What is this Feeling - II

Maybe It's Love [Junhao Fanfic]

It had passed a week since Ming Hao arrived at Seoul High School. Besides that little chat in his first day he wasn't able to talk with Jun..When he had a chance to talk with him he would be stealed by some teacher.
One thing Ming Hao realised is that Jun wasn't really popular within his classmates. Some people would talk with him but just when asking something that they couldn't ask anybody else. Jun just talked with people if he were those people last resource. As he was realising it more he understood that Jun was lonely and that no one really cared about him. Ming Hao didn't knew why but he wanted to be Jun's friend and make him feel less lonely.
Then, one afternoon, exacly two weeks after Ming Hao's arrival he saw Jun on the court field alone, listening to music and reading some book. He thoug that this was his chance to talk with him and ask some stuff related to school.
"Hey Ming Hao, wanna come with us? We are gonna eat ice cream." - asked SeungCheol, one of his new friends.
"No, thanks. I need to talk with someone."
"Oh ok..It isn't Jun, is it? - said Jeonghan, another one of his new friends.
"It is, why?"
"You shouldn't try to be close with him. He thinks everyone is annoying or boring. He's not that great of a person." - said SeungCheol.
That's not true..That smile Jun had made when he sited besides him was gentle and kind, not mean. Ming Hao was sure of it.
"Maybe..but I wanna try to know him. He looks kind."
"As you wish. You can talk with us if something happens." - said Jeonghan.
"I will, thanks. Have a good Ice cream!"
"That's not how you say it Ming Hao but thanks." 

Jun is not reading anymore but it's still in the same place. Ming Hao breathes in deeply and with all his courage he starts walking towards the handsome feature layed down in the courtfield..

Jun didn't answer Ming Hao's call.
"Ya! JunHui!"
Ming Hao shaked Jun. Still no response. He realised that Jun was listening to music and he must have falled asleep. But to not wake up when shaked he should really be tired.
Ming Hao decided to sit besides him and wait until he wakes up.
Jun was talking in his sleep.
*Hehe..He's so cute* (thoug Ming Hao)
After saying that the sleepy Jun embraced Ming Hao. He blushed like crazy and his heart started beating really fast.
"Mom, five more minutes."
That being said Jun embraced Ming Hao even more tightly.
Ming Hao tried to escape the embrace but it was just too Tight.
"Shhh..You're too loud." - Jun said..He just woke up.
"Wh-What??? You're awake???? LET GO OF ME!!!" 
"Sorry..I must have been really asleep to do that.."
"Actually I woke up with your screams."
"Can you please calm down? You're really being to loud.."
"Ah, sorry. But I'm mad at you."
"You're mad at me? Nobody asked you to disturb the sleeping me. I should be the one getting mad at you!" 
"You have a point there."
"Ming Hao, by any chance, are you a creep?"
"I was just kidding..What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk with you."
"Yeah..I noticed how lonely you must be. I have been trying to talk with you these two weeks but the teachers always have things to deal with you!"
"Sorry. I help the teachers because I don't have anything better to do. I'm not lonely and I don't get why you thinked that."
"Well...I've been like..." *omg this is embarassing to say* "I've been watching..you.."
"You have?"
"And..hum...you don't talk much with others..so I thoug you could be lonely...you don't seem to have any friends..and that's pitiful...so, I mean..I came to realize it..and..if you want..."
"We could.."
"We could what?"
"Hum..you know.."
"What do I know?"
"Th-that we..that thing..hum.."
"Ming Hao what's up with you? Are you alright? You are talking non-sense."
"That's why people don't like you! You don't let them finish what they're saying."
"Hum..sorry..please proceed."
"We could..."
*say it at once!! Stupid, it's not something that embarassing why am I...well, just say it!*
Jun was quiet. But then..
Jun started laughing so hard and so much.
"Wh-Why are you laughing?"
"You should have seen...hahahaha..your face...hahahaha"
Jun's laughter was so vivid that Ming Hao was being swallowed by it. He was falling for Jun. Without realizing he himself had started laughing too.

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mythmagics #1
Chapter 12: What an amazing story:-)
Chapter 12: This was a amazing story I loved it a lot I really did.
Exquisitely #3
great story <3