Friendship Heals

The Extra Class



Jimin P.O.V

Once visiting hours were over all of us, except for Sungyeol, were practically forced out of the hospital. We gloomily walked out of the hospital doors and after quiet goodbyes all of us spit up and started heading home. I turned and walked towards what most would call the ghetto of the town. Everyone else left together in the same direction the oposite of where I was going... The rich part of town. Yes, it being the poor one of the group but at the same time I don't really mind. None of them have treated me any different when they easily could have. The only reason I'm in the same school is because I have good grades and also I have been friends with Tae and Baek since we were little kids because our moms are best friends. Their mom is on the school bored so she talked to the principl and they set up an agreement that as long as I keep good grades they would let me go to the school on a scholarship. I walked along the cracked sidewalk thinking about everything when I felt someone grab my shoulder. It was Tae, I smiled at him and he returned it.

" What are you doing walking out here alone" He says cheekily. 

I just smiled at him shrugging already knowing he was trying to lighten up this depressing mood our whole group had because of Hoseok. 

" Well what else am I supposed to do?" The rest of you live on the other side of town. " I say jokingly glaring at him.

He just smiles brightly at me again and pushes me back in the direction I was walking from. I stared at him confusedly wondering why he pushed me in the oposite direction I needed to go to.

" Well come home with us then, its too late for you to be out here by yourself. I'm sure our moms won't care. " He says while continuing to push me towards the rich part of town. I quickly agreed to go with him to his house because I really didn't want to walk home by myself and also it's a perfect excuse to hang out with my best friend. Once we made it back to the hospital I saw that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still there sitting on a bench, I can't hear them but let me just say Chanyeol was flapping his arms like a chicken and Baekhyun was throwing some peanuts he got from the hospital cafeteria at him. Tae and I just looked at eachother with a ' Why are they like this? ' look before coming closer. As we got to them they stopped their weird bird show and Baek stood up smirking at Tae.

"What?" Tae said with a bratty tone.

" Nothing I was just thinking about how creepy you look in the dark. " Baekhyun answered back with some weird childish tone ' What even are they? These aliens.'

" Oh watever you do know that we are twins write? So it I look creepy you do too you idiot! " Tae yells out before smacking Baek in the back of the head.

Chanyeol and I are dying in laughter at the twins' little show. Before the two could get anymore violent Chan and I grabbed our significant bestie and dragged them in the direction of their house.

Chanyeol P.O.V

After a few minutes of walking we made it to TaeBaek's house. As soon as we walked through the door an amazing smell was in the air. 

" Is that....FRIED CHICKEN!!!!! " The twins yell at the same time making Jimin jump from the loudness. 

In the blink of an eye we ran into the livingroom to see everyone there laying around the living room eating chicken and pizza. 

" Yo hyungs where have you been?!?!" Jungkook yells with a mouth full of pizza.

" We had to go get Jiminie, Kookie he was about to go home by himself." Tae says cutely while taking a bite of his chicken. 

 I looked around and everyone was smiling, except for Jackson, he was sitting on the couch staring into space obviously worried about Hoseok. Even though everyone was smiling while eating and joking around and commenting on the show that was on I could tell that they were all upset but they were trying to keep the mood light. It may seem ridiculous to act this way while one of us is in the hospital with their dreams destroyed but we know that he wouldn't want us all to be moping around because of him and even now everyone is not being their full level of weird. I just sigh and sit in between Baek and Jackson on the couch, I smile at Baek while he stuffs his pace with pizza, but then I turn to Jackson and I slowly lift my hand up to poke him on the shoulder to wake him up from his daydream. He jumps and then our eyes meet, after a few seconds of us having a silent conversation through our stare his eyes tear up and I know he's taking Hoseoks situation really hard. I quickly pull him into my embrace where he silently cries for his best friend. Baekhyun notices almost right away and reached over to take Jacksons hand in an attempt to confort him. I look up and notice everyone has stopped what they are doing and finally all of them broke, Jimin had tears rolling down his cheeks while Tae just stared at Jackson with teary eyes. Jungkook and Kwangmin were both snuggled up together staring into space with teary cheeks. I look over at Baekhyun and see that he also has tears in his eyes, he also looks at me and with his free hand wipes the tears I hadn't known I even had from my cheeks. 

Eventually we all broke down voicing our worries about Hoseok and his dream, not one persons face was tear free. After what seemed like forever Tae and Baeks mom walks through the door an is completely shocked to see her livingroom full of crying teenage boys. 

" Oh my goodness what is going on here? " She asks worredly to no one in paticular as she scans all of the red puffy eyed boys. 

" Eomma H-Hoseok is in the hospital. " Baekhyun says quietly but loud enough for his mother to hear. 

She gasps her face showing even more concern. She puts her stuff down on the coffee table and sits by Baekhyun and from there all of us took part in telling her the whole story about Hoseoks injury. By the end of the story even she had tears in her eyes, she slowly got up and headed towards the kitches rubbing Jacksons hair lovingly on her way. 

" I'm gonna make some hot chocolate and coffee, I think I'm gonna call all of your parents and let them know you are staying here tonight. You guys need to stay together at a time like this. In the morning I'll call the school and tell them you are going to be absent. " We all nodded at her quietly and watched her leave the room. After that we all had quiet conversation about what we should do to help Hoseok out, with our stomachs full of pizza, chicken, hot chocolate and coffee we all passed out around the livingroom. "

Kris P.O.V

I lay in my bed it's around 3 a.m. I sit up and look around my room for my bag that I packed. I quietly get up and put on some warm clothes and grabbed my shoes. On my way out of my bedroom door I grab the bag and quietly walk down the stares toward the front door. After successfully escaping my house I put on my shoes and walk off the front porch into the night. I quickly headed for the more poor part of town knowing no one is going to look for me there. I shiver as the cold air goes through my jacket, it's still summer but the night air seems to have cooled town a ton. After walking for about an hour I find a spot underneath a bridge it was like a cavwe built into the cement wall. I step inside to see that no one was there and that there was no signs of anyone staying in there so I lay down on the cold dirt floor hugging my knees to my chest. 

" It's better like this, I just destroy everything, it's all my fault, It's better if I just left them alone. " I mumble to myself with quiet tears streaming down my face.

'It's my fault he's hurt like this, it's my fault my brother, my twin brother is suffering. I don't deserve to be around them they probably will be releived that I am no longer in their life to ruin everything.' These were the thoughts running through my head as I drifted off to sleep on the cold ground of the little cave I decided to call my home, because someone as cruel as me doesn't deserve to live in luxury. Because I am a monster.


I know this chapter isn't as long as I would like it to be but I have really been working on it when I get the time and I thought that it was at the point where it was good enough to be posted as a chapter. I will try harder to update more and give you some good chapters. Don't worry everything won't be all depressing soon I will brighten up the mood for the boys in the Extra Class. I hope you enjoy this chapter!~C.J.

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Chapter 8: Wow I'm seriously lovibg this.... The story line is very interesting.... Looking forward to how the story unfolds....