
Assasins: It's what we do

"Y/N, get down her now! or I am adding one training session to your routine!"
"I'm coming hold your horses!"
~Damn. I can't believe I actually have to go to school. Worst of all my mom put me in some arts school. Does she want to expose me.~
You walk down the stairs to see that your mom made you breakfast. OJ and eggs. Your favorite. Your poured that OJ down the drain and put the eggs in the trash can. They may be your parents but they are assassins. You can never be to careful.
"That a girl! Have a great day in prison."
"Your one to talk! Last time I checked you have stepped in many prisons but not an actual school."
Your mother slapped you across the check. Hard. You know not to talk like that to your mother yet you did it anyway.
"YOU ARE WALKING TO SCHOOL," there was no arguing with her so you nodded your head, " and make sure to speak to people you won't be able to progress in the art of killing people if you don't know how people act."
She had a point. Sometimes to kill a person you must track their movements and know how the respond to things. If I actually become comfortable with other people it might actually help me in the field.
You walked out the door being careful not to slam it behind you. You had you backpack, black of course. The uniform bothered you. A skirt of all things a skirt. I mean do these people purposely show this much skin. As you were ranting in your head you noticed movement behind you. A knife came hurdling towards your head. You turned your head and let come as close as a few inches from your eyes and then caught it. 
"How did you see me!"
"Haven't you heard?"
"Younger siblings never surpass their older siblings." You said with a smile. The young boy pouted. It was your little brother Hwan. He was a bowl of sunshine. Your parents treated him with kindness instead of wanting to turn him into a master assassin unlike you. He wasn't better than you because he didn't train at all.
"What are you even doing here?"
"I wanted to walk to school with you, Noona."
"Fine, but you have to turn back as soon as we get their. Mom will get mad." You said patting his head and then shoving him along. 
~He is so cute and innocent why can't everyone be like this~
You finally arrived at the school. 
-Most girls would be excited or nervous. I feel nothing but who can blame I haven't felt anything lately. All apart of training~
You finally got to the door of the school and made your little brother turn back even though he wanted to stay. You walked into the school. 
~It is larger than schools I have seen in pictures. I tried to asses the students as I walked to the office. All of them were somewhat talented. They had to be to get into this school~
~The ladies in the office seemed nice but underneath that they seemed annoyed with my presence.~
You are pretty good at reading people. 
~There was a slight disruption when a boy walked into the office. The office ladies seemed to enjoy his presence much more than mine. I took the schedule bowed and walked towards the door. The office ladies didn't notice but the boy did.~
Boy's P.O.V.:
~Ugh. Time to go up to the ladies in the office. Sometimes it gets boring up to people.~
"Hello ladies." You fake smiled. You started to chat with them coaxing them into changing some of your classes so you could be with your friends. When you noticed a girl in the room. Obviously a new student. Her schedule was on the desk. She noticed that she was no longer needed and decided to leave. She was smart knew when she wasn't wanted. She could be very pretty if she tried.
Y/N P.O.V.:
"I'm sorry was I interrupting something." He said with a slight smirk. He examined you then finally making eye contact.
"I was just leaving." You then walked out of the office to realize the tension.
You stopped outside the door to examine the schedule. 
~You have got to be kidding me. Mom I am going to kill you. Why did she sign me up for all of these extra curricular activities and choice classes. Ugh. This is going to be a living hell.~
Someone had tapped you on the shoulder and it brought you out of your thoughts.
"Hi you must be knew my name is Jungkook. What is your name?" It was the boy that interrupted me in the office. You just walked away. If you were going to be forced tointeract with people it would be with girls not boys. 
Jungkook P.O.V.:
~Take it back this girl isn't smart at all. Who walks away from a from a guy like me. I mean is she even looking at me. I am hot as hell. She doesn't get to walk away from me  just like that.~
Y/N P.O.V.:
"Hey I was speaking to you." 
~He seemed pissed I didn't care. He tried to grab my wrists. I shook him off. He may be strong for the average teenage boy but I was much stronger. This made him even more pissed.~
He continued to mumble but the bell was about to ring so you shuffled along. You walked in the door and the teacher announced that there was new student. 
~I handed a paper to the teacher it read. // This particular student's name will not be mentioned in any of her classes- the principle// The teacher was so shocked he almost swallowed his tongue. I indorse his reactions and then started with my introduction.~
"Hello." Brief but okay.
"You can have a seat in the back next to Jungkook." You nodded and made your way to   your seat. People sneered as you passed them. Your expression never changed. 
"What's up hot stuff," he said with a smirk, " You still haven't told me your name and the teacher didn't seem to mention it. What's up with that." You fixed your eyes on the board. They weren't learning anything remotely difficult yet some of the students seemed stumped.
~I wonder what it feels like to not understand things or just feel anything. Aish, this kid keeps  bothering me. Is he messed up in the brain or something. It is possible but unlikely. You finally looked at him, when he stopped looking at you, to examine his features. This was something you did normally and not in a weird way. He has black hair cut into a bowl cut. I'm not one to like guys but his face was pleasant to look at. He was built and from his schedule lying on his desk he was studying to become a singer. He caught me staring. He started to wave his hand in front of my face.~
"Hello? Are you so amazed by my handsomeness that you can't take your eyes off me." He said this with a devious smile. 
~Man this kid was arrogant. I had killed many people like him for work. They were easy targets.~ 
"Do you two have something you would like to share with the class."
"No sir."
"Good. Because you were not paying attention I will repeat this once more. Your partner for all science projects will be the person sitting next to you have fun you are dismissed.
~That's great you get stuck with an arrogant freeloader. I shouldn't be complaint at least I won't have speak to him if I'm doing all the work.~
Your next classes were all choice classes your evil mother signed you up for. You had almost made it through they day until singing class started. Jungkook was in your class but he kept his distance because he was with his friends. One of the guys walked over and put a hand on your desk.
Jimin P.O.V.:
~I can't believe Jungkook is making do this. I hate playing into his games. This girl is going to think I am just like him. She is cute I hate to make her not like me. Jungkook asked me for a favor and I just had to say yes. I am totally hanging this over his head.~
Y/N P.O.V.:
"Hi, my name is Jimin." How has your first day been?" You didn't want to be rude but you needed to stay away from guys as far as possible. Suddenly Jungkook walked over.
"Told yah she wouldn't respond." He said with a smirk. Jimin expression changed into one that reminded me of Jungkook's earlier.
"Looks like we got one play'in hard to get. What should we do about it."
Before they could say anything else the teacher walked in.
~He was different from the other teachers. He was more relaxed. He seemed fun. If I knew what fun really  was.~
"Everyone as you have noticed we have a new student," he waved you to come up, you did and he continued, "she may seem shy but has a beautiful voice when it comes to singing. Why don't you show us skills."
~He meant no harm but I didn't like to sing in front of others. An uneasy feeling set in my stomach.~
"Sir, that would not be a good idea. I would be wasting class time and I'm not as good as the people in this room."  
"Seems like someone is underestimating themselves. Your mother sent me a tape of you singing it was amazing but you may go sit down if you are uncomfortable. You returned to your seat to see that a note was left on your desk. It read //Meet me in the break room after class.-Jungkook // You took the paper wrote no in big letters and waded it up and then threw it straight at his head. 
~What is this kid's deal. Why can't he leave me alone. Is this how normal guys act. Cause if it is I don't think I will be liking any boys for the time being. Class is almost over and I finally get to go home. Mom was right school is like prison but I have seen worse at least the food was editable.~
RING!!!RING!!! The last bell rang and you finally get to go pick Hwan up from school. Your mom was kind enough to let you go to the park after school. 
"Noona!" His smile was so cute and innocent.
"Hwan!" You said with your arms outreached towards him. You embraced him in a hug and ruffled his hair.
"How was school? Make any enemies?" You said with a smile. If he really had made any enemies you would have killed them. Literally.
"School is great! Meeting new people is fun. I don't no why it bothers you so much."
~Meeting people does bother me. I kill people for a living. In this field a work death is apart of the job. Why get attached to a person when you could be trying to kill them the next day. There is no use for attachment in my eyes. But Hwan should be innocent for as long as he can. No one is going to ruin it they way my innocence was.~
"I want to go on the slide." He said while tugging your sleeve. He was so excited so were you. You had never been to a playground.
~This is a little disappointing, but it brought a smile to Hwan's little face so I am happy. Is it weird that I want to take a turn on the swing.~
All of the sudden you a scream coming from the slide. A little girl ran out holding her chest. She ran to what looked like her older brother. Hwan came out from underneath the slide with a smirk on his face. 
"What did you do!" You knocked him on the head.
"Nothing. She started it!"
"What happened?"
"She tried to kiss me so I gave her a piece of my mind. I didn't even hit her that hard." He said with a pouty face like that would work this time.
"That gives you no right to hit a girl. Go apologize now! But nice job. That doesn't mean do it again."
Before Hwan walked over to apologize to the girl and her older brother walked over. 
~He seems familiar. Wait is that Jungkook. Crap what is that piece of sh*t doing here. Now I have to deal with him. Maybe Hwan can take the girl out and I will take out Jungkook and we can run. That won't work guess I have to nod and wait for it to be over.
Little girl:
"Brother that's the boy that hit me."
"Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It won't be easy getting these two to speak to us the boy's sister isn't to bright. She wouldn't know if she was rude if it hit her in the face.
His words didn't get to me but it got to Hwan.
"Noona, are you going to let him speak to you like that. One hit and he is out." He whispered in your ear. 
"You know I can't do anything about it. If it annoys you so much say sorry and we can get out of here."
"What was that squirt? Oh that's right you can't speak instead you hit people for no reason."
By now the little girl was in the middle of giggle fit and Hwan's eyes were filled with fire. He was mad. He may not train as much as you but he can be dangerous kid to tangle with.
"Don't talk to my sister or me like that you arrogant pice of sh*t!"
Jungkook expression changed into one of surprise and confusion. You secretly high-fived Hwan. Which didn't settle well with Jungkook.
"Apologize to her now!"
"No! She deserved what she got. Now leave us alone." He tried to pull me away but Jungkook stepped over the line. He pushed Hwan onto the ground. Hwan was about to kick his but you stopped him. No one would mess with you brother like that. 
"Hwan wait for me on the swings I will handle this. I suggest you tell your sister to leave."
"You are getting you kicked." He stuck his tongue out at Jungkook and then ran to the swings.
"You need to teach that kid some manners." You payed no attention to him and started to roll up your sleeves. It was out of your comfort zone to fight in public but he crossed the line time for him to pay.
"I'm so sorry," You said as you bowed you head, "I'm going to mess up your pretty face."
You have him a few punches to he chest. Before he could react you uppercut and the jabbed his right side. This was fun. He started to stumble and then you tapped him on the forehead. He fell right over. You caught him couldn't leave him with to many injuries. You could but there was something about the moment you just had to catch him. You brought him over to his sister. 
Little girl:
"What happened to Oppa?"
"He fainted. Your parents will need to come get you two." You said handing her Jungkook.
Little girl:
"I can't our parents are out of town and he is he one taking care of us for he time being."
You face palmed. Nice job Y/N. Knocking out the only person that can take this girl home.                                                                                     

To be continued...

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