Chapter 6


A/N: It's finally here! Woohyun and Sunggyu's first date and I'm so excited to share it!!! Also, just in case you missed it, please go back to read Chapter 5, because I made a mistake and posted an incomplete chapter. I don't want you guys to miss out on some cute WooGyu fluffy goodness as well as a turning point of their relationship. But, if you don't feel up to it, that's okay too. Anyway, enjoy WooGyu's first date!

It took another week or so for Woohyun to find a day that was suitable for a date. It was a day when the only schedule Infinite had were two radio interviews in the morning and a CF photo shoot for an energy drink in the afternoon. As soon as the managers dropped them off at the dorms so they could rest before another full day of schedules, Woohyun jumped into the shower before anyone else could claim it.

“What the hell, Woohyun?!” Sungyeol screeched. The main vocal had pushed past him to get to the bathroom and he really needed to pee.

Behind him, Dongwoo only chuckled and told Sungyeol to just wait patiently, as Woohyun had somewhere to be that night.

Sungyeol scoffed. “What, is he going on a date or something?”

At the lack of an answer from the Leader, everyone turned to the bathroom door in silence. After many years of living together, they could just tell what that silence meant. They waited in anticipation.

Unlike most other entertainment companies, Woollim didn’t really have a dating rule per se, but it was highly recommended and preferred that their idols, especially their huge money-maker like Infinite, refrained from doing so. 

And besides, with their idol lifestyle, it wasn’t very easy going out on dates; people eventually assumed that you were boyfriend-girlfriend even if you were only trying to get to know each other. And dating a non-celebrity was even more of a big no-no to avoid potential sasaengs or paparazzi assets-in-disguise. But, if they did date, it wasn't like the management could stop it. It wasn't in their contract, but more of an unspoken agreement. 

So, the fact that their main vocal was going on a date was huge and frankly, the members all wanted to know who it was so they could relentlessly. It was all in the name of brotherhood, of course.

Ten minutes later, Woohyun emerged, hair wet and wearing a towel around his waist. He froze at s’ stares.

“What?” he asked.

Sungjong moved forward, excitedly. “Omo, hyung! You’re going out on a date? With who? Tell us, tell us! We won’t tell anyone, promise!”

Woohyun rolled his eyes before heading to his bedroom. “Like, hell I would tell you,” he commented before shutting the door and locking it.

The members, except for a calm Dongwoo, scrambled towards the door.

“She’s the one you’ve been going out to meet after schedules, right?” Sungjong asked, grinning. “I knew you weren’t just out visiting your brother! Who visits their brother that much? I don’t!”

“Is it Seolhyun-noona? Did you finally ask her out?! She’s hot!” Sungyeol screeched, excitedly.

“Or Seungyeon-noona? But wait, wasn’t she rumored to be dating that one actor?” Myungsoo added, contemplating.

“I bet it’s Ailee-noona! You’re her favorite member, right?” Hoya added before turning apologetically to Dongwoo, who they knew had a crush on the older female idol. “Sorry, hyung.”

The leader waved his hand in dismissal.

They continued to spout random female celebrities’ names at the door. Finally, Woohyun emerged from the bedroom, dressed simply in a warm sweater, jeans, and a hooded leather jacket. In his hand was a colorful red gift bag.

The members looked expectantly at him as he sighed in resignation. “My date is not a noona,” he answered, carefully before moving swiftly towards the door to grab his shoes. “Don’t wait up for me.”

But, of course, the members wouldn’t let him go just like that so they followed him to the door.

“So it’s a dongsaeng? Who? Do I know her? Is she same-aged friends with me?” Sungjong asked, his eyes shining.

“Don’t tell me you finally gave in to Kim Saeron!” Sungyeol said, his eyes wide in shock. “Remember that she’s 9 years younger than us!”

“Guys, leave Woohyun alone,” Dongwoo tried, but once again, the members kept throwing names at the main vocal.

Finally, Woohyun couldn’t take it anymore and turned to them with a glare.

“If you really want to know, my date is not a noona or a dongsaeng or even a celebrity!”

He cleared his throat. He figured it was now or never, the members had to know and however they felt about it, he really couldn’t care about, but he hoped they could accept it. From behind the members, he could see Dongwoo nod at him with an encouraging smile that strengthened his resolve.

“He’s a hyung,” he stated, proudly.

At that, s stared, finally silent and their expressions shocked.

Woohyun shook his head and opened the door to leave. “Don’t wait up for me.”


Seeing as he couldn’t borrow a manager’s car, Woohyun had opted to rent one again and drove to the Kims' house. Leaving the gift bag in the car, he nervously walked up the path to the gate and rang the doorbell. He waited a few moments before Minkyu opened the door. The older man grinned as he let idol in through the gate and led him back to the house.

In the middle of the living room stood a dressed up Sunggyu, his sister fussing over his outfit.

“Dongsaeng, your handsome date is here!” Minkyu teased.

The two blushed, shyly. When Sunghee was finished with her brother, she stepped aside and Woohyun could swear he could feel his heart stop.

The older usually preferred to wear huge shirts and sweaters that were a size bigger and comfortable sweatpants. Woohyun didn’t care, he thought he looked cute either way.

For their date, Sunggyu was wearing a thick black woolen turtleneck sweater that fit him quite nicely and white-washed jeans. His black Infinite beanie still covered his bald head.

“Wow, hyung,” he breathed out, shamelessly checking out the older from top to bottom.

“T-Thanks,” he cutely, stuttered.

Before Woohyun could ask if he was ready to go, Sunghee stepped up to Woohyun with a serious face, invading his personal space.

“Now, listen here, Nam Woohyun, I don’t care if you’re a big, hotshot celebrity, you take care of my baby brother, alright?” she told him.

“Noona...” Sunggyu whined while Minkyu chuckled from his spot.

But Sunghee was undeterred. “You know not to leave him out in the cold for too long and not feed him anything oily or fatty or raw.”

Woohyun nodded in obedience. “Yes, noona.”

“And make sure he’s always wearing his mask.”

“I won’t let him take it off except for eating and drinking.”

“And you have my number?”

“Saved for emergencies, and I know to call an ambulance first if anything happens, but I’m sure nothing will, I’ll take care of him well.”

Sunghee narrowed her already small eyes at him. “And you’re certain, absolutely, that there won’t be any paparazzi or any chance of a fan seeing you where you’re taking him?”

Woohyun nodded again. “It’s a place that’s not really that crowded like Itaewon or Hongdae. And I’ll be covered up too, I promise.”

Watching Woohyun for another few moments, Sunghee finally nodded. “Alright, Woohyun. I entrust my brother to you. And don’t even think about doing anything other than just dinner and a movie with him!”

“Noona!” Sunggyu finally came forward and grabbed Woohyun’s arm. “We’re going now!”

The older started pulling the idol towards the door, pausing quickly to grab a thick hooded jacket from the closet.

“I’ll have him home by 10,” he managed to promise to Sunghee before Sunggyu grabbed his arm again and pulled him out of the door.

The car ride to the date spot was quiet, only the radio breaking the silence between them. But, it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, at least Woohyun hoped not. He took a peek at Sunggyu on the passenger seat. The older was staring out the window. It had probably been a while since he had ventured out at night.

“What movie are we seeing?” Sunggyu finally asked, his voice a bit muffled due to the mask.

“Um… I got tickets to that new Marvel movie,” he responded before realizing something. “You don’t mind, do you? We can always exchange the tickets for something else! Just tell me, okay? I’m sorry, hyung, I should have asked you before…”

To his surprise, Sunggyu chuckled. “Relax, Woohyun-ah. Anything is fine with me. I haven’t gone to the movies in a while. I’m excited.” His tiny eyes crinkled, sweetly at Woohyun’s direction. “Will you buy me popcorn?”

Woohyun bit his lip. Was it okay for Sunggyu to have popcorn? He should have done more research!

Sunggyu must have noticed his inner turmoil because he chuckled again. “Popcorn is okay for me to eat, if you’re wondering. As long as it’s in moderation. We can share a bucket so I won’t have to eat a lot.”

“Are you sure? You’re not just saying that so I buy you something unhealthy and your sister would never let me take you out again?”

There was a short, silent pause. “You want to take me out again?” Sunggyu asked, in a quiet voice.

Woohyun spared him a glance and a smile. “If all goes well tonight and you don’t hate me after it, I probably will.”

He internally swooned when Sunggyu’s face turned red. The older looked away to look out the window again, as the idol concentrated on driving.

They arrived at a local strip mall on the quieter side of town. As a local Seoulite, Woohyun knew which places people frequented and which places only the locals knew if they wanted a quiet shopping experience. Thus, he was less likely to get recognized here as older adults who didn’t care about Kpop and boy groups tended to frequent the place, especially on a weeknight.

After parking, Woohyun stopped Sunggyu as the older moved to get out of the car.

“Wait, hyung, I have something for you.”

Sunggyu’s brows furrowed. “Why are you always buying me things? People are going to think I’m using you to buy me stuff.”

Woohyun raised an eyebrow. “Are you?”


“Using me to buy you stuff?”

“No! Of course not! What do you take me for, Nam Woohyun?”

The idol couldn’t help but smile at the older’s flustered face. For sure, he was pouting under that mask.

“Relax, hyung, I was joking. And I like buying you stuff.” He reached towards the backseat to grab the red gift bag. “This time, I bought something for me too.” With a grin, he placed his hand into the bag to take out the present. “Chachan!”

Sunggyu blinked at the present. It was a black surgical mask with a brown-colored hamster as its design.

“That’s… weird,” he stated.

Woohyun pouted. “Come on, hyung! It’s cute! I found it while we were filming at Hongdae a few days ago. And look!” He reached into the bag again and pulled out another black mask, this time, it had a white rabbit. “We can match! Hamster and bunny!”

He put on the bunny mask. “See? It’s cute!”

He wiggled his eyebrows as he waved the hamster mask at Sunggyu. The older kept staring and Woohyun visibly deflated. He was about to apologize for his silly present when Sunggyu reached up to remove his own plain-looking black mask. His cheeks were red as he reached out for the hamster mask.

“I’m wearing it ‘cause it would be a waste not to,” he muttered, before putting it on.

Under his mask, Woohyun grinned. Sunggyu looked so cute! He reached out to adjust the mask. His hands then moved upwards to fix the beanie more firmly over the older’s ears and then lifted the hood of the jacket to cover his head.

“All warm?” he asked the older, who nodded.

“Um… You too…”

To Woohyun’s surprise (and delight), Sunggyu also reached out to fix his mask more firmly, his fingers brushing against Woohyun’s cheek, making them burn. He picked up the beanie that Woohyun had placed in the compartment between them and placed it on his head, firmly over his ears, and lifted Woohyun’s hood.

The two now matched from head to foot.


Woohyun did end up buying Sunggyu popcorn. A huge bucket in fact. With a lot of butter. Sure, it was kind of expensive and a total rip off in Woohyun’s opinion, but seeing the bright smile on his date’s face as he munched on the popcorn made it all worth it. And he knew he made the right decision when Sunggyu fed him some of the buttery goodness in between scenes.

It was so darn cute, he could almost die.

There were barely any people in the theater. A couple of ahjummas and ahjusshis were sitting up front. There was a young couple towards their left, too busy making out to watch the movie. And a family of 5 were sitting towards the middle.

No one paid any mind to the two of them, sitting on the back on the further right corner, on the last row near the wall.

It was the middle of the movie when Woohyun decided to make his move. He knew it was cheesy but it always worked in those American movies! Slowly and as inconspicuously as he could, he stretched his arms to the air before gently lowering one of them to rest on the back of Sunggyu’s seat.

The older sighed, audibly. “What are you doing, Woohyun?” he whispered.

“Um… stretching?” the younger replied, sheepishly.

Sunggyu let out a soft chuckle. “That move is old and predictable. Heck, I’ve done it back in high school.”

Woohyun blinked. “You have?”

He turned his head to see Woohyun’s embarrassed face. “What, you think you’re the first person I went on a date with?”

Woohyun visibly pouted. “Hyung-,” he started to whine but eventually swallowed his words… quite literally.

Sunggyu had shoved another handful of popcorn into his mouth with a smirk. “Watch the movie, lover boy or you wasted your money on me,” he said, before turning his attention back to the screen.

Woohyun chewed and swallowed before leaning over to whisper in his ear, “Nothing is a waste with you, Sunggyu-hyung.”

Then he sat back in his seat to continue watching the movie, pleased at the darkening of Sunggyu’s cheeks.

The older never asked him to remove his arm.


When the movie ended, the two waited until the other theater-goers had gone before donning their masks and beanies again and leaving the theater. Sunggyu was talking animatedly about the movie and what he liked about it, while Woohyun listened. On the way to exit, the younger spotted something.

“Hyung,” he interrupted, pointing at the photo booth. It was pink and had cartoon characters all over it. “Can we try it? Please?”

He flashed his puppy eyes at Sunggyu, who chuckled and nodded his head. Woohyun let out a whoop before grabbing Sunggyu’s arm (gently) and dragging him to the giant contraption.

They squeezed into the tiny space and drew the curtains. They picked some borders and designs, before removing their masks and began posing, smiling, and making faces at the camera. Woohyun had never seen Sunggyu smile so much and it made him even happier. The older was enjoying himself.

They picked their favorite shots and exited the booth, as the contraption printed the pictures.

There were 6 shots in total, all printed in one square sheet. The first shot was simple, the two of them just smiling, handsomely. In the second shot, Woohyun was pinching Sunggyu’s chubby cheeks as the older glared at him. In the third shot, Woohyun was smiling at the camera while Sunggyu made bunny ears with his fingers behind his head. In the fourth shot, they were making funny faces, Woohyun scrunching up his face while Sunggyu made a fish face. In the fifth shot, Woohyun had his arms around Sunggyu’s chest in a hug while the older looked annoyed. The last shot was of them making peace signs, smiling normally, Woohyun’s arm around Sunggyu’s shoulder.

“Which one’s your favorite?” Woohyun asked Sunggyu as they walked to the exit, masks back to cover their faces.

Sunggyu pointed at the third shot. Of course.

“Mine’s the second one,” Woohyun piped, sending a cute eye smile at the older. “I like your cheeks.”

 He then handed the photos to the older.

“You don’t want one?” asked Sunggyu as he took them.

“It’s a souvenir for you, so you’ll always remember our first date!”

Sunggyu chuckled in response and shook his head as he tucked the photos into his jacket pocket.


There was a small, family-owned restaurant near the theater where they decided to have dinner. They ordered plates of bulgogi and chicken, and two bowls of bibimbap with no egg (just to be on the safe side). While Woohyun cooked the meat, Sunggyu dug into the bibimbap.

The older practically inhaled the dish as he made noises with each bite.

“This is good bibimbap,” he commented. “Not as good as the ones back home in Jeonju, but good enough.”

Woohyun paused from his grilling to look at the older. “Do you miss Jeonju, hyung?”

Sunggyu nodded in response, smiling sadly as he looked at the dish in front of him. “I haven’t been home in a while. The last time I went was during Chuseok two years ago. I was in remission at the time. I thought I didn’t need to go back to Seoul anymore. But… well… that didn’t last long.” He sighed, deeply before continuing to eat.

Woohyun wasn’t sure what to say, so he opted for placing a few pieces of cooked meat in Sunggyu’s bowl. The older smiled at him in gratitude.

“Thanks,” he said. “Maybe someday, you can go to Jeonju. I’ll show you all the places with the best bibimbap.”

“Awww, hyung, is that an invitation for a date?” Woohyun teased.

Sunggyu reddened and instead of answering, he just stuffed more rice and meat into his mouth.

Woohyun didn’t mind though. The fact that he could make Sunggyu turn red with just a few choice words brought him enough joy. And the fact that the older had thought about bringing him to his hometown... it was more than the idol could ask for.

The rest of dinner was spent talking about the food and the movie they just saw.


Woohyun watched as Sunggyu settled himself on the passenger seat. He watched as he put on his seatbelt and lowered his hood. They were ready to head out after dinner, their stomachs full and their hearts content. But, Woohyun didn’t want to end the date yet. There was one more thing he wanted to do.

“Hey, hyung?” he called out to the other.

Sunggyu flashed him a questioning look.

“I know I promised Sunghee-noona that we’re only doing dinner and a movie… but, do you mind if I take you somewhere? It’s not far, and we have some time before 10.”

Sunggyu agreed and with a nervous, beating heart, Woohyun drove them to the final location to conclude one of the best nights of his life.

As he parked, he could spy Sunggyu looking out of the window at the place.

“The Han River?” he asked Woohyun, who had removed his mask.

The younger nodded as they both exited the car and headed over to the water’s edge. Due to it being a weeknight, the place was deserted… and peaceful.

“When I was a trainee, I would come here a lot,” Woohyun explained, as he stretched his arms in the air, feeling the strained muscles crack. It felt good.

Breathing in the fresh air and seeing the calm stream of water, it brought about a relaxed feel in the atmosphere.

“I know,” Sunggyu answered. “I watched Sesame Player when you talked about it.”

Woohyun chuckled. “Of course you did. But, what it didn’t tell you was me going alone. A lot. I was afraid of never debuting, that they would find a better vocalist than me. They told me that my voice was good, but nothing special. It was the same as any other vocal in any other group.” He laughed, bitterly. “They kept me because they needed a main vocal. The other guys’ voices were decent, but theirs didn’t have the same range as mine.”

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket. He suddenly felt like reminiscing those days, happy that he was done with those agonizing training sessions and daily fear of never debuting. But, at the same time, there was a part of him that also wished he could go back to those days when people didn’t know his name and watched his every move. In that way, he was free… free to be himself… free to do anything he wanted… free to love…

He turned towards Sunggyu, who was watching the water, his hood up and jacket zipped all the way to his chin, his mask perfectly in place, and the beanie snug over his ears. His brows were furrowed as he glared at the water.

“Well, they’re wrong,” the older said turning to the idol. “Your voice is amazing, and if they listen closely, they would know that it’s unique, special. It has a tone that’s all on its own that makes it Nam Woohyun. I can pick out your voice in all of Infinite’s songs. Infinite is not Infinite without you.”

Woohyun chuckled and fully turned his body towards Sunggyu. “You know, hyung, before I met you, idol life was turning really dull. It was just schedule after schedule, pretending and acting for the cameras, I felt like a robot.” He sighed. “There were even times when I felt like I no longer enjoyed singing. That I was just singing because I had to, not because I want to.”

Sunggyu remained quiet as he looked at Woohyun, who had now stepped closer to him.

“Hyung…” He hesitated before taking the older’s cold hands in his. “Do you know… that every time I sing onstage now… I imagine you in the crowd, watching me? That I imagine that you’re right in front of me, and I’m singing to you?”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened.

Woohyun took a deep breath and continued, “Because, hyung, whenever I do that, I’m singing with my whole heart… I’m singing with a purpose… I’m singing like I need it to breathe again.”

The older continued to remain silent so Woohyun continued, “You make me do crazy things, you know. Instead of resting after a schedule, I go off to see you. I lie to the managers and I lie to Dongwoo-hyung so that he doesn’t have to lie to the managers about where I go. I’ve rented more cars in the last two months than I have in my entire idol career. I’m greasier than ever whenever I’m with you, it even makes me cringe! Me! The master of grease! You really… really… make me do crazy things.”

“W-Woohyun… w-what are you saying?” Sunggyu’s voice had a trembling lilt to it and the younger wondered if it was from the cold or nervousness or a mix of both.

And the idol was nervous too. So darn nervous. More nervous than he was during his audition. More nervous than he was during their debut stage. More nervous than when they waited in agony if Infinite was going to continue or disband.

He was so nervous he felt like throwing up. But, that wouldn’t be a pretty sight.

It was now or never. He took a deep, calming breath, hoping his heart would stop trying to jump out of his chest.

“I’m saying, Kim Sunggyu, that I like you,” Woohyun finally confessed. “I like you a lot. I don’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s because you’re strong, even if you think you’re weak. Or because you’re kind and caring, even if you hide behind your sarcasm. Or because your passion for music reminds me of mine. Or maybe it’s your cute cheeks and tiny eyes and weird sense of humor. I don’t know the exact reason, but I know one thing for sure.”

Sunggyu’s hands were trembling in his hold now, but Woohyun couldn’t stop now. He had to reveal everything that was in his heart or he would explode. He brought Sunggyu’s hands close to his lips and blew on them to warm them up.

“Hyung,” he continued, eyes locked on Sunggyu’s. “I want to be with you.”

Sunggyu moved to take his hands from Woohyun’s but the latter held them tighter against his chest.

“W-Woohyun-ah, you don’t know what you’re saying,” he stammered, struggling to get his hands back.

“Hyung, date me. Be mine.”

The older’s eyes were wide in panic. “No! You’re confused! Woohyun, let go!”

The idol reluctantly released his hold but stood his ground. “I know you think my feelings aren’t real, but they are. I meant every word. Sunggyu-hyung, I like you a lot and I want to be with you.”

Sunggyu took a step back, shaking his head. “Woohyun, going on a date with you is one thing, but actually dating you is a completely different matter! You’re an idol, remember that? You have a reputation. And you know how society is when it comes to things like this.”

“I don’t care.”

“This won’t be an ordinary dating scandal, Woohyun. I’m a man, did you forget? And that I’m dying?”

Woohyun flinched at that but refused to back down. “I’ll make sure you live!”

Sunggyu scoffed. “As if you had any power over whether I lived or died.” He glared through the darkness at the stubborn idol. “Besides, whether I’m sick or not, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still a man, and a relationship with me is wrong in people’s eyes. It will ruin everything you worked hard for!”

“I’ll deal with it! I just want to be with you!”

Sunggyu continued to glare at him as he raised his hands to his face to move his mask aside. Woohyun could see his entire face now, and even with the angry glare, he still looked handsome, so handsome that Woohyun just wanted to take him in his arms and never let go.

But, Sunggyu was stubborn. He continued to glare, even if his hands shook, and his eyes could barely meet his.

“You’re crazy, Nam Woohyun. I can’t let you do that,” he said, his voice trembling but clear now that the barrier was gone. “I won’t let you. I care about you too much to let you do that.”

That last statement was music to Woohyun’s ears. Sunggyu cared about him!

But, before he could respond, the older’s next words stopped him in his tracks. “Take me home. Now.”

And with that, Sunggyu turned around and walked back to the car, his hands working on putting his mask back on.

“Wait! Hyung!” He had no choice but to follow the older.

In the car, Woohyun tried to start the conversation again, but once more, Sunggyu spoke first.

“I’m tired, Woohyun,” he said in a weak voice. “It’s almost 10. Take me home. Please.”

That “please” was what got Woohyun swallowing his bruised ego and finally getting the car started.

The drive to the Kim household was silent, even the radio was turned off.

When they arrived, Woohyun barely killed the engine before Sunggyu was already climbing out of the car and towards the front gate. He finished unlocking the gate with his keys by the time Woohyun was out of the car and joining him. He followed the older to the front door, keeping a few steps away behind him as to not make him uncomfortable with their already complicated situation.

As Sunggyu silently unlocked his front door, Woohyun finally spoke, “Will you at least think about it?”

Sunggyu froze, the door open a crack, but he didn’t move.

“Hyung,” Woohyun tried again. “At least think about it. I meant every word. And you said you cared about me. That counts for something, right?”

Sunggyu released a heavy sigh. “Woohyun… this is too… complicated.”

“I know. But… I’m willing to look past the complications if it means being with you. Whether as a friend… or a boyfriend, I don’t care. Just… just let me be by your side… Please?”

“This isn’t a drama, Woohyun. Nothing good will come out of this.”

“Something good will. And that good is me and you, together… I want to make you happy, hyung… because you do the same for me.”

After a breath or so, Sunggyu finally turned around. His eyes were conflicted, as they locked with Woohyun’s. There was an internal war going on within the older.

Woohyun tried again. “Please… think about it?”

Sunggyu continued to stare. He wasn’t sure how long they kept staring at each other but the older finally nodded.

“I’ll think about it,” he said, carefully and firmly added, “But I can’t promise you anything.”

Woohyun fought the smile that was threatening to burst from his lips from Sunggyu’s acceptance. Instead, he nodded and offered another compromise.

“If you want, I can leave you alone for a few days so you can think, clearly.”

Sunggyu nodded again before turning around and entering his home. Before he closed the door, he hesitated and then cleared his throat.

“Thank you,” he said. “I had a great time tonight.”

This time, Woohyun smiled as wide as he could. “I had a great time too, Sunggyu-hyung. A really great time.”

Sunggyu tilted his head and with a short, “Good night”, he closed the door shut, leaving Woohyun alone on the doorstep.

A/N: Ahhhh cuteness and fluff are so fun to write, but I have to throw in some angst too, to make it a bit more realistic. Sunggyu's situation isn't easy, you know. And in this story, he can't afford to be selfish, because as he said, Woohyun is an idol and dating a man would not be an ordinary dating scandal. You know how it is. But, maybe they can make it work? We shall see!

Thank you for the support, chingus!

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701 streak #1
Chapter 14: this still makes me cry 😭
Chapter 11: This is so sad yet beautiful. I don't know why I keep on reading this over and over again knowing I am gonna bawl my eyes out. I love this story.
Chapter 9: This is beautiful. I love their love. It is so pure without any expectations. Loved reading this as always
Chapter 8: Loved reading this so much. The love they have for each other is so beautiful
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful yet sad.. I mean I get the longing and feel like the ending won't be happy, but still it makes me happy to read this. Thanks for the update
How did I miss this story of yours?? Can't remember whether I read this or not. Going to read this now.
Chapter 14: It was really nice and heartbreaking
Really good you explain the situation and it had deep thought at some conversation
Chapter 7: Oh how sweet they were
Like it
Simran20 #9
Chapter 14: Rereading it again after a long time. It was so intense.
Chapter 14: Thanks for the alternate ending.
The original one was good though it is a sad.