
Assasins: It's what we do

"I know earlier we had a little dispute but is it okay if I take you two home."
She nodded. Tears started to swell in her eyes.
"It's okay. Your brother will be fine. We can take care of him together. How does that sound." She nodded. 
"Hwan go home. Tell mom I will be gone a couple of days. Say it is for research or something. Got it?"
"Ok!" He skipped away.
"Lets go! Do you think you can guide me to your house?" She nodded. She was scared of me. It is natural for children to fear me. You carried Jungkook on you back and his sister guided the way. Their house was beautiful. It was well decorated, large, had an antique taste to it. Jungkook's room was upstairs and he was heavy. You laid him on his bed, he started to moan. You looked at him. He was so innocent not aware of what really went on in the world. He was really cute. What were you saying he isn't cute he is arrogant and annoying. What were you feeling. Whatever it was it was a completely new feeling to you. You put it aside for now. You felt his forehead it was warm. You went to get a wet wash cloth.
Jungkook P.O.V.:
~Ugh my head hurts. Where am I? Oh good back in my room but what is she doing here. She is just staring at me. She is really cute and I don't even know her name. I don't think she knows I'm awake. I'll just pretend to be asleep for now. She walked out of the room. When she came back she was holding a cloth. She placed it on my forehead. She is so cute taking care of me.~
Y/N P.O.V.:
You were about to leave the room when Jungkook grabbed your wrist. He pulled youonto the bed with him. You should have easily been able to pull your self away but something restricted you. He held on tight to you. His hands around your waist. It was really uncomfortable. You tried to pull away but your assassin strength somehow got drained away. It was something about his touch that kept you from being able to get away. You had never felt anything like it before. Something about it drew you in but you  continues to try and pull away.
"Jungkook let go!" You said trying to loosen his grip around your waist. He was now holding you tighter. Jungkook started mumbling.
"Stay a little longer..." He started to lean his face towards yours when his little sister cane running in.
Little girl:
"Oppa your awake!" She said jumping on Jungkook. Which made him lose his grip and you jumped back getting as far as possible from him. He tickled his little sister and cuddled her in bed. 
~Was he awake this whole time. How did I not notice and how come I couldn't escape his grasp? He is so annoying but is a good big brother. Doesn't make him a good person though. Now that he is awake I can probably leave.~
"I'm glad you are awake and now that you are I can leave now."
"Come on don't leave yet. I still do not know your name and I am in no condition to make dinner."
Little girl:
"Her name is Y/N." How did she know your name. *face-palm* That's right when you answered a phone call from your mother. She shouted your name so loud New Jersey could hear it. Now that Jungkook knows how are you going to keep him quiet.
"Y/N, what a pretty name. Why didn't you tell me yourself?"
"I have my reasons. Anyway you can't tell anyone or else..."
"Or else what." He said with a smirk.
"I will kill you." You said with daggers as eyes. You can move so fast that the human eye would not be able to see you. You grabbed a knife from your back pocket and then held it up to his throat. You then backed away. It all happened so fast that Jungkook didn't even know what happened just that the fear was real. He nodded his head.
"Fine I won't tell anyone your name." He looked away.
Little girl:
"I want you to make kimchi for dinner." She said while tugging your sleeve. 
"Ok, but you have to get all of the ingredients ready. Okay?"
Little girl:
She ran downstairs pulling you the whole way. You didn't see Jungkook at all until the food was finally ready to eat. He sat down. He kept his head down. You must have really scared him. You silently high-five yourself. 
Little girl:
"Oppa, what's wrong?" Jungkook didn't answer. It was okay for him to ignore me but it was not okay for him to ignore his little sister. 
"Hey! Answer her question, idiot!" He looked up startled and answered his sister's question before you hurt him.
"...well...Y/N threatened me... now I'm scared. Sis help me!" He smirked. That jerk. 
Little girl:
"You did what!" She started hitting you. It was unfair to hit a child so you let her be. You eventually got up and left without saying anything. They didn't even notice and that was the point. You walked home in fear of the punishment awaiting you. You had stayed out way past your curfew without a reasonable cause. You walked into your house. Your mother was standing there with her hands on her hips. Her hands were twitching. She wanted to hit something. You then noticed the aroma of alcohol.
"Where have you been! It is nine hours passed your curfew!!" It had started. She threw you against the wall. You were strong but your mother was stronger.
"Do you know how hard it is to go to work and then come home not knowing where your children are?"She punched you in the mouth and then threw you to the floor. "No you don't know how that feels because you don't have children." She kicked you over and over in the stomach. It hurt so bad but you kept a straight face. Blood was flowing out of your mouth. She reached for a knife. Was this how parents treated their parents when the we bad. The worst pain of all was not my stomach or mouth but in my heart. You wanted her to love you but she didn't and that hurt more than any pain you have ever felt before. She cut you multiple time around your arms and then threw down. 
"Next time don't be late." She left you to go get another bottle of beer. You went upstairs. Hwan was crying because he could hear the entire fight. He went to get you some bandages and towels.
"It's okay as long as she doesn't hurt you." You ruffe,ed his hair and then wiped away his tears. You wiped away all of the blood but didn't put any bandages on. Bandages attract more attention so you keep your cuts exposed. Your mom also didn't like it when you covered them up. She said she liked to admire her handy work. You took a shower and then went to sleep. 
"Wake up you have to go to school!" He jumped on you.
"I got the message." You ran down the stairs and made a piece of toast. You tried to get out of there as fast as you could. You were walking down the street when someone tapped you on the shoulder. 
"Hey Y/N!"
"Great how do you know my name Jimin?"
"Jungkook told me. But he made me swear not to tell anyone else."
"When I see him again he is going to die."
"Calm down...," he paused.
"What's wrong?"
"I apologize for the way I acted the first day we meet. Jungkook asked me for a favor and I agreed before knowing what the favor was. Anyway I'm sorry." He bowed.
"That's alright."
Jimin P.O.V.:
She is so cute. I'm glad I cleared everything up with her. What's that on her arms. ARE THOSE CUTS! 
"Y/N, why are you cut in multiple places?" She looked down.
"Oh... um... I can't tell you bye." She started to walk away so you grabbed her wrist.
"Who did this?" Her lip was cut and she held her stomach like it was in pain. If she wouldn't tell you what happened then you would make her.
"TELL ME NOW OR I WILL MAKE YOU!" She started to push you away so tapped her in the stomach. She groaned in pain. You didn't want to hurt her that bad.
"I'm taking you to the nurses office."
Y/N P.O.V.:
Ugh why did he have to hit my stomach. I needed to get away from him. He was distracted but your fake tears that you had a chance to run away. But you ran into someone. It was Jungkook. 
"Where are you running off too?" 
"Jungkook, don't let her get away!"
"What have you gotten yourself into?"
"She needs to go to the nurse's office, now!" Jungkook looked puzzled.
"Why?" He suddenly looked at you and saw the cuts and bruises. 
"Never mind. I see. It's ok Jimin I will take her you need to get to class. There is no need to ruin you perfect attendance record?"
"You are right school is about to start! Ok, Jungkook take care of her."
Jimin left and Jungkook dragged you to the nurses office. 
"I only agree to go to the nurse's office if you promise not to tell anyone my name."
You walked in the office it was small and he nurse wasn't there yet. Jungkook called the office and told them you needed the nurse. 
"How did this happen?" You didn't have to tell him anything but something inside of you couldn't resist his question.
"I guess my mom wasn't to happy with me coming home late, so she gave me a lesson nothing new." He was staring at you.
"She might have been drinking a little," you giggled, "that's why I wasn't put into a hospital."
"How can this situation be funny?"
"It's not to you maybe, but to me it is."
Jungkook got a text from someone and then looked up.
"Lift up your shirt."
"Let me see your stomach." He must have gotten a text from Jimin. He leaned towards you trying to expose your stomach. Before he could the nurse walked in. 
"Hello how can I help you?"
"She needs some bandages and needs you to examine her stomach." That bastard. He was so persistent. 
"I will be right back with the bandages."
"If you let me out of here I will explain everything."
"Everything... including your stomach?"
"Yes, not get me out of here." Y/N why'd you have to give in. 
"Lets go." He seemed happy with himself. He got his way and you gave it to him. He brought you to a secluded garden on school grounds. You sat in the end if he bench. 
"Ok here it goes. As I said before my mom hit me because I broke curfew and she had been drinking. She also kicked a bunch of times in my stomach which made me cough up blood. When she got bored with that she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and cut me a few times. I couldn't put any bandages on because my mom likes to admire her handy work. You may think she is a horrible person but the truth she is worse than that. There you go. Now can I leave." Jungkook shook his head. 
"Show me where she kicked you."
"But I told you every-" He cut you off.
"I don't believe you give me proof." You thought about it. You might as well before he gets any thoughts. 
"Fine." You lifted your shirt half way and he saw the bruises that were black and blue. But he noticed something else. Jungkook turned you around and lifted the back of your shirt up and saw more bruises and more of the things that surprised him.
"Where did these scars come from? How long has your mother done this to you?"
"For most people abuse starts at a young age so I would say two months. My mom likes to make sure I feel pain."
"Why have you never told anyone?"
"I don't have a problem with it." He stared at you intensely waiting for you to break down and cry but you didn't. He was done waiting. He hugged you tight. Pulling you so close you could feel his breath. 
"It's ok Y/N." He patted your head. 
"I don't need your pity. I am fine with the way things are so I don't need you butting in okay?" What am I going to do. I should have just skipped school today. Now two people know my name and know about my scars. This is just great. I really thought it would at least be a week before it came to killing.

To be continued...

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