
Sweet Indulgence

The next day, even though Vernon hadn’t planned to, he found himself in front of the bakeshop. He still had bread leftover from yesterday, so he didn’t want to buy any more. He still pushed the door open and lined up to the counter, regardless.

His heart slowly skips a beat faster than normal, biting his lip in anticipation.

“Good afternoon! What will you have today?” The same man from yesterday greets him.

“I’ll have one of everything, please.” Vernon grins. “I love bread.” As if explaining himself.

The man looks at him, an astonished expression on his face, then giggles. “Seungkwan-ah, give me the freshest of everything please.”

Seungkwan walks in, wiping his hands on the apron tied to his waist. “Again?” He looks at Vernon.

Vernon’s lips form into a smile too quickly. “Hello.” His voice almost ends in a croak.

“Hello.” Seungkwan bows, returning a sweet smile. He takes a tray and disappears into the other room. He comes out with a tray full of bread and proceeds to pack them.

“Here’s the coffee.” The man on the counter places a cup of coffee on the tray and tends to the next customer.

Seungkwan hands Vernon the bag of bread and coffee, their fingers brushing ever so slightly. “Thank you.” He reads the name written on the cup. “Vernon.” His lips instantly curve into a smile, his eyes sparkling and looking straight at Vernon’s. “Enjoy your day!” He bows and hurriedly goes back to his spot in the baking area.

Vernon walks out, bread and coffee in hand, a blush on his cheeks. He places a hand on his chest, as if making sure it was still beating. Seungkwan saying his name sounded too sweet it was almost sinful. He looks at his hand, focusing on his finger which was still feeling the slight touch of Seungkwan’s slender and dainty finger. He smiles, wondering what it would feel like to hold them. He shakes his head, remembering the extra food he needed to deal with. As soon as he steps out into the pebbled street, he takes out his phone and calls someone. “Joshua, are you still at the office?”

“I’m just heading out.” A soft-spoken man responds at the other end of the line.

“Okay, I’ll meet you halfway.” Vernon begins to walk, slipping his phone in his back pocket. His thoughts go back to the boy, Seungkwan. His cheeks flush as he remembers their exchange of hello’s. He gets lost in thought, replaying the first moment he laid eyes on him.

“Hey.” Joshua stops in front of Vernon. “What do you have there?” He looks at the brown bag.

“Oh hey Josh.” He hands him the bag. “I bought a bit too much bread, so they’re all yours.” He grins, sipping his coffee.

“Thanks, I guess.” He looks into the bag, picks out one bread, and takes a bite. “Hey, not bad. This is pretty good. Where’d you get them?”

“It’s a new bakeshop.” He turns around. “Come on. I bet you could use some coffee after a long day at work.” He walks back the way he came, giddy that he gets to see Seungkwan for a second time today.

Joshua chuckles. “You bet.” He finishes eating the bread. “I didn’t think it would be so hard to teach English.”

“Try History, Josh.” He pushes the door of the bakeshop open, the now familiar bell ringing its welcome. “I even tried rapping the lesson just so the kids stay awake.”

Joshua laughs. “Was it worth it?”

“Definitely. I feel like I can compete in Show Me The Money now with all the rapping I’m doing.” Vernon falls in line, Joshua beside him.

“Sounds like fun. Maybe I should try singing then.”

“Yeah, man. It’s worth a shot.” Vernon smiles at the long-haired man in the counter and turns to Joshua. “What would you like, Josh?”

Joshua is frozen, the person before him looking like nothing he’d seen before.

“Good afternoon!” The man smiles, his hair slightly bouncing on his ears as he bows. “What would you like, Sir?”

“Josh?” Vernon calls his friend out, his sudden silence odd.

“Beautiful.” Joshua manages to say.

“Hm?” The long-haired guy his head.

“You’re beautiful.” Joshua utters, as if entranced in his own world.

He chuckles, his mouth spreading wide, pearly white teeth glimmering. “Thank you.”

Vernon’s jaw slacks, dumbfounded at what he’s seeing. He nudges Joshua with an elbow. “I’m sorry. My friend seems to be out of it.” He bows apologetically to the amused man behind the counter. “He’ll have an iced americano.”

Joshua continues to look at the man as he scurries away to prepare his coffee. His aura is even more beautiful as he shows skill in handling the equipment, hands sure and precise. His figure is slim and his shoulders are wide, a perfect proportion to look ravishing in his barista uniform. His white clothes compliment his pale skin, making him shine like an angel. He approaches the counter, coffee in hand. Joshua blinks, unable to process how the man’s hair flowed so nicely and waved about as he approached him with a smile on his lips. He was shining and it was as though a choir was singing in joy with every movement he made.

“One iced americano for…” He hands him the beverage with a straw.

“Joshua.” Joshua responds almost automatically.

“Sir Joshua.” He smiles, as if the name pleased him so much. “Enjoy your coffee.”

“I will.” Joshua doesn’t move, as if waiting for something.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Sir?” He gently asks.

“…Your name.” Joshua utters, a shy expression on his face.

He chuckles. “Jeonghan.” He says his name, lips all smiles.

“Jeonghan.” Joshua repeats the name, confirming it in his brain.

“Thank you.” Vernon bows and drags Joshua out of the bakeshop, making sure to give a quick smile to Seungkwan who had taken interest in the little exchange.

Joshua sips on his iced americano, a bright smile on his lips.

Vernon nudges him as they walk side by side toward their shared apartment. “I can’t believe you did that, Josh. I knew you grew up in America, but I never thought it mattered until today. Do they teach you how to do that in school?” Vernon shakes his head, dumbfounded.

Joshua laughs, a bit too loud, perhaps embarrassed that Vernon witnessed him doing something out of character. “Don’t you normally do that?” He takes a long sip of cold coffee, veering the subject to Vernon.

Vernon shakes his head. “This was my third time there and the only thing I managed to say to Seungkwan was hello and thank you.” He sighs.


“The blonde in the baking station.”

“Ah. I didn’t get a good look of him.”

“I figured. I thought you were going to get a nosebleed from staring at Jeonghan so much.”

Joshua chuckles. “Well at least you got his name.”

Vernon nods. “But I only overheard it and I haven’t introduced myself yet.” He gives a soft jab at Joshua’s shoulder. “And you just asked him like it was nothing.”

Joshua laughs. “Oh Vernon. Do you want to ask Seungkwan out?”

“Ask him out?” Vernon looks at Joshua, eyes wide, like he said something sinful. “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I just want to see him more, that’s all…and maybe talk to him every now and then.”  

“More than hello and thank you.” Joshua says it in a matter of fact manner, confirming Vernon’s thoughts.

Vernon nods, biting on the straw of his drink.

Joshua places an arm around Vernon. “My Vernon is in love.” He says, his tone sounding too much like a parent. He looks ahead, admiring the picturesque sunset painted in the sky.


Update is finally here! I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I didn't think it would take me so long to get to writing again. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I tried to experiment on adding a significant character in my fanfics (because I've been focusing so much on just Verkwan), so I hope my impression of Joshua was okay. I added Joshua because he has a special bond with Vernon that fits perfectly with the plot. That's it for now! Let me know what you think! ;) See you on the next one.

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Chapter 4: This is adorable! ^____^ great work, can't wait for more~
MizuDrop #2
Chapter 4: OMG, A VERKWAN FIC!! The most precious of ships. This is a really cute AU too. I support Vernon and Joshua being professors and Seungkwan as a baker XD
Omayghad it's been like... What? Decades? ≧∇≦
I'm so glad you finally updated author-nim. I got really excited on this chap because of the possibly of Wonwoo being Seungkwans love interest (StillWishingItWasMingyuButWhyNot?)..and oh, I noticed you at AO3 ;-)
I don't know when you'll be updating again so...HAVE A MERRY HOLIDAYS ♡(∩o∩)♡
Junie_Jjang11 #4
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love this i love verkwan i love life thank you for existing
thatxxx_ #5
huang-tao #6
Chapter 3: Omg they're sooooo cute ahhhhh
dobeagle #7
huang-tao #8
Omg but when Hansol was saying he could join SMTM i had flashbacks of that tragic "headlines headlines" moment HAHAHAHA
esperfraud #9
Hehe seriously this was ADORABLE
When I first read the first few sentences, for some reason what popped into my mind was "This sounds like this is from a dating sim". Haha I just found the style of writing cute and chill. Like a nice happy Little mood lifter.
That description of Kwan tho HAHA Vernon certainly paid attention to details (it was very accurate and cute amnsjsjsja)
Yessss this so sweet and nice and it's just so good to read you know? Just like something I would read on a nice sunny day (idk what I'm talking about but hehe I just like it)
Can't wait to