
Sweet Indulgence

Vernon’s face brightened. It was an offer he didn’t think he’d ever get nor did it ever cross his mind. He nods, unable to say anything.

Seungkwan smiles. “Come on.” He grabs Vernon’s wrist and leads him behind the counter toward the kitchen.

Vernon grips his fist, bewildered. He swallows, feeling a surge of goosebumps travel through his arms. He looks at Seungkwan’s slender fingers gently clasped on his wrist, the tips pink and warm to the touch.

Seungkwan takes out a stool and plants Vernon on it, gently pushing him down with both hands on the boy’s shoulders.

Vernon’s face feels hot. As soon as Seungkwan turns around to prepare coffee, he buries his face on his hands. He takes a deep breath, now calmer, and stands up to see what the boy is doing. He peers out the door and sees him scurrying about behind the counter, working the coffee machine. He spots an empty vase on the counter. He remembers always seeing a fresh batch of blooms in it every day he came by the bakeshop. “Your vase is empty.” He comments.

Seungkwan looks up.

“Should I get some from the flower shop?” Vernon offers.

Just then, the door rings open.

Seungkwan turns around and an obvious smile is on his face.

“Good morning.” The guy with round glasses walks up to the counter, a bouquet of sunflowers in hand.

“Morning, Wonwoo.” Seungkwan places a hot cup of coffee in front of the deep voiced man.

He hands Seungkwan the bouquet and smiles.

“Ahem.” Vernon makes a sort of sound, wanting to break the aura of flowers and smiles forming around the two.

“Oh!” Seungkwan places the bouquet on the counter and hands Vernon a cup of coffee. “Vernon,” Seungkwan places a hand on Vernon’s arm. “This is Wonwoo. He owns the flower shop and bookstore outside.” Seungkwan proceeds to place each flower into the vase.

Vernon approaches the counter. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Vernon.”

Wonwoo shakes his hand, a firm grip like a business man. “What do you do, Vernon?” he asks.

“He’s a history teacher at the local university.” Seungkwan responds. “I think you two would get along.” He smells the flowers, an adoring smile on his lips.

Vernon notices it and slightly pouts, wishing the flowers came from him instead of this business man.

“History.” Wonwoo ponders. “I have a pretty good collection in the bookstore. Come by if you need some references.”

Vernon nods. “I will. How’s your literature collection?”

“Literature? I have more than I should.” He laughs.

Seungkwan giggles. “He can’t help himself. He always buys the newest releases and he keeps hunting for older ones he still doesn’t have.”

“Seungkwan, you’re ratting me out.” He pinches Seungkwan’s cheek.

Seungkwan playfully slaps Wonwoo’s shoulder and giggles.

Vernon cracks a fake laugh. “I’ll come by with my friend, then. He’s a literature teacher.”

“Oh! Please do. I’d love to chat with you both.” Wonwoo takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes looking at Vernon and Seungkwan. “So how do you two know each other?”

Vernon blinks, unsure how to explain their acquaintance.

“He’s a loyal customer.” Seungkwan smiles proudly, head held high.

“Oh.” Wonwoo takes another sip. “I guess you really are a good baker, Seungkwan.”

“I told you, didn’t I?”

The two trails on their conversation. Vernon watches enviously. From the way the two were talking, it seemed like they knew each other longer than Vernon wanted to imagine. He nibbles on his lower lip, feeling more and more out of place. He looks at the empty cup of coffee in his hands and sets it down the counter.

“Oh you’re done already?” Seungkwan asks.

Vernon nods with a small smile, finally grateful for the little attention. “I think I’ll head home now.”

“Right now?”

He scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah. I still have stuff to do.” He bows. “Thanks for the coffee, Seungkwan.” He turns to Wonwoo. “It was nice to meet you, Wonwoo. See you around!”

Wonwoo nods and smiles.

Vernon gives a quick wave, reciprocated with a smile from Seungkwan. He steps out into the sunlight. He sighs, negative feelings pouring into him. He shakes his head, hoping the tinge of jealousy in his system will get shaken off in the wind. He passes by the flower shop, differently colored blooms on display by the shop’s window.

“Hi! Who are the flowers for?” A tall tanned man steps out from the shop. He had an apron across his chest and a bandana tied over his hair.

Vernon smiles. “Oh I’m just looking.” He picks up a head of blue petaled blooms and takes in the slightest hint of flowery aroma it had.

“Blue hydrangeas. Had a fight with a loved one?” A gentle smile plays on his lips.

Vernon blinks, placing the flower back in the water. “No, not really.” He sighs. “Thank you.” A curt bow.


Vernon stops, looking at the man who’s quickly glancing through the vases of flowers.

“Here.” The tall man gives him a single yellow flower with thick petals reaching out. “Crocus, for a cheerful day.” He cracks a toothy grin, his eyes sparkling.

Vernon blinks, taken aback. “Oh. Thank you.” He takes the flower, unsure what to do with it. He smiles to the nice man and heads back the way he came, spinning the small crocus in his fingers.

After fifteen minutes of walking, Vernon arrives home. He kicks his shoes off, messily leaving them by the door. He walks over to the kitchen counter, takes out a square glass, and fills it with water. He places the glass in the middle of the dining table and pops the lone flower in.

“Hey, you’re back.” Joshua walks in, a towel on his shoulders, hair still visibly wet. “Did you buy any bread?”

“Oh.” Vernon remembers. “I forgot.” 

Joshua shakes his head and chuckles. “I knew I should have messaged you.” He opens the fridge, taking out four eggs.

Vernon grins. “Sorry Josh. I totally forgot.” He slumps on a chair.

Joshua breaks the eggs in a bowl, adds two pinches of salt, some black pepper, garlic powder, and a sprinkle of basil. He takes out a carton of milk from the fridge and pours a bit into the egg mixture. He places it back in and takes out a carton of apple juice.

Vernon’s eyes brighten at the sight of his favorite drink. He rushes over to take the juice and pours it into two glasses. He places them on each end of the table.

Joshua places a pan on the stove and quickly pours the egg mixture, carefully stirring until all the liquid turned into a soft and fluffy breakfast. He pours them onto a round blue plate and sprinkles it with freshly grated cheese.

Vernon his lips, his tummy rumbling at the delicious aroma and perfect Instagram worthy sight.

Joshua places the scrambled eggs in the middle of the table, two forks in his other hand. He hands a fork to Vernon who excitedly took it from him.

“You know I love you, right Josh?” Vernon takes a piece into his mouth, his eyes brightening and his lips curling up into a wide smile.

Joshua chuckles. He takes a bite. “This would’ve been perfect with some freshly baked bread.”

“Yes and then a spread of strawberry jam!” Vernon bites his lip, picturing it out in his head.

Joshua nods and drinks some apple juice. “We should stop by the bakeshop later.” He smiles, joyfully eating his share of eggs. “What’s with the flower?” He points out, now looking at Vernon.

“The guy at the flower shop gave it to me.”

“Flower shop? The one beside the bakeshop?”

Vernon nods, eating the last of their breakfast.

“Why?” Joshua asks, curious.

Vernon shrugs, his shoulders rising.

“An admirer?” Joshua teases.

Vernon shakes his head. “Something about a cheerful day.”

Joshua touches the tip of the flower’s petals gently, as if petting the most fragile thing on earth. “That’s nice.” He pauses, his fingers hanging in the air. “Did you drop by the bakeshop?”

Vernon sighs. “Yeah.”

Joshua’s eyebrows scrunch up. “Oh? What’s with the sigh?” He places his hand on the table, leaning on the wooden furniture with his elbows.

Vernon sighs once again.

“Did something happen?” Joshua places a hand on his chin.

Vernon plays with a few strands of his fringe. “No, nothing happened. It’s just…I don’t know why I’m even feeling this way. I don’t have the right to.”

Joshua’s eyebrows scrunch up some more. “Vernon, you’re not making any sense.”

Vernon looks away, a bit embarrassed at what he’s going to say. “It’s just…I think I’m jealous.”

“Ooh! Jelly Vernon!” Joshua teases.


Joshua chuckles. “Relax, I’m just teasing! Go on!” He encourages Vernon to talk.

Vernon fiddles with the flower in the glass. “There’s this guy…a really handsome one...gosh, how am I supposed to compete with that?”

Joshua blinks and waits in silence for the story to go on.

Vernon sighs. “Okay, so I woke up really early and decided to run. Then I bumped into Seungkwan and we talked for a bit then he invited me for coffee…”

Joshua’s lips curl into a smile, his eyes sparkling bright.

“Everything was going well…then this handsome guy just waltzes in and gives him sunflowers! And he looked so happy!” He looks at Joshua, awaiting a response or any reaction to his predicament.

“So you’re jealous because…”

“I wish I was the one who gave him flowers! I wish I was the reason for that smile!” He unexpectedly lays out his feelings. His cheeks turn red, realizing he’d just admitted to Joshua and to himself that he wanted to be someone to the baker.

Joshua’s mouth drops, but he quickly clicks his jaw and a smile spreads on his lips. He ruffles Vernon’s hair. “My dongsaeng is in love.”

Vernon leans on the back of his chair. “What do I do Josh?”

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know! That’s why I’m asking you.” He covers his face, embarrassed over the topic.

Joshua chuckles, clearly amused. “Well you just said you wished you gave him the flowers instead. Why don’t you start with that?”

“But he already has flowers.” Vernon pouts.

“Was it for him?”

Vernon blinks, as if the answer to the question obvious.

“I mean it could’ve been for the store.”

Vernon shrugs. “He looked pretty happy when he got them.”

Joshua leans on the back of his chair. “Just give it a try.”

Vernon sighs. “Alright, I will.”

Joshua brightens up. “Really? Great! Should I pick the flower for you?”

Vernon chuckles, amused at the older’s excitement. “I think I’ll pick it myself…something that reminds me of him.” A smile crosses Vernon’s lips.

Joshua grins. “That’s romantic!” He ruffles Vernon’s hair.



Flowers! I love Seventeen with flowers. Bless all those fans who give them flowers during fansigns. And YES, I got the white version of their album because FLOWERS AND SEVENTEEN ARE HEAVEN. Hahahaha. I hope this chapter was alright! I'm so sorry it took me forever to update this story. See you on the next one!

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Chapter 4: This is adorable! ^____^ great work, can't wait for more~
MizuDrop #2
Chapter 4: OMG, A VERKWAN FIC!! The most precious of ships. This is a really cute AU too. I support Vernon and Joshua being professors and Seungkwan as a baker XD
Omayghad it's been like... What? Decades? ≧∇≦
I'm so glad you finally updated author-nim. I got really excited on this chap because of the possibly of Wonwoo being Seungkwans love interest (StillWishingItWasMingyuButWhyNot?)..and oh, I noticed you at AO3 ;-)
I don't know when you'll be updating again so...HAVE A MERRY HOLIDAYS ♡(∩o∩)♡
Junie_Jjang11 #4
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love this i love verkwan i love life thank you for existing
thatxxx_ #5
huang-tao #6
Chapter 3: Omg they're sooooo cute ahhhhh
dobeagle #7
huang-tao #8
Omg but when Hansol was saying he could join SMTM i had flashbacks of that tragic "headlines headlines" moment HAHAHAHA
esperfraud #9
Hehe seriously this was ADORABLE
When I first read the first few sentences, for some reason what popped into my mind was "This sounds like this is from a dating sim". Haha I just found the style of writing cute and chill. Like a nice happy Little mood lifter.
That description of Kwan tho HAHA Vernon certainly paid attention to details (it was very accurate and cute amnsjsjsja)
Yessss this so sweet and nice and it's just so good to read you know? Just like something I would read on a nice sunny day (idk what I'm talking about but hehe I just like it)
Can't wait to