Chapter 8


-flash back-

When you were 10 years old, your dad always never home which you keep on questioning your mother about it but she never give you a reasonable explanation. You remember you always move from one place to another and that were one of the reason you don’t want to make friends. Your mother were sick at that time as she was struggling to pay for our daily life which she never complain if even she didn’t get to eat and gave all her food to you. She worked at a restaurant washing dishes as she wasn’t high educated person. At the age of 13, you came home after school to found your house were upside down and heard your mom screaming in her room which you ran towards her.

To your surprise to see a familiar figure was beating your mother which you ran to her to protect her from that monster. ‘Why are you beating her?’ I asked furiously to that person, ‘____ run now. He wants you so run away before something bad happen’ your mom said as she was now the one who protecting you. You were confused at that time that it was too late to get away when your dad shoved your mom so hard to the side. Her head hits the wall so hard that cause her to bleed and unconscious, you were trying to help your my but suddenly your dad grab you by the hair to your room.

As we reached the room, he shoved me inside as he lock the door behind him. What happen inside was something you wouldn’t want to remember as it was the day you lose your ity to your own father as he you. When he’s done with you, he went on his way but got caught by the police when they came to the house. It traumatize you until now to let people touch you, the police was there because our neighbor call the police when they heard us screaming inside the house which I was thankful as he was arrested. He was sentence 5 years in jail which it was the last time you saw him but you were hoping not to see him for the rest of your life. But you lose your mother that day because she was bleed to death which the more reason you hate him.

-End Flash Back-

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