is so great i love the ending of the two
Hope you will write a fanfic with this two idol
MessyPeanut #2
Chapter 42: Really sweet story. Thank you, i enjoyed reading it very much. :)
puputshp #3
Chapter 42: its over.. hiks hiks.. because its good fanfic hehehehe.. wait another fanfic with unordinary pair heheheheh..
puputshp #4
Chapter 42: its over.. hiks hiks.. because its good fanfic hehehehe.. wait another fanfic with unordinary pair heheheheh..
Chapter 26: <3 <3 <3 <3
LinYooJung #6
Chapter 42: So sweet~ I love the couple . They look so cute together! And definitely the jealous Seungri, too. I can imagine his face. "Touch...my...body...??!!" Haha^^
I want to give you a big applause, Author-nim. You really did a great job in this story and I love it so much. At last, Seungri + Hyorin DAEBAK!!!!
Chapter 42: aww...love the ending;)
Chapter 41: *clap* sweet happy new year;)
hailey7349 #9
Chapter 40: yahoo!! you updated. awesome stuff thumbs up :)
Chapter 40: dongseng is your fic ending?