New Neighbors

Stay Healthy. I Love You.


September 11, 2012

9 PM


"...with long legs and just amazingly gorgeous faces!"


Soo-Yeon subtly rolled her eyes as she leaned on the nearby post. She was beginning to think that joining Hee-Jin for another spying venture was not her best idea tonight. With all the silent screaming and giggling going on, she'd rather be buried underneath her books on chemistry and algebra.

Hee-Jin, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying herself. Her head was bowed as their friend In-Na showed stalker pictures of the newcomers. In Soo-Yeon's opinion, it was unbelievably insane, this ongoing pandemonium for nine boys she hasn't even seen. But then, the squealing was sort of justified anyway.


According to the whispers, their neighbors were not regular transferees. Apparently, they were a new dance group sent to study while their manager signed contracts for them. EXO, said some of the girls, was the name of their little group.


"...with marble eyes that you just want to stare into forever!"

"...says they're going to be big. It's amazing we get to spend a semester with them!"

 "Oh, he's cute!" exclaimed Hee-Jin, pointing a finger at In-Na's phone, "How did you get these pictures?"


In-Na smiled smugly. "I saw them at the admissions office this afternoon. My sister told me about them ages ago and I checked them out. They're really good, I swear," she said, "They're definitely going to be the next big thing. It's so cool we'll get to interact with them and everything."

Soo-Yeon faked a smile as she sat on the nearby bench. Seeing the group of girls convinced her that this was definitely a bad idea. She should've stayed indoors, far away from this nonsense. If she had, she would've finished a paper, ate all the leftover ice cream and even--




The squealing reached maximum volumes, causing Soo-Yeon to stand up and see what the commotion was about. As she straightened her back, she caught sight of their new neighbors.

And finally understood the excitement.


"Wow," she whispered.


Eight of the most attractive boys she had ever seen in her entire life had just stepped in the lobby, bags and packages at hand. All of them seemed taller than she was, most sporting hats or sunglasses too cool for her life. One of them saw her staring and threw a delicious wink. Her heart stopped for a second.

"EXO! EXO!" began the girls.

The boys graciously smiled and gave little waves to their small group of fans. While the other girls couldn't get the hang of the situation, Soo-Yeon found herself frozen. Her eyes gazed at each one of them, her brain trying to figure out how God managed to create such beautiful beings. Despite their differences in hair colors, they all looked so...damn fine.

The one who winked stepped forward, his double lids and wide smile knocking the socks off everyone.

"Excuse us, we should head to our rooms," he said politely, "Glad to meet you!" He made his way towards the dorm entrance.

"Are we really going to our rooms now when we can socialize with these lovely ladies?" said the one with the cocky smile, "Baeks here isn't certainly going to miss the opportunity."

"Pssh Baekhyun, don't be such a flirt," reprimanded the boy with the deeper voice, "Leave the girls alone."

"Yeah, listen to Chanyeol hyung over there," said the one with the deep eyes and straight nose, "But it is kind of nice to make friends right now." The boy put his box down and took a deep bow before the girls. "Hello, I'm Sehun. It's nice to meet you all!" he greeted.

"Hi!" responded the girls excitedly.

Some of the boys followed Sehun and Baekhyun in interacting with the girls. Soo-Yeon was still dumbfounded by the corner, unable to form sensible thoughts or words. Hee-Jin was already gone and she didn't even notice; she was still busy comprehending their new neighbors.

"...did you help him with his boxes?" asked one of the boys.


"Oh he'll be fine," responded Sehun, "A little box won't hurt him."

"That box you left behind is sort of too tall for his height," said the one named Baekhyun, who laughed right after, "He might not make it past the lobby. Isn't that right, Suho hyung?"

Suho (who in Soo-Yeon' opinion was so edgy yet squishy) shook his head, "Stop picking on his height, will you? He'll grow into it eventually," he said, "I'll go help him."

"Yeah, go help little D.O. with his packages!"

D.O. The name rang inside Soo-Yeon' brain. A tiny spark began within the central core of her thinking, but she couldn't quite point a finger at it.

"D.O. and his packages, huh?"

"Oh, you know what I meant!

"Never mind, he's there already," said Sehun, pointing at the newcomer by the entrance. The ninth boy's face was obscured by the tall box he pushed. It was no wonder his friends called him small; you could barely see him.


The boy stopped and Soo-Yeon heard him heave a loud sigh. He threw his bag on the ground and stepped in front of the box.


She gasped.


Oh. My. God.


The bangs were gone, replaced by a haircut that showed off his forehead and his round eyes. Apart from that small difference, everything was almost the same: the polished skin, the plump and red lips always in a pout, and the voice too deep for a boy with the face of an angel.


No way.


Soo-Yeon could not move from where she stood. Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. After three years of trying to forget, her past came back to haunt her.


Kyungsoo was definitely back.



A/N: I wrote this fan fic originally for a friend of mine. I figured it was time to get it out there. :) 

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stallperso #1
Chapter 5: This is great! Would be supernice if you will continue it
Chapter 3: i like it so far :)