(r) april

A Look Inside the Cup

honestly don't expect real in any of these... but it is a bit inappropriate so :   )))




Chanyeol felt as if a Dementor was his happiness away this spring holiday. He threw his pen on the table and groaned. “Why did they assign us so much work?” he complained to his owl, who was hopping around in its cage. There was a knock on the door. “Who is it? Come in.” Chanyeol said, not paying much attention, because it was probably his mom coming in with slices of fruits again.


“Park Chanyeol! Let’s go have some fun!” Chanyeol turned his head quickly at the familiar voice, hurting his neck in the process. Baekhyun laughed and helped massage Chanyeol’s neck. “You’re such an idiot.”


“It’s your fault for scaring me like that!” Chanyeol smiled despite the pain and slipped his hand on top of Baekhyun’s. “What are you doing here, babe?” he asked, grasping Baekhyun’s other hand and pulling him onto his lap.


The two had promised to focus on their studies this spring holiday because it was their final year and they thought it would be good if they ended their year at Hogwarts with excellent grades (because they weren’t very good at that the years before). “I haven’t seen you in three days, I missed you.” Baekhyun leaned in and nuzzled his nose against Chanyeol’s cheek. Chanyeol loved touchy Baekhyun, but sometimes touchy Baekhyun meant he wanted something from him.


“Tell me the real reason, Baek.” Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun’s chin slightly with his pointer finger. Baekhyun’s pout transformed to a grin.


“Let’s get your ears pierced!”


“From silver hair to ear piercing, do you really want me to get disowned by my parents?” Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with a straight face, making his boyfriend pout even harder.


“I’m telling you, you’d look waaaaay hotter with earrings.”


Chanyeol touched his earlobes protectively. “It’ll bring attention to my ears, I don’t want to… it’s something you small-eared people won’t understand.” Baekhyun blinked at Chanyeol, looking slightly frustrated.


“Chanyeol. Your ears are perfect.” Baekhyun replaced Chanyeol’s hands on his ear with his own. “It’s the right size of big. You’re a big guy so things have to even out. Or it’s not fair, you know.” Baekhyun’s touches were getting a little too ticklish for Chanyeol’s taste. “We can get couple earrings! Doesn’t that sound fun?”


Chanyeol shrugged. “I don’t know.”


Baekhyun tapped his chin. “Hm… How about this then? I’ll get my pierced if you get your ears pierced!” Chanyeol almost choked on his spit and died on the spot at how casually Baekhyun shouted that out loud. His mom was downstairs and they probably heard Baekhyun’s deal—


“A what?”


“A piercing. Right here.” Baekhyun lifted his shirt and pointed to his right . Chanyeol looked down at his (that he had multiple times, hard enough to get them swollen), then back up at Baekhyun’s mischievous grin. “You like them so I assumed you’d be interested in me getting it pierced.”


Chanyeol felt himself get dizzy by Baekhyun’s statement. “Um. What? I didn’t even know you could get that pierced—doesn’t that hurt?” he started spewing random crap out of his mouth, making Baekhyun giggle. Chanyeol picked Baekhyun up from his lap and placed him on the bed. “But I like biting on them... Can I still do that when you get them pierced?” he panicked.


Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah, except it’ll feel different, I guess.” He looked up at his worrying boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his neck. “If you’re this paranoid about it, then I won’t—”


“No!” Chanyeol interrupted. “I… I don’t know.” Before Baekhyun could realize it, Chanyeol had his shirt bunched up to his chin. Chanyeol’s thumbs brushed against them, surprising Baekhyun.


“Uh? Chanyeol?” Baekhyun stuttered, his eyes going from Chanyeol to the unlocked bedroom door. “You okay?” The friction of Chanyeol’s fingers rubbing on his s were getting more and more unbearable; he slipped a hushed moan out from his lips. Chanyeol’s eyes shot up as if he had only just realized what kind of effect his fingers had on Baekhyun.


“Oh , I’m so sorry, I was just saying my goodbyes to them before you got this one pierced—” The tips of Chanyeol’s ears turned red. Chanyeol quickly lifted his hands from Baekhyun’s chest and leaned back on his legs, kneeling on the bed.


“Then… you can say good bye to them properly after you lock the door.” Baekhyun wet his bottom lip and grinned in anticipation.




By the time Chanyeol said his proper goodbyes to Baekhyun’s ‘’ right (which was now thoroughly and bitten), it was nighttime. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s bare chest and pulled him close. “I guess I can’t get them pierced today.” Baekhyun sighed against his boyfriend’s chest.


“Tomorrow? I guess I have to say goodbye to them tomorrow too, then. Wanna sleepover?” Chanyeol asked, making Baekhyun burst into laughter.

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Chapter 8: Awwwwwww thiss is wayy to cutee!!
Chapter 8: Haha that was hella cute & obviously beak s not "small eared "
Chapter 6: this is pure gold, thank you!
Chapter 6: Cuuutiiiess
Your drabbles are adorable!
Chapter 5: I love all of these drabbles!!! Cb are so cute and i love the other characters as well as the whole harrypotter!au XD
Chapter 5: LOL XDDDDDD
Chapter 4: Yum, yum. Harrypotter!au is definitely one of my favorites. Hopefully they didn't get the uniform too dirty ;)
nabmyn-ssi #8
nabmyn-ssi #9
Chapter 2: I'm dying at each chapters. Thank you
BaekYeolFan_ #10
Chapter 4: Omg