Chapter 9


A/N: So sorry this took a while! It was surprisingly longer than I anticipated. I thought about splitting it again, but I really didn't want to delay the inevitable anymore and making the fic much longer than I planned, so I went ahead and continued. 

“They like you.”

Woohyun paused from his doodling on the brown leather notebook as he wrapped his mind around his boyfriend's declaration.

“Come again?” he said into the phone.

On the other line, Sunggyu chuckled in amusement. “My parents like you.”

Woohyun sat up in surprise and giddiness, but he was still skeptical. “Really? Even your Appa?”

“Mmmhmm… He said something about how he can respect a man who is willing to go through hell to defend my honor or something like that. Are you ever going to tell me what you two talked about while I wasn’t there? Minkyu-hyung wouldn’t tell me either.”

Should he tell Sunggyu? Was it even wise?

But, somehow, something in Woohyun felt that the incident should remain a secret between him and Mr. Kim (and Minkyu). It had been a test, it had to be! And besides, it was understandable for Mr. Kim to be worried about Sunggyu, and Woohyun couldn’t blame him. 

Before he left Sunggyu’s house yesterday (and before their little kissing session by the front door), Mrs. Kim had enveloped him in her arms and thanked him for making her son happy. And Mr. Kim had actually clasped his hand without squeezing it to death, accompanied by a firm nod.

“Hyun? Are you still there?”

Sunggyu’s voice broke through Woohyun’s thoughts and he nodded, before realizing Sunggyu couldn’t see him.

“Yes, I’m here. And no, that’s your Appa’s and my little secret.” He could hear Sunggyu scoff, which made him chuckle. “All you have to know is that… I told him exactly how I feel about you… that I’m not giving up on you, no matter what.”

There was a short pause, and Woohyun could only hear his boyfriend’s breathing. And then…

“I like you a lot,” Sunggyu stated.

A smile tugged at his lips. “I like you a lot too,” he replied.

More than like him a lot. Woohyun loved him so much. But, no, he didn’t want to say those 3 important words through the phone. He would find the right timing. After Woohyun’s impulsiveness when he asked him out and then confessed his feelings, Sunggyu deserved a romantic moment.

They chatted for another half hour, Sunggyu animatedly talking about the things he did with his parents that day and how sad he was that they would be going back to Jeonju tomorrow. Woohyun promised to come over and see him the day after.

They said good-bye and hung up just as Sungyeol walked into the living room.

“Ohhh, was that the boyfriend?” the choding asked, settling himself on the sofa next to the vocal.

It was just the two of them in the dorm together that day. Hoya and Dongwoo both went home and were coming back the day before New Year’s Eve, Myungsoo went somewhere to practice his photography, and Sungjong went out with friends.

“Yeah, he spent the day with his parents. He said they liked me.”

“See? You should listen to us more often!”

“I don’t think it was you guys that got them to like me, but I’m feeling generous, so take the credit.”

Sungyeol flashed him a long look, as if he was examining him and trying to read his mind. “You know…” he said, slowly as he tilted his head to the side. “Dongwoo-hyung was right… You’re… brighter, lately...  happier. And nicer too.”

Woohyun glared. “Yah! What do you mean I’m nicer now? Are you saying I was an before?!”

“Pretty much.” He ducked when the vocal threw a cushion at him. “I’m just saying! You’re different these days. You smile more, and not that cheesy smile you send to the Inspirits. Like, actually smiling. It’s all over the fan cafe, the fans like it.” Sungyeol grinned. “I guess this boyfriend of yours is a really good influence, huh?”

At the mention of Sunggyu, Woohyun could not help but smile. It really wasn’t that difficult to want to smile when thinking of Sunggyu. He could see, in his mind’s eye, the older’s cute pout, his tiny eyes, and the way he would say Woohyun’s name with affection.

“There, you’re doing it again!” Sungyeol pointed at his face. “You’re smiling! And at random times too! It’s kinda creepy now.”

“Can’t help it when I have such a good-looking and sweet boyfriend,” Woohyun retorted, smugly.

“Yeah, yeah, we know.” Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “Sheesh, you should just introduce him to your parents and get married already.”

At the mention of his parents, Woohyun visibly stiffened as he felt his body go cold. The stance didn’t go unnoticed by the tall idol. His brows furrowed as he watched Woohyun’s discomfort.

“What? Do you not want to introduce him or something?” he asked, curiously.

Woohyun cleared his throat. “I-It’s not that…”

“Then what?”

The vocal bit his lip, a nervous habit he had picked up from one of the members, probably Sungjong.

“Wait… Don’t tell me…” Sungyeol’s owl-like eyes widened in realization. “You didn’t tell your parents that you were… gay? Or at least that you’re dating a guy?”

Woohyun cleared his throat again. “I didn’t exactly have the time...”

Sungyeol continued to stare at him and sighed. “Are you scared?” he asked, softly.

Woohyun swallowed. “Yes… I’m scared. Afraid. Terrified. I can’t help but wonder… Would they think I was confused? Going through a phase? Disgusting? Maybe it wouldn’t matter that I became an idol, I’d be a failure of a son.”

“You’re not a failure! You’re just loving someone… unconventionally.”

The vocal smiled in appreciation at his friend’s attempt to comfort him. “It’s going to be difficult explaining that the son they thought was ‘normal’ is… different.” He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch. “I really think they’ll like Sunggyu. They’d be pleased to know that he was second in his whole high school class. That he was class representative many times. That he’s… someone they always wished I could have been. Someone studious and clever… grounded. I always had my head up in the clouds. And I hated school.”

For a minute or so, the two idols simply sat in silence, contemplating. For Woohyun, telling his parents was something he was hoping he could avoid for a while. Whereas Sunggyu’s parents knew about his preferences since high school and had come to terms with it, Woohyun had always stuck to the status quo and brought girls home to meet his parents. He had never once considered bringing a boy, who wasn’t just a friend. He didn’t even realize he swung that way until he met someone who stirred his heart and changed his mind: Sunggyu.

“Woohyun, you like Sunggyu-shii, right?” Sungyeol suddenly spoke up.

The vocal’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Of course, I like him! I won’t be dating and risking my career if I didn’t! I…” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I… love him… I love him a lot. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. But, I know… I know that I love him.”

Sungyeol nodded. “Then it shouldn’t matter what your parents think,” the choding stated, looking serious for once. “You’re not committing a sin or a crime, you’re just loving someone. As singers, we always sing about the beauty of love and how much it’s worth fighting for. Shouldn’t we take the message of our own songs and follow our hearts?”

The vocal bit his lip in worry. “What if… they don’t accept me? Me and Sunggyu?”

The choding thought about his answer for a second before replying, “Then you’re going to have to convince them. Convince them that what you and Sunggyu have is the real deal. And they love you, Woohyun. It may be difficult for them to accept at first. But, if they love you, truly love you, they will accept whatever makes you happy.”

Woohyun couldn’t help but stare in awe at Sungyeol, their normally childish and sometimes absent-minded visual spoke some rare wise words. “Wow, when did you get so wise?” he teased with a grin.

The other idol turned red as his face contorted into a displeased frown. “Yah! Don’t forget, I was recruited because of my smart image!”

“And the CEO later realized that it was all a lie!”

“Yah! I’m going to hit you!” Sungyeol shook his fist, threateningly.

Woohyun could only laugh, wiping the tears from his eyes. Sungyeol huffed and got up from the couch and headed for his room.

“Hey, Yeol?”

“What, you ?!”


There was a pause. Then… “No problem.”

Woohyun was left alone in the living room. He fiddled with his phone for a good ten minutes, trying to come up with the best solution. But, in the end, he knew there was no other way but to face this head on. The idol stared at his phone for a long time before finally squaring his shoulders and opening up a text message. Quickly, before he could change his mind and chicken out, he typed:

Hi Umma. Can I come home tomorrow? There’s something I need to talk to you about.

And sent.

Woohyun leaned back on the couch again, sighing. There was no turning back now.




This house was not the house that Boohyun and Woohyun had grown up in. They had moved when he was younger, and all the childhood memories were left in that other home. Yet, he knew that the saying “Home is where the heart is” rings true, especially after the door opened to his mother welcoming him with the brightest smile that she had passed on to him and his brother. He allowed her to envelop him in her arms, savoring the warmth that only a mother could give.

Mrs. Nam wasted no time in preparing cups of tea and they settled themselves at the kitchen table chit-chatting. Woohyun updated her on his work (not that she didn’t already know about it, he was sure she kept up with the fan cafe, but it was always nice telling her himself). She talked about what had been going on at home (not much, really) and his brother (his wife still wasn’t pregnant, and she was getting impatient for grandchildren).

“You’re still coming for New Year’s, right?” she asked him.

Woohyun nodded. “That’s the plan.”

Although Infinite was performing on New Year’s Eve, they were given three days off after, so Woohyun had decided to spend New Year’s Day celebrating with his family since he missed Christmas with them.

“Are you bringing any of your band mates?” his mother continued.

He shook his head. “They all have plans. Myungsoo and Sungjong are going to Sungyeol’s. He invited me too, but I told them I was coming here. And Hoya and Dongwoo were invited to a New Year’s Day special event for young dancers.”

Mrs. Nam clicked her tongue in disapproval. “Even on a holiday, you boys work. You need to rest too.”

“It’s okay, Umma. Those two don’t mind, they like kids, especially Dongwoo. He used to teach so he was actually looking forward to the event.”

“Still…” His mother sounded worried, for she treated all s like her sons too.

All of their parents were like that. Infinite treated each other like brothers, and therefore, their parents treated the members like their own sons.

Mrs. Nam shook her head in resignation and made a promise to pack extra food for them.

“Maybe you should just bring your girlfriend!” his mother teased, eyes crinkling in amusement.

Woohyun knew it was meant to be a joke, a jab because he had not taken anyone home since he debuted.

But he couldn’t contain the blush that spread all over his face. And it did not go unnoticed by his mother. She immediately picked up on his red cheeks, his refusal to meet her eyes, and his sudden interest in his mug of tea.

“Omo, Woohyunnie, do you have a girlfriend?!” she exclaimed, delighted.

Woohyun’s heart was now beating painfully hard against his chest, and unlike when he was with Sunggyu, this was nerve-wracking and actually uncomfortable.

“N-No,” he answered, truthfully.

“Now, now, Woohyunnie, you know you shouldn’t lie to your mother.” Mrs. Nam looked ecstatic now. “Who is she? An idol? Actress? Please don’t tell me you’re dating a fan. I know you love them, but they can be a bit crazy-.”

“Umma,” Woohyun interrupted in a timid voice. “Do I make you proud?”

Mrs. Nam’s eyes widened. “Of course! I’m very proud of you!”

“What about… Appa?”

His mother was supportive from the beginning, but his father had been reluctant when Woohyun announced his dream of becoming a singer. He had come to terms with it just recently and Woohyun… Woohyun didn’t want to disappoint him again.

Mrs. Nam smiled at him, kindly reaching out to pat his cheek. “You know how proud he is of you. You’ve accomplished so much. And you’ve grown into a fine young man.”

Woohyun swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’m afraid that he’ll stop being proud.”

His mother tilted her head to the side. “Now, why would you think that?”

He could brush it off as nothing. In fact, Woohyun wanted nothing more than to just run away, keep his secret a secret for… how long could he keep it a secret?

His memory flashed back to just a few days ago, spending time with Sunggyu and his family, them accepting Woohyun with no questions asked, their love for Sunggyu overflowing. He wanted that more than anything.

How long could he keep Sunggyu a secret?

And the thing was, he didn’t. He didn’t want to keep him a secret, not to his family, not to his loving mother, who had always supported his dream from day one. Surely, she would support his love too.


He must have stayed silent for so long, as his mother was now looking at him in worry.

“Umma.” His voice cracked as he called out to his mother like a child again. “Umma, I don’t want you to hate me.”

His mother looked alarmed now. “Woohyunnie! What are you talking about? I could never hate you, baby!”

And Woohyun… Emotional Woohyun… felt tears b on the corner of his eyes, but he willed them away, choosing to be strong. He had to be. He felt the chain of the lock pendant around his neck and the thought of its matching key gave him strength.

“Umma…” he started, before taking a deep breath. “I don’t have a girlfriend… I have a…”

He swallowed.

“What is it? Woohyun?”

He blurted it out before he lost his nerve. “I have a boyfriend.”

Silence overpowered the kitchen that you could hear a pin drop. The warm atmosphere from before seemed to dissipate, letting in the cold winter chill of the outdoors. Mrs. Nam was looking at her son with something akin to confusion.

Woohyun knew he looked quite pitiful at the moment and he didn’t know whether he should speak or stay silent.

“U-Umma…” he started.

His mother chuckled and ruffled his hair, playfully. “Fine, if you really don’t want to bring your girlfriend yet, you don’t have to.”

Woohyun’s heart dropped to his stomach. He suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe. His chest was tightening and there was a sting in his eyes.

His mother’s playful smile disappeared at his expression. She appeared to examine him, her eyes so similar to his own running all over him, looking for a hint of a joke.

“W-Woohyun?” Her voice shook. “W-Woohyun, what do you mean-.”

“His name is Kim Sunggyu,” he bravely revealed. “I met him a few months ago. And… we’ve been dating for a little over a month now.”

“Kim Sunggyu… Kim Sunggyu… why is that name so familiar?” his mother muttered to herself.

Woohyun swallowed the lump in his throat. “He was in that one show with me a few months back… He’s my fan. But, he’s more than to me now, Umma. I… I really like him… No… I love him… a lot… And I-.”

“But, Woohyun, you’re not gay… right?”

He couldn’t answer, but speaking about Sunggyu gave him a burst of courage and he was able to look up and meet his mother’s eyes… her confused and somewhat fearful eyes.

“Woohyun?” she implored. “You’re not… right?”

Instead of answering her question, he responded with, “Do you hate me, Umma?”

Mrs. Nam looked taken aback. The hand on his cheek fell, hanging limply on her side as she stared with wide eyes at her son.

“W-Woohyun… I… But… How… When…”

He let out a small chuckle that lacked humor. “I don’t know either. I didn’t even know I was like this until… until I met Sunggyu.”

His mother was silent, but Woohyun could see the unshed tears shining in her eyes. He couldn’t read her eyes, and he feared that he was seeing disappointment after all.

“I really think you’ll like him, Umma,” he continued. “He’s smart and clever and really polite. He’s an amazing singer too, really talented. And he’s nice and funny and he gets annoyed by me really easily, but I know he cares so much about me. He’s always reminding me to eat and sleep well, and when I lie about it, he gets angry because he worries about me. And he’s really handsome too, but he gets really embarrassed when I tell him.”

A smile was now gracing his lips as he thought about his older boyfriend. But, his mother continued to remain silent with a thunderstruck look on her face.

“I… I’m sorry for suddenly springing this on you,” Woohyun stated. “But, I just met his parents. I spent Christmas with them. And… I want that for him too. I want you to meet him.”

At that, his mother finally reacted with a gasp. “But… Woohyunnie… This is…”

“It’s not wrong, Umma.”

“But it’s different! You’re an idol, Woohyun! Think of what this could do to your career!”

“It doesn’t change the fact that I want to be with Sunggyu, Umma.”

“I…” His mother looked lost now and he really couldn’t blame her. “Your father… what would your father say?”

Woohyun swallowed the new lump in his throat at the mention of his father. “It doesn’t change anything. I’m not asking for you to accept me as I am immediately. But… I just want the chance to properly introduce Sunggyu to you.”

Mrs. Nam’s brows furrowed. “I… I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she said.

It was like a bucket of cold water poured on Woohyun. He knew it was a bad idea. He shouldn’t have tried to push it. He shouldn’t have hoped that he would be understood.

Resigned, he abruptly stood up, surprising his mother.

“I’m sorry,” he said, bowing 90 degrees to her. “I’m sorry for being a disappointment, Eomeoni.”

He lifted his body to meet his mother’s startled eyes. “But I won’t apologize for loving Sunggyu.”

He stepped forward and pressed a loving kiss to her forehead. “I’ll see myself out,” he said, before bowing for a few seconds and then taking his leave.

He hoped that his mother would call him back. He hoped that she would chase after him.

But, as he reached the end of the block of his neighborhood and he didn’t hear his name, he sighed in resignation. With a somewhat heavy heart, he headed for the main road to hail a taxi back to the dorms.




His mind was blank and foggy at the same time.

All he could feel were the warm breaths against his nose, soft lips perfectly fitting over his, and the hands… Hands were wandering everywhere, from the back of his neck down to his chest, over his arms and then back up to his face. He couldn’t hear anything else except for the heavy breathing, the smacking of wet kisses, and the soft moans. The guitar riffs and somber tunes of Nell sounded soft and distant to his ears.

His own hands were wandering, caressing soft cheeks down to a slim neck, and over a firm chest. He was releasing soft moans of his own against the sweet lips on his.

This was truly heaven. He never wanted it to end.

Too soon for his liking, the lips pulled away from him. Woohyun pouted, but was secretly pleased at Sunggyu’s flushed face and swollen lips as he breathed, heavily.

“We should stop,” the older panted.

Woohyun only pulled him closer with a saucy smirk. “Why?”

He could feel Sunggyu practically melt in his arms. “N-Noona will be home soon. And you’re not allowed in my room anymore.”

Woohyun chuckled in amusement. “Oh, really? But, who pulled me into his room and made out with me on his bed for the last half hour, hmm?” he teased, running his hands over the older’s sweatpants-covered thighs straddling his lap.

Sunggyu turned crimson and Woohyun couldn’t help but laugh as he leaned back against the bed’s headboard.

“You’re too cute, you know that?” he continued to tease, winking flirtatiously at the older. “Besides, jagiya, you’re an adult. You’re allowed to do stuff like this.”

“Did you forget that I live with my sister and this her house?” Sunggyu huffed and tried to get out of his hold.

“Nooooo,” Woohyun whined, tightening his hold around his waist. “Five more minutes?” He stuck his lips out into a pout, flashing his sad puppy eyes. “Please?”

Sighing in resignation, Sunggyu scooted closer and laid his head on top of Woohyun’s shoulder, fingers playing with the lock pendant hangng from the younger's neck. Woohyun’s own fingers were his beanie-covered head. Although Sunggyu’s hair was growing now, he still felt conscious about it, even though Woohyun assured him that the fuzzy hair made him look manly.



Woohyun bit his lip before asking, “Are you happy? With me?”

Sunggyu lifted his head from his shoulder to look him in the eye. “Of course. What kind of silly question is that?”

“Even though I’m… lacking?”

The older furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. His eyes ran over Woohyun’s face, examining him. “Something’s bothering you. Tell me.”

Woohyun hummed, playing with the hem of Sunggyu’s shirt. They haven’t gone beyond kissing and making out just yet, and neither of them were in any hurry. Besides, with Sunggyu’s condition, they would rather not risk anything. Woohyun was satisfied with the fact that Sunggyu agreed to date him, and he could kiss and hug the older as much as he wanted.

“Woohyun, what’s wrong?” Sunggyu prodded.

It was no use hiding anything from the older. He would just keep asking and not getting any answers would make him worried, which would then stress him out, and stress wasn’t good for someone with his condition.

He continued playing with the fabric of the older’s shirt as he answered, “I… told my mom about me… and about us.”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened. “You mean you…”

Woohyun nodded. “Yeah… I came out to her.”

The older was now watching him with concern. “You could have told me you were going to. I could have been there with you.” He sighed. “How did she take it?”

Woohyun stayed silent, refusing to meet his eyes.

That was answer enough for Sunggyu. He leaned in and kissed the younger’s forehead, tenderly. “I’m sorry.”

Woohyun chuckled, humorlessly. “It doesn’t matter. What matters now is that we’re together.” He smiled at the older. And before he could stop himself, he blurted out, “I love you.”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened as his entire face turned red. He could only stare at the younger in shock, and Woohyun wondered if he had moved too soon again, too fast. He had intended to wait, to tell Sunggyu during a romantic moment, not like this, not after telling him about coming out to his mother and possibly getting rejected.

“I… I…” The older trembled in his arms, so Woohyun began to rub his back soothingly.

“You don’t have to say it back right now, hyung,” he reassured the older. “I just needed to say it. I want you to know that whatever happens, I’m happy with you.” He leaned in to peck his nose. “Okay?”

Sunggyu nodded. “Okay.”

“I’m… sorry.”

The older blinked, confused. “For what?”

“That I can’t give you much.” He looked down at the space between then. “That I can’t even take you out in public or hold your hand or kiss you or show you off to people. I almost didn’t even tell my family about you, because I was afraid. And what’s more is that… I can’t even help you with your sickness. I want to make it disappear forever. But I can’t. I want to do so much for you, but I can’t…”

These were the things that had been weighing heavily on Woohyun’s mind lately, these insecurities. He was suddenly feeling the pressure, not from Sunggyu, the older never asked him for much. The pressure was from himself.

Woohyun had never been in love like this before, and he wanted to do so much, he wanted to give Sunggyu everything that he deserved and more. But, he couldn’t. No matter how much he wanted to scream to the world about his relationship to Sunggyu, he couldn’t. No matter how much he wanted to get rid of Sunggyu’s cancer, he couldn’t.

What kind of a boyfriend was he? Sunggyu deserved better.

He felt fingers underneath his chin and his head was lifted to meet the older’s loving eyes.

“You don’t have to do much,” Sunggyu said. “I’m fine. I’m happy that I have the chance to be with you. It may not be a normal relationship, but it’s enough.”

“But, I don’t want this to be just enough,” Woohyun insisted. “I want this to be more. So much more. You deserve better.”

“You’re stubborn, you know that?” Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at him, and under normal circumstances, it would have made Woohyun laugh. “I told you, I’m fine. This is enough. And if you don’t stop with this crap, I’m really leaving.”

The blood drained from Woohyun’s face. “L-Leaving?”

Sunggyu immediately backtracked. “I meant this room, idiot! Noona will be home soon.”

“But, hyung-.”

“Aish!” Sunggyu disentangled himself from Woohyun’s hold and left the room.

It took Woohyun a few seconds to realize what was happening and went after him. He found the older in the living room, sitting at the piano and glaring at the keys.

Taking a deep breath, Woohyun settled in beside him. The older didn’t react, so he placed his fingers on the piano keys and began to play the first notes to “Voice Of My Heart”, Sunggyu’s favorite Infinite ballad.

“The words I wanted to say in front of you, the words I couldn’t say, without the chance to say them, you left me alone in this place,” he sang.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Sunggyu’s lips quirk. When he got to the chorus, the older joined in with him, harmonizing with him and creating one of the most beautiful sounds.

“I call out without sound, I call out remembering you, I try forgetting you, knowing you don’t share my feelings…”

When they finished the chorus, Woohyun stopped and turned to him. “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he said, lips pursed.

Sunggyu remained quiet for a bit before releasing a sigh of resignation. “I guess I can understand why you worry. I… I have worries too. I can’t give you a normal relationship. Why you picked a sick guy to date is still beyond me, Nam Woohyun.”

“Because I love him so much,” the idol replied, scooting closer to wrap an arm around the other. Sunggyu laid his head on his shoulder. “And like Sungyeol said, normal’s overrated anyway.”

This time, the older actually laughed, which put a smile back on Woohyun’s face. Hearing that laugh always reminded him why he was there, why he chose to stay with Sunggyu despite everyone’s doubts and judgments.

“Someday, hyung, when Infinite finally retires and I’ve made a good name for myself in the industry, I’ll be able to come out too. Someday, we’ll be able to go out there and hold hands and I can kiss you in public. Then, I’ll tell all the girls and guys not to look at you because you’re mine.”

He felt the older stiffen in his hold. Sunggyu then lifted his head from his shoulder to look him in the eye.

“You… you mean that?” he asked, his face shocked yet thrilled. “Wait… how do you even know we’ll last that long, hmm?”

Woohyun only chuckled. “I just know because I’m never going to leave you!” He nudged his nose with the older’s, affectionately. “And by that time, maybe South Korea will allow us to marry! But, if not, we’ll go overseas. We can go to America! And maybe honeymoon in Europe and-.”

“Yah! I can’t believe you thought that far ahead already!” Sunggyu began to laugh in delight.

“I even picked out names for babies we’ll adopt! How does Sunwoo and Minah sound to you?”

“Yah!” The older slapped his arm, but he was still laughing.

And he looked so beautiful. Woohyun’s breath hitched and he couldn’t resist. He leaned in and kissed him, silencing the musical laughter and replacing it with a soft sigh of contentment. The kiss was innocent, completely different from their heated kisses from earlier, but no less sweet and still sent fire racing down to Woohyun’s stomach. He never wanted to stop kissing Sunggyu. He never wanted to stop this feeling of love and happiness bubbling inside him whenever he was near the older.

When they broke apart for air, the older was now flushed and Woohyun knew that he was too, judging from the heat in his cheeks.

“You… you really want… a future with me?” Sunggyu asked, voice unsure and hesitant.

Woohyun nodded. “I do… do you?”

The older’s lip trembled as he nodded. “Y-Yes… so much… But… what if-.”

“Shhh…” Woohyun placed his hands on either side of the other’s chubby cheeks. They were warm under his touch. “Let’s not think about the ‘but’s’ and the ‘what if’s’ for now, okay?”

He flashed him a reassuring smile, and the older relaxed and managed to smile back.

“I love you,” he confessed again, pressing his lips to Sunggyu’s forehead.

“I know…” the older replied.

The sound of the gate opening and closing outside stirred them from their moment and Sunggyu pulled away.

“I think noona’s home,” he said, getting up to open the door for his sister.


“Hmmm?” he turned to look at the younger, gazing at him with fondness.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Just… thank you.”

Sunggyu chuckled and winked at him. “You’re so sappy.”

He continued towards the door and Woohyun knew, in his heart, that no matter what happened in the future, he would be ready to face it because he had someone like Kim Sunggyu by his side.




It was the day before New Year’s Eve, during practice for their performance the next night that Woohyun got the text.

They were taking a break and the members were all strewn about the practice room, breathing deeply as they tried to soothe their aching muscles. Woohyun dropped next to his bag to grab his phone. As usual, there was a text from Sunggyu, telling him to work hard but not strain himself during practice. There was also a picture of a bowl of strawberries, his companion for the day since Woohyun couldn’t be there.

He smiled and texted back a greasy response and a selca of his sweaty face. As soon as he sent the message, another one came in... from his mother.

Woohyun-ah, you’re still coming for New Year’s lunch, right? Bring your boyfriend. I spoke to your Appa and hyung already. We’re expecting you both. Love, Umma

His heart wouldn’t stop beating painfully against his chest as he typed back a response: We’ll be there. Thank you, Umma. I love you.




The day was chilly and rather windy, but the sun was shining brightly to make up for the cold atmosphere. The rental car stopped and parked right outside the simple, suburban home, as if the space was saved just for it.

Woohyun killed the engine and moved to take off his seatbelt. He turned to his boyfriend on the passenger seat, who made no indication of moving. His long slender fingers were clutching the seatbelt strapped across his body, his knuckles white from gripping it too tightly.


Sunggyu swallowed, audibly. “Is… Is this how you felt when you met my parents?”

“How do you feel?”

“Like there are a million knots forming in my stomach.”

Woohyun chuckled. “That’s exactly it.” He picked up Sunggyu’s hamster mask from the older’s lap and put it on him. “Don’t worry. It will be okay. I’ll be right next to you the whole time.”

His eyes still looked fearful, but Sunggyu nodded.

Holding the large bottle of soju in one hand and his boyfriend’s hand in the other, Woohyun led them up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Sunggyu’s hand shook in his, so he caressed the top with his thumb to soothe him.

The door opened and they were greeted by his mother. She took one look at Woohyun and engulfed him in a tight hug.

“I’m so happy you’re here,” she said to him, hugging him as if her life depended on it. When she let go, she finally allowed her gaze to fall on the nervous-looking man beside her son, holding his hand. “Kim Sunggyu-shii?”

Sunggyu released Woohyun’s hands, removed his mask, and bowed 90 degrees to Mrs. Nam and greeted her a Happy New Year and thanked her for the invitation.

“Omo, you’re so polite,” she commented, smiling kindly. “Woohyunnie was right.”

The older blushed as he straightened his body again, and to his surprise, Mrs. Nam stepped forward and gave him a short but firm hug. After Woohyun handed her the bottle of soju, the older lady led the two into the house, announcing their arrival in a loud voice.

Seated in the living room watching a soccer game on the T.V. were Mr. Nam and his older brother, Boohyun. They looked up as the three of them entered and Sunggyu froze beside Woohyun. The two men watched them with unreadable expressions as they stood from their places.

Clearing his throat, Woohyun stepped forward and bowed in greeting to his father and brother.

“Good to see you home, son,” his father said, pulling the younger into his arms.

Mr. Nam was rarely affectionate, and Woohyun always savored the rare hugs and acts of skinship. When his father let him go, his brother took over, pulling Woohyun into a headlock.

“Yah! Hyung, let go! You’re embarrassing me!”

“That’s the point, dongsaeng!” Boohyun laughed as his younger brother struggled. “I’m supposed to embarrass you in front of your boyfriend!”

At the word “boyfriend”, Woohyun lost his balance and fell on the floor, bringing his brother down with him.

“Woohyun!” Sunggyu ran forward and crouched down in front of the two brothers. “Are you okay?”

Boohyun looked up and stared into Sunggyu’s face. He tilted his head to the side in contemplation before smiling.

“Omo, you’re cute,” he stated.

Woohyun’s eyes widened while Sunggyu blushed. “Yah, hyung! That’s my boyfriend! You have a wife!”

“It’s just an observation!”

“Observe your wife!”

“How can you date this punk, Sunggyu-shii? He’s too jealous!”

“I’m not jealous!”


Their bickering was interrupted by Mr. Nam, who was still standing and now watching their little exchange with unreadable eyes. Mrs. Nam was right next to him, hand over to cover her laughter.

Reddening in embarrassment, the three men on the floor got up.

“Right. Woohyun, aren’t you going to introduce your… guest?”

The idol flinched at his father’s condescending tone and from the corner of his eye, he could see Sunggyu’s fingers fidgeting in nervousness. He reached out and took one of the older’s hands in his and entwined their fingers.

With a confident smile, he stated, “This is my boyfriend, Kim Sunggyu. Jagiya, this is my Appa. And my weird older brother, Boohyun.”

“Yah, dongsaeng! Show your hyung some respect!”

Woohyun ignored him and watched instead how Sunggyu stepped forward and bowed 90 degrees to his father and another 90 degrees to Boohyun.

“T-Thank you for inviting me into your home.”

Mr. Nam cleared his throat. “Well, Sunggyu-shii, our Woohyunnie asked to introduce you to us. How can we refuse our son? It’s the first time he’s brought anyone home in a long time and we didn’t expect… Well…”

“Yeobo, be nice.” Mrs. Nam nudged her husband with an elbow before she flashed a smile at the couple. “Lunch is almost ready. My daughter-in-law is just finishing up in the kitchen. Woohyun, will you come and help?”

Woohyun hesitated and he looked at Sunggyu. The older nodded at him with a reassuring smile, but he could see the fear in his eyes. As much as he loved and trusted his father and wanted him to get to know his boyfriend better, he also didn’t want to leave Sunggyu with him. He hoped that his mother had filled in his father and brother about Sunggyu’s condition because he really couldn’t afford for the older to stress out at that moment. It would be bad for his health, and he was recovering so well too.

Thankfully, his brother must have noticed the conflicted look on his face since he stepped forward and clasped a hand on Woohyun’s shoulder.

“I’ll be right here to keep your boyfriend company, Hyunnie, don’t worry,” he reassured.

Woohyun flashed him a smile in gratitude before taking Sunggyu’s hand again and squeezing it. “I’ll be back soon,” he said to him before following his mother to the kitchen.

He really wanted to kiss the older to calm him down, but this wasn’t the time or place for it. It might be a bit too much for his parents and his brother to see that, so for today, he would keep his affections down to a minimum. He wanted to make Sunggyu feel as comfortable as possible, and that meant making sure not to make his parents uncomfortable as well.

His sister-in-law Jiyeon was finishing up the Japchae when he entered the kitchen with his mother.

“Hi noona.”

“Woohyunnie!” She turned the stove off and wiped her hands on her apron before stepping forward to envelop him in a hug. “It’s so good to see you. My, have you lost weight? Is your company not feeding you?!”

Woohyun only laughed and shook his head. “We just don’t have time to cook decent meals these days.”

“Which is why we made plenty so you can take some back to the kids too,” his mother said, as she checked the rice.

“Oh, that’s right! Your boyfriend is here! Umma, do you mind if I go meet him?” Jiyeon sounded incredibly excited.

“Yes, yes, go on and rescue the poor boy. Your father-in-law might be torturing him already.”

At the consent given, Jiyeon flitted out of the kitchen. Woohyun could hear her greeting Sunggyu.

“Aish, your father, he’s acting like you’re a girl who brought a boy home for the first time!” his mother said in exasperation as she transferred the Japchae from the pan to a giant plate. “Speaking of, are any of these okay for Sunggyu to eat? He must have a strict diet right? I read up on it. Aish, this kid, he didn’t even tell his Umma if his boyfriend has any allergies! Do you want to embarrass me?”

As his mother rambled on about what she cooked and what she hoped Sunggyu would like, the anxiety he had been feeling since the day he got her text melted away. It appeared that his mother was coming around and so was his brother. His father on the other hand…

“Can you transfer the Samgyetang into the bowl?” Mrs. Nam said, as she scooped rice into little individual bowls. “Careful with the chicken, it might break-.”

She paused when Woohyun wrapped his arms around her neck and tucked his head into her shoulder.

“Thank you, Umma,” he said to her with as much gratitude as he could muster. “This means a lot to me. Thank you. You’ve made me happy.”

Mrs. Nam was silent for a moment before she chuckled and patted his arm. “I know I didn’t react in the most… supportive way when you first told me. But, you are my son and I love you. I may not understand, and I’ll confess to you, your father and I are still… unsure about it. But, one thing is for certain is that we just want you to be happy. And if Sunggyu-shii makes you happy, who are we stop you? Besides, you’re an adult now. You know what you’re doing.”

“Thank you, Umma.”

“Woohyun… all we ask is that you be careful. Your relationship is… different.”

“I know.”

“And what more is that Sunggyu-shii is… delicate.”

Woohyun chuckled. “He’s stronger than he looks.”

“I’m sure he is, but please don’t forget to protect your heart too, baby. He’s… he’s sick and-.”

“I know.” He sighed into his mother’s shoulder. “But I’m not giving up on him. I won’t leave his side. He needs me to remind him to fight and I’ll be around to make sure that he does.”

“Omo, my son is so grown up.” Mrs. Nam sniffled as she patted his arm again before elbowing him away. “Now, stop dawdling and get the food ready! There are hungry men to serve out there! Remember, Woohyun, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

“I already have Sunggyu’s heart.”

“And you’ll lose it if you don’t transfer that Samgyetang into the bowl! Now, move it Nam Woohyun!”




Their time with the Nams flew by fairly quickly. Lunch was an amiable affair, his mother, brother, and sister-in-law doing their best to pull Sunggyu into their conversations. The older’s nerves must have calmed down as he chatted quite amicably with Woohyun’s family. Meanwhile, Woohyun would only observe his father, who remained nonchalant throughout the meal. He didn’t speak a word to Sunggyu the entire time, but answered questions when asked by his wife or sons.

By the time dessert rolled around, Woohyun’s mother was in love with Sunggyu. After all, despite his sick appearance, the older was still quite handsome, and he was polite and a natural charmer as well. He made her laugh with clever quips and jokes. He also spoke of his academic achievements in high school humbly and expressed a desire to go to college when he got better.

“I wanted to be a singer, like Woohyun,” he narrated. “But, I guess, life had something else in store for me.”

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry.” Mrs. Nam sent him a sympathetic look from her spot near the head of the table where her husband sat.

“It’s alright. If it wasn’t for this, I never would have met Woohyun.” He smiled at this boyfriend sitting next to him. “I’ll always be thankful for that.”

At the affectionate words, Woohyun blushed, a rare occurrence since he was always in the habit of making other people blush. Then again, Sunggyu wasn’t like most people.

“Awww, that’s so romantic!” Jiyeon cooed. “I hope Woohyun is taking care of you well.”

“Oh, he does. He’s wonderful. Even before he asked me out, he was always there for me. There’s no one I trust more than I trust Woohyun.”

That declaration warmed Woohyun’s heart. So, of course, he decided to lay on the grease. “Hyung, you’re making me blush.”

“Good, now you know how it feels like.”

“You just admitted that I make you blush,” Woohyun teased and just as he predicted, Sunggyu turned red.

“Aish, why are you acting so greasy in front of your parents?”

Instead of replying, he threw a heart at the older. Across from him, Boohyun groaned in annoyance.

“How can you stand dating him, Sunggyu-shii?!” he complained, crinkling his nose. “I would have punched him by now!”

Sunggyu sighed, but his eyes twinkled when directed at Woohyun. “I still don’t know what I saw in him,” he replied.

“My favorite is L!” Jiyeon piped.

“I’m thinking I should switch my favorite to L too,” Sunggyu said, flashing Woohyun a teasing grin.

“Yah! Noona, don’t give him any ideas! I just managed to get him to stop thinking Myungsoo is handsome!”

“Who said I stopped?”





It was the middle of the afternoon when Woohyun decided that it was time to leave. His family expressed their sadness that he was leaving so soon, but he promised to come visit again as soon as he could get some time off. Sunggyu, as well, was extended an invitation by his mother, and Boohyun made them promise to stop by his restaurant at some point so Sunggyu could taste his cooking (“There’s a reason why I’m the chef of the family,” he stated proudly, before extending a hand for Sunggyu to shake).

To Woohyun’s relief, his father managed to shake Sunggyu’s hand and thanked him for coming, to which Sunggyu responded with gratitude and a 90-degree bow (“He’s so polite!” Woohyun’s mother had whispered in delight into his ear).

When the two finally settled into the car, the bout of anxiety they felt that morning had dissipated.

“So… what did you think?” Woohyun asked, as he put the car in gear and began to maneuver it out of the tight parking spot.

“I like them, they’re nice,” Sunggyu replied, a faint smile on his lips. “I think your Appa doesn’t like me, though.”

“Really? Why not? Did he say something to you while I was in the kitchen?”

The older shook his head. “No, he didn’t really say anything. That’s what makes me worry.”

Sensing his boyfriend’s mood go down, Woohyun pulled over to the side. Lucky for him, there wasn’t anyone out driving that day, as everyone seemed to be indoors, celebrating the New Year’s.

“Hey.” He reached out to take Sunggyu’s hand. “He’ll come around, don’t worry. We showed him how serious we are about each other, so let’s give him some time, okay?”

He received a nod from the other.

“Besides, Umma likes you. And Boohyun-hyung and Jiyeon-noona too! So, Appa will come around, don’t worry.”

Another nod.

“Smile, hyung. Please?”

Sunggyu turned his head to look at him and gifted him with his request. Woohyun returned it as he lifted the older’s hand to his lips and pressed a small kiss against the knuckles.

“You know… it’s still kind of early. Do you want to go on a date?”

A look of surprise crossed the older’s face. “A date?”

Woohyun nodded. “Yeah. We haven’t gone on one in a while, I’ve been really busy.” He flashed the other an apologetic look. “What do you say? We can watch a movie. There’s a theater around here, and I’m sure there wouldn’t be too many people since it’s New Year’s.”

Sunggyu appeared to contemplate for a few seconds before nodding. “Okay, let’s do it.”

Happy at the decision they made, Woohyun drove them to the theater. True to his prediction, there was nobody there, except for the middle-aged woman at the ticket booth and the teenager working the snack bar.

Sunggyu insisted on buying the tickets, so Woohyun bought the snacks. They chose an American animated film. Sunggyu held his hand and fed him popcorn in between scenes.

After the movie, they bought ice cream and drove to the Han River, where Woohyun parked at a deserted spot. The couple then moved to the backseat and ate their ice cream, talking in between and watching as the sun began to set.

Woohyun felt a sense of contentment washing over him. He never thought that a simple thing such as having lunch with his parents or watching a random animated movie or eating ice cream while watching the sunset could feel so special. For the first time in a while, he felt at peace.

He felt Sunggyu lay his head on his shoulder and he instinctively wrapped his arm around him

“I like this date,” the older stated, eyes on the scene before them. “I wish we get to do this more often.”

Woohyun smiled, sadly. “I’m sorry, I’m always too busy to take you out on a proper date. But, I promise to do my best and do it more.”

Sunggyu lifted his head to look at him. Their faces were so close, noses almost touching. The idol could feel the older’s breath against his skin, could see flecks of the sun’s last rays reflected in those warm, brown orbs.

The older watched him with deep, contemplative eyes, as if he was staring right into Woohyun’s soul. He hoped that his own eyes conveyed off of his heart’s feelings without too many words.

Finally, Sunggyu spoke words that Woohyun had been waiting to hear.

“I love you,” he stated, not breaking eye contact. “I love you so much, Woohyun-ah. I’m sorry it took me a while to respond. But, I love you. I really love you.”

Woohyun could cry right there and then, he could already feel the moisture forming in his eyes.

“Yah.” Sunggyu elbowed his side with an irritated look. “I just told you I love you and you don’t even answer me? Aish, fine, just take me home and -.”

He didn’t get to finish the rest of his sentence as Woohyun swooped in and captured his lips with his. The idol kissed him with everything he got, every passionate bone in his body, and every loving feeling he had in his heart were all put into the kiss.

So, when they parted, Sunggyu was out of breath, and the younger took that time to press his forehead against his and whispered, “I love you too. So much.”

Before the older could respond, Woohyun was kissing him again.

The sun disappeared from the horizon and the stars came out to twinkle. The air got colder as the surroundings got darker, but neither of them noticed. They were trapped in their own little world, where it was just the two of them, where their love was beautiful and could last forever.




“Inspirits, are you having fun?!” Dongwoo yelled into the mic.

The crowd went wild with, “Yes!”

“My girlfriends, do you want more?!” Woohyun added.

More screams and a louder, “Yes!” erupted in the auditorium.

“Then we have more! Music, cue!”

The instrumentals for “Destiny” began and Infinite got into position. Their moves were sharp as knives, every step precise and counted. Their voices blended into a powerful harmony that could shake the building they were in. Their fans cheered and chanted for their six idols.

As he fell into the steps, not missing a single cue of his singing parts, Woohyun’s eyes scanned the right side of the audience. Seated on one of the chairs, wearing a familiar hamster mask and an Infinite beanie with his name on it, Sunggyu was enthusiastically waving his Infinite banner. Their eyes met and Woohyun sent a wink in his direction. The fans went wild at that, but the person the wink was meant for could only blush and wave quickly in return.

Infinite was having a fan meeting and Woohyun finally convinced Sunggyu to go and so there he was, with his sister next to him, secretly supporting his idol boyfriend. Woohyun got them two of the most expensive and closest seats towards the front.

When the event ended and the rest of the fans gradually filed out of the auditorium, Sunggyu and Sunghee stayed in their seats, waiting. When the hall was finally empty, they were approached by one of Infinite’s managers, Hyoan, who led them backstage.

Infinite’s managers found out about Woohyun’s relationship purely by accident. The idol had been on the phone with Sunggyu one night, unaware that Hyoan and Geonam were dropping by to surprise them with dinner. Greasy Woohyun was sweet talking his boyfriend on the phone and when he had hung up and he turned around, his managers were already staring at him with hardened eyes, waiting for an explanation.

Woohyun didn’t confess right away, of course. He lied and said he was talking to his cousin. The managers didn’t buy it. Instead, they observed him in the next couple of days, how much he texted, how much he was on the phone, how much he randomly smiled into thin air while a stylist was working on his hair. They knew their idols well and figured it out: Woohyun was in love.

And naturally, he got “the talk” that all idols get when they were suspected of dating (“You have to be careful”, “The fans mustn’t find out,” Keep a low profile”, etc. etc. etc.). They also wanted to know who he was dating, because if it was another idol, then they would have to coordinate with her managers.

With much encouragement and support from s, Woohyun confessed it all, that yes, he was dating, no, it wasn’t an idol, and that he was dating a man because yes, he liked men, or in this case, one man, and no, he wasn’t going to break up with him, no matter what the managers said.

Geonam recognized the name, of course, he was there during the filming of the show. And naturally, they tried to talk Woohyun out of it, but if there was anything Woohyun strongly stood by nowadays, it was his relationship with Sunggyu. It was one of the most precious things to him, and he wasn’t going down without a fight. The managers had no choice but to accept in the end.

Which was why now, Hyoan was leading his idol’s boyfriend to meet with the other.

Backstage was chaotic, as stylists and staff ran around, packing up and making sure that nothing was left behind. In the dressing room that he shared with Dongwoo and Hoya, Woohyun hurriedly got dressed into regular clothes. He paused for a second to look in the mirror and wondered if he should remove his make-up. In the end, he decided to leave it on. He looked y and he would surely make Sunggyu’s heart flutter.

When he was done, he immediately headed for the third dressing room. He had asked Hyoan to take Sunggyu and Sunghee there to wait for him.

Infinite wanted to finally meet Sunggyu, so they offered to take him to dinner (as the leader, Dongwoo was paying). And if any fans or paparazzi happened to capture them with Sunggyu, they were going to be honest and say that Sunggyu was Woohyun’s number one fan whom he met at an MBC show filming… which was already the truth, anyway.

The area outside the dressing room was almost empty, most of the staff’s belongings and equipment were closer towards the other two dressing rooms that Infinite was using.

Woohyun was about to push the door open when his boyfriend’s conversation with his sister caught his attention. He paused outside, not wishing to interrupt, but he also couldn’t help but eavesdrop a bit.

“Wow, dongsaeng, I never thought I’d actually go to one of these,” Sunghee said, in a teasing tone.

 “Thank you for coming with me, Noona. I would go by myself, but Woohyun said it would be safer if I had someone with me, just in case.”

“He worries about you. He’s a good man, Gyu. I’m glad you’re dating him. I haven’t seen you this happy since… well… I don’t know. You haven’t been very happy much in the last couple of years. But with Woohyun, you’re… brighter.”

“I really like him, Noona. He does makes me happy. He makes me feel normal again.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“I never imagined I’d feel this happy again.”

Woohyun couldn’t help the goofy smile that appeared on his lips as he discreetly wiped the small tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. He took a deep, giant breath and released it with a huff, before pushing the door open.

“Jagiyaaa!” he crooned, skipping forward with his arms wide open.

Sunggyu, who was standing by one of the vanity mirrors, looked alarmed at this sudden display of greasiness and tried to run away, but Woohyun was faster and caught him around the waist.

“Woo-,” Sunggyu began, but Woohyun silenced him with a brief but mind blowing kiss.

“I missed you, jagiya!” he said, pouting before turning to Sunghee and bowing his head to her. “Hi, noona.”

Sunghee waved from her spot on one of the leather couches.

Woohyun turned back to a red-faced Sunggyu, who had his eyes focused on the lock necklace around the idol’s neck. Subconsciously, he raised his own hand to touch the matching key around the older’s neck.

“You have the key to my heart,” he said in a low voice that only they could hear.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “You sure you don’t want it back?”

“It’s yours forever.”

The older wrinkled his nose in disgust, but Woohyun could see he was fighting a smile. He leaned in again.

“Woohyun-ah! Is he in there?!”

“Ahhh, I can’t wait to meet Hyung’s boyfriend!”

“I think I saw him earlier! He was in the audience!”

"Oh, he's that guy with the beanie right? He's cute!"

“Hyung?! Are you guys in there?”

The door burst open and in came his band mates. They spotted him immediately and before he knew what was happening, he was shoved aside as the other crowded around his boyfriend and started introducing themselves. Sunggyu looked so overwhelmed at the sudden attention from his favorite idols, so Woohyun tried to interject, but Hoya and Sungyeol blocked his way.

He pouted when Myungsoo introduced himself and Sunggyu said, “Omo, you’re really handsome in person.”

He later found himself sulking on the leather sofa next to an amused Sunghee. They watched as the members asked Sunggyu questions and despite his embarrassment, the older answered them enthusiastically. He was a lot older than all of them, so they were quite excited and were already asking if they could call him ‘hyung.’

“Woohyun-ah,” Sunghee called his attention.

“Yes, noona?” Woohyun briefly turned his head to look at her out of respect and saw her smiling at him.

“Thank you for making our Sunggyu really happy.”

Woohyun returned her smile, his heart warming at her words. “You’re welcome, Noona. And thank you too.”

“Ehh? For what?”

“For writing to MBC. You’re the reason that we met. I can never thank you enough for that, Sunghee-noona. Because of you, I met someone amazing that I want to love for a long time.”

Sunghee couldn’t seem to find the words in response, so she simply nodded at Woohyun, patting him on the shoulder.

And as Woohyun turned back to watch Sunggyu laughing brightly at something Sungyeol said, he knew that this was it.

This was his paradise. He wanted to stay here forever.

A/N: That was quite long, huh? A lot happened in this chapter.

Now, I must warn you. The angst is finally starting in the next chapter. **bows** I'm so sorrry. 

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694 streak #1
Chapter 14: this still makes me cry 😭
Chapter 11: This is so sad yet beautiful. I don't know why I keep on reading this over and over again knowing I am gonna bawl my eyes out. I love this story.
Chapter 9: This is beautiful. I love their love. It is so pure without any expectations. Loved reading this as always
Chapter 8: Loved reading this so much. The love they have for each other is so beautiful
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful yet sad.. I mean I get the longing and feel like the ending won't be happy, but still it makes me happy to read this. Thanks for the update
How did I miss this story of yours?? Can't remember whether I read this or not. Going to read this now.
Chapter 14: It was really nice and heartbreaking
Really good you explain the situation and it had deep thought at some conversation
Chapter 7: Oh how sweet they were
Like it
Simran20 #9
Chapter 14: Rereading it again after a long time. It was so intense.
Chapter 14: Thanks for the alternate ending.
The original one was good though it is a sad.