Violent Hour

Every Cloud

Now!” Yoona yelled, with an exciting tone, but Sehun barely moved. He was freeze by the high. “Come on! Jump!” Yoona yelled again, almost laughing. Sehun closed his eyes, screamed with a really low tone and jumped. Bungee Jumping, that was the great idea Yoona had had to celebrate their second anniversary, and also their birthday. The couple had successfully maintained a secret relationship for two years now. Sehun was turning twenty-one and Yoona thirty-one, something that irritated her cause one of her goals before turning thirty was doing bungee jumping. When they found they could spend the day together, Yoona immediately suggested the activity. Sehun agreed, he wasn’t aware how scared he was going to be once he had the equipment on and notice the high they were about to jump. By then the differences in Sehun and Yoona’s personalities were so tangible, that no one could ever imagine those two were a couple. Sehun was quiet and reserved. He was misunderstood most of the time. Too intelligent with his comments that sometimes he came across as a hideous guy. Yoona, on the other hand, was so easygoing and down to earth that even those who hated her secretly loved her humble personality. Sehun enjoyed drinking tea, reading and resting at home while Yoona was crazy about go carts, gardening and films. They had friendly discussions about everything, the food they were eating, the music they were listening, the songs they were composing, and yet, the feeling that kept them together and was stronger each day was how crazy they were for one another. Sehun felt he had never really lived until he started practically living with Yoona, a person so special to him that he could just relax and be himself. He loved the way Yoona laughed at his silly nerd humor and all the antics he had, almost as if she enjoyed how weird of a person he was, so the initial desire he felt for her was now a mix of desire, patience and love, pure love. “That was absolutely amazing, I felt my heart was going to explode, I didn’t close my eyes. Well ok I did, but only until the end, when I felt I was going to hit the ground, I might have even yelled a bit, like you did when you jumped” Yoona said laughing. Sehun was getting rid of his equipment. “I’m glad you enjoyed, because this is the last time I offer myself as tribute for such an activity” He answered taking a seat in front of her. Yoona smiled harder at his atypical boy. She knew he had an outstanding way to understand things. He was more mature than most people his age. He loved simple things and hated fighting, except when it was fighting with her. Sehun had a calm aura around him that Yoona loved and appreciated. He always held her and in winter, when it was specially cold he would blow warm air into her hands, kissed them and put them inside the pocket of whatever jacket he was wearing. “Come on, you have to admit the feeling is incredible, the bumping blood in the body makes you feel paralyzed…what? ” Yoona asked when she noticed Sehun was looking at her with a bright expression. He stood up while smiling. “Nothing, its just that you are a really ugly woman” He answered Yoona looked at him pissed and walked towards him, ready to punch him when the guy who jumped with them asked “Miss? Do you think you and your little brother could write a review?” The instructor was foreigner, he had no idea who Sehun and Yoona were, but still Yoona didn’t take a chance. She explained they were there to celebrate their birthday and when they guy saw their IDs and looked their ages, he just supposed they were brothers; both tall, thin and gorgeous, that’s why he didn’t miss the chance to flirt with Yoona, who speak English as a native due to her time living in LA. What he didn0’t know was Sehun could perfectly understand their conversation, h dominated English at the age of twelve when he became a fan of Hitchcock, Spielberg, Queen and Michael Jackson. “Maybe I should visit Korea, if all the women are as beautiful as you are” The instructor said helping Yoona with her helmet. Sehun immediately stood up and pushed the guy aside to help Yoona instead. “Well, it seems your brother is very protective over you” The only thing that bothered both Sehun and Yoona about their relationship was Sehun’s age. He hated it even as kid, when his father scolded him for making her mother work after being born eighteen years apart from his oldest brother. With time, Sehun forgot about it, until he started dating Yoona. It was especially difficult when he was nineteen. Yoona once confessed even if they were not idols she wasn’t sure she would openly date a still teenager who happened to be ten years younger. Sehun pretended it was not a big deal, but actions like the bungee instructor made him admit it was hard to compete with all the men around Yoona, especially Donghae. Sehun always thought if Donghae wasn’t interested in Yoona they would probably had become best friends. He just admired Donghae. He was handsome, narcissistic, a bit hideous and still incredibly amazing. People just couldn’t not love him, and that was the primary reason for Sehun’s jealousy. He sometimes wished he could come across as a free soul like Donghae did, but he was never successful. Although he was the most popular idol, and had maintained that title for three years now, he knew people felt uncomfortable around him. He was shy, introverted and overall awkward. “That’s exactly why you are so special” Yoona told him when Sehun confessed his worry. “We tend to overlook our qualities and think of everything that makes us different are weak points, but that awkwardness that you can’t find in other than Oh Sehun is the reason I love you so much” Yoona said kissing his ear. Sehun smiled widely and hugged her waist. “I love you too” He said kissing her cheek.


Their first crisis came four years after being a couple. Sehun was twenty-three years old and still the most valuable idol. His company decided for him to incursion in the acting field, he wasn’t excited. His first role was in a suspense drama as the little brother of a woman who had the ability to see the future after being in an accident where she was supposed to die. Her older sister was going to be played by Oh Hayoung, and the first reading was the first time he met her.


Oh Hayoung was quite a character in the kpop scene. She made her debut when Yoona was in LA and the public, who desperately needed a new idol to adore, ended up falling for her. Hayoung wasn’t the conventional type of beauty but she was undoubtedly beautiful. She came from a small company that arose to fame thanks to her and only her. Everyone around Hayoung treated her as a queen, but she never fell for that. She had a straightforward personality, something that caused her problems more than once. Many people commented on her bad attitude, but even the people that worked with her shared stories about her being one of the most humble people they had worked with. The thing with Hayoung was that she was somehow unapproachable. She didn’t smile easily and hated wasting time, so she ended up saying things sometimes hard to hear, and though she wasn’t the warmest person around, she had her own way to make people feel ease, that was the secret of her success. When she met Sehun they liked each other instantly. Sehun felt he had never connected with anyone as easy as he did with Hayoung. They dropped honorifics right away and they became best friends in set. Every night after filming he came home and shared with Yoona stories of him and Hayoung. Yoona was the first person to be happy for him. She knew Hayoung was as intelligent as Sehun, so it was no surprise how both of them connected right away. She never felt Hayoung was a threat to her relationship with Sehun, and just like Sehun had learned to live with the fact that Yoona was emotionally connected with Donghae and Leteeuk, Yoona understood the emotional ties between Sehun and Hayoung. Yoona learned by Sehun that Hayoung suffered from insomnia and depression. Having debuted alone, Hayoung didn’t have real friends, she felt empty after doing her work, so she overworked herself constantly only to sleep for days when she had the chance to avoid the external world, where she had no real family or friends. Yoona suggested introducing Donghae to Hayoung, just to see if they could find in each other a nice companionship. Those days Donghae was as busy as Yoona. She had never seen him so serious about work, so having a new friend was needed for both. Sehun agreed immediately hoping they would click and he would have to stop worrying about Dongahe and finally start seeing him as a friend.


A month after their conversation the four of them reunited at a pizza place. Donghae had booked the entire restaurant so he could spend dinner with Yoona’s company. To his surprise it was Hayoung who appeared followed by Yoona and Sehun, who confessed, for the first time in four years they were dating. “I knew it. I found out about five months ago. Leeteuk knows it too. We didn’t say anything because we know you are happy and you’ve been happy for four years now and maybe us knowing could ruin that” Donghae coolly said, drinking his beer. Yoona smiled thankful, she realized she had everything she had hoped for years, a great love and great friendship too. “So that’s your secret to keep it together. I was starting to wonder what made you such a special soul, at the end is love, like always” Hayound commented with lost eyes. Yoona noticed Hayoung was a difficult personality. She was super nice to them but she was jut not interested in being friends with them, like if the only person in the room was Sehun and her, Hayoung answered with short answers to the questions Yoona asked her. Donghae didn’t even made the effort. He focused on his meal and completely ignored his arranged date. When Yoona realize the mess, she invited Dongahe to the terrace, so at least Hayoung could speak in peace with Sehun. “Yoong, I don’t like her, and I don’t mean I don’t like her as my date, I don’t like her as a person” Dongae confessed, turning a cigarette. “We just met her. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt. Sehun says she is a great friend and I believe him” Yoona said looking at the sky. “Just be careful ok? I don’t get a good vibe from her and I’m usually right at these things” Yoona waited six months to realize Donghae was right.


Hayoung didn’t mean to be bad. When she first heard about Sehun and Yoona and saw their interactions she felt jealous. Love in a romantic sense was a meaningless word for her. She knew she loved her parents, her job, and his friend Sehun, but she refused to see any of it as the desperate kinfd of love she had read in many books. It was until she saw the way both, Donghae and Sehun looked at Yoona, how careful they were with her, but specially the little force camp that exited between Sehun and Yoona, a place no one could enter because it belong only to them, when she wished she had someone that special. In her continuous talks with Sehun she understood better the so called love, and being a witness of the goodness it had done for Sehun she started to look for a love of her own, however Hayoung soon realized if she was ever going to experiment those feelings it had to be with Sehun. He was the only person she trusted, and the only man who could understand her. She wanted to be looked the same way Yoona was looked but only by Sehun, she wanted Sehun to treat her special but in reality she just wanted to sleep in peace, to eradicate anxiety and to live happily, like Yoona lived because Sehun was on her side. With those thoughts on mind Hayoung slowly cultivated doubts on Sehun’s mind, something she could do easily because she understood human behavior. She would make comments like “I think you are a great person, I mean, I don’t know if I could easily let Yoona travel with Donghae knowing how he feels about her”, “Tell me again, why aren’t you an official couple? because if I love someone I wouldn’t care about my career or anything, I would just tell the world, this is my man”, “It sounds to me you love her more than she loves you, but hey, I don’t know Yoona that well, maybe I’m wrong”.


Yoona noticed subtle changes in Sehun’s attitude. He would turn into fire if she mentioned Donghae by coincidence. The bomb exploded on the Halloween Party of SM, when, as a mere coincidence, Yoona showed up dressed up as Mario and Donghae as Luigi. Because they hadn’t planned it, they laughed when they saw each other, but everyone else mocked them and started to yell for Donghae to kiss Yoona, thinking they had dressed as a couple. Yoona hear the rumor and immediately changed her expression into a serious one seeing how mad Sehun was. She tried to reach Sehun to talk to him, but he refused angry, and unable to control his feelings drank one whisky after another until finally, at the prices ceremony, when the host gave Yoona and Donghae the price as the best couple. Sehun, completely drunk went to the stage before Yoona and Donghae and stole the microphone from the MC. “I came dressed as Oliver Atom. I know this has nothing to do with Mario, but in this universe, in real life I, Oh Sehun love you Im Yoona” Donghae immediately took the microphone as everyone looked at Yoona who looked at Sehun with sad eyes. Sehun got up the next day at EXO’s dorm and the first person he saw was Suho, the leader. “I’m sorry” Sehun said, getting up and taking his jacket ready to go out and look for Yoona. “I understand to a degree what is going on. We all know. We figured a while ago that you were seeing someone, but you are Sehun and of course never shared with us. I never thought it was Yoona sunbaenim though, you are a lucky bastard I must say. I know the contract forbid us from dating, but those contracts will never forbid us to have these feelings, its only natural to fall in love, I just hope you know your priorities” Suho got up and left the room. Sehun threw his jacket and rested his head over the wall. He realized he had messed up. He called Yoona but she didn’t answer. “My priorities” He thought. He closed his eyes and imagined a world where EXO didn’t exist and felt a heavy pain in his chest. Then he imagined a world where Yoona didn’t exist, and he just stopped breathing. He realized it was impossible to live without her, the thought alone was enough to kill him, and so he drove immediately to his apartment. When he arrived he knocked on Yoona’s door. He received no answer. He called her twenty two times without success. Then, after three hours of waiting Yoona finally appeared. It was five in the afternoon when she saw him sit outside her door. Sehun tried to stood up fast, but all the alcohol in his blood made him tumble. Yoona didn’t help him. Instead she opened the door.


“I’m sorry… Yoona, look at me. I’m sorry”


“I don’t know what to do. The way I see it either we break up for good, or we go public. And I know I can’t break up now” Sehun suddenly felt his heart beating so he gave Yoona a back hug that she broke. “No, I am mad. I want you to trust me. It shouldn’t be that hard if you love me” Yoona said crying.


“It’s specially hard because I love you. I trust you, but I don’t trust Dongahe. I know I shouldn’t be this jealous, I hate myself for having this mundane feelings and not being able to control them. I always thought I was alone, but now I know if I’m alone, I’m alone with you and, it might be selfish, but I cant go back to be just me, so please, help me, if I need to change something I will”


Yoona slowly turned around. First she caressed Sehuns face, and then she embraced him. She felt sincerity in Sehun’s words and how regret he was. Sehun buried his face in Yoona’s shoulder. They spent the day in bed. Sehun was sleeping while hugging Yoona. She suddenly got up and called Donghae. “Can we announce inside the company we are dating?” Dongahe gave is approval to Yoona’s request. He hung up and yelled in anger. He felt all his possibilities were now gone. He wanted to cry knowing Yoona was ten steps farther now, but if this was the only thing he could do to make her happy, he was going to do it. For Yoona and Sehun their public relationship meant a fresh beginning. They were happier than ever. Sehun fulfill his promise and found a way to manage his jealousy, he had to admit it helped a lot now that everyone knew Yoona was his girlfriend. Now everyone was jealous of them and how good they were for each other. Sehun lived his happiest time and surprised Yoona on their sixth anniversary with a dog. Yoona jumped out of Joy and named their pet Oka, but three weeks later, she started to feel terrible. Sehun wanted to take her to the hospital but Yoona made him go to work sure she was just having an allergic reaction. Sehun spend the day anxious until he got home. When he opened the door he found Yoona resting on the couch hearing a song from the editors.


“Hello my love. Is everything ok? What did they say?” Sehun asked, kissing Yoona’s forehead. She opened her eyes slowly unsure.


“Sehun, I’m pregnant”

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Chapter 7: So sad... Yoonhun forever
YoonHaeChoding #2
Chapter 7: thanks for the update! this chapter is so sad :( hopefully YoonHun will cross paths again...
I kind of like this, the romance is kind of gradual and subtle :D
Chapter 5: This is amazing!! I love how you let their love grew beautifully rather than making them fell in love for first time and it was all HEA. This is much more realistic. Though Yul is my bae in snsd i kind of understand why you make her personality like this in here. All the best author-nim.. can't wait to read nect chapter.
febbyfd #5
Chapter 5: This is so good. I loved how you describe their relationship. It feels like i'm falling in love with Sehun, too. Please update soon author-nim :)))
Snowyhappy #6
Chapter 4: Hi, update soon, looking forward to the next chapter.
yoonyul-9488_01 #7
Chapter 3: Please update author-nim!
steiyoon #8
Chapter 2: Wow! What a nice beginning of a story! Continue please.....
nyaneon #9
Chapter 1: Such a nice start for the story~ update soon!