Chapter 5

Music lesson

Ryeowook P.O.V

Ting tong. "i'll get it." i said it as i ran to the front door.

I opened the door and saw jongwoonie hyung. I felt my mouth dropped as i shocked

 "oh, hyung. It's not even 3.30. Why are you here?"

"you dont want me to meet you earlier, wookie?" he pouted. Really cute hyungie~.

"aniyo, i really want to kkk. Come here first, let me introduce you to my mom. Come on" i pulled his hands slowly and brought him in the living room. "wait here, i'll get my mom. Oh, do you want to drink something, hyung?"

"nevermind wookie. Just get your mom first" he smiled to me. I walked fast to my mom's bedroom.

"mom~, can i come in?" i knocked.

"just come in wookie. It is not locked" i walked to her. "mom, this afternoon i want to go to my friend house and he is here to pick me up. I want to introduce him to you, mom"

"oh, really? You never brought your friends again since you're in high school, you know. Come on, i want to meet him" my mom looked very excited to meet him already.

We walked to the living room and i saw him stood up to greeted my mom.

"hello, i'm jongwoon. Kim jongwoon" he bowed.

"oh, hello son. So, this is your new friend, wookie?" she asked me "so handsome, kkk" she whispered to me.

"i know it, mom kkk" i whispered her back.

"yes mom. We introduced by our music instructor." i said that to her.

"let's just sit down for a while. I wanna ask you something, jongwoon"

I sat across my mom and beside jongwoon hyung.

"wookie, make us a drink, will you?"

"alright mom. Just wait here, hyung" i grinned to him.


Jongwoon P.O.V

Wookie's left me behind with his mom. I felt uneasy, i don't know why.

"nah, jongwoon. Tell me about yourself" his mom asked me.

"yes. I'm kim jongwoon. My house is not too far from here. House number 11 ma'am. I know ryeowookie since our music instructor introduced him to me. Ryeowook will substitute him to accompany me with his piano in my singing competition next month"

"hmm i think wookie has mentioned that singing competition before. So, you often joined sing competition before?"

"not really. Next month will be my second time to join the competition"

"i'm sure you won the last competition. Am i right? You're voice so good"

"ah, thank you so much ma'am and yes i won the first place"

"his voice is really beautiful, right mom? I really love his voice" i saw wookie came from his kitchen while his hands brought a tray that has 3 glass on it.

"let me help you, wookie" i stood up to take the tray and put it on the table in front of us.

"thank you, hyungie. What did you two talk about?" he looked at me with his cute smile.

"your mom just asked me a few question wook"

"yes and i don't finished it yet kkk. Just drink it first"

"yes thank you" i took my glass and wookie whispered to me "just relax hyung, my mom doesn't bite kkk"


Ryeowook P.O.V

"alright mom, we go first. Annyeong" i got out from the house and waved to her.

"be careful wookie. Please take care of wookie, jongwoon." mom said that from the front door.

"no need to be told, mother" he showed his usual smile. For being closed, my mom just told him to call her with mom or mother, so yeah he called my mom like that.

We walked slowly to hyung's house. Suddenly, he put his hand around my shoulder again.

"so, wookie. Your mother are so friendly. I got nervoused before when she wanted to ask me some question kkk"

"you just like someone who just met with her parent's girlfriend hyung. So cute kkk"

"yeah i think so too~" he moved my shoulder side to side as we walked. "oh ya, by the way you're so cute in this pink shirt, wookie." he pinched my cheeks.

"aah it's hurt hyungie~" i covered my cheeks with my palms while pouting. He ruffled my hair.

"yup, we are arrive at my house. Come on, ryeowookie"

We entered his house, "i'm home, mom". "welcome home, jongwoon"

"come on, wookie. I introduced you to my mom" i followed him to the kitchen.

I saw a woman that must be hyung's mom. The kitchen is a little bit messy because i think she is still preparing the foods "mom, i want you to meet my friend". She turned to saw us.

"oh, hello. I'm jongwoon's mother" she smiled beautifully. I realized, must be hyung inherited that smile from his mother.

"hello, i'm ryeowook. Kim ryeowook" i gave her my best smile.

TING! Suddenly i heard a sound. "oh, wait a minute. I think the cake is ready" she walked to the oven.

"do you need any help, ma'am?" i walked to her, i saw the mittens on a table and i gave it to her.

"oh, thank you. You don't have to" she smiled to me.

I watched her opened the oven and took the cake out.

"hmm, the aroma is really great, ma'am. I bet it is so delicious" i help her to put the cake on to the table. Jongwoonie hyung closed the oven door and put his hand around my shoulder again.

"mom, when will luna come home? Her school ends at 3pm, right?"

"yes. Maybe she is on the way home just now. Just wait"

"is there anything i can do to help, mrs kim?" i asked her.

"oh, that's very nice of you but, you don't have to. Just wait in living room, okay, ryeowook-ssi? Jongwoon take him to the living room" i pouted. I really wanna help her.

"come on wookie. Let's go" he ruffled my hair. Pulled me to go with him.

I sat on the couch and whined.

"hyungie~ i want to help your mother to prepare everything~"

"you don't have to wookie. Just relax. Oh, i wanna go to my room first. I wanna pick some games for us to playing. Do you want to come with me or just sit here?"

Woah he asked me to go to his room. Of course i want to come with him. "i want it!" i got up with excitement and my knee suddenly hit the corner of the table hardly. "uuh. It's hurt" i grinned while caressing my hurted knee.

"are you alright, wookie?" hyung come to me "gwenchana gwenchanaa. Don't cry yah. Kkk."

"of course i won't hyuung. I'm not a kid anymore, you know"

"yeah. It will be fine soon. Just hold it yah. There" he pecked my hurted knee and then smiled to me.

I'm shocked. There was no one who do that to me. I can felt my cheek blushed. "ah, hyung. Thanks. I think it's better than before" i hid my face and stood up.

"okaaay. Let's go to my room~" hyung put his arms around my shoulder again. I think it's his favorite place for his arm kkk.


We climbed up a stair. I saw there are just two rooms on this floor. Jongwoonie hyung opened one of the door and said "welcome to my room, wookie."

The first thing that i saw in his room was his guitar on his bed. I ran to the bed and took the guitar. "woaaah a guitaar. You can play a guitar, hyung?" i asked him with sparkling eyes.

"of course, wookie. Why do i have a guitar if i don't know how to play it? Silly boy kkk" he sat on the bed and patted it, asked me to sit beside him.

"aaah i really want to play it but i can't hyung~."

"i don't mind if you want me to teach you, wookie. I would love to"

"aah, really hyung? Aaah i love you so much" i hugged him immediately. I realized it after a few second and released him. I felt so embarrassed. "o-oh, sorry hyung."

'Wookie, why did you do that? Uuuh.'

I can felt him ruffling my hair again. "you know, wookie, when we first met, i just felt i already know you from a long time. I don't know why. I never get close to everyone like this so fast, you know."

i took a look at him with my corner eyes and i saw that. His smile. Aaaah i really really love his smile.

Deg. Deg. Deg. I can heard my heart was beating really really hard. I knew my face was blushing like crazy. I can't lift my head yet.

'God, help me. My heart is beating so hard. I just can't handle it'

There was no single sound in the room. I just hoping that he wouldn't hear my heartbeat.


"Mom, i'm home~" i heard a girl voice. Jongwoonie hyung got up immediately.

"oh, luna has arrived. Let's go downstairs.




i'm sorry for not update as soon as possible. i just don't know what will i write in this chapter. i'm sorry if you don't like this chapter. i make it up with made the chapter longer than usual :D

welcome to new subscriber~. feel free to comment anything about my story. i really need your comment. i don't know what you guys feel after reading this story, you know. you must tell me how you felt kkk.

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waiting for the update.....goodluck in your exams
Riine18 #2
*sniff* *sniff*
Sad wookie
Buy yesung will be here
OMG... poor wookie
i think i understand him, i mean i have many friends, but i often feel lonely :(
it was so sweet, yesung said that he will be with wookie
i love this story, hope you can update soon
what's next??????
AH o.o T-This is really one of the BEST Fanfics of YeWook I have ever read.. I swear, it's amazing!
AegyoJangmi #7
I think it's really cute! <3
I love it<br />
wookie and yesung<br />
So cute ! >.<