All about Kyoung-Mi

The new kid in town

So this chapter is all dedicated on Kyoung-Mi while Chung-Ho is still incapacitated for a while.


------------------------------------------Start of Chapter--------------------------------------


Hey, I'm Kyoung-Mi, I am 16 years old, my birthday is on April 6, and my best friend is Chung-Ho.

My favorite subject is Math, I like dancing and I like Kpop groups like SHINee, Super Junior, BEAST and SNSD.

I also have three other best friends who also know Chung-Ho, these are; Cloud, Mist and Rain.

I secretly have sort of a crush on SHINee's Onew. I wish that I'd meet him at least just once.

And this is the start of the real chapter of my life.


I woke up, my eyes squinting because of the brightness of the light. I looked at my watch and saw that it was just 6:00 and class starts at 8:00 so I still had 2 hours to get ready. I chose to take a shower first. 

So, I took a shower, then now I'm sort of awake and lively because of the water. Then, I was being complacent that I still had lots of time and now I was just accidentally fell asleep on my bed. 

I was dreaming of my Onew. I was mumbling like "Chicken" and trying to grasp something in the air unconsciously in my sleep.

Then I heard a familiar voice. "KYOUNG-MI! KYOUNG-MI!" and I knew who that was of course, my mom, who else.

I suddenly got awoken by her and as I checked my watch, I only had 30 minutes left to go, which it takes 20 minutes to go to school with the bus that had just left.

"Oh man!" I shouted grabbing my backpack and just left without eating. I greeted farewell to my parents; "Bye Appa. Umma!" I exclaimed.

So I started running really fast, though bumping into people occasionally but they didn't complain. Then, suddenly, I accidentally bumped into a guy really hard it set both of us off of our feet.

"Yah! Watch where you're going!" the guy said.

"Mianhe sunbae! I didn't mean to bum---" I paused watching in awe who I had bumped.

"Yah! What are you looking at pabo?" he said.

"You, you--, you-, you're SHINee's ONew." I said stuttering.

"Shh! Shh! You know how saying that can summon a mob around me? I'm still trying to get to school so don't give me problems." said Onew.

"Where exactly?" I asked.

"Seoul National School." he said.

"No way! Me too, say, would you wanna go there together?" I asked expecting the worst.

"Heh, sure, you can come with me." He said in a playful voice.

"Okay, well we better hurry, we've got 10 minutes." I said as if I cared about being late, on the inside I was saying; "I'm walking with SHINee's Onew!!! AHH!!!"


So we walked going to school and I was really nervous beside, so to stop the needless silence, I asked:

"So how is it being an idol? Is it hard?" I asked curiously.

"Hm... it's hard at first, yet it's very deserving, I love the way the fans idolize us and the way they support us." he said modestly.

"Wow, you know I'm one of those fans." I said.

"Oh, so maybe we might be able to get along well since you are a fan." he said

I thought to myself; "Wow, we might really get along" but on the outside; "Maybe we might, maybe not."

"I hope we will, say, I didn't get your name, what was it dongsaeng"

"It's Kyoung-Mi, my name is Kyoung-Mi, sunbae."

"Kyoung-Mi, what a pretty name, I'll see you next time Kyoung-Mi, make sure we meet again."

"I'd love for that to happen." I said while blushing like my face was a cherry.

"Okay, we're here, with 2 minutes left to spare, luckily we're not tardy." Taemin said funnily.

"Yah! Hyung! You're almost late you pabo you! Where were you?" said one of his popular friends, Jonghyun.

So again, in amazement I glanced at Jonghyun.

"I was walking, with this girl, Kyoung-Mi." said Onew politely.

"Well thank you Kyoung-Mi, thanks to you Onew is almost tardy, pabo." Jonghyun said sarcastically.

"Mianhe" I said almost crying because of what he said.

"Yah! Jonghyun! see what you did? She's almost crying because of you!" Onew said protectively.

"Well sorry." He said sarcastically. "But we really should be getting to class! We're almost late!" Jonghyun said worriedly.

"Oh yeah, we must get to class fast." Onew replied.

"Bye Kyoung-Mi, hope I get to see you again soon!" Onew said happily.

"Bye Onew, me too." I replied.


So, I went to class blushing a lot and all I was thinking is that I actually met Onew!!!

I was busy thinking of him in class that I didn't notice my teacher calling me; "Kyoung-Mi, Kyoung-Mi!!!"

"Huh? Huh? What sir?"I asked confused.

"What is the answer to the question?" He asked sternly.

"Um... what's the question?" I asked.

"Never mind, you *points someone else* sit down Kyoung-Mi" he said.

"Gosh, I feel so sorry, oh well, at least I met Onew!!! I thought to myself.


So the classes were over and I was going home

I was listening to SHINee's "Lucifer" and I was singing to it like an idiot in the middle of the road.

I could see many people laughing at me. I saw at their red faces looking at my red face of being so embarrassed. 

I started being silent and just walked slowly going home.

Then, when I was walking, I saw Sunny looking worried so I walked over to her and talked to her.

"Hey Sunny, why do you seem worried? What happened?" I asked her. "Um... I'm just thinking if Chung-Ho will be okay, and I just miss him already." she replied.

"Well don't be worried, he'll be fine." I said reassuring his safety.

"Oh good, I'd hate anything bad to happen to him again, anyways, I have to go now Kyoung-Mi, bye! she said.

"Oh, bye Sunny." I said while slowly continuing to walk.

So I reached home and laid down on my bed and I said to myself; "I had the best day ever!" Then I started screaming and my mom scolded me for such a racket. 

----------------------------------------------------------------End Chapter 12------------------------------------------------------------

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i'll bookmark this first!
I Can't help but agree(ok except the thing about Key)
Aaaawwww~~~ I kept screaming whenever Key's name appeared~~!!!! He's so adorable~ And Minho is soo. . . Aaahh~~~ <br />
Yes, Ae sook is a . Let her die in hell. <br />
(sorry for the language~^^ I'm innocent, I swear~^^)
and you missed one and it still says Taemin
Oh my gosh poor Kyoung-Mi. . .
-_FireRocks_- #6
I had nothing to say so yeah, veggies popped in first and ooh, don't get into fights
Haha! LOL Siomai~! XD hahaha! Nice update :)
But I hate veggies. . . :( Hahahaha~^^ Nice update, oppa~ Update moreeee!!!!
haha yeah~ cat fight~!!
-_FireRocks_- #10
Haha, you like it?