Chapter 1


It’s your high school graduation day. You are someone average that had a dark past but no one knows because you only tell to the people you trust and there’s where your best friend come who you have known almost your whole life after the incidence in the past. As the ceremony finished and everyone is taking pictures with their love ones but you only passing through the crowd and finally sit on a bench near the school field away from the crowds that only gave you a headache and a familiar voice called ‘hey! I’ve been looking everywhere for you’ which make you turn your head to face him without answering and just smile. There he was, Hongbin, your best friend and the only friend you have because you’re not the type of person that who socialize easily. Suddenly you remember the time you first met him…

-flash back-

It’s the first year of high school, you were walking through the school gate with your earphones on while listening to your favorite boy group “VIXX” songs but accidentally bumped into your friend Hongbin for the first time. He was apologizing to you so many times that makes you noticed that he was nervous as he was just transferred there because he just move here which you only shook your head, bow a bit and continued your walked without saying a word. It was on recess time, you usually eat alone near a bench at the school field (which where you are sitting now) but that day you didn’t feel like eating so you went to library to occupied yourself until recess is over which is listening to music in peace and quiet place that’s where you decided to sit in one of table that was at the end of the library far away from people but as you were sitting there a voice started asking you ‘can I join you?’, you looked up and saw Hongbin which you just only gestured for him to sit but at the back of your mind ‘I hope he doesn’t talked much. If he is I’ll be walking out of here’. He seat there without talking even though he still wanted to apologize about this morning but by looking at your straight and fierce face he didn’t have the guts to talked until the bell rang and we went back to class. After that day, we often bumped to each other until Hongbin have the courage to ask you to be his friend so that’s how we end up being a friend.

As you was staring at blank space, Hongbin wave his hands in front of you that make you came back to your senses which I realize he was already sitting beside me while hearing his voice saying ‘calling ___ back to earth’ and we just laughed. Suddenly Hongbin pull out his camera pointed at us and stick himself near me and said ‘smile!’ and he was very satisfied the outcome because you were smiling sincerely and said ‘it’s the first time I got you to smile on your own because I know how much you hate to smile. I’m going to treasured it’ while we both looked at each other and smile but these time you pull out your phone and turn on your front camera saying ‘now it’s my turn. Smile!’ but as you press the button, you felt a soft and warm touch your cheek and you turned to discovered Hongbin just kissed your cheek that was now a slight pink color which you just automatically hit his chest as hard as you can that make him bend his body in pain and you just like ‘serve you right’ and he looked at you saying ‘ouch! That hurts!’ while you’re avoiding his gaze as he continued ‘that’s what you get for being so sudden to take a picture. It’s also the first time you ever did so I want it to be special’ as his voice getting lower. You looked at him realizing for all this time he was the one who was taking pictures of you and us, I looked down because I feel bad for all the memories that we have and you didn’t cherished them like Hongbin does, upon seeing your face with the sad eyes he lifted your head to meet his kind and warm eyes and said ‘don’t feel bad about it. I’m not complaining. Please don’t be sad’ as he pulled you to hugged as he remembered what you had told him about your past so he swore to himself that he will try his very best to make you happy because without you knowing, he actually love you but he didn’t want to be selfish and ruin our friendship. The little that he know, you do have feelings for him but you’re still confused as to what kind of feeling you actually have for him, you let that thought slipped away so that you can enjoyed every moment with him as you’re letting him hugged you so that you can feeling his warmth but he pulled away after a few minutes by saying ‘I have something for you. It’s a graduation gift’. You took the gift box and open it, it was a photo album which you thought were empty but actually full with pictures of us as he was showing me every page of it, you’re so touched and hugged him again while saying ‘thank you so much for being there for me’ as your eyes started tearing up but you managed to hold them back and you can feel he just nodded while smiling until his dimple showed.

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