
Assasins: It's what we do

"That's alright you don't have to do that and your group is kind of large any way." You said while pointing to the rest of his friends who where staring. He paused for a second and turned to the teacher.
"Teacher is their a limit to the amount of people their can be in a group." 
"No Jungkook their isn't the limit is up to you." He turned back to you staring you down. You weren't intimidated it was just awkward. Everyone was now staring.
"See you can be in our group."
"I told you it was fine." You were annoyed couldn't he just give it up.
"TEACHER Y/N IS GOING TO BE IN OUR GROUP!!" He said this making possibly the largest scene in the the history of the world. He started to flail his arms and continued screaming.
"Shut up already! I will be in  your group just shut up!" He smirked. Why was he always smirking.
"I'm sorry I forgot to say that these groups are for the rest of the year. I hope that does not affect any one."
~. Why do these things happen to me? I could kill him right now and get in so much trouble but it would be so worth it.~
"You can mover your stuff closer to us. Oh! And what music do you actually like?"
"Ok, and I'm still figuring that out."
"Guys this is Y/N. Y/N this is Jimin, who you already know." He pointed to the familiar orange haired boy. You examined each of them. The boy I meet earlier Taehyung was also apart of Jungkook's little group. The tallest of the group was Rapmonster but I heard someone call him Namjoon. Jin was the oldest but the other one Suga seemed older by personality. Each had very noticeable differences it was surprising they got along the way they did. 
"Y/N are you even paying attention!" He said while waving his hand in front of your face.
"Yah I am you were talking about an up coming event that you wanted to participate in." ~That's if he lives long enough to even make it there .~
"And now that your in our group you have to do it with us. Here is the schedule." He through a piece of paper in your face. Practice everyday after school and twice a day on the weekends. Each practice was split in two- singing and dancing.
"Are you serious?! One you don't even know if I can sing or dance and two this schedule way to cramped." You could but seriously how ignorant.
"Well we just thought that... I mean can you?" Taehyung finally spoke up despite your warning earlier. 
"I can but you never asked and I will have to ask my mom about all these practices."
~What would mom think? Would Hwan be ok? This doesn't sound like a good idea. Plus I would be alone with these guys a lot.~
"I apologize for not asking first. And we will give you until tomorrow to make up your mind. It would be really great to add a girl to the dance though." His voice seemed sincere but you never know he may be just like Jungkook. 
"If my mom says yes than I will do it if she says no that it is a no. Then I will see you guys tomorrow." 

"So your saying, you practice everyday after school plus it's filled with boys." She looked down at the paper I was given.
"That is correct. It doesn't sound like a good idea does it." She looked at the paler one more time and laughed. ~please say no~
"Sounds like a great idea!"
"Are you serious?!"
"When am I not? Now get out of here. I have work to do." You left. She said yes. She said yes. She really wants to make your life miserable and what was with that laugh. You went up to Hwan's room to see how he was doing on homework. You knocked on the door.
"Hwan how you doing in their?" No awnser.
"Buddy are you ok." Still no answer.
"I'm coming in." You knocked down the door. You saw Hwan tied up to his bed. Cuts all over him. He had been crying and had a cloth covering his mouth. There was a woman in the room. Not much older than your mom but looked like a trophy wife on the outside. She looked as if she was about to do something bad. Hwan tried to say something. The woman pointed her gun at my chest. You weren't fazed by the gun and the woman noticed.
"Who are you and what do you want with my brother." She pointed he gun at poor helpless Hwan.
"Get out you can get him when I'm done."
"Let him go and put down the gun." She laughed.
"Who is gonna make me." You grabbed the gun out of the woman's hands before fire she noticed and threw it on the floor. You walked toward Hwan and started to untie him. When he was red you turned around to see the woman holding the gun again.
"I told you to put the gun down."
"Get out of the way you little b*tch!" You were done with her attitude. You knocked he gun out of her hand and pulled her arm behind her back. Pushing into her back. You pulled a knife out of you pocket. You put it up to her neck. Her eyes filled with fear. 
"It can be fa or slow your choice." Even after all that she mustered up whatever pride she had left and yelled.
"Go to hell."
"Hwan close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to." Once he had covered his eyes you broke the woman's wind pipe so she couldn't scream. You cut her in a few places just like she did to Hwan. You thew her against the wall and banged her head a bit into the wall. To finish it off you slit . 
"Hwan you can open your eyes now." He ran towards you and embraced you in a hug.
"Noona I was scared." He was crying so hard. You both fell to the floor still hugging surrounded by the blood of the woman you had just killed. 

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