Victims Of Love

Life and Death

Victims Of Love


Hangeng scoweled at Heechul who was getting up from the floor, pulling a knife out of his neck. "What the hell Hangeng?!" Siwon was looking at Hangeng with a shocked expression.

"Heechul, you have crossed a line." Hangeng said sternly. Heechul looked over at Siwon, worried.

Siwon looked between the two, curious about this meeting and the tension between the them. "Heechul what's going on?" He said, heart hurting a little.

Heechul only looked away, avoiding his gaze. "I don't know..." He stuttered. Hangeng took out another knife only to be shot down by Siwon's hand gesture.

"Hangeng-ssi, please stop that nonsense." Siwon said. Hangeng slowly put his knife away, not breaking eye contact with Heechul.

"Hangeng! I think you should leave~!" Heechul quickly but in, staring at the floor. Hangeng was still staring at him intensely. "Only if you come with me." He replied crossing him arms. "I don't think that would be a good idea." Heechul kept his gaze from the burning eyes of Siwon.

"Hyung..." Siwon began. "What is the meaning of this?" He directed at Heechul. When he didn't get a reply he tried Hangeng. "I'm sorry Hangeng-ssi, but Heechul is my property. You can't just take my property." Hangeng's eyes burrowed into a scowel again.

"Yours? I don't think so! Heechul belongs to me, marks and all. I met him way before you were even a thought. So hand him over." 

Siwon didn't budge. "No, I love Heechul, and he loves me. I don't care if you have such feelings for my lover but WE are together." 

Hangen smirked. "I don't think so Siwon..." With a gust of wind, Hangeng had fled the house and took Heechul with him. 

"Heechul!" Siwon shouted. "What is this?" 





Hangeng slowly interlocked his fingers with his lover's. "Heechul, I think I'll always love you. Even if I out-live you, in the next life we will surly meet again." 

A tall man with long hair, wearing a pink silk robe and rich jewls sat down with Hangeng in a green medow. "Yes my dearest. I shall love you for as long as this body will strive." 

The long-haired man lay his head in Hangeng's lap and closed his eyes, breathing sharply. "I think this shall be my last day in this world." 

Hangeng shook. "No, please don't leave me. I'll turn you. We can be together forever! DON'T GO!" The man only shook his head. 

"No no, I shall die here. And as this day be my last days I will ever live, I shall be content laying in your embrace. I've never been happier." Ironicly, as the man said this, a small tear escaped his closed eyes.

 "I shall see you in your next life, I promise I will wait for you, my lovely Prince."

The man reached up at Hangeng with his last strength. "I am no Prince. I am just your lover. Let me die this way."

Hangeng cried into the Prince's chest as he breathed his last breath. His warm blue eyes turning into a cold dark color. 

"You will always be my first love, my Prince, my Heechul, my beautiful Heechul." Hangeng sat up with this man laying in his lap, sobbing. Sharp fangs petruding from his mouth. "I don't understand this crule world." He stood, bracing the man in his arms. "I swear to you, I SHALL wait for you!"


The moon shone bright on Hangeng as he, wearing all black, stood over a well flowered grave. On the grave stone were lovely white words: Prince Heechul Kim - Died of Hantavirus - Loved by his Kingdom.

"Goodnight Heechul, I'll see you in the morning." 






"Where are you taking me? Do I know you or something?" Hangeng flew threw the streets of Seoul, jumping from building to building. "Do you know me? Ha! Don't you recognize me Heechul dear?" 

Once they were inside a small old building, far from home, Heechul decided to really speak up to his kidnapper. "Look, I don't know you... You're just a pure-blood who I know next to nothing about. So why do you choose me? Why me of all the vampires?"

Hangeng wore a frightened look on his face. "Vampire?" He touched Heechul's skin, it was ice cold. "No... no. I was too hurried to even see! Why must you be a vampire?" He suddenly found that this "Heechul" looked nothing like his Heechul. His face was cold and colorless. Eyes black as the sea at night and his figure was slightly larger than that of his Prince. "But I was so sure that you were him..." Hangeng seemed to be tlaking to himself.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I'm not who you are looking for... but maybe I can help?" Lady Hee rarely showed this side of him to anyone. He somehow felt compelled to reach out to this vampire. This pure-blood that just randomly showed up one day and stole him away from his life. And yet it had only been moments after that, now he is showing this side of himself to this stranger. Yet he feels nothing like a stranger. 

Hangeng sat down on a stool next to Heechul. "I will tell you my tale and in return, all I ask is if you can remember something." Heechul nodded his head. 

"Long ago, a Prince of Ju lived. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life-time. I had been walking the earth for quite some time when my gaze set on him. He had oddly blue colored eyes, he wore only rich silk and fine jewls. He was son of the roal King Yu of that time. His name was such a different kind then what most Koreans where used to. His name was Prince Kim Heechul. He was set to marry a young Princess, she was equally beautiful. They were in love. So much in love that no matter how much I wanted to meet him, I kept my distance because the sight was all too beautiful. One day, Princess Li died of a sickness called Hantavirus. Back then, we did not know how she came to have such a sickness.

The day she died was when I met the Prince for the first time. He looked at me with sad eyes, almost as if watching a waterfall flow with tears that hit rose petals on it's way down. I had brushed his tears away and told him not to  be sad. That there is much death in this life and that there is no time to cry for loved ones we connot win back. He never spoke. He just watched me with curriosity. We began seeing each other at a medow, the medow was usually covered in pinks and reds and what a beautiful sight it was. I would talk to him and he would stare at me to continue my tales of this world. 

One day, Heechul began to talk. We would share little things about ourselves. I knew he had gotten over Princess Li, though she was not forgotten. Soon we began feeling love for one another. He would secretly meet me at different times at differnt days. Though we saw each other almost every day. I told him what I was, he did not seem scared or shocked. He simply hugged me and told me everything was fine.  We carried on for 2 years as secret lovers. Living on and telling each other stories of our journies. 

A day came when Heechul did not meet me, nor did he send a note. I thought maybe he was busy being a Prince, I thought nothing of losing him. Two days past and he had yet to call for me. That is, until one day, Heechul shown up in the medow, where of course I was waiting. He told me of his sickness, and he told me he did not know if he would live. I told him of a pure-bloods powers, to turn him into the undead. I talked of a world where he and I could live forever. He only shook his head and told me that a life like that seemed cold and grey, whereas a world of the living was warm and colorfull. 

Heechul withered away into nothing. He was deathly sick and they day he died, he cried for the first time in 2 years. He told me he had the same sickness as Princess Li. Hantavirus. Yet, my pleads of living on, did nothing to him. He died in my arms that day. That day I swore to him I would meet him in his next life, and here you are. I was sure you were his next life. You seem like him in many ways although you look almost nothing like him. So answer me this, Heechul. What color is the color that shown bright on my face when you first saw me?"

Heechul wiped a tear from his cheek and looked down, remembering the first time he saw him. Just as he was going to say "Grey" a flash of a man, looking down at him came to his mind. The man looked like Hangeng in a lot of ways, though his hair was long and he looked much brighter. 

"Green... I'm certain the color is green." Heechul looked up at Hangeng waiting for his reply.

Hangeng laughed to himself. 'I knew it.' He took Heechul's hand. "My dearest, if you shall ever remember me, you know I will be waiting." He let go of Heechul's delicate fingers. 

Siwon burst through the door, panting and bleeding slightly. "Come on Heechul. I'm here to take you home!" Hangeng only stared back at the theif  of love. 

"We're all victems of love Hangeng-ssi." Heechul said as he stared out the window. 

"What?" Siwon and Hangeng said. 




Things in my life have been complicated! 

I will find time i promise! 

Short chapter, but meaningful! I hope you like it! 

lol smiley face kiss kiss hug <3


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@elf15vitamin<br />
thanks for reading! :) i will update a couple chapters this weekend <br />
@all<br />
really sorry for not updating as fast as i wanted to but school got it the way ~ i've been sick with headaches and poor diet. hopefully i will get better! hwiting! <3
New reader here! The description immediately attracted me!<br />
<br />
Please update soon, i can't wait to see what happens!!!
I won't get home until late! T-T so late chapter again. Sorry! I will update soon.
@Gladyrass<br />
The next chapter will be really good ^^ I promise!
Gladyrass #5
Wow is it hangeng/hankyung? Yeah, I guess kekekeu..<br />
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Please update soon, I'm so interested!! :)
@NoOtherThanMe<br />
vampires can be good ^^ (edward is a bad influance...) <br />
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@ALL<br />
i am updating tonight ^^ thanks for the love :) although please understand i have school and drama and what not e.e so on weekdays it will be a late update *hugs and kisses* <3
NoOtherThanMe #7
This is interesting, I'm really curious :3<br />
Aww Hae don't say that, not all vampires are bad :(<br />
Poor Hyukkie, just arrived then Hae snapped at him haha, update soon please :D
update soon :3