
Assasins: It's what we do

You stormed off before he could say anything else. You walked back to your classroom but it felt like someone was watching you. You looked around but could see anyone's so you continued on.
"Y/N, why were you late?"
"I was in the nurse's office." 
"Ok. Please take a seat before you miss anything else." Pabo. She didn't even ask for a note. No wonder so many students skip class without getting caught. The lesson passed by fast. You didn't see Jungkook again until lunch. He sat quietly with his friends. Just staring at you. Jimin caught Jungkook staring. He started to nudge Jungkook and then asked him a bunch of questions. Probably about what happened in the nurse's office. Someone interrupted your train of thought.
Girl 1:
"Hey! Do you hear me?!"
Girl 2:
"She must be deaf." She giggled. You finally looked them in the eyes.
"What do you want?"
Girl 1:
"I want you to stay away from my man!" 
~Are you kidding me. She was honestly upset about something as little as a boy. I haven't hung around any guys. Who would they be talking about?~
"Could you be more specific and point out the exact idiot who was stupid enough to like you." You fake smiled.
Girl 2:
"You better watch your mouth!" She was about to say something else but you interrupted her before she could.
"It is not physically possible to watch your mouth unless you are conceded enough to carry a mirror up to face all the time. Not that you are because you would be dead by now from staring at a monster to much." This is fun. Not as fun as fighting though but fighting girls is consider rude. 
Girl 2:
"You bi-"
"Come on. Let's stop fighting." He smiled trying to relieve the tension. Not that it did. The first girl decided to try and slap you thinking it would be funny. If you let her slap you, then you had a reason to fight back seemed like a good reason to me. As soon as contact was made the girl laughed and started to walk away. 
~What should I do to retaliate? Nothing to big to get me in a lot of trouble. But it should leave a mark. How about I slap her right back or I could trip her and embarrass her in front of everyone. I got it.~
You walked right up to her and kicked her knees. You watched her fall over and reach for her friends help.
"When you hit someone you are inviting them to hit you back. I hope this will teach you that in the end you get what you deserve." You walked away the girl started yelling but you couldn't hear her you were to happy with yourself. You noticed that Jungkook had been watching everything. You smiled maliciously and shrugged your shoulders. He got up and went to help the girl you pushed. Soft. 
The rest of school flew by. Everyone gave you dirty looks but you didn't mind you have seen worse. School had finally ended. You were so tired of this place. You knew everything already but then you remembered something. Your mother signed you up for extra curricular activities today to make your life even more miserable. She knows I'm talented but I hate showing them off in front of others. 
~Let's see what we have today. . Music class. Why. Ugh.~
You were your head down studying the schedule in front of you. Music class was in room 206 in the basement. Class started in five minutes and you were still on the second floor. You started to run down the stairs and almost slipped. You caught your balance but someone thought it was necessary to help. 
"Hey are you okay?"
"I'm okay."
"I'm Taehyung. Are you sure you don't need help?"me y
"I said I'm fine. Get lost."
"A thank you would be nice."
"I didn't need help. All you have done is make me late for my activity."
"Sorry. I didn't mean it. Can I do anything to help?"
"There is one thing..."
"What is it?"
"Don't ever come near me or talk to me again!" You walked away. It is fun to play with people's minds and then crush them into little pieces. 
When you finally found the music room. You apologized to the teacher for being late. He told you to sit in the back. You didn't even notice that Jungkook and his friends were in this activity as well. Best of all you sat right beside them. Wonderful just wonderful. Today we were supposed to group up with people who had similar music interest. For example ballad, techno, hip hop, opera, etc. While people found their groups you just stood their in the middle. You barely ever got to listen to music. Music and fun activities were forbidden because they made you weak. You went up to the teacher and described your dilemma.
"Sir, I don't listen to music often enough to know what my interests are." He was shocked.
"No offense but why join music class if you don't listen to music." He was right. You loved to sing and play instruments but you never actually did any of those things. You never had the time
"Don't get me wrong I love music. But... I'm not allowed to listen to it." He was even more puzzled. 
"How about this? If no one asks to be your partner you can fly solo today. Sound good."
"I'm fine with that." 
~Perfect no one will pick me. Not after today's display of consequences when messing with me. I can be alone and play music by myself.~
"Want to join our group? I heard the teacher say you had to or you would fly solo and we don't want that to happen do we." 
~You have go to be kidding me. Of all the ff'in people in this room why did it have to be Jungkook.~

(a/n: sorry it is a bit short)

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