




Annabelle's pov.                                                                                                                                                                                 Just as I woke up and went to the mess hall there was a big rumor going around when I got to the mess hall I saw mikasa the girl I bunked with (Y/N) wasn't so happy but she bunked with Annie. I decide to eat breakfast with mikasa and her friends as I walked up I said to mikasa "have you heard of the rumor going on" but I just earned a stare I decided to look around for (Y/N) but she wasn't anywhere.                                                                                                                                                                     I soon saw Marco and Jean I decided to ask them where (Y/N) was but they didn't know soon o saw (Y/N) come in she had bag under her lifeless (e/c) [eyecolor]orbs and her (s/c) [skin color] was all pale she looked sick and her back was hunched.soon she walk to are  table I asked "where have you been (y/n) you worried me and why do you look tired are you sick but" she just replied "allergies".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Y/N) pov.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I Looked at a annabelle asked Annabelle  if shehad any pig meat scence it tastes like people and I kind of helps me from eating shejust replied " no" as I recalled last night I was shoot in the stomache how I don't know why I was hunting and got little food but it helps I soon looked at Annabelle and said to her " can I sleep mom " in a very tired voice scence she reminds me of a mom after that everything went black.                                                                                                                                                                                 I up in a room with Annabelle asleep at my feet and Marco and Jean sleeping in a chair. I soon saw Annabelle walking up so I decided to sing a song to help her sleep ( just saying the song is from Cinderella the one made in 2015 called lavender blue).   "Lavenders blue dilly dilly lavenders green  when you become king dilly dilly I shall be queen who told you so silly dilly ''twas my own heart dilly dilly that told me so set them to work some to the plough dilly dilly some to the fork some to the hey dilly dilly some to treat corn whilst you and I dilly dilly keep ourselves warm lavenders blue dilly dilly lavenders green when you are king dilly dilly I shall be queen who told you so dilly dilly who told you so'twas my own hart dilly dilly that told me so by the time I finished Jean and Marco was waking up and I didn't stop the I only stopped Annabelle because she would have told me I need to take care of myself as soon I saw Marco awake I shahid in a gentle voice "good morning Marco " after I said that Marco looked at me and he replied "are you okay (y/n) did you get some rest!"     I replied back "im fine Marco I think you need the rest" I soon looked at Annabelle looking at me with water in her eyes she soon tackled me saying " (y-y/n) scared me don't e..ever scare me plz" after she said that she started to cry her eyes out I soon looked at Jean and giving him a sweet smile he soon looked away blushing I decided to get on my feet but Annabelle said I need more rest but I ran outside as fast as I could I looked behind me and saw Jean,Marco and,Annabelle      Chasing after me I soon get tackled by all three I soon looked and up and saw the night sky I asked Jean Marco and Annabelle "aren't you suppose to be in the mess hall Annabelle replied "we skip it to watch you" I gave them the sweetest smile every soon saw the brunette boy and the blonde guy and Raven haird girl I soon decide to run up to them they all looked at me I said "hi I'm (y/n) (l/n)" the brunette said "I'm Eren and this Mikasa pointing and the Raven haird girl and this is Armin" he said as he pointed to the blonde I replied back " nice to meet you armin mikasa and eren"                                                           I soon went back to the bunks but Annabelle pulled me with the rest of the girls to the boy dorms as we entered Annabelle said Reiner invited us to play truth or dare I decided to sit next to Annabelle who sat next to a blonde girl soon Reiner said to Annabelle truth or dare she replied "dare!" Reiner said "okay I dare you to say the person you would marry" Annabelle looked away the replied in in a happy tune"(Y/N)!" In a happy tune Annabellle soon asked me "truth or dare " I said "truth" she said "have you ever kissed a guy and if you have then what's his name" I replied "yes and he is dead" everyone soon gave a shocked look and I also said " I won't say his name because I promised to never tell anyone his name" soon I said "Marco truth or dare" he replied "truth!" "Okay who would you marry in this room" Marco said "Jean" soon Marco asked Connie "truth or dare" Connie said "dare" "okay I dare you to kiss Sasha on the cheek" after he said that I decided to leave and get some dinner.( the next chase will be about your past okay oh and sorry if this chapter and sorry for grammar mistakes)







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