Chapter V

Blind Date

JaeJoong POV

It took everything Jaejoong had not to yell at the woman sitting next to him.  Kwok Jong Hee was a very stubborn and determine woman.  She was not going to allow her current 'plaything' to walk away from her.   No matter how he many times he tried to explain to her that he no longer had any interest in their relationship, personal or professional, Kwak Jong Hee refused to concede. 

"Look, this is a done deal.  I have bought out your portion of the business for above market value.  This restaurant now belongs to me.  The paper work has already been signed and filed by the lawyers.  There is nothing you can do about it." Jaejoong finally told her as he placed the signed documents before her. Kwok Jong Hee, picked up the paper work and aimlessly flipped through the documents.  

"I will never agree to this and I refuse to sign them.  I made you! You owe me! Do what you want but you belong to me for as long as I want."   She yelled back. Jaejoong looked at her and smiled.

"Your husband already did." he responded quietly.

Kwok Jong Hee turned white.  She could not say anything.  She furiously began reading through the purchase agreement and went limp when she saw her husband's signature on the documents.

"You made the mistake of putting the restaurant under your husband's corporation.  He was very surprised when my lawyer approached him to buy out HIS share of this restaurant.  He was even more surprised about the type of relationship we had.  This made him curious about what OTHER businesses he may 'own'.  I expect you will be receiving divorce papers in the next few days."

Kwok Jong Hee slumped back into the chair, looking defeated. 

"By the way, your bill comes to 230,142 wons for the bottle of wine you ordered.  You can pay it on the way out."

Jaejoong was smiling to himself as he walked away, when he was approached by his maitre d'.

"Sir, the young lady with whom you had a date with tonight...."

"Where was she?"

"That is what I am trying to tell you sir.  She was sitting at the table next to you and Ms. Kwok.  After a while, she got up and left.  She seemed very upset."

"Damn!!!" Jaejoong responded.

He had totally forgotten about On Eun Ae.  After their telephone conversation from the night before, he was looking forward to meeting her.  She sounded smart, nice and sure of herself.  This would be a nice change from the toxic relationship he had just gotten out.  

"Which way did she go?"

"I am not sure.  She got into her car and drove away. "

Jaejoong ripped off his apron and yelled at his Sous chef to take over the kitchen as he ran out of the door.  He quickly drove out of the car park.  He soon realized that he did not know where he was going. 

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