Forget You

Stay Healthy. I Love You.


September 13, 2012


The name EXO has been making its rounds endlessly around the campus. And to be honest, Soo Yeon was getting a bit tired of it.


Truth be told, she was really interested on that night she saw the boys. There was no denying that they were the most beautiful bunch she had ever laid eyes on. Upon realizing that they could dance and sing, that made them even more desirable. EXO was practically perfect, she had to admit.

But there was one little detail.

"Soo Yeon, are you done showering?"

Hee Jin's voice sounded impatient and it had every reason to. Soo Yeon's thought on two days ago had been distracting her lately, it's affecting her regular routines, such as her showering. She usually didn't take too long in the bathroom but according to her roommate, her routines took 15 minutes longer than usual.

"Ahh, can I have an extra five?" she asked over the water, "I've still got suds."

Hee Jin sighed. "Fine," she said, "But I've got to shower ASAP, all right?"

The water poured heavily as Soo Yeon stayed underneath the showerhead, mulling over her thoughts. Since Monday, her brain was throwing severe tantrums. It was hard enough dealing with school work, she had no time to face the past.

But his face, despite trying to forget, was now more vivid than ever.


Kyungsoo was back.


That night, her heart raced tragically as she saw him again after so many years. For a second, her feet couldn't escape. She remained glued on the spot, staring at the guy she confessed her love to and got a cold "Okay" for a reply. Fortunately, her senses returned in an instant, screaming at her to run before he caught a glimpse of her.

Soo Yeon tried her best not to remember anything, but it was difficult to ignore how much he had changed. For a start, his good boy bangs were gone, replaced by a haircut that made him look manlier. It felt odd to see his hair swept up like that. Despite being the shortest of his group, he also grew taller and had some new muscles in him, as well.

The changes, however, didn't overshadow the qualities that made him who he was. He still had the same big eyes and those heart-shaped lips Soo Yeon always thought of as fluffy. Kyungsoo was still that angel boy she had fallen in love with.


Except now, she didn't want anything to do with him.


"I'm done!" Soo Yeon announced, hopping out of the shower. As soon as she got out of the bathroom, Hee Jin came running and slamming the door in an instant.

"So, those EXO boys," said Hee Jin as she showered, "They're pretty cute, huh?"

Ugh, not you too, whined Soo Yeon internally. She hooked her bra and rummaged her closet for anything wearable for that gloomy day.

"I guess so," she said.

"I'm actually super interested in one of them," remarked Hee Jin, "That guy In Na and I bumped into that night."

Soo Yeon snorted, "Bumped into my ," she retorted.


"Hey! In Na and I really didn't expect to run into Kai and Chanyeol!" protested Hee Jin, "We were about to leave when they got out of the room. Besides, I wouldn't have spent extended hours if you didn't leave ASAP."


Out of her panic, Soo Yeon did forget about her roommate that night, only remembering about her the next day. It was a good thing she didn't lock the door or else Hee Jin would have probably looked for a new roommate that same day.

Rather than argue, Soo Yeon decided to patronize her roommate, out of penance.

"So, who's your new guy? Kai or Chanyeol? Wait, which is which?"

A minute later, Hee Jin emerged from her bath, dripping wet. "That guy with the schmexy smile and awesome hair is Kai," she said, "Apparently, he's the best dancer and I'm going to be his future wife."

"Wow," whistled Soo Yeon, "Much self confidence. Then Chanyeol is that guy with the deep voice, right?"


"Yep, and In Na likes him for his hats," said Hee Jin, "But really, I think she wants to sleep with his voice."

Soo Yeon pulled the straps of her jumper and ran a comb through her hair. "They all seemed pretty cute," she remarked.

"How bout you?" asked Hee Jin, "Don't you have a bias yet? I think Sehun is pretty hot. Or maybe you'd like Chen?"

Plese don't say Kyungsoo. Oh god, no.

Hee Jin did not know much about Soo Yeon's thing with Kyungsoo in the past. It wasn't because she didn't trust her roommate, but Soo Yeon figured that it's a thing of the past. Whenever Hee Jin asked about any past romances, Soo Yeon would awkwardly shrug her shoulders and change the subject immediately.


"Oh, I know!' exclaimed her roommate, "Maybe, Kyungsoo?"


Ah crap.

"I mean, he's not entirely my type but he's cute," Hee Jin went on, "He's got those fluffy lips and that maknae look, so adorable! Did you notice how his lips are shaped like a heart?"

Noticed? I worshipped those heart shaped lips for years of my life. Heck, I wanted to smother those heart shaped lips in my dreams and in real life, thought Soo Yeon.

"...but he looks so silent. Like, he's that cold guy who doesn't give a crap even if the whole world is falling apart," babbled Hee Jin, "Didn't even bother to say hello to anyone at all."

A smirk played on Soo Yeon's lips. "Of course he wouldn't," she scoffed.

"How'd you know?"

There was an inquisitive rise in Hee Jin's tone, sending Soo Yeon the messaged that she might have said too much. True enough, the sight of her roommate's raised eyebrow asked questions Soo Yeon wasn't willing to answer.

"Er...well...he looked like it," she said, "He looks...cold, I mean."


Please don't ask me why I know. I just know.


Fortunately, Hee Jin didn't ask anything and returned to combing her hair.

"Well, if he keeps that cold demeanor, people are going to think he's mean," she remarked, "Which is too bad cause he's such a cute puppy. And I heard he has some killer vocal cords."

Soo Yeon closed her cabinet and sighed. The memory of Kyungsoo singing replays in her mind, sending stabs of pain and awkwardness. How his voice, as cliche as it sounds, reached her soul where no other note could. How she wished to see him appear outside her window with a guitar and his beautiful voice ready to serenade her.

"I bet he does," she said, "Listen, I'm off. I'll text you my plans later, all right?"

"Kay! Come back alive! I love you!" said Hee Jin as she went inside the bathroom. Soo Yeon closed the door to their dorm room and took a deep breath.


There was no denying that the EXO fever was about to rage in their school. She understood why and would love to be a part of it. After all, who wouldn't want to fall in love with nine beautiful boys? They were the perfect bursts of inspiration for Soo Yeon, who sought them ever so often.

But with Kyungsoo included in the bunch, everything suddenly became difficult.

Apparently, after years of telling herself she was fine and everything is in the past, something still stung. She was still hurt and there was a tiny grudge especially made for that guy names Do Kyungsoo.


"Ugh, I hate you," she whispered, "I swear to God. I will not fall into your trap again."


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stallperso #1
Chapter 5: This is great! Would be supernice if you will continue it
Chapter 3: i like it so far :)