Matchless Love

Jin’s PoV

                As soon as I was home, I knew something was different.

                Jaehwan’s warm greeting was no longer as loving and heart-filling as I remembered. His kiss was only half as sweet.

                And the entire time, I kept thinking of Namjoon, that big idiot.

                Why does this have to happen? I thought I was happy, and then you storm into my life and ruing the perfect world I had. Why do you always mess with my feelings, Kim Namjoon?

                Jaehwan seemed to pick up on it immediately. He frowned, looking at me. “Seokjin, what’s wrong?”

                I shook my head, smiling. “Ah, don’t worry about it. I met up with an old friend and I keep thinking back to our conversation, it’s been bugging me for a while.”

                “D- Do you need to talk about it?” He took my hands in his own.

                “No, Jaehwan, it’s fine. I’ve been really distracted lately. I should just rest, probably.” I smiled down at him, giving him a kiss on the forehead as my heart twisted inside of my chest.

                How long will I continue to tell these lies? To him, and to myself?

                He looked away from me as if sensing my thoughts. “Okay…”

                I watched as his eyes began to gloss over with the beginnings of tears and I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around him protectively. “No! No, stop crying, please. I… I’m just really stressed, okay? Don’t worry, please.”

                He sobbed, resting his head on my chest. “I feel like a horrible Match, Seokjin. You always seem stressed and unfocused, and it’s like I can’t do anything to help! I just… Ugh, I feel so useless!”

                I looked down at him sternly. “Lee Jaehwan, don’t ever say that you are useless. Ever again. I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth. You’re not useless, you’re nowhere near it!”


                “Please, Jaehwan. I- I love you, okay? Don’t feel bad.”

                More lies.

                “You’re the perfect Match.”

                All lies. Lies, lies, lies.

                He nodded slowly, sniffling and leaning against me. “I love you, Seokjin… I hope you know that.”

                I wish I could say I felt the same.

Jaehwan’s PoV

                It wasn’t the same anymore.

                Seokjin used to come home so happy, and full of energy, with that big, beautiful smile of his.

                Now whenever I saw him, he was always stressing over something, or not paying attention.

                And he was almost always sad, it seemed.

                I loved it when he smiled. But he did it so rarely…

                I mean, he smiled a lot. But a genuine, loving smile? It was a rare sight indeed.

                I just want him to be happy…

                I knew what they said about Matches. That it was for you to be able to find someone to be happy with.

                But Matches aren’t for you. They’re for your Match. To make them happy. And they should give you happiness by just seeing them be happy.

                So why was I only getting sadness?

                I loved Jin.

                So much.

                But as we stood hugging, I could feel how tense he was.

                I attempted to suppress a second bout of tears, failing. He looked down at me, taking my face in his hands. “Jaehwan, stop crying.”

                I nodded, tears continuing to stream down my face despite my efforts. “I- I’m sorry…”

                He kissed me softly, wiping away my tears with his thumb. “Don’t be sorry. You’re amazing, Jaehwan. I’m really, really glad that you’re my match.”

                He smiled, giving me another lingering kiss.

                I smiled back, coughing as an attempt to cover up my sobbing.

                Even as you say such beautiful and convincing words, your smiles are all lies.

Namjoon’s PoV

                Seokjin and I began to hang out together more.

                He was so cute when he was flustered, trying to hide his blushing.

                He must have been embarrassed by his awkwardness, but I didn’t really mind that much.

                He had a bit of free time after work, just as I did, so we decided to head to the park and hang out.

                “Don’t you want to spend more time with Jaehwan?”

                Seokjin shook his head slowly, his smile falling. “N- Not really…”

                I looked over at him. “Why? Is everything okay between you two?”

                I really was worried, even though the worst part of me was hoping they had fought.

                I hated when I thought things like that.

                I’m too selfish for this. I don’t deserve Seokjin when I have thoughts like these.

                “I don’t know what’s going on… It’s just… I don’t know! I used to feel like we were the closest, that we had something, that we really loved each other. But now… I don’t know. I feel like I’m leading him on, like a horrible person, but I’m going to be his Match and none of that is changing, and… I don’t want to hurt him…”

                I looked at him, dumbfounded. “I- I didn’t know you felt that way.”

                He shrugged. “I didn’t either… It just started coming out when I began talking. I just want him to be happy, and… I can’t give him that happiness, it seems.”

                I patted his shoulder comfortingly. “It can’t be that bad, don’t worry. I’m sure you two are a good match.”

                But what if they aren’t?

                Shut up.

                “I don’t know… I made him cry, and I feel bad. I don’t know…”

                Namjoon, this is your chance! You and Seokjin…

                Shut. Up.

                “I mean, I do care for him. Jaehwan is amazing! But… I don’t think we’re as close as we used to be, and I don’t know why, and it makes me sad to think that I could be causing him so much pain.”

                If he and Jaehwan aren’t happy together, then you could-

                “Shut up!” I yelled.

                He looked over to me, eyes wide. “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t think that…”

                I shook my head quickly. “No, no! Not you, I’m sorry. I was thinking out loud. Again. It’s not you, I like listening to you talk.”

                I closed my mouth, trying to hide the pink that had crept its way onto my cheeks.

                He nodded slowly, concern showing on his face. “O- Okay…”

                “I’m really sorry about you and Jaehwan. I want it to work out between you two, really. You’ll be able to make him really happy, I’m sure.”

                I smiled, giving him a reassuring hug.

                Sure, you want it to work out. Just as much as you love this Society and what they did to your parents.

                SHUT. UP.

Jaehwan’s PoV

                I had wanted to surprise Jin and walk back home with him after he had finished his classes.

                Before I got there, I saw him in the park, with someone else.

                Could that be… No way, Kim Namjoon?

                I still remembered Seokjin’s not-so-secretive glances towards Namjoon during classes.

                The way he would blush and look away quickly afterwards.

                I can’t be… jealous?

                He was smiling.

                Jin was.

                A real smile. A real, authentic smile.

                But as quickly as I saw it, it disappeared. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but Jin looked stressed.

                They continued to talk. Namjoon yelled something, and Jin looked taken aback. They talked again, and he nodded and it looked like they had reconciled whatever small argument they had had.

                And then he was reaching over, towards my Match, giving him an embrace.

                My jaw dropped, my eyes widened.

                No. Stop. They’re friends, they’re nothing more. He said he was meeting an old friend. They’re just friends.

                But what if they’re more?

                I shook my head, sprinting off before they could see me, tears already threatening to return.

                Why can’t I make you happy, yet he does it so easily?

                What is Namjoon that I’m not?

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I would apologize for the feels but that requires feeling sorry, which I don't ^^;


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Jamless_seagull #1
Jamless_seagull #2
Chapter 1: Im rereading this because i feel like crying
Chapter 18: I liked the happy ending. Wish Yoongi had his too
This is so cute! SO SO SO CUTE!
Jamless_seagull #5
Jamless_seagull #6
Chapter 18: This is really sweet as an ending!! Jikook and Namjin are so cute~~
Chapter 17: I need a proper ending! I need Tae & Yoongi to be happy. I need Kookie with Jimin. I need Hobi to be alive