Chapter 8


It was a very important day for Infinite. The members were all running around the dorm, yelling at each other about getting this and that or doing this and that.

It was Christmas morning… also known as the morning their main vocal Nam Woohyun was meeting his boyfriend’s parents for the first time.

“Blue looks good,” Sungyeol commented.

“No way! Red brings out his skin tone!” Sungjong insisted, as he grabbed the blue sweater from Woohyun’s hands and replaced it with the said red.

“Guys, I really appreciate-,” Woohyun started as he put on the sweater, but was interrupted by Dongwoo’s mousse-filled fingers in his hair. “Yah!”

“We have to style your hair!” the older insisted, his fingers moving through the dark tresses. “You can’t go with your usual bedhead hair!”

“What’s wrong with my hair?” Woohyun whined, but was ignored.

“Why are you wearing khakis?!” Hoya sidled up next to the leader. “It looks tacky! Here!” He shoved a pair of dark jeans at the vocal. “Change into that when hyung is done with your hair.”


The front door opened and Myungsoo came in with a bag. “I got the wine!” he announced, holding up the bag with the bottle.

“Give it to me, I’ll wrap it!” Sungjong grabbed the bag and ran to their room.

“Are you sure wine is good for-.”

“You need a good gift for the parents, hyung! You won’t fly with just a basket of fruit!” Sungyeol interrupted, running his hands all over Woohyun’s torso, fixing the sweater.

“Sunggyu likes fruit,” Woohyun muttered, but was again, ignored.

After Dongwoo finished with his hair and he had changed into the jeans in the bathroom (he had to admit, Dongwoo did a decent job), Sungjong picked a simple light trench coat for him since the weather that day was actually quite warm. A few more adjustments to his hair and a change of shoes (Hoya disapproved of his casual sneakers and made him wear proper, brown leather boots), Woohyun was finally ready.

Infinite gathered around him, giving him pointers on how to speak and act around Sunggyu’s parents. They weren’t satisfied until Woohyun repeated back all the tips to them. Finally, Sungjong shoved the bag of presents at him, including the neatly-wrapped wine.

They called a taxi for him and made sure to watch out for any fans or paparazzi lurking nearby.

“Good luck!” they called out as the taxi drove away.

They waved at the retreating vehicle.

“He’s gonna be fine, right?” Sungjong asked, sounding a little worried.

“He’ll be fine, he’s Woohyun, the King of Grease!” Hoya answered, grinning.

That made them pause.

“He’s doomed,” Sungyeol stated and the others could not agree more.


The gate is open for you. Just ring the bell when you’re here and go right in.

That was the text Woohyun got on his way to the Kims’ household. And he was nervous. So damn nervous. He never thought he would ever feel this nervous in his entire life that his stomach was in knots and he felt like throwing up in the taxi.

The parents of girls he dated had always liked him. They said he was polite, very handsome, and looked like the type who would be very successful in whatever he pursued. They trusted that he would be able to take care of their daughter and be a proper gentleman.

But, Sunggyu was no girl. His parents weren’t looking for a proper gentleman. Woohyun absolutely had no idea what to expect. But, because it was for Sunggyu, he would do everything in his power to show and prove that he was worthy… because Sunggyu was worth it.

Just as he was told, the gate was left open for him. After making sure no one was around, he removed his mask and rang the doorbell, announcing his arrival before entering. He hadn’t even reached the door when it opened and Sunggyu stepped out in a thick coat and, to Woohyun’s amusement, a red beanie with reindeer antlers.

His amusement must have shown since Sunggyu frowned with those eyes that dared him to laugh.

 And Woohyun did.

“Awww, jagiya, you look so cute!” he exclaimed when he reached the older. He reached up with a hand to poke one of the antlers.

Sunggyu slapped his hand away. “Shut it. My mom loves Christmas, okay?” His eyes ran over Woohyun’s outfit from top to bottom and nodded in approval. “You’re wearing red. That’s good. Umma will like that.” His gaze flashed to the hair. “Nice hair. Appa might think you’re trying too hard to be a pretty boy, but there’s no time to fix that.” He bit his lip. “You should know that they already know who you are, but they’re not really huge when it comes to the entertainment business, unless Sung Dong Il or Kim Jisoo are involved, so… just… be yourself. Okay?”

Sunggyu was nervous, that was clear. It somehow settled Woohyun’s own nerves. At least he wasn’t the only one who wanted this to go smoothly.

The idol grinned. “Relax, Gyu-hyung. I got this. Now.” He put the bag of gifts on the ground and opened his arms. “Where’s my hug?”

His boyfriend scoffed, but the idol could see the small smile threatening to burst from his lips as he moved forward to wrap his arms around Woohyun’s waist and tuck his head on his shoulder. That one simple hug immediately warmed him up from head to toe.

The two stayed like that for a moment, reveling in each other’s presence, and maybe also trying to delay the inevitable. But, eventually, they knew they had to move.

“Come on you, let’s go in,” Sunggyu muttered as he broke the hug.

Taking the hand that wasn’t holding the bag of gifts, Sunggyu led him to the door. Before going in, he turned back to Woohyun and leaned in, pecking him on the lips.

“For luck,” he stated, with a soft smile.

Woohyun resisted the urge to just grab him and kiss him properly. Instead, he allowed Sunggyu to push the door open and lead him inside the house.


Sunggyu’s father, Mr. Kim, was very much like his son. He had a glare that could pierce through your soul if you displeased him. And Woohyun was trying very hard not to fidget in his seat on the couch beside the older man.

On his other side sat Sunggyu, rigid as a block of wood. On the armchair, Minkyu was flashing sympathizing glances towards the idol.

When Woohyun had entered the house earlier, he had shaken hands with the Kim patriarch, and let’s just say that his hand was currently still aching from the man’s strong grip.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Kim was kinder, and it was clear where Sunghee and Sunggyu inherited their eyes from.

“Those posters in Gyu’s room don’t do you justice!” she had exclaimed, making Woohyun blush and Mr. Kim scoff.

Woohyun handed her the wine and basket of fruits he brought as a gift and the older woman cooed at how thoughtful he was.

Soon after, though, Mrs. Kim and Sunghee retreated to the kitchen to finish making lunch. Woohyun had offered to help, but they insisted that he relaxed in the living room as he was the guest.

Woohyun tried to remember Minkyu’s tips… that although Mr. Kim may look intimidating, all you had to do was soften him up a little and you would be fine.

One way Woohyun thought he could do that was through a mutual love of sports.

Unfortunately, because it was Christmas, there were no games. At least, none that the older Kim was interested in.

So, instead, they had settled for a pre-recorded Christmas Day special on MBC. EXO was currently performing.

Sunggyu cleared his throat. “Um… Woohyun-ah, are you guys in this too?” he asked.

“Oh, um, no, actually, we couldn’t make it. Lovelyz went in our stead,” he answered.

“Lovelyz… they’re that girl group, right?” Mr. Kim spoke up, making Woohyun jerk, nervously.

“Y-Yes, sir. They’re Infinite’s sister group.”

“Tch, they should be in school,” said the older man.

“Appa, they do go to school,” Sunggyu spoke up. “And Woohyun, you went to school while training too, right?”

“That’s right! I actually graduated from Dong-ah Institute last February,” Woohyun stated. “I have a degree in Applied Music.”

Sunggyu beamed, proudly, at him. However, it appeared that Mr. Kim was not impressed as he simply grunted in response.

Woohyun was wracking his brains for any ideas that would make Mr. Kim not despise him when Sunghee called Sunggyu from the kitchen to help them with setting up the dining room. They only used it for formal occasions, and this was one of them.

“I’ll be right back,” the older reassured him, but Woohyun only felt dread.

He was now stuck in a room with the sympathetic but unhelpful Minkyu and the cold father of his boyfriend. The show kept going, and Woohyun still had no idea what to say or if it was proper for him to even say anything.

“You know, they say a nervous man always has something to hide,” said the patriarch’s gruff voice.

Woohyun swallowed as he turned his head to the man beside him. Mr. Kim was watching him with narrow eyes full of distrust.

“I’m not going to beat around the bush, Nam Woohyun-shii,” the man continued. “What is your intention with my son? And if you plan on using him to gain some kind of sympathy or publicity from the public, forget it. Sunggyu doesn’t need that and it’s best that you walk away… now.”

Woohyun’s eyes widened in shock. His brain suddenly went on the defense, wanting nothing more than to speak informally to man and defend his feelings for Sunggyu. However, Woohyun was raised to be a polite child, a proper Korean son, who respected the elders, even if they were wrong, sometimes.

So, Woohyun searched for his calming energy deep inside him and summoned it. There was no place for his impulsive behavior here. Not in front of Sunggyu’s father.

“With all due respect, sir,” he started to say through gritted teeth. “I’m with Sunggyu because I like him a lot and I want to be with him. Not for sympathy or publicity, but because I genuinely like your son.”

Mr. Kim scoffed. “Let’s see. You’re a famous singer, you could have any pick of a girlfriend, or in this case, a boyfriend, in that industry of pretty boys and girls. Yet, you pick my son, my sick and possibly dying son, who was in a show featuring you because he is your fan. The show earned you some brownie points from the public, didn’t it? Or is it only because you felt sorry for my son that you asked him to date you?”

Woohyun could feel himself shaking now, but he willed himself to calm down. “Sir, again, with all due respect, you are correct, that I could have my pick of any idol, girl or boy. But, I chose Sunggyu, not because he can make my image better, but because I genuinely like him, his strength, his heart, and the way he takes care of me, even if he’s the one who’s sick.”

“That’s exactly it, Woohyun-shii,” Mr. Kim added in a skeptical voice. “My son is sick. Very sick. Do you know how it is to be dating a sick person? The dedication and amount of sacrifice? A relationship like this? It’s not easy. You can’t just walk away from it. Sunggyu can’t afford a fleeting romance, that when you get tired of him you can just up and leave. He needs a support who will not leave him in times when he’s at his most vulnerable.”

“And I can be that support… sir.” Woohyun’s voice was shaking, but he continued with determination. “I have seen your son at his vulnerable moments and I chose to stay by his side. And I promised Sunggyu, before he even said ‘yes’ to me, that I would never leave him, that I would stay by his side and take care of him. I meant that then, and I still mean it now.” 

He should have stopped there. But, no, he couldn’t stop himself. He kept going.

“Sunggy is the best thing that has happened to me ever since I became an idol. Sir, you know how our society sees people like me and Sunggyu, people who love the same gender. If I wanted to use Sunggyu to better my image as you claim I am doing, I would have never asked him to be my boyfriend. I would have flaunted him to the world as my new best friend. But, I asked Sunggyu to be my boyfriend, and I did it because I want to be with him, even if it means being together in secret, even if it means I can never tell the world that we’re together. And if I wanted an easy relationship, I would have never allowed my feelings for Sunggyu to go this deep. But, I did. For once, in my life, I stopped caring about the consequences, because I wanted to take a chance on Sunggyu. And he shares my feelings. Being with him, even in secret, is more than I can ask for. I ask, that you please accept that, because no matter what you say or assume, my feelings for your son won’t change… sir.”

By the time Woohyun was done, he was red in the face, breathing really heavily, and his heart was pounding loudly in his ears, most likely from being flustered and the pure horror at what he had just done. But, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. Sunggyu’s father needed to know what Sunggyu already knew. And it wasn’t fair for him to think that he was only being with Sunggyu for his image or because he felt sorry for him. He meant so much more to Woohun.

Mr. Kim’s expression was unreadable. His eyes were trained on the flustered idol, observing him but not saying a word.

“Lunch is ready!” Sunggyu announced, coming into the room.

He paused, noticing the tension in the air and his eyes traveled to Woohyun’s flustered expression and his father’s stoic face.

“Did… something happen?” he asked.

Mr. Kim shook his head before getting up from the couch and heading to the dining room. Minkyu got up from his seat, patted Woohyun on the shoulder and followed after his father-in-law.

Sunggyu paused at the doorway, confused as Woohyun slowly rose from his seat and walked over to him. The younger flashed a smile.

“Shall we?” he asked, offering his arm.

Sunggyu tilted his head to the side. “Is everything alright?” he asked, worried. “Did Appa say something to you?”

He did, but Woohyun decided that it was best not to speak of the matter. Instead, he shook his head and leaned in to press a soft, lingering kiss to Sunggyu’s lips.

“Everything’s fine,” he told the older, with a wink.

Sunggyu still looked unconvinced, but nonetheless, entwined his arm with Woohyun’s and both headed to the dining room.


Lunch was a calm and amiable affair. Despite the tense atmosphere that came with his conversation with Mr. Kim earlier, the idol was feeling much happier, much lighter. Unlike Sunggyu, Mrs. Kim was a chatty person. She talked about anything that came to mind, and thus, she soon got Woohyun talking.

“… and they sent you free ice cream?!” Mrs. Kim’s eyes were wide in fascination as Woohyun talked about Infinite’s infamous ice cream CF.

“Yes! A big box of them, and they barely fit in our freezer!” Woohyun narrated, laughing. “So, one night, we just sat around the dorm and ate half the box. We all got stomach aches the next day. Our managers almost killed us!”

Mrs. Kim, Sunghee, Sunggyu, and even Minkyu laughed at the story. Mr. Kim remained stoic, although the side of his lips twitched, but no one paid him any mind.

“So I hear your maknae Sungjong has quite the beauty routine,” said Mrs. Kim with a wink. “Care to share his secrets?”

Woohyun pursed his lips to the side. “Hmm… he has an unhealthy obsession with face masks. He uses one every day.”

“Omo, really? What about you, Woohyun? What are your beauty secrets?” Mrs. Kim asked, eagerly. “Seriously, you have the face of a prince. No wonder Sunggyu keeps all those photos of you.”

“Umma!” Sunggyu whined, turning red in embarrassment.

And Woohyun only laughed and shared some of his secrets. Some. Couldn’t have someone know all of it.

“Did you know Sunggyu used to stare at one of your posters while listening to your solo tracks?” Sunghee asked him.


Woohyun found himself grinning. “Which poster? He has 3 of them!”


“Which one was it again, Gyu? Your favorite poster of Woohyun?”

“I’m not answering that.”

“Oh! I think it’s the one where you’re wearing all black and have chains all over, Woohyun!”

“You mean for Paradise? That’s your favorite poster of me, hyung?”

“S-Shut up!”

“Chains?” Mrs. Kim perked up with a smirk. “Sounds .”


And conversations like that flowed, naturally, in the expense of an embarrassed Sunggyu. Woohyun was worried that the older really was upset, but after catching glimpses of a smile, he knew that Sunggyu didn’t mind the teasing. Not at all, especially after the cute smiles he sent Woohyun’s way when he thought the younger wasn’t looking

After lunch, it was back to the living room where they exchanged presents. Since Woohyun had already given them his gifts earlier, the Kims’ exchanged gifts with each other, instead. To his surprise, Mr. and Mrs. Kim had given him a gift too.

“We didn’t know what to gift an idol so Sunggyu said snacks are the safest,” Mrs. Kim explained, as Woohyun opened the gift bag. “They’re from the Poongnyeon Jegwa Bakery in Jeonju. We thought you could enjoy them with your band mates.”

The couple had given him a box of choco pies from the infamous bakery. Woohyun had heard about these! They were said to be the best choco pies in all of South Korea! And for this, Woohyun could ignore his healthy diet for a few days.

“Thank you!” he said, bowing in gratitude to the couple. “Ahhh… I wish I didn’t have to share with the guys. But, it’s Christmas, so I’ll do it.”

The whole room laughed and Sunggyu looked pleased with how he was interacting with the family. Mrs. Kim was completely at ease with him, and Mr. Kim had stopped throwing him glares.

When the gift exchanges were done, the older Kim couple and Sunghee and her husband retreated to the dining room again for tea, leaving Sunggyu and Woohyun sitting side-by-side on the couch to exchange gifts in private.

Sunggyu handed Woohyun a brightly wrapped rectangular box with a nervous look. “Um… I wasn’t sure what to get you,” he said, as he watched Woohyun unwrap the present. “You know that I don’t really have a job, so I couldn’t get you anything fancy...”

In the box was a brown, leather notebook with a carving of N.W.H. on the lower right corner. There was a strap on the side to keep the notebook locked.

“Um… I was thinking… You could use it for your songs,” Sunggyu continued to explain. “I know you’ve been wanting a solo album, and the fans have been asking for it too. So… while you’re waiting for that, I thought you could use this to start…”

His solo album. Woohyun had almost forgotten about it. He had been so preoccupied with this new relationship with Sunggyu that he almost forgot to tell him about his solo album!

“Thank you, Gyu-hyung,” he said, amazed at the gift and touched at the thought behind it. “This is… this is perfect!” He turned to the older, excitedly. “I almost forgot to tell you. My solo album is in the works and you’re the first fan to know of it!”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened as be broke into a smile. “Really? Namu, that’s great! I’m so proud of you!”

“So I’ll definitely be using this!” Woohyun waved the notebook before putting it to the side and picking up his own gift for Sunggyu. “Here’s my gift. Merry Christmas, Sunggyu.”

Sunggyu took the box and unwrapped it, carefully peeling the paper aside. When he uncovered the box, he opened it and was surprised to see a smaller box on the inside.

He raised a skeptical eyebrow at Woohyun. “Really? This old trick?”

The younger laughed and waved at him to continue. So, he opened that box and uncovered a smaller blue box, sealed with a small neatly tied ribbon.

Woohyun bit his lip, nervously in anticipation as Sunggyu untied the ribbon and took the top off.

In the box laid a pair of silver necklaces – one pendant was shaped like a lock and the other a key.

“I hope you don’t think I’m being too fast,” he said as Sunggyu picked up the necklace with the lock. “I know we haven’t reached our 100th day yet, but I didn’t want to wait ‘til then to give this to you.”

Sunggyu looked up at him with curious eyes.

“I don’t want to wear couple rings,” Woohyun stated. “They get in the way a lot and I tend to lose rings. You can ask my stylists, they hate me for it.”

Sunggyu chuckled and it made Woohyun smile.

“So… Key from SHINee gave me this idea. He says his fans call themselves Lockets because he is the key.”

Woohyun gently took the lock necklace from Sunggyu and put it on himself. “I’m the lock,” he said, before reaching into the box to pick up the key necklace. He scooted closer to Sunggyu and put the necklace around his neck. “And you have the key to my heart.”

He grinned, proud of the way the pendant dangled just below Sunggyu’s collar bone. The pendants were small enough that they could be hidden under a shirt or jacket. But, Woohyun had no intention of hiding his pendant. It was the only way he could think of to show that some part of him already belonged to someone, that some part of him can only be unlocked with the key that someone already possessed.

“You’re… greasy, you know,” Sunggyu stated, staring at his necklace.

Woohyun chuckled. “Tell me something I don’t know, jagiya.”

The older lifted his head and his eyes shined with unshed tears. “Do you know what you do to me?” he asked, lips quivering. “You make me feel things I never thought I’d ever feel. You make me want to smash my head against the wall because of your greasiness. I can’t handle how happy you make me feel.”

Sunggyu began to sniffle. “Remember when I told you that after meeting you, I was okay with dying because I met you?”

Woohyun remembered the exact words: “I think I’m okay with dying now that I met you.”

“I don’t think I’m okay with dying anymore,” Sunggyu continued. “I want to be with you for as long as I can. Is that okay?”

Woohyun could only feel his heart bursting with happiness and… love.

There was no denying it anymore. He loved Sunggyu. That much he was sure of now. Somewhere along the way, he fell hopelessly in love with this adorable, stubborn, but often loving hamster. He wanted to make Sunggyu happy because he does the same for Woohyun.

He scooted closer and placed his hands on either side of Sunggyu’s cheeks, brushing away the small tears with his thumbs.

“Yah, don’t cry,” he teased with a grin. “You’re supposed to be happy.”

Sunggyu sniffled again. “So… is it okay if I become selfish and ask you to stay with me for a while?”

Woohyun leaned in and brushed his nose against the older’s, affectionately. “I’ll stay for as long as you want me. And I want to be selfish too and ask you to stay with me. I…” Woohyun’s voice cracked. “I don’t want to lose you… I…”

I love you was what he wanted to say. He wanted to scream it to the world. That he, Nam Woohyun, loved Kim Sunggyu with all his mind, body, and soul.

“Woohyun-ah,” Sunggyu mumbled, bringing his face closer. “I really, really, really like you.”

“That’s a lot of ‘reallys’.”

“And they’re all true.”

Sunggyu leaned in to capture his lips in a kiss that made something inside Woohyun explode in warmth and pure joy. He returned the kiss, eagerly, feeling how soft the other’s lips were, loving how it fits with his own like a puzzle piece… perfect.

Moments like these… he never wanted them to end.

Unfortunately, there was an end to everything.

“Sunggyu, Woohyun, if you two are ready, we brought the cake out,” Sunghee called from the doorway, interrupting their moment.

Sunggyu immediately pulled away, his face beet red as he turned his head to answer his sister. “We’ll be right there.”

Woohyun pouted at the loss and puckered his lips again, asking for another kiss. Sunggyu only laughed and pecked his nose before standing up and holding his hand out to him.

“Come on, lover boy. Let’s get cake.”

Woohyun took the hand and allowed the other to lead the way. He would always follow Sunggyu if it meant being with him more.

And when it was time for him to leave that afternoon, Sunggyu was clingier than ever. His arms were wrapped around the younger’s waist as he pressed small kisses to Woohyun’s lips over and over again that Woohyun had to laugh in glee. He had never seen his older boyfriend act like this before. He liked it. 

 “Be careful or I may never leave,” he teased in between the cute pecks, his fingers drumming a rhythm against the older’s hipbone.

Sunggyu continued to press his lips to his... once… twice… a third time. The taxi was waiting outside, but it appeared that the older had no intention of letting him go.

“Gyu, I have to go,” he mumbled against the thin lips.

The older pouted and sighed. “Sorry I held you up,” he said, before loosening his hold on Woohyun’s waist.

“I have the week off until New Year’s Eve, so I’ll come over again, okay?” Woohyun promised. “Just spend some time with your parents for now. I know you missed them.”

Sunggyu nodded and finally let go of him. He looked so sad and forlorn that Woohyun had to keep himself from tackling the younger in another hug that would surely last another hour, leaving the taxi driver outside waiting forever.

So, instead, he pointed to his lips. “One more for the road?”

Sunggyu beamed happily, his eyes turning into adorable little crescents, before showering Woohyun’s lips in kisses again. It was times like these that the idol wondered if the same man who glared at his greasy antics was the same man who loved spoiling him with kisses.

Either way, Woohyun was one lucky man.

A/N: Woohyun finally met the parents! Do you think they liked him?

Poongnyeon Jegwa Bakery is a real place in Jeonju that I looked up. Apparently, they're really infamous for their Choco Pies!

Also, just thought I'd warn you guys, there will be about another chapter full of fluff before the angst officially starts. Be prepared!

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694 streak #1
Chapter 14: this still makes me cry 😭
Chapter 11: This is so sad yet beautiful. I don't know why I keep on reading this over and over again knowing I am gonna bawl my eyes out. I love this story.
Chapter 9: This is beautiful. I love their love. It is so pure without any expectations. Loved reading this as always
Chapter 8: Loved reading this so much. The love they have for each other is so beautiful
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful yet sad.. I mean I get the longing and feel like the ending won't be happy, but still it makes me happy to read this. Thanks for the update
How did I miss this story of yours?? Can't remember whether I read this or not. Going to read this now.
Chapter 14: It was really nice and heartbreaking
Really good you explain the situation and it had deep thought at some conversation
Chapter 7: Oh how sweet they were
Like it
Simran20 #9
Chapter 14: Rereading it again after a long time. It was so intense.
Chapter 14: Thanks for the alternate ending.
The original one was good though it is a sad.