A New Beginning

Life and Death


A New Beginning
Kyuhyun awoke, arms chained to a wall. It was so back in the metal prison that he couldn't see an inch in front of his face. "Hello?" He said, not quite sure what was happening.
"You're pathetic KyuBear!" A man's voice came out from the shadows. "I killed that little bunny of yours. I'm going to make you suffer Cho Kyuhyun!" A slap came straight across his face and he winced, not only at the pain but the surprise.
"Jejoong? What the hell! Get me out!" His voice was slurred but he had a pretty good idea of what was going on by now. His mind slowing waking itself up from it's uncontious state.
"Aw Kyu common! We just started and you already figured it out? You sure are smart... but i'm smarter. And I am going to kill you and all of your other little goodie goodie vampire friends. You see Kyu, only one kind of vampire can exist in this world. Demons! Not some blood packet bastard." The sarcasm was driping off of his tone like thick dark clouds on a rainy day. 
Kyuhyun started to struggle a little but it only ended in more slaps and even burns on his face. He guessed that Jejoong took the precaution that his wounds would heal fast so he kept at it, over and over. Kyuhyun wouldn't budge.
Sungmin's body lay on the cold forest floor, half with a crying Donghae over him. Sungmin's heart beat no more and he didn't even deserve to die. He was just a normal boy who danced at a club. He had never asked to meet Kyuhyun and die the next day. These thoughts raged through Donghae's mind. One thought repeated louder and louder: I HATE VAMPIRES
"Donghae please calm down. Stop crying and move for a second okay?" Hyukjae tried to get Donghae off the dead boy but he wouldn't move. He just sat there for 20 minutes crying. He touched Donghae's shoulder only to get a sharp glare.
"You dumb ing vampires!! If it weren't for you then all of this wouldn't have happened!! An inocent ing boy wouldn't have died!!!" Hae screamed, more tears finding there way down his now red cheeks. 
"Donghae," Ryeowook started, "not all vampires are bad! We are with the good ones!" He told the crying boy in a soft motherly tone. But all efforts failed them. "Good or Bad Ryeowook, it doesn't matter! He ing died because of VAMPIRES!" Donghae yelled at the worried boy.
Hyukjae was starting to get mad, his angry side kicking in. "Hae get the out of the way and put my jacket on! For God's sake you're a mess!" Donghae looked up at him surprised at the reaction he was getting. He quickly got up and took Hyuk's jacket and put it on, wiping his tear struck face. 
Hyukjae knelt near the dead body and placed a hand over the boy's heart. Biting his finger hard enough to draw blood he jammed it into Sungmin's chest. Donghae tried to take a step closer in shock, only to be stopped by Yesung's hand. "He's saving him Hae." 
Hyuk stood, now facing Donghae, whose eyes were reddened and large from shock. "Not all vampires are bad. It's going to be okay." He grabbed Donghae into a tight hug. Donghae wrapped his arms around Hyukjae's neck. He started to sob. His emotions being jacked up from all the trauma.
A few minutes later Donghae started to get suspitious. Sungmin's body still lay there, cold and motionless. "Hyuk! Why isn't he waking up? Did you do all that just for nothing?!" He cried out. Hyukjae only put his arms around the boy once more. "He wont wake up for a few but don't worry, let's just get him back to the house and get you some rest okay? It's been a long day."
Soon all of them were heading back in Yesung's car. Sungmin laying with Donghae in the back. Hyukjae started to eye Donghae's clothing, still not sure why the boy went out in his underclothes. 
Went they reached the house it was starting to get late, Donghae having passed out in the car had to be brought in by Hyukjae and Sungmin was piggy backed in by Yesung. Most of the others had already gone off to find Kyuhyun and bring him back safely. When Hyuk was sure that Donghae would be fine, he and Yesung also went to join the others in the hunt.
Poor little Ryeowook was once again left behind to take care of Donghae and Sungmin. "Uh! Life sure is getting tiering!" He stretched his limbs and sat down at his desk to finish up some work he had left from the morning.
Hyukjae and Yesung arived only shortly after, finding Kyuhyun in an abandoned prison cell. He was beaten and bloody and the only other sign of life was a crouched body in the corner. 
"You!" Siwon started, not knowing that the person he was refering to was his only friend. "Give us back the boy! He has nothing to do with you! We'll give you something in return." He tried to persuade the stranger. 
Jejoong whiped across the room at lightning speed, standing in front of Siwon's face. His eyes grew wide with horror. "Oh Siwonnie but he does!" 
Heechul and Yesung grabbed Kyuhyun, he was barely contious. This went unnoticed by the busy Jejoong.
"Siwonnie! I think i'm going to kill you all! It only fits the plot don't you think. You having killed my group of people. You killed my one and only love. So I'm going to do the same to you!" Jejoong explained himself.
"This isn't right! You shouldn't be doing this! We had all the right to kill those monsters. They were taking innocent lives for no reason!" Siwon dodged a slap to the face. He held tight to Jejoong's hand. "They were vampires!! They needed to feed somehow!" Jejoong cried out, new tears making their way down his face.
"Guys, help me tear him apart." Siwon said, his grip tightening on Jejoong. "You will go along with them my friend. I really loved you brother." Siwon said, a little saddened by the fact that they had to kill their old friend. But nothing could stop it. He had gone rotten and rotten fruit must always be thrown away.
Despite Jejoong's shreaks and stuggles, Hyukjae and Siwon managed to tear his arms and legs off, throwing them into a fresh fire. Hyukjae walked up to the last bit of his former friend. "I wish you hadn't met them." And with those last words he ripped the man's head off and chucked it into the fire.
They soon left the site, not forgetting to pray for the sins their friend had done, thanks to Siwon.
Grabbing Kyuhyun, Siwon and the others raced home to their waiting friends. 
When they arived home, they all gathered in the lobby, Ryeowook had fallen asleep at his desk. Kyuhyun was awake just enough to put power into healing faster. He could barely talk, his voice groggy and sharp. But even so he kept on the same thing.
"Let me see him, where is Sungmin?" Kyuhyun asked, clueless as to what happened to his new lover. 
Siwon only sighed and patted his shoulder. When you have fully healed you can see him. Just wait a little while longer. I don't know if you're ready for this." Kyuhyun's head shot up at this.
"What?! What the hell happened to him? Didn't you save him??" 
No one replied, being hot headed and still young, Kyuhyun gathered all the strength he could to zoome past Siwon and the others to see his Sungmin. He found the door lock and with the last bit of strength knocked the door down. 
What he saw shocked him from all belief. He thought his eyes had betrayed him. 'He's just sleeping Kyuhyun, get ahold of yourself.' He told himself.
He walked over to the boy's body and touched his skin. What used to be hot and pink was now cold and white. There were wounds all over his body. "No,nononono!" Kyuhyun cried out. He caressed Sungmin's cheeks with both his hands. "No wake up! It's going to be okay Bunny just wake up!" He tried, not really comforting the dead boy but himself. Tears welled at the edges of his eyes not even thinking twice before jumping. "Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!" He yelled over again. 
Another boy stirred from the other side of the bed, startled Kyuhyun took a step back. "Wh-Who are you?" He said, wiping the tears in his eyes. Donghae sat up rubbing his eyes of the sleep. "Oh you must be Kyuhyun. Hyukjae has turned Sungmin." Donghae stood up almost as if he were to leave. "Don't worry Kyuhyun-ssi. I cried enogh for him, just wait for him to wake up and be glad he is alive." Donghae walked out of the room not sure why he had comforted the man who had brought this on his friend. In the end he just decided to go with: 'I guess i'm just too nice.'
Back in the bedroom Kyuhyun smiled with relief. His love had been saved. "It really is going to be fine see?" He captured the "sleeping" boy's lips with his. 
Angry red eyes shot open and Sungmin pinned Kyuhyun to a wall. His breathing was rabid and he was growling slightly. Kyuhyun stood there in shock not knowing what to do.
Sungmin's toung flicked onto Kyuhyun's bottom lip. Soon after tasting his lover, Sungmin's red eyes began to glow golden. His eyes gew large as he realized what he was doing and remembered what had happened. "Kyuhyun!" He gasped. 
The two lovers hugged each other tightly in their arms. Kyuhyun pulled back after what had to be minutes.
"Not that I like the idea, but since you ARE a vampire, you're gonna need some blood." Kyuhyun stated. He gained a nod from the other and with their fingers interlaced they headed down for the kitchen.
"Wow, I don't think i've seen so much blood in my life!" Sungmin said as they reached the "Blood" section of the kitchen. It was all organized and refrigerated in the walk in freezer. The freezer was bigger than the living room and lobby combined. The blood was sorted into it's own type, there being plenty of each for the group of vampires living there.
Kyuhyun grabbed his love from behind and kissed his neck. "Well there is quite a few of us here already so, of course we keep it in stock. So lets grab a few and head up to my room kay?" They put a few packets in a bag and brought them upstairs. Kyuhyun smirked half way up knowing just exactly what was going to happen.
When the two entered the room Sungmin had sprawled himself onto the bed, Kyuhyun still smirking buy the door. "Kyuhyun-ah! Why are you standing at the door like that? Come lay with me!" Sungmin did his aegyo. Just before taking his first sip of blood Kyuhyun stole a kiss.
Sungmin put the blood packet to his lips and to his fasination, the blood didn't taste like anything. But for some reason he couldn't get enough of it. Soon his mood began to change. He started to pant and put the blood down, two packets already down. He looked at Kyuhyun with lust in his eyes. If you had been there to witness it all it would have been the craziest thing you ever saw. The two vampires attacked each others mouths with lightning speed and they tossed in the bed rolling over battling each other almost, just as if they were in "fast forward" motion.
Sungmin would have never guessed with Kyuhyun could get any better... he was wrong. It just got 1000 times better.
Hyukjae and Donghae had made their way into the kitchen, ignoring the loud sounds from upstairs. Hyukjae was currently trying to win Donghae's heart with a romantic dinner. "I knwo it's late" Hyuk started, "but I hope you'll eat this. Donghae sat at the table, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out at the candles that sat on the table, now lit. 
"Here." Hyukjae said as he put the plate of seasoned fish in front of Donghae. The other boy comlied and started to eat as he hadn't eaten in a while. Hyukjae only stared at the boy with fasination. "So are you going to turn me like you did Sungmin?" Donghae said swallowing his food. Hyukjae choked on a big of saliva as he said this.
"Hrrmm, uh no." He replied, amatteroffact. "I can't do that. Your blood is special to me Donghae. I could never." Hyukjae got lost in his words thinking of his former human love whom he'd lost over a hundred years ago. 
Donghae sat up straight and put his fingers together to rest his chin on them. "Okay, Hyukjae, this is you trying to win me over correct?" Hyukjae nodded. "Well then fine. I don't really have a choice in this matter but I'm going to take things slowly. I might as well get use to things around here. Hyuk smiled at the boy sitting in front of him.
As the two boys retreated into the living room to meet the others, Donghae having not met them all, they were met with a grumpy Heechul drinking a blood packet, sitting on Siwon like he was his thrown. 
"H-Hyung?" Donghae gasped at the sight in front of him. He would have never guessed Heechul to be a vampire. Heechul stood up, imediatly dropping his packet. "Hae I can explain!" Before he could say anymore to confuse Donghae and make this hell any worse for the boy, Hae darted out of the front door with tears in his eyes. He didn't think his body could take much more shock.
Hyukjae quickly ran after Donghae, not skipping a beat. Heechul was left feeling guilty that their meeting had to go this way. 
"Hae! Wait up!" Hyukjae ran after Donghae, purposly keeping a gap between them. 
"No! Hyuk! I can't take this anymore! I just want to die!" Donghae shouted back. Hyukjae rushed in front of the boy only for him to drop to the ground, rain pouring all over both their bodies. "Listen to me Hae." He knelt down to the boy's eye level. "It'll be okay! I never lie." He carresed one of Donghae's cheeks. "Just stay with me okay?" Donghae just replied with more tears and sobs.
Hyukjae pulled the other up to sit on a bench, ignoring the fact that the rain was heavily pouring on both of them. "No Hyuk, how can all this be?" Donghae looked like he would surely die any second from the shock. 
The only thing Hyukjae could think of, he pulled to other's face closer to where their noses touched. "Things happen for a reason, Hae, just like you being the one for me." He leaned in and his lips slowly met the other's. Donghae replied to the kiss almost a little too egeryly. Lips and tounges danced and fought over domonance, neither one truly winning the control. 
Hyukjae pulled back slowly, opening his eyes to see how Donghae would feel. The other was looking right back with the same expression. "Eunhyuk." Hyukjae looked confused. "What?" Donghae pulled Hyukjae into a hug. "Because you're my jewl." Donghae kissed "Eunhyuk" once more, taking control.
Heechul was sitting in Siwon's lap again, head in his hands, still feeling guilty. Siwon traced circles of concern on his back as he contemplated what he should say the Donghae when he got back.
"I'm such an idiot Wonnie." Heechul said, in total depressed mode. Siwon chuckled.
"You're not an idiot. People made mistakes, and i'm sure he'll forgive you Hyung." Heehul pulled him into a short sweet kiss and hugged his neck close.
From outside the window, a pure blood lurked. He watched as Heechul hugged and kissed Siwon, playfully laughing with the other. He gave out a low growl. He didn't like what they were doing, with a jealous rage his eyes began to glow deep crimson red. 
"Heechul, I swear you will pay for this." The dark pure blood muttered in a language unknown to those in the house. 
Inside Heechul and Siwon were still having their cute little couples moment, if only they knew what was about to come to them. 
"I can't believe you made them pray Siwonnie." Heechul laughed. Siwon frowned and slapped his leg a little. "Hit me some more Siwon-ah." Heechul joked.
Heechul's laughter was cut off when the smell of pure vampire blood filled his senses. His head whipped to the side and the door burst open. A very angry "original" standing before them. "H-Han" Heechul was cut off once again with a knife in his thoat. Siwon's eyes gew large.
Hyukjae and Donghae had long ago retreated to their bedroom, cuddling like two little kids in the sheets, laughing and making jokes. Hyukjae had insisted that only Donghae call him Eunhyuk and that only he could call Donghae "Fishy". Donghae's heart seemed to grow more fond of this vampire. It was like his heart was betraying his mind.
His heart only screamed louder. "STAY WITH HIM, HE'LL PROTECT YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!" 
Donghae had no choice but to follow his heart and when he looked into the other boy's eyes he saw nothing but love and didn't regret a second of it. After giving another quick peck on the lips to Eunhyuk, they soon fell asleep in each other's arms.
I hope you still like it ^^ sorry for a late update but I had drama practice and classes all day e.e if only I could just write all day~~~ 
Thanks for the love <3
**huggs and kisses to you all**
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@elf15vitamin<br />
thanks for reading! :) i will update a couple chapters this weekend <br />
@all<br />
really sorry for not updating as fast as i wanted to but school got it the way ~ i've been sick with headaches and poor diet. hopefully i will get better! hwiting! <3
New reader here! The description immediately attracted me!<br />
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Please update soon, i can't wait to see what happens!!!
I won't get home until late! T-T so late chapter again. Sorry! I will update soon.
@Gladyrass<br />
The next chapter will be really good ^^ I promise!
Gladyrass #5
Wow is it hangeng/hankyung? Yeah, I guess kekekeu..<br />
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Please update soon, I'm so interested!! :)
@NoOtherThanMe<br />
vampires can be good ^^ (edward is a bad influance...) <br />
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@ALL<br />
i am updating tonight ^^ thanks for the love :) although please understand i have school and drama and what not e.e so on weekdays it will be a late update *hugs and kisses* <3
NoOtherThanMe #7
This is interesting, I'm really curious :3<br />
Aww Hae don't say that, not all vampires are bad :(<br />
Poor Hyukkie, just arrived then Hae snapped at him haha, update soon please :D
update soon :3