Chapter 5


A/N: So I was checking this again and I had this weird feeling that something was... missing. So... it turns out, I posted barely half of the chapter it should have been! There was supposed to be more! I must have done it so quickly that I didn't see that half of the cute, fluffy stuff was missing! So I deleted that last chapter and re-posting it again! Apologies, but I hope you enjoy this better and longer version!

The next three days were a blur for Woohyun. They were filled with nothing but interviews, practices, performances, and meetings. He barely had the time to talk to Sunggyu, not that the older was in any condition to talk to him anyway. Their texts were limited to “Good morning”, “How are you?”, and “Good night”. After his little “love you” slip, Woohyun didn’t dare call Sunggyu, for fear of what the older might think of him.

He really didn’t mean to… He didn’t mean to say the words, but it wasn’t like he didn’t mean them. Woohyun was a person who so easily loved others around him (his band and his fans were a prime example), so of course he meant it. He cared about Sunggyu. He just hoped that the older didn’t take it a different way, for Woohyun didn’t believe that his feelings ran that deep for the older… yet.

When he finally had a day where his afternoon was free, Woohyun, once again, borrowed a manager’s car, stopped by the market to pick up fresh strawberries, and drove to the hospital.

He arrived at Sunggyu’s usual hospital room just as Sunghee was coming out of it.

“Oh, Woohyun, you’re here!” she greeted.

While getting to know Sunggyu, Woohyun also got to know Sunghee and her husband a lot more. Minkyu was an office worker at a huge company, and Sunghee was a kindergarten teacher. However, when Sunggyu was diagnosed and had to stay with them in Seoul, she quit her job to take care of him. Whenever her brother was in remission, she would take substitute teaching jobs. Their parents in Jeonju sent them monthly allowances for Sunggyu’s treatments and medications and visited during holidays and birthdays. Woohyun had offered a few times to help them, financially, but was always refused.

The entire family had sacrificed plenty to make sure Sunggyu could live. That amount of love and dedication was something that the idol couldn’t help but admire greatly.

Woohyun removed his mask and bowed in respect. “Hi, noona. How’s hyung?”

The older woman rolled her eyes, playfully. “Stubbornly refusing to eat. Do you mind convincing him? I just want to grab a quick lunch.”

“Noona, it’s 3pm and you haven’t eaten?!”

Sunghee waved her hand in dismissal. “I’m fine, I just want that punk to get some food in him!”

Woohyun grinned. “Don’t worry, noona. I’ll get him eating soon.”

She patted his cheek, affectionately. “Aigoo, such a good kid. I’ll be back soon.”

And with that, she walked away to head for the hospital cafeteria. Woohyun faced the door, no longer in apprehension like last time, but excitement. He swiftly fixed his hair and checked his breath before putting on a greasy smile and entering the room.

The view that greeted him was a cute and adorable Sunggyu wearing his Infinite beanie and throwing up into a bucket.

Woohyun rushed over to his hyung quickly. He placed the bag of strawberries on the bedside next to a tray of uneaten food before reaching out with a hand to rub Sunggyu’s back. When the older was done, he pulled back and made a face at the bucket before turning to Woohyun.

“I hope you didn’t just eat,” he stated. “I don’t want you throwing up your lunch too.”

The younger grinned. “I’m fine, hyung. Do you still feel like throwing up?”

Sunggyu paused for a few seconds before shaking his head. “I think I’m done.”

Woohyun nodded before grabbing some disposable gloves from a box on the bedside and putting them on. Ignoring the pungent smell and holding his breath, he took the bucket and went into the bathroom to dispose of the contents and wash it clean. When he returned, Sunggyu was looking forlornly at the bag of strawberries.

The younger went back to his side, placing the bucket on Sunggyu’s left side so he could easily reach it if he needed it again. He then gestured to the tray.

“Hyung, you should eat,” he stated.

But, Sunggyu shook his head. “I’m just going to throw it up. Such a waste.”

“Come on, hyung, you need your strength.”

“I’m not hungry.” But, he was eyeing the strawberries.

Woohyun noticed and grinned. “Come on, I’ll let you have some if you eat your lunch.”

The older stubbornly shook his head again. “I would waste that too.”

An uncomfortable look then crossed his face and before Woohyun knew what was happening, Sunggyu had grabbed his bucket and was throwing up again. He continued to rub his hyung’s back until Sunggyu was done. He moved to take the bucket again, but Sunggyu stopped him, shaking his head.

“Just leave it here,” he said, placing the bucket on the bedside table by his left side. “No use for you emptying it out over and over again.”

“But, hyung, it will smell.”

“Woohyun, you’re an idol. You shouldn’t be emptying out your fan’s bucket of vomit,” Sunggyu said in a cold voice that the younger recognized.

He was feeling insecure again and Woohyun had to make him stop thinking that way. He placed a hand on Sunggyu’s.

“Hyung,” he said, making sure to look the older in the eye. “I’m not here as an idol. I’m here as your friend, and as your friend, I’ll help clean up your vomit whenever you need it, because that’s what friends do.”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened at that as his cheeks flared. It was so cute that Woohyun couldn’t resist pinching his cheeks.

“And as your friend,” he continued, before turning to the tray of uneaten food and picking up the bowl of soup and spoon. “I’m going to feed you, so that you have some food in you and gain some strength.” He scooped some soup and brought it to Sunggyu’s lips. “Now, say ‘ahhh’.”

“Woohyun, I’m really not hungry,” the older whined.

“Come on, hyung, just a few spoons, okay? I’ll tell you about my day too!”


“Sungyeol embarrassed himself in front of SNSD when we filmed Music Bank yesterday.”

And with that, Woohyun managed to get Sunggyu to eat, by distracting him with stories about s and other idols. Too mesmerized by the stories, Sunggyu accepted the spoons of soup, obediently.

So, by the time Sunghee returned, Sunggyu had finished the soup and Woohyun was helping him drink water.

“You’re a miracle worker, Woohyun-ah,” the older sister, exclaimed in a stunned voice. She then glared at Sunggyu. “Yah, you punk! I tried to get you to eat but you wouldn’t! Do you like this kid more than me?!”

Sunggyu, in a deadpan voice, replied, “Yes.”

“Yah!” his sister screeched as Sunggyu laughed.

Meanwhile, Woohyun felt the blush rise to his cheeks. He could feel his heart thumping in that special way it did whenever Sunggyu was involved.

Meanwhile, the older turned to him and smiled. “Strawberries?” he asked, cutely.

Throughout the afternoon, Sunggyu munched on strawberries, but when he started throwing up again, he had to regretfully stop. Sunghee promised to bring the strawberries home and freeze them so he could have them again when he was feeling better and could hold down food.

Woohyun stayed that entire afternoon, sitting on a chair at Sunggyu’s bedside, rubbing the older’s back, occasionally cleaning out the bucket, and chatting with the Kim siblings about idol life. He knew that he shouldn’t, as a precaution, but these were the Kim siblings. He trusted them and so far, in the last month or so of getting to know them, all conversations they had never left their little bubble.

They felt like family.

When Sunghee left the room once more to buy dinner, Sunggyu and Woohyun were left alone. Sunggyu’s dinner wasn’t being served for another hour, and so he was munching on a strawberry again, taking tiny bites to savor the taste.

Woohyun thought he looked adorable and he told him so.

“Stop that or I’m throwing this at your face,” the older said with a glare.

“No, you won’t, you love me!”

Sunggyu froze at that. He suddenly looked forlorn and the younger wondered if it was something he said. Well, it was always something he said, but he knew that as much as Sunggyu complained about the things he said, he didn’t actually find him annoying… well, at least, he hoped not.

“Hey,” the older said, slowly. His fingers fumbled with the half-eaten strawberry. “About what you said when you called me last time…”

Woohyun blinked. “What did I say?”

Sunggyu flashed him a pointed look. “You know… when you said you… loved me…”

Oh. That. Woohyun recalled that moment and flushed in embarrassment.

 “Did you… mean it?” the older asked.

“Well, of course, hyung! You’re my friend, aren’t you? I love all of my friends!”

Sunggyu continued to look at him and nodded. “Ahhh…” He leaned back against his pillows and nibbled on the strawberry, thoughtfully.

Woohyun decided to continue. “It may have just slipped out while I was trying to catch up with the others. I didn’t even think about it, but it’s not like it’s not true. I care about you, hyung. You’re important to me.”

Sunggyu blinked. “But, why?”


“Yes. Why? I’m just your fan. You wouldn’t have noticed me if not for that show. And it’s not like I’ve done anything for you. I’m your hyung, but you’re often the one taking care of me. That’s why I’m curious as to why you care so much about me.”

At that, the idol took a moment to process what the older just told him. It wasn’t like he could suddenly just confess his feelings like Dongwoo advised him. No, it wasn’t as simple as that. And Sunggyu might take it the wrong way. So, he carefully managed his words.

He flashed the older a teasing grin. “Wow, you’ve been thinking a lot about it, huh?”

Sunggyu shrugged. “It’s not like I had anything better to do than sleep, watch TV, and throw up in the last couple of days.”

“Well, if you really want to know, I see you more than just my fan. You’re my friend, Sunggyu-hyung and I’ll say it over and over again until you accept it. And you’re wrong, you have done something for me.”

Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as Woohyun continued.

“Hyung, you know that I’m a famous idol and everything and I have many famous friends.”

“Oh yes, please continue to talk about your glamorous idol life,” Sunggyu said, sarcastically.

Woohyun ignored the remark. “But, before that, I was just… Nam Woohyun, this average but good looking kid…”

Sunggyu snorted.

“… whose passion was singing. I had many normal friends. But, after I started training and debuted, they… kind of… sort of… just left.”

The older now looked seriously at him as he talked about his life pre-debut.

“What I’m trying to say is, hyung, you’re the first non-celebrity friend I had in a while that treated me like I was just Nam Woohyun and not Infinite’s Woohyun.”

Sunggyu’s brows furrowed again. “What do you mean that your friends left? Don’t they talk to you anymore?”

Woohyun chuckled a little bitterly. “They sort of stopped after Infinite made it to two years. Not saying that it was all their fault, I was just so busy that I didn’t have the time to hang out, even if they invited me. We’re still friends but… they feel kind of… far away…” He flashed a sheepish look at Sunggyu. “Does that make sense?”

Sunggyu pursed his lips in thought before nodding. “I get it. My friends from Jeonju are the same, I guess.” He began playing with the stems of the strawberry in his hands. “When I first started treatments, they would visit sometimes, encouraging me and cheering me on to get better. But, after the first time I relapsed, the visits became less and less until they just… stopped coming. I know they all have their own lives to deal with than pay attention to me. I don’t blame them at all. It’s just…”

“Lonely?” Woohyun offered, sympathetically.

Sunggyu nodded and flashed a sad smile at the younger. “Someday, you’ll probably stop coming too.”

“Never!” Woohyun shook his head in denial before grabbing Sunggyu’s hands, making him drop the strawberry.


“I’ll never stop visiting you and taking care of you!” he promised, determined.

He would never allow Sunggyu to feel lonely and insecure again! Not when he was around and he could do something!

“Woohyun, I know you keep saying you’re my friend, but you’re an idol too. You have responsibilities.”

“I can be an idol and your friend at the same time! I swear, hyung! I’m never leaving you. Sure, I’ll be busy sometimes and I’ll probably be abroad or traveling a lot, but I won’t ever stop calling or texting you! I’ll remind you every day that you have a Nam Woohyun who cares a lot about you! You can count on it!”

For a while, the older only looked at him, too stunned at his speech to speak. And Woohyun meant every word that came out of his lips. Sunggyu’s friends may have given up, but not him. He would never give up on Sunggyu.

“And you stopped treating me like an idol after, like, the fourth time we met, hyung! If you ask me, I like being treated like your friend better. You tease and nag me like my face isn’t all over your bedroom wall. It’s nice.”

He grinned while the older raised an eyebrow.

“So you like it when I tease and nag you?”

He nodded, eagerly, in reply.

“So, you don’t mind if I take down your posters and replace them with Myungsoo’s?”

“Hyung! That’s just mean! I won’t let you!”

“But, you said you’re my friend. Kind of weird to have my friend’s face all over my room, right? Should I trade your photo cards with his too?” Sunggyu teased.

“Hyung, that’s too much!”

And Sunggyu broke into a large smile and laughed

It warmed Woohyun’s heart to see that smile back on Sunggyu’s face, to hear his musical laughter filling the bleak hospital room. He loved being the reason for that smile and laugh, even if it meant Sunggyu had to tease and claime to replace him with Myungsoo (which Woohyun knew he would never ever do! He was still Sunggyu’s favorite!). If that was what it took to make the older forget his condition even for just a few minutes, Woohyun would gladly take it all in stride.

The door opened and Sunghee entered. “I’m back!” she announced, holding a plastic bag of takeout.

She paused at the door staring at them. It took only a few moments for Woohyun to realize that she was staring at their hands, still intertwined. With a cough, he released Sunggyu’s hands, lamenting the loss of the older’s cold skin.

He left the hospital room that night with a promise to visit again as soon as he could. His reward was Sunggyu hugging him around the waist with a heartfelt smile and a “thank you.”

Woohyun’s heart fluttered all the way home.


It was a day when Infinite were, once again, given a day off as a reward for all of their hard work. Dongwoo, Sungjong, and Hoya were out shopping while Myungsoo and Sungyeol opted to spend the day at the dorms, playing video games. A year or so ago, Woohyun would have gone out shopping too with one of his idol friends. But, just like in the last few months, he spent his free day visiting Sunggyu, who was now recovering at home.

Sunggyu was still bald, so he was always wearing the Infinite beanie (which always made Woohyun feel smug). But he definitely looked stronger and had more color in his cheeks. His appetite was back, and so he also talked more and laughed more and even started moving around the house, helping out with little chores whenever he could (though nothing overly strenuous or Sunghee would have his head).

At the moment, the two were in the older’s bedroom, sitting side-by-side on the bed, watching a movie on Sunggyu’s laptop called “Wolf Boy” with Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Young.

Woohyun thought it was a horror movie and was hoping to comfort Sunggyu if he got scared. However, it turned out the movie was actually really… cute. And a tear fest, judging by Sunggyu’s teary eyes and the way he hugged the Hamtaro plushie Woohyun had brought him as a gift (“It reminded me of you!” he told the older). Woohyun himself had to turn away to wipe at tears threatening to fall and ruin his manly image.

As they watched Park Bo Young’s character tearfully say “good bye” to Song Joong Ki’s character in the forest, Woohyun turned his head to look at Sunggyu.

The tears were flowing freely from the younger’s eyes. It was only a movie, but seeing Sunggyu cry made his heart ache.

“Hyung,” he whispered. “Do you need a hug?”

Sunggyu turned to him with a raised brow. “I’m okay.” He turned back to the movie.

“Oh. Okay.” Woohyun tried not to pout in disappointment, but couldn’t help it.

They continued on with the movie and by the time the credits rolled, Sunggyu was already leaning against Woohyun’s shoulder, obviously too proud to ask for a hug, but needed some kind of comfort.

“Why did we watch this?!” he complained, wiping the tears from his face.

“I thought it was going to be scary,” Woohyun explained as he exited the window and closed the laptop. “I’m sorry, hyung. But, it was a nice movie, right? Their love was strong until the very end, despite all the hardships and plots against them.”

Sunggyu nodded in agreement before sighing, deeply. The two remained on the bed, side-by-side, in silence for a while, allowing themselves to feel the emotions brought about by the movie. Honestly, Woohyun envied Song Joong Ki’s character. He was easily able to express his feelings through simple actions, even if he couldn’t speak, and there was no hesitation, no regrets, in that love.

He wished he could express his own feelings to Sunggyu without him sounding too overly cheesy all the time that it annoyed the older. Then again, Woohyun was used to being the one who was chased. Chased by fans, chased by female idols. It was the first time since high school that he was chasing after someone, and he had no idea how to go about it. It was easier back then because too often, the girl already liked him.

But, he had no idea how Sunggyu felt for him. Yes, the older had been more open when it came to skinship with him. And sometimes, he would say things that made Woohyun blush like a giddy teenage girl. And he knew that he was an important person to Sunggyu.

But, did the older like him as an idol, as a friend, or as something more? Woohyun needed to know!

“Hey, hyung, have you ever been in love?” he bravely asked.

At the question, Sunggyu pursed his lips in thought. “Once. Does a middle-school crush on a teacher count?”

“Oh really?” Woohyun was intrigued now and weirdly jealous of this teacher. “What was she like?”

To his surprise, Sunggyu turned red and coughed, awkwardly. “Um… the teacher was a he…”

Woohyun’s eyes widened, his mouth forming an “O”.

“He was my choir teacher, very handsome and had a great voice,” Sunggyu continued, looking off into the far distance with a fond smile on his face. “He said I had potential to be a great singer, so he would always practice extra hours with me. He made me fall in love with singing.” The older sighed. “I was really jealous of his wife. But, they were also really perfect together. As if I had a chance anyway, I was a kid.”

He smiled sheepishly at Woohyun. “I know, I’m weird.”

Woohyun quickly shook his head. “Not at all! I think it’s reasonable! He’s the reason why you love music, right?”

“Yes, I guess so. I wonder how he is…”

As Sunggyu reminisced to himself, Woohyun started thinking. If Sunggyu had liked a male teacher back in Middle School, did that mean he liked guys too? Did Woohyun have a chance? Then again, it could have been simple admiration of a teacher. Woohyun had to admit, he had crushes on many adults in the past simply because he admired them. But… what if…?

He turned to his hyung again, who was still reminiscing. Gathering whatever little amount of bravery and courage he had, Woohyun dared to ask, “So, does that mean you like guys, hyung?”

Sunggyu’s blush deepened and he refused to meet Woohyun’s eyes.

“Hyung?” he prodded, scooting closer to the older.

“I… um…”

“You can tell me. You trust me, right?”

Sunggyu chuckled, half-heartedly, still looking away from the idol. “You know that it’s not something you can easily just reveal to the world, Woohyun-ah, especially to your idol… who happens to be a guy.”

If Sunggyu would just look at him, he would see the gleam in Woohyun’s eyes and the smile tugging at his lips. “Okay… go on…”

Sunggyu took a deep breath. “I like girls…” He bit his lip before continuing. “… and guys. I like girls and guys.”

He finally turned his head to look at Woohyun and his face fell at the frown on Woohyun’s face. He swallowed and moved further away from the idol.

“Um… You don’t have to worry about me hitting on you or anything…”

Woohyun’s eyes widened. “What?! Am I not your type?!” he exclaimed, feeling offended.

Did Sunggyu really not like him?

The older started fidgeting as he played, nervously, with the Hamtaro plushie. “Um… It’s not that…”

“Is Myungsoo really more handsome than me?!” Woohyun wailed. “But I’m handsome too!”

Seriously, what did that visual have that he didn’t?!


“Go out with me!” the idol blurted out.

Immediately, the blood rushed to his face. He didn’t mean to say that! He was just curious if Sunggyu liked guys! And besides, if he asked Sunggyu out, he would have done it in a cute and romantic way, something more memorable that would implore the older to say “yes”.

Well… too late now. Sunggyu was already looking at him like he had two heads.

“W-What?” the older said, turning even redder than before.

With more determination, Woohyun decided he might as well just roll with it. He scooted closer to Sunggyu, completely invading his personal space. The older quickly put the Hamtaro plushie between them.

“Go out with me, Sunggyu-hyung,” he stated, confidently, even if all he felt were knots in his stomach. “I’ll show you that I’m better than Myungsoo! Trust me, that kid can’t ask a girl out even if his life depended on it.” As Sunggyu scooted further, he scooted closer. “Let me take you out on a date and I promise that it will be the best date you’ve ever been on!”

Sunggyu continued to give him a shocked look, his normally pale face red in embarrassment. “I... I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

Woohyun’s face fell as his heart dropped to his churning stomach. Wow… that rejection hurt.

“You’re an idol,” Sunggyu continued, turning his head away to stare at the wall. “If people see, they would talk. It would be bad for your reputation. I… I don’t want to be the reason you could lose your career.”

He was right, of course. If the fans found out, heck, if his management found out, that would be the end of his career. He would be kicked out of Infinite. He would never be able to sing in the Entertainment Industry again. He would be throwing away all the hard work and sacrifices he put into training and debuting. All that gone… all because he liked a man.

And Woohyun was absolutely aware of all that.

And yet, he continued to stare at Sunggyu with pleading eyes. “Just one date, hyung,” he asked, in a soft voice. “Let me take you out on just one date.”

He watched as Sunggyu bit his lips, conflicted. He couldn’t blame the older. It wasn’t everyday he confessed to liking the same gender and then get asked out by an idol soon after. But, yet, Woohyun waited, patiently for his answer.

If Sunggyu said “no”, then he would let it go. He would settle for just being friends and supporting him as a friend. Woohyun was resolved to keep this friendship.

Finally, Sunggyu swallowed before turning his head to look at him in the eye, shyly.

“Okay… just one date.”

A/N: Again, I am so sorry about the mistake! I hope you guys enjoyed it, anyway! I could have just ignored it and dropped the half of this chapter, but I couldn't do that to you guys! You deserve better! This chapter is supposed to be a turning point for their relationship, so I can't let you miss out on the good stuff due to my carelessness.

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709 streak #1
Chapter 14: this still makes me cry 😭
Chapter 11: This is so sad yet beautiful. I don't know why I keep on reading this over and over again knowing I am gonna bawl my eyes out. I love this story.
Chapter 9: This is beautiful. I love their love. It is so pure without any expectations. Loved reading this as always
Chapter 8: Loved reading this so much. The love they have for each other is so beautiful
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful yet sad.. I mean I get the longing and feel like the ending won't be happy, but still it makes me happy to read this. Thanks for the update
How did I miss this story of yours?? Can't remember whether I read this or not. Going to read this now.
Chapter 14: It was really nice and heartbreaking
Really good you explain the situation and it had deep thought at some conversation
Chapter 7: Oh how sweet they were
Like it
Simran20 #9
Chapter 14: Rereading it again after a long time. It was so intense.
Chapter 14: Thanks for the alternate ending.
The original one was good though it is a sad.