Act 2 Scene 4

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Jungkook ran his hand through his damp hair as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, replaying the scenes from earlier where Mily stormed out of the elevator. It was the second time she walked away from him and –surprisingly- it hurt just as much as the first time. He was an idiot for thinking that he could sweep the past under the rug when he knew for a fact that he hurt her in a way he never meant to. Scott had kept him updated on her life since the time she moved to New York; when she felt lonely and insecure; to the bouts of self-consciousness to the point she felt she needed to alter her appearance with cosmetic surgery. When he heard Scott mention that bit, Jungkook almost got on the red eye to go convince her otherwise, she was beautiful in her own unique way, he had seen that on the night of their date, she didn’t need to change herself for anything and anyone. Jungkook now knew that better than anyone, but it was too late when realization hit. It was his fault she grew a complex and became more hesitant of the people she allowed in her life. There were countless times he tried to build up his courage to go see her in New York to try to set things right, but each attempt was countered by a busy schedule from Big Hit, leaving him with the bitter taste of discouragement from the blatant signs of the universe that it wasn’t meant to be.

 Jungkook would never dare to admit it out loud, but he always found himself on google searching articles about Mily along with her most recent photos, yes it was mild stalking but he always found it somewhat comforting –but never satisfying- to keep an eye on her from afar. In truth, Jungkook was happy for her, she was able to make her dreams come true, it just saddened him that he couldn’t stand beside her to openly say how proud he was of her; to wrap her in his arms the way he did that night and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.

Jungkook grunted in frustration that his reality was far off from his fantasy and at the way he was going, there wouldn’t be another chance hold her close to him anytime soon. “Don’t be so down on yourself, Jungkookie,” Jimin said as he walked out of the stall adjusting his pants, “at least she actually spoke to you, that’s a step in the right direction…kind of.”

              “She hates me, Hyung,” Jungkook sighed dejectedly, “Tae-Hyung’s plan didn’t even work, didn’t you see how grossed out she looked when we were all sweaty?”

Jimin chuckled while he washed his hands, “of course it didn’t work, it was V’s idea after all. Yes, girls get a thrill when they see attractive men covered in sweat while exercising but that’s it, it can’t make someone forget about the past and fall head over heels for you.”

Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion as he leaned against one of the marble tabletops in the men’s room, “so how do I get her to fall for me?”

         “You must be tranquil as the forest, but have a fire within,” Jimin smirked, walking away from the youngest.

Jungkook paused as he walked out of the restroom right behind Jimin, amusement playing on his lips as he spoke, “did..did you really just quote Mulan?”

          “Be a man, Jungkookie!” Jimin called back to Jungkook, raising his hand up in the air proudly as he strode through the hall and back into the recording studio where the rest were. Jungkook snickered at the older boy about to make his entrance before he froze in place in front of the door looking through the glass panel to see Mily laughing at something one of the boys had said. It was the first time Jungkook had seen her laugh like that in front of him, he wished it were him to be the reason why she was enjoying her time with the boys, but yet again, his reality and his fantasies weren’t on the same page. He knew that as soon as he walked back in, she would give him a side glance and any trace of a laugh or even a smile would parish from her face. Jungkook wanted to take this stolen moment and lock it away so that he would remember her smile, the way her laugh resonated

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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 3: I like what you've got so far, Can't wait to see what you have in store for Mily!