Chapter 7


A/N: So it looks like this may end up being over 10 chapters... Oh well. I'll do my best, but I probably won't exceed 15 chapters, that's for sure. Anyway, I've been very inspired lately... mostly because this chapter is majorly fluff, so it was easier to write. So... Enjoy!

Three days later, Woohyun was at Incheon airport, sitting on comfortable cushioned seats in the VIP lounge as he stared at his phone... more like glared, but, semantics. Beside him, Sungyeol was lying back on the seat, mouth open as he napped before their flight in about another hour or so. The rest of Infinite were wandering around the airport, buying snacks or shopping in Duty-Free.

Woohyun continued to stare at his phone, biting his lip as his thumb hovered over the screen.

“You know, you can just send a quick text,” said Hoya, as he sank onto the seat beside the main vocal with a bag of triangle kimbap and a bottle of water.

“You think so?” Woohyun asked, unsure. “It won’t be too desperate, right?”

“Desperate is if you call and text non-stop,” the dancer replied, taking out one of the kimbap and handing it to Woohyun. “You barely talked in the last couple of days. I’m sure he’d like to hear from you. Even just once.”

Woohyun started biting his lip again, uncertain. But, finally, he made up his mind and opened up a new text message.

Hi hyung. How have you been? I miss you.

Woohyun stopped then deleted the text.

I know I said I would give you a few days but I

He stopped and deleted the message again. He bit his lip once more, racking his head on what to say.

Hi hyung. I’m going to be in Hong Kong for 3 days for a fan meeting. We’re leaving in an hour. L

Before he could change his mind again, he pressed ‘send’. Trying to calm his racing heart, he leaned back on the seat as he unwrapped the kimbap and took a bite.

It wasn’t even a minute later when his phone buzzed with a reply.

Have a safe flight. Don’t forget to eat. We’ll talk when you get back.

Beside him, Hoya whistled. “Guess that means you two are finally figuring out if you’re gonna date or not?”

“Shut up,” Woohyun hissed as he typed a reply, his heart pounding.

Awww Hyung you do care! I’ll be back soon! ^_^

After he hit ‘send’, the idol leaned back on the seat again, sighing loudly. Hoya patted his shoulder in sympathy.

Surprisingly, when he returned from his date with Sunggyu a few days ago, the rest of Infinite didn’t make such a huge fuss about his date being a man. Maybe Dongwoo had filled them in or they were far more open-minded than Woohyun initially assumed, but otherwise, he had never been so happy and so grateful to have a family like Infinite.

Hoya poked his shoulder and the main vocal turned his head towards him in question.

“If you ask me, I think you two look good together,” he said with a nonchalant look. “And he’d be an idiot not to have you.”

He sounded so awkward that Woohyun’s heart warmed at the thought. He and Hoya were the closest in age and back during trainee days, Woohyun would help him with his vocals in exchange for Hoya helping him with dancing. Woohyun was the type to openly express his feelings whereas Hoya tended to be more reserved, so their conversations were awkward sometimes. Nonetheless, the dancer was a good friend and companion, if you didn’t mind the silence too much.

“Thanks, Hoya,” Woohyun responded, reaching out to ruffle the younger’s hair.

Hoya whined, slapping his hand away and putting on his headphones. On Woohyun’s other side, Sungyeol remained asleep, dead to the rest of the world.

The fan meet in Hong Kong went well. Not much happened on the first day, just the usual rounds of performances, Q&As, games with the fans, and autograph signing and high-touch for the lucky few. Same goes for the second day. The third and last day was the one that stood out the most in Woohyun’s memory.

On that third day, as he was busy signing an album for a cute teenage girl and trying his best to communicate to her in Chinese, he spied a male fan in the line. Now, there were a couple of male fans during the fan meet, but none had been lucky to have been picked for the autograph-signing and high touch… until now.

Woohyun was the 5th member in their set-up with Myungsoo as the last. As the fans moved along the line, he kept his eye on the male fan, wondering whose fan he is out of the six of them.

When the male fan reached him, Woohyun flashed his usual bright smile and said “Hello” in Chinese. To his surprise, the male fan blushed a deep red as he bowed deeply, handing his album and a gift bag to Woohyun with shaking hands and not meeting his eyes.

It was adorable.

He thanked the fan as he opened the gift bag, revealing packs of healthy snacks – so the fan knew about his obsession with health. As he went through the album looking for the page with his photo, he asked the fan who his favorite Infinite member was.

“U-Um… Y-You…” the fan stuttered out.

A year ago, Woohyun would have been terribly uncomfortable and awkward. But all that has changed. Now, he looked at the fan, smiling brightly at him, causing the other to blush an even deeper shade of red. He was young, probably around eighteen, and wore thick-rimmed rectangular glasses.

“Really? Ahhh, thank you!” Woohyun said, finding a page with his photo, signing it, and drawing a cute bunny in the corner.

He handed the signed album back to the fan who took it with a grateful bow. The kid seemed to hesitate. Woohyun noticed earlier that he didn’t shake hands with the other members, only high-fived them.

With a grin, the idol held out both his hands, as he usually did with female fans. The male fan looked surprised as he looked at Woohyun with a questioning look. The idol nodded in encouragement and that was all the male fan needed before putting the album down on the table and linking his hands with Woohyun’s. He even started to cry a little so Woohyun did a little shake with their clasped hands before letting go and reaching out to ruffle the fan’s hair and wipe the tears away.

“Thank you for your support!” he said.

The male fan’s smile was wide and bright as he bowed and thanked Woohyun over and over again until it was time for him to move to Myungsoo.

The trending topic in Infinite’s fan café and the Kpop community that day was #WoohyunsFanboy. Everyone shared fan-captured photos and videos of Woohyun linking hands with his fan, ruffling his hair, and wiping away the tears.


It had taken a few days after their Hong Kong fan meeting, but after one radio interview and a magazine photo shoot in the morning to noon, Infinite was finally let loose in the afternoon so they could take a break before the next day’s scheduled fan meeting in Daegu.

So, of course, it had Woohyun texting Sunggyu a “Can I come over later?” and was given the “Okay” by the older.

After going back to the dorm, showering, and changing clothes, Woohyun bid his band mates good bye and took a taxi to the Kims’. Standing at the gate, he looked down at his phone where there was a text from Sunggyu.

I left the gate open for you. Just knock when you’re here.

Woohyun pushed the gate open and, sure enough, it allowed him in. He made sure to lock it before walking up the path to the front door. He couldn’t help but remember that the last time he walked down this path, he was following Sunggyu and asking him to think about dating him.

Was Sunggyu going to answer him today?

He was nervous. He had a gut feeling that Sunggyu liked him back, but there was also a possibility that Woohyun might have read too deep into the older’s fondness for him.

He stopped outside the door and took a deep breath to try to calm himself. It was no use turning back now. He dove into this head first, and he would see it through to the end, whether that meant he ended up with a boyfriend or a broken heart.

Lifting a shaking fist, he knocked on the door. “Sunggyu-hyung,” he called out. “It’s me.”

It took a minute or so, but the door finally opened and Sunggyu’s face popped out.

Woohyun immediately smiled, even though Sunggyu couldn’t see it because of his mask, but he hoped it showed in his eyes.

“Hi, hyung,” he said.

Sunggyu’s face held an unreadable expression as he nodded his head in greeting. “Come on in,” he said, opening the door wider to let the idol in.

Woohyun entered and when the door finally closed, he removed his mask.

“Did you eat?” Sunggyu asked him. “Noona left some food out. We can eat together.”

Woohyun’s brows furrowed in worry. “You didn’t eat yet, hyung?! It’s almost 3! Wait… are you feeling bad? Do you feel like throwing up? I thought your appetite was back! Should I call-.”

“Woohyun-ah, I’m fine.” Sunggyu shook his head before heading to the kitchen. “You worry too much. You and noona.”

Woohyun followed him. “But, why didn’t you eat?! Of course, I would worry!”

Sunggyu paused from uncovering the food on the table and blushed. “Um… I was waiting for you.”

There was a silent pause as the words registered in Woohyun’s mind.

Sunggyu didn’t eat… because he was waiting for him?

That made the idol grin, widely. “Hyung is so sweet!” He moved forward and wrapped his arms around the older’s waist.

Sunggyu let out a squeak. They stayed like that for a breath or two until Sunggyu cleared his throat as he tried to pry Woohyun’s arms off his waist. “U-Um… Come on, you idiot. Let’s eat before the food gets cold.”


When the two finished lunch, they settled on the couch in the living room, watching reruns of “Running Man” on T.V. They were going to be alone for a few hours. Minkyu was at work and it turned out that Sunghee was hired for a substitute teaching job at an elementary school for a couple of weeks, while a teacher was out on her honeymoon.

The two young men had the whole house to themselves.

Woohyun wasn’t really paying attention to the show, his mind on the quiet man next to him. They were side-to-side, only a few inches apart. If Woohyun really wanted to (and he did, actually), he could just stretch his elbow out a little and touch Sunggyu (but he didn’t, out of respect for the older, whose answer to his confession was still unknown).

“Um… So… What were you up to while I was gone?” Woohyun decided to ask.

“Hmm? I just… watched a lot of T.V… and movies,” Sunggyu answered.

“Sounds… fun…”

Sunggyu twiddled his fingers. “Um… How was Hong Kong?”

Woohyun brightened. “It was great! The food was great! And the fans were nice!”

At the mention of fans, Sunggyu pursed his lips. “Really?”

“Yeah, they were so sweet! They gave me a lot of gifts! Most of them were snacks. Omo, I should have brought you some! Next time, I visit, okay?”

“Hmm… Okay.” Sunggyu paused as if contemplating and continued, “I heard about the fanboy. You two looked cozy. You held his hand and everything.”

Was that Woohyun’s imagination or did Sunggyu sound… jealous?

The idol internally grinned and decided to a bit. “Yeah? He was so nice! He really knew what I liked when it came to snacks. He told me I was his favorite!”

Sunggyu let out what sounded like a scoff and Woohyun would have missed it if he wasn’t paying attention. “Really now?”

Woohyun continued on, pleasantly. “He was kinda cute too, little button nose and chubby cheeks. They looked squishy.”

“Oh, really, now?”

The older’s tone sounded annoyed now. And was that still Woohyun’s imagination or did Sunggyu actually puff out his cheeks?

This was way too cute and the idol wasn’t sure if his heart could handle any more of it!

He reached out and poked one of Sunggyu’s cheeks. “But… you’re cuter.”

Then, he winked, saucily, causing the entire pale face of Sunggyu to turn red.

“S-Stop that,” the older stuttered.

“Hmmm? Stop what?” Woohyun pouted his lips a little as he tilted his head to side, releasing all of the aegyo he possessed full-force.

Sunggyu pointed at his face. “That… that face.”

“What about my face?”

Sunggyu bit his lip, nervously. “That face that makes my heart beat really fast,” he admitted in a low voice.

Woohyun’s ears perked at that. If the older’s heart was beating fast, it meant that Woohyun was making him nervous… or excited… maybe both?

“Hmm… I can’t really help it if my face is handsome, hyung,” the younger answered, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows.

At that, Sunggyu had no answer. Instead, he turned away and stared at his hands on his lap, twiddling his fingers. His brows were furrowed deep in concentration and it made Woohyun wonder what he was thinking so deeply about.

“I wrote a song while you were gone,” Sunggyu finally said, looking up at Woohyun. “D-Do… Do you want to hear?”

Woohyun’s eyes widened in surprise at that, but nodded. He knew that Sunggyu had wanted to be a musician before he got sick, so he had written songs. But, he had also told the idol that after his first relapse, he fell into such a deep depression that he hadn’t written any since then. So, this was quite a surprise, but Woohyun was excited to hear it.

Sunggyu turned the T.V. off and got up from the couch. He headed for the piano and Woohyun followed him. The two settled into the bench and it was only now that the idol noticed the folded up music sheet against it.

Sunggyu seemed to hesitate before lifting his hands to rest on the keys.

“Um… it’s short… and probably not that good,” he stated.

Woohyun nodded anyway, smiling in encouragement. Sunggyu swallowed, nervously, before finally pressing his slender fingers on the keys and starting to play.

The intro melody was beautiful, like rainwater falling on the pavement, was how Woohyun would describe it.

But, when Sunggyu started singing, it turned into a beautiful rainstorm…

If I had just one miraculous moment

It’s probably the day I first met you

Sunggyu had never sung in front of Woohyun before. Sunghee once told the idol that Sunggyu had a beautiful, unique voice. And he was hearing it for the first time and he wanted to cry.

If there was a hell-like moment that I want to forget

It’s probably when I let you go

Woohyun couldn’t stop the shivers running through his body as he listened to Sunggyu. It made the hairs on his arm stand on end, forming goosebumps on his skin.

I can’t do anything

Because all of my air is filled up with you

Even if I slightly move

I bump into you

Sunggyu wasn’t even reading from the music sheet in front of him anymore. He was singing and playing purely from the heart.

I need to empty you out little by little

Yes, I need to erase you

I bite my lips and tell myself

But I can’t even start

He suddenly stopped and Woohyun wanted to beg him to keep going, to keep singing with that beautiful voice. Woohyun had never heard such a sweet flowing voice in his entire life. Maybe he was biased because of his feelings, but now that he heard it, he knew he would never get enough of Sunggyu’s singing voice.

Sunggyu turned to him, lips pursed. “I haven’t really gotten very far with it,” he said, a bit nervously. “But… when I wrote it, I thought about… what you said to me…. Last time…”

Woohyun’s breath caught in his throat as he realized that this was it… Sunggyu was finally going to answer him.

That song was Sunggyu’s answer… but, did he interpret it in the way that Sunggyu wanted to relay?

“And I talked to noona too,” Sunggyu continued, unaware of Woohyun’s inner turmoil. “And she told me that it was no use denying feelings that are already there. They would just eat me up and in the end… I might regret it. And so I thought about it… that if I were to leave this world sometime soon, I don’t want to leave it with regrets.”

Woohyun’s heart was now beating painfully hard against his chest, and he could barely breathe.

Sunggyu flashed him a soft smile. “I like you too, you know. A lot. I guess dating you wouldn’t be so bad.”

And there it was. The answer. The answer that Woohyun so wanted and was hoping to hear.

He could barely register what he was doing but before he knew it, he was moving forward to wrap Sunggyu in a tight hug. It took a second or so before he felt him return the hug just as tightly, tucking his chin on the idol’s shoulder.

Woohyun was vibrating, his heart, mind, and soul full of nothing but warmth, happiness, and relief at finally having the older in his arms… as his. Sunggyu was his now… Kim Sunggyu was his boyfriend!

His eyes began to water and he let out an involuntary sniffle.

In his arms, Sunggyu chuckled. “Are you crying, Woohyun-ah?”

“N-No,” Woohyun denied, despite the traitor tears running down his cheeks.

Sunggyu tried to pull away but Woohyun held him tighter. “Thank you, hyung,” he whispered, burying his nose into the older’s neck, inhaling his scent – strawberries and a faint scent of mint.

He felt Sunggyu shiver in his hold. Finally, Woohyun let him go, but kept him close so he could examine his face closely.

Sunggyu’s cheeks were red, and he was smiling, almost shyly at Woohyun.

“Yah… you were crying,” the older teased, lifting a hand to wipe the offending drops from the idol’s face. “Did my answer really make you that happy?”

Woohyun nodded vigorously, his smile wide that his cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. “You have no idea how happy I am,” he said, placing his hands against Sunggyu’s cheeks. “You made me so very, very, very, very happy, Kim Sunggyu.”

“That’s a lot of very’s.”

“And it’s all true.”

Sunggyu pursed his lips. “So… I guess… We’re in a secret relationship now?”

The idol nodded, happily. “Yes, we are.”

“Are you… going to tell Infinite?” Sunggyu asked in a worried tone.

“Don’t worry, they already know about you and how I feel about you. They’re supportive.”

Sunggyu grinned. “Even Myungsoo?” he teased.

And Woohyun scrunched up his nose. “Yah! Stop talking about another man when you have me now!”

The older chuckled and nodded. “Okay, okay.” Another worried look flashed across his face. “I can’t promise you that I’ll be a good boyfriend. I’ve only had one serious relationship back in high school and I haven’t had one since. But, I’ll do my best to make you happy. So… be patient with me, okay?”

Woohyun nodded, ecstatic no matter what. “And I’ll try to be a good boyfriend too.” He took the older’s hands in his and feeling brave, he pressed a kiss to the knuckles. “I’ll do everything I can to make you happy too, Sunggyu.”

Sunggyu smiled and nodded, as he blushed slightly at the gesture. He bit his lip again, nervously and Woohyun’s eyes were drawn to them.

Sunggyu’s lips were not as plump as his own, but they held a natural pout that made the older look cute and handsome at the same time. Right now, they were pale, but whenever Sunggyu was munching on strawberries, they were pink and luscious.

Woohyun often wondered how they would taste like.

Sunggyu placed his hands against the younger’s chest and pushed him back. “Yah… what are you doing?”

To Woohyun’s surprise (but not really), he had started leaning towards the older while he was contemplating about his lips… his beautiful… luscious… naturally pouty lips…

Sunggyu pushed against his chest again. “Yah, Nam Woohyun, slow down! We’ve only been dating for 5 minutes!”

At that, Woohyun pouted. “But I want to kiss you,” he whined, shamelessly. “Can you give me a kiss, then?”

He puckered his lips, hoping to persuade the older, but Sunggyu only laughed and covered his mouth with a hand to push his face away gently. He affectionately patted the younger’s cheek with that same hand, and the simple gesture caused butterflies to flutter in Woohyun’s stomach.

“Earn it first,” Sunggyu stated with a mischievous smirk, before getting up from the piano to go back to sitting in front of the T.V.

The idol accepted the challenge.


The next couple of days and weeks were heaven for Woohyun. He and Sunggyu spoke every day, whether it was through texting or phone calls. Whenever he had a day off or had a morning, afternoon, or evening free of schedules, he would visit the other. Sometimes, they went out to a movie or a quiet dinner date. But, most of the time, they stayed in the safety of the Kims’ home, away from the prying eyes of the public.

They watched movies and dramas, listened to music together, and even started playing the piano together while attempting to write songs. Sometimes, they would just talk, exchanging stories about their lives or whatever exciting happened to them that day (though it was mostly Woohyun who talked more about these exciting things, as the Idol World never ran out of drama or antics. But, sometimes, Sunggyu would reveal parts of the Fandom World to the idol that he never paid attention to before. And apparently, Sunggyu had shipped him with Myungsoo! What even?! Myungsoo wasn’t even his type!)

The things they did were simple… ordinary. But, to Woohyun, doing them never felt so fun and exciting before, because he had Sunggyu by his side, finally.

And Infinite did not hold back in their teasing of the main vocal. They often kept annoying Woohyun whenever he was on the phone with Sunggyu, whining and asking him when they were going to meet his boyfriend.

(“Never, if I had a say in it,” he would answer then glare at an innocent Myungsoo. “Especially you!”

“What did I do?!” the visual would complain.)

Although they still acted the way they did when they were just friends (Woohyun being overly greasy and Sunggyu nagging him), there was something different now. It was the knowledge of being with each other that made their interactions more endearing… more special.

Their first kiss didn’t happen until a week and a half into dating.

Per Sunggyu’s challenge, Woohyun worked hard to earn that kiss. He wasn’t exactly sure if he was doing it correctly, and it made him frustrated at times (he just wanted to kiss his boyfriend, damnit!). But, he knew it would all be worth it in the end.

And it was.

It happened on a day when Infinite had a T.V. performance on a music show one night, but were given the morning and most of the afternoon free to rest up. They didn’t return home from dance practice until 1am the night before, so they were all quite exhausted and needed the rest.

Despite the fact that he was still so very tired and sleepy and Sunggyu would definitely have his head, Woohyun woke up at 6am to get ready. He left a text for Dongwoo to let him know where he was going and a promise that he would be back by 4pm to get ready for the performance. Hailing a taxi, he headed for the Kims’.

When he arrived, it was just a little after 8am, since he had stopped by a grocery store on the way. Minkyu was still home, about to leave for work and Sunghee had already left early that morning for her classes.

“Gyu is still sleeping, but the kitchen’s ready for you,” the older man informed him.

The idol thanked him and Minkyu took his leave.

First things first, Woohyun left the ingredients he brought in the kitchen before heading to Sunggyu’s bedroom.

He peeked in to see the older still slumbering peacefully, cutely hugging his Hamtaro plushie. His head was bare of the Infinite beanie he always wore, and Woohyun could see thin patches of hair starting to grow. Woohyun liked to rub the fuzzy head sometimes, to Sunggyu’s dismay.

The idol smiled and decided not to wake him, so he returned to the kitchen to start cooking.

It was no secret that Woohyun was the most talented chef in Infinite (no matter how much the rest of the band denied it). He didn’t have much opportunity to cook for the other guys these days, due to their busy schedules. But, now that he was dating Sunggyu, he wanted to cook for him, at least once. He always wanted to cook for the person he loves, and here was an opportunity to do so.

Luckily, Sunghee liked him enough to trust him with her kitchen.

So, there he was that one chilly morning, wearing Sunghee’s pink apron, and humming to himself while making omelets and kimchi fried rice – his specialties. The delicious smell wafted throughout the house and Woohyun was proud of his creations.

He was so concentrated on his task that he wasn’t aware of another presence in the kitchen until he felt tentative arms wrap around his waist, a nose poking at his back.

Grinning and pausing from frying, he slowly turned his head to see his sleepy boyfriend, burying his face on Woohyun’s back.

“Good morning, jagiya!” he greeted, patting one of the hands entwined in front of him.

Sunggyu mumbled a soft, muffled, “Morning”, before lifting his head from Woohyun’s back. “You’re here early.”

“Because I was too excited to see you,” the younger replied, resuming his task of frying the rice and kimchi. “I wanted to make you breakfast.”

He pointed at the already made omelet topped with ketchup in a heart shape.

Sunggyu furrowed his brows at the omelet in disbelief. “A heart? Really?”

Woohyun chuckled as he continued to fry. “Only the sweetest for my sweetheart.”

“Ugh, stop. It’s too early for your grease.” Sunggyu buried his cheek against his younger boyfriend’s back, his arms refusing to move from their spot around his waist.

If there was anything else that Woohyun found out about Sunggyu as a boyfriend was that he was sweet, but also demanding. He liked being spoiled, but also loved to spoil.

The idol turned the stove off before turning around in Sunggyu’s arms, his hands going up to his chubby cheeks.

“Aigoo, my boyfriend is so cute when he’s just woken up,” he cooed, smooshing the cheeks, gently.

He could never get tired of that. He could never get tired of calling Sunggyu his boyfriend. He only wished he could reveal that fact to the world too. But, for now, he was going to enjoy little moments like this.

Sunggyu pouted at him. “How much did you sleep?” he asked, seriously.

And his boyfriend was as naggy as ever. Woohyun loved it.

The idol shrugged, moving his hands from the older’s cheeks down to his shoulders. “Enough,” he stated, simply.

Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at him. “Don’t lie to me. I can see the dark circles under your eyes.” He sighed. “Woohyun, I know we don’t see each other very much, but you have to take care of yourself more! You shouldn’t compromise your health just to see me all the time. I can wait for you. I want you to be healthy, idiot.”

Sunggyu’s tone was naggy, but the worry in his eyes showed how serious he was. He really cared about Woohyun and it truly warmed the idol’s heart. How did he get so lucky to have such a cute and caring boyfriend who had the most adorable glare?

“Thank you for caring so much about me,” Woohyun replied, smiling in adoration at the older. “I’m sorry I made you worry. I just want more time with you, but I can’t because we’re so busy. But, no matter how little the time, be it an hour, a minute, a second, I want to be able to spend it with you, Sunggyu-hyung.”

It pleased him to see Sunggyu’s pale cheeks turn a rosy-red color and a smile playing on his lips at Woohyun’s declaration. Sunggyu blushed so easily these days and smiled just as easily.

“You’re too greasy,” Sunggyu stated, his fingers playing with the edge of Woohyun’s apron.

“Awww, come on, you know you like it.” The younger winked at him.

Sunggyu stared at his face for a moment, tilting his head to the side in contemplation. Their eyes met and for a brief moment, something flashed in those tiny but gorgeous brown eyes. And that was when it finally happened.

Woohyun got the shock of his life when the older leaned in and lightly pressed his lips to his.

The kiss was chaste and quick, only a few seconds, but it tasted sweet and was already addicting. It spread heat and tingles all over his body, he could practically feel himself turning into a tomato. Woohyun could only stand there, eyes wide in shock, the tingling on his lips the only indication that it actually happened.

Sunggyu had kissed him! Their first kiss!

The older noticed his look of shock and cleared his throat before stepping out of Woohyun’s arms. The younger was still too stunned and weak-willed to pull him back and kiss him senseless.

“I’m going to go brush my teeth,” Sunggyu stated, already leaving the kitchen.

Woohyun broke from his trance and he tried to call out to the older and follow him. “Yah! Kim Sunggyu! You can’t just walk away like that! Get back in here and let me kiss you back! Yah!”

But, it was too late. Sunggyu had already rushed to the bathroom, locking the door behind him, leaving a frustrated Woohyun grumbling and returning to the kitchen to finish cooking.

But, it turned out alright though because after breakfast, they spent the entire morning watching re-runs of variety shows and exchanging kisses every couple of minutes. They discovered that they really, really, really liked kissing each other. 

Sunggyu blushed so much that day and Woohyun could not stop smiling. They may have only exchanged little pecks and Eskimo kisses, but it was the closest they’ve felt since they started dating.

Before Woohyun left that afternoon to go back to the dorms, Sunggyu asked him a very important question that the idol knew would change the course of their relationship.

“Are you going home for Christmas?” Sunggyu asked.

“Hmmm... Infinite is performing at a Christmas Eve live broadcast special so I’ll probably spend it at the dorms,” he answered. “Why?”

Sunggyu bit his lip, nervously. “My parents are coming from Jeonju and… they want to meet you.”

A/N: And the ball is rolling! For the song of this chapter, I used Sunggyu's "Alive" from his "27" album, which is honestly, one of my absolute favorites in the album. The intro really does remind me of falling rainwater, so sweet and mellow and then it picks up towards the middle into this giant storm of emotions... Okay, I'm done being weird now.

Anyway... What do you guys think? Will Woohyun survive meeting Mr. and Mrs. Kim? 

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701 streak #1
Chapter 14: this still makes me cry 😭
Chapter 11: This is so sad yet beautiful. I don't know why I keep on reading this over and over again knowing I am gonna bawl my eyes out. I love this story.
Chapter 9: This is beautiful. I love their love. It is so pure without any expectations. Loved reading this as always
Chapter 8: Loved reading this so much. The love they have for each other is so beautiful
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful yet sad.. I mean I get the longing and feel like the ending won't be happy, but still it makes me happy to read this. Thanks for the update
How did I miss this story of yours?? Can't remember whether I read this or not. Going to read this now.
Chapter 14: It was really nice and heartbreaking
Really good you explain the situation and it had deep thought at some conversation
Chapter 7: Oh how sweet they were
Like it
Simran20 #9
Chapter 14: Rereading it again after a long time. It was so intense.
Chapter 14: Thanks for the alternate ending.
The original one was good though it is a sad.