Life Another Day

Life and Death


Life Another Day
Siwon looked over at the boy laying in the red silky sheets. His gaze grim looking. "Why is this boy still alive? Do you want to disappear for good?!" He yelled at the other vampire.
"I assure you I didn't mean for this to happen! His blood... You just don't understand." He shuddered with his head down. Siwon looked down on his, disgust on his face.
"Hyukjae," He put his hand on the boys shoulder. "The hell I don't know!" He spat at the other. "Please don't do this to me Hyuk. You know you're my favorite." He tried, his tone not so threatening anymore. "Kyuhyun disappeared last night, now you're acting up... please just kill him now okay?" Hyukjae look to the floor, afraid to look up at the man in charge.
"I'm sorry Siwon-ssi. I can't kill him. He IS the one... there is no other." Only someone who felt this would understand, but for some reason Siwon wasn't understanding. Every vampire had someone who was fated to be with them. He had once fallen in love with a woman 130 years ago. She was beautiful and graceful. She was kind and caring. That was exactly why he couldn't turn her, and now he found himself in that situation again. Tasting the blood of a flower. So sweet he couldn't taint it.
A slim man walked in the room. Hair tied in a pony tail. "Siwon, you're too nice to them you know that?" He stomped over to Siwon, putting an arm around his neck. "What's happening?" 
"Hyukjae here wont kill him..." He motioned to the sleeping Donghae on Hyuk's bed. "What are you going to do about it Heechul Hyung?" Hyukjae asked, confident he would win.
Heechul's eyes widened and he gasped quietly. "Siwon, dear" He said no tearing his gaze from Donghae. "Why don't you let him go just this once? eh?" Siwon was in shock. "Did you get any sleep this morning Heechul?" Heechul patten his arm, not even listening to him. He walked over to Donghae, waving his hand at Hyukjae. 
Hyukjae walked over to Heechul and the unconscious Donghae. "Listen here Hyuk, don't ask why, but you mustn't kill this boy. Nor may you turn him, understand?" He said, eyes with concern, looking straight into Hyuk's red ones. The other just simply nodded in turn. Heechul stood up from his kneeling position and walked right past Siwon to get a warm rag for the boy.
"What the hell Hyuk?" Siwon was so confused. Heechul practical ruled these vampires, and now he was listening to them? Hyukjae just waved him out of his room. He obliged, offended. He stalked out of the room, long legs moving quite fast.
"Hae, you remind me of her.. the way I used to love her." He moved a piece of stray hair behind his ear. Just then Heechul came back with a bowl and a towel. He took a seat at the edge of the bed near Hyukjae. "Take care of him for me will you?" Hyukjae, once again, nodded. "Will you please tell me why you wouldn't do it? I mean I love him but you have Siwon." Heechul turned his head and chuckled slightly at that last comment. "He's an old friend, he is very dear to me. Vampires killed his dad, but he doesn't know that. I took him in for a while after that. His mother was a mess." Hyukjae made an "O" shape with his mouth.
"I see... thanks Heechul Hyung." He said and put the damp cloth over Donghae's forehead. Heechul stood up from the bed. "I'm going to get Ryeowook to get him some meds and he should be fine. It doesn't look like you drank too much of his blood. Hyuk put him head down in shame. "Sorry Hyung." Heechul only shook his head.
"It's fine Hyuk, you didn't know." He softly put his hand on the younger's head.
Donghae awoke on soft silky sheets. The sunlight showing through dark curtains. The events from last night suddenly coming back to him. He sat up in the large bed. Beside him, he noticed another body. He sighed as he realized that it was the man who had bit him. Soon he touched his neck, remembering that his blood had been drained. He got to his feet, not wanting to be in the same bed, let alone the same room as his attacker.
"He should have just killed me like he said he was going to..." He walked down a hallway, noticing that everything was dark but beautiful. In what seemed to be a lobby, there was a small looking boy sitting at a desk. "Uhm.. Excuse me? Can you tell me where this is?" The smaller boy looked up from the screen of a computer. "Oh Donghae-ssi! You're awake? I'm Ryeowook by the way." Donghae took a seat in a black leather couch. The cold touching his bare legs. Only then did he realize that he was only in boxers and a white T-shirt.
"Ryeowook-ssi, can you please tell me what I'm doing here?" Ryeowook looked at the boy and smiled sadly. "This is a house for vampires..." He said slowly, waiting for the older's reaction. Donghae only sighed. 'My life is really ed up' He thought to himself. "Keep going, it can't get much worse." Ryeowook complied. "Well I'm a human too if that makes you feel any better. I don't think life with vampires is so bad. They saved me so I've lived with them my whole life." 
"Yesung, another vampire here, took me in and he really is kind. It's just like choosing friends. You have to know which ones are the good guys." Donghae laughed. "You don't believe me?" 
"No, I believe you Ryeowook-ssi, it's just a little weird right now." Donghae replied. He was relieved to know that at least one of them was human like him. "I can't really get away from this anyway. So where are these vampires anyway?" 
Ryeowook joined him on the couch and put a small hand on Donghae's leg. They are sleeping right now. They don't like the sun too much." He laughed at his own privet joke, not offended that Donghae didn't laughed too. "You see Donghae-ssi, Hyukjae Hyung saved you... eh, after almost killing you. He sort of fell in love with you. It's kind of like imprinting. Except I don't believe in that ." At this they both chuckled. "Every vampire has someone they are fated to be with, just like me and Yesung." He smiled sweetly.
A thought suddenly came to Donghae's mind. "So is it just you? The only human I mean." "Yeah, you can see why there wouldn't be any other vampires. Last night was the one time they go and claim the lives of the innocent." Donghae frowned at this, he was chosen to this. "I wasn't even alive the last time they did it so don't worry Hyung." Ryeowook noticed Donghae's nervousness. 
"H-How many lives were claimed last night?" Ryeowook held Donghae's hand and smiled, knowing the answer. "None as far as I know. The only vampires that were sent out from here were Kyuhyun and Hyukjae and Hyukjae obviously didn't kill you and Kyuhyun didn't come back last night. God only knows where he is." Donghae sighed in relief and squeezed Ryeowook's hand. 
"Who is this Kyuhyun guy anyway?" Ryeowook only sighed. "It's okay," Donghae said. "You can tell me." 
"He's had his eye on a boy recently. It's all he would talk to me about. Sungmin this and Sungmin that! I bet you he ran away with that stripper!" Ryeowook put his head in his hands.
"Y-You mean Lee Sungmin... really cute and loves pink?" Ryeowook nodded, looking up. "You know him or something?" He asked, curious at the coincidence. "Yeah, I worked at the bar he danced at, I'm a friend of his." 
"Ryeowook!!! Go get that boy! We need to go!" An average sized man was running down the hall like a madman. His hair black and slightly curly. "What's wrong Yesung? Why are you up? He's in here." As Yesung entered the room he immediately grabbed Donghae and Ryeowook's arms. "I had a vision while I was asleep. Kyuhyun and that boy ARE together! And they are in danger!" He said in a hurry as they quickly walked out of the building.
To Donghae's surprise they were right in the middle of the city. "!" Was his only reaction as he was shoved into a car with Ryeowook as they sped off to an unknown location.
Kyuhyun lay sleeping in a small bed. Blinds closed, lights off.
 'How did I get myself into this? It's so wrong yet it feels so right.' Sungmin thought in the kitchen, fixing himself something to eat. He was wearing pink underwear and a long button up white shirt. A small scarf with pink and purple flowers on it was tied into a cute little bow on his neck. Underneath were two holes covered and bandaged. 
He had just had the best night of his life... but vampires weren't suppose to exist. They made his whole life way more complicated. Sungmin sighed as he put the freshly made omlet on a plate and sat down at the table. 'I never believed in love at first sight, but I think I'm starting to believe.' He thought to himself as he ate the deliciously cooked food.
Night was nearing them as the sun slowly faded into the clouds and the mood shone brighter than ever. Yesung, Ryeowook and Donghae were driving in the car for quite some time to where Kyuhyun and Sungmin were hiding out. 
"You know you're about to receive a very angry call from Hyukjae any moment." Ryeowook stated a-matter-of-factly. Yesung only chuckled. "I know... when he finds his little fish is not in the house he'll freak for sure." Donghae on the other hand was zoning out in the back watching the roads pass them. He was still trying to comprehend if this was reality or if he was having some lucid dream.
"Hae? Are you okay back there?" Ryeowook said, a little worried that the other hadn't said anything for about 2 hours on their drive.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine Ryeowook-ssi." Ryeowook softly smiled at the other, understanding that he still needed some time for this to sink in.
~Sesangi nae mam daero andwindago hwaman naemyeon andwae geureol piryo eobtji~ Mr. Simple played on Yesung's phone. 
"Yes Hyukjae I have Donghae and he's safe, we're going to get Kyuhyun." Yesung said in one breath, not letting the other get a word in.
"Yah! Where are you!? I'm going!" Hyukjae yelled. All he wanted right now was to know Donghae was alright and to be with him.
"Don't get your in a bunch Hyuk, we'll be home in a few hours okay?" Yesung said and hung up the phone.
"You're too mean to him you know YeYe." Ryeowook said as he giggled at his lover. 
Donghae was in the back, silently wishing Hyukjae was there. For some reason he just couldn't get the other out of his mind. "Are we almost there Yesung Hyung?" He asked quietly.
Yesung was pulled out of his slight daze of his cute lover when Donghae asked him a question. "Oh we're here Donghae-ssi." 
The car pulled up to a nice looking Apartment complex. "He sure had everything planned to get away with this." Yesung said with an annoyed tone. Ryeowook slid his fingers into his as to reassure him. Donghae rushed ahead of them. "Room #137 Donghae-ssi." Yesung said and chuckled at the boy's concern for his friend.
When Donghae reached the door he knocked loudly. "Lee Sungmin! Get out here right now! It's Hae! We're late for our date in the park!!!" He yelled from the other side of the door. When he got no reply Yesung stepped in from behind and kicked the door open. 'They sure are strong.' Donghae thought to himself. 
They searched the entire apartment but no one was there. The only think showing life was here was the television that was on in the living room.
"What the hell Sungmin Hyung!" Donghae uttered to himself.
"Kyuhyun!" Sungmin screamed. He had been drug outside into a light woods. He was bleeding, still in the small bit of clothes he was wearing in the morning. Some vampire had re-opened his bite wounds and he couldn't find Kyuhyun. He sat at the foot of a tree, hands tied to either side of it. "Kyuhyun!!" He screamed over again. His voice was becoming hoarse.
"Ah little Sungminnie, I'm so sorry I have to do this to you. And stop calling that he can't hear you." A tall man with long black hair and a pretty face grabbed Sungmin tear struck cheeks with one hand and squeezed them. "Sungmin, I'm going to kill you." 
Sungmin's eyes widened. "Jejoong?" Was all he could manage as the vampire harshly bit into his neck for the second time. "Ahhh!" His screams were soon silenced as his body dropped limp and his arms were untied from the tree. 
"Hyung!!" Donghae ran up the the unconscious body and held it in his arms. "Open your eyes! Come on! Don't leave me!" Donghae cried out. His friend was beginning to feel cold, the blood left in his body now draining itself. Yesung and Ryeowook could only stand back and watch in horror.
"They struck again Yesung Hyung." Ryeowook said in a sad tone. The other only replied with a nod.
Hyukjae ran at the speed of light and reached Donghae and Sungmin's body. Donghae was balling as he watched his friend fade out of existence. "Hae!" Donghae looked up at him with hatred. 
"I HATE vampires!" He spat at the other. 
Donghae looked back down at his friend and yet another tear escaped his eyes. "I'm sorry I can't make our park date." He whispered. Sungmin took one last breath out.
A/N: ooo! What's gonna happen to Sungmin?!?! :D *gets slapped* Well I tried >:( anyways~ Kyuhyun is missing yet again!!! o3o damn maknae!! ;)
second chapter done!! thanks for reading!
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@elf15vitamin<br />
thanks for reading! :) i will update a couple chapters this weekend <br />
@all<br />
really sorry for not updating as fast as i wanted to but school got it the way ~ i've been sick with headaches and poor diet. hopefully i will get better! hwiting! <3
New reader here! The description immediately attracted me!<br />
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Please update soon, i can't wait to see what happens!!!
I won't get home until late! T-T so late chapter again. Sorry! I will update soon.
@Gladyrass<br />
The next chapter will be really good ^^ I promise!
Gladyrass #5
Wow is it hangeng/hankyung? Yeah, I guess kekekeu..<br />
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Please update soon, I'm so interested!! :)
@NoOtherThanMe<br />
vampires can be good ^^ (edward is a bad influance...) <br />
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@ALL<br />
i am updating tonight ^^ thanks for the love :) although please understand i have school and drama and what not e.e so on weekdays it will be a late update *hugs and kisses* <3
NoOtherThanMe #7
This is interesting, I'm really curious :3<br />
Aww Hae don't say that, not all vampires are bad :(<br />
Poor Hyukkie, just arrived then Hae snapped at him haha, update soon please :D
update soon :3