Chapter 2


The plain took 3 hours to get to Korea. The most boring hours of my life which i spend it looking out the window and eating what the flight attendand would give us.


" Ladies and gentleman we have arrived to our destination Korea. Please in a couple of minutes we will ask you to proceed to the front to exit the airplane. Thank you and have a good time in our beautiful Korea. " said the pilot with enthuciasm.

After a few minutes we got the command to exit the airplane.


" Let's go honey we're here"  Mom had a worried look on her face. I knew she didn't know what to do after this, i could tell she was scared to get lost in this gigantic countrie.

We started getting scared because we couln't find the place to get our belonggings so my mom started asking around with teary eyes.


A young looking man about my mom's age ( 40) saw us and approach us and he was kind enough to show us the way.


" Thank you sir, for your help" i said while bowing at him haha, I herd you have to bow to everyone to say Hi or Goodbye or even Thank you.


" It's my pleasure to help you ladies. Be careful around Korea."  he talk to us in broken english but we understood everything he said he even gave us a smile as he was talking to us.

We said our goodbyes and mom was staring at me while pointing to our loggage. I was so releaved to see my belonggings so i wallked towards them and also got my moms she only had a little bag because she didnt have that much clothes. I ran towards mom who looked really exhausted.

" Now what do we do?" i looked at mom with a look on my face that was telling her she was the only one who could lead me. I felt bad for giving my mom all the pressure so i just  stayed quite until she was on her right mind and concentrating.

" I made a call to a hotel and paid for a room."

Mom giggled a ittle while remembering how dificult is gunna be for us to adapt to this countrie.I already was good at Korean beacause moms parents were Korean and speak to her in Korean so she did the same with me.

I was releaved that mom was really smart and knew what she was doing. She extended her arm telling me to proceed out the door. Once we were out we were looking around for a uber driver.


" Mom seat down i'll look for a taxi you look exhausted" I wanted mom to rest for a while, she looked tired and worried. She gave me a head moving signal and i walked to the side walk. It was my first time doing that so i felt kind of good :). After 10 minutes of having my arm out asking for a ride this good looking taxi stoped in front of me. I've never seen a taxi in such good condition, inside was a little screen that was telling how many miles we went and on the side it would tell how much the customer had to pay. Fancy right?


" Good night young lady where are you headed? 

" Mom and i want to go to Star Hotel. Can you take us there sir?" I had my hands in praying position while i was asking him for a ride

" Let's go i'll take you there" 

" Mom Mom!!! Let's go hurry!!!" Mom came running with our belonggings and the uber helped us putting it on the trunk.


" Thank you sir for your kind help" Mom said and laid back and sighded she closed her eyes and grabbed my hand she told me to wake her up when we were there i patted her hand to assure her everything was gunna be ok.

" Well its my job to take people around. But i guess am doing a favor, because i was on my last shift" the uber had this adorable Koean accent when he was trying to speak english.

" Seonsaengnim eun hangug - eseo deo pyeonahhage mahal issdamyeo hangug - in iseyo" i said ( sir speak Korean if you are more comfortable speaking in korean).


He got surprise at my good pronunciation and he started saying " Daebak" non stop. I guess because i came from America that he thought my parents didn't speak in Korean to me. We got to the Hotel 1 hour later and said our thanks and goodbyes to the uber. He gave us our belonggings and drived away while waving at us. I was happy that for now they were being nice to us.

We walked inside the Hotel and there were two nice dressed ladies on the front desk. One of them saw us and said " Welcome to Star Hotel what can i do for you?"

My mom liked the welcome so happilly bowed to them and i was so confused that i just stayed there looking at them. Am not use to bow i forget sometimes that mom has to remind me all the time.

" Hey!! I told you here we say hi and bow" i got embarassed and said my sorrys to her. 

" Anyeonhaseo" (hello) while bowing to her.

" Kenchana, you will get use to it" she said. I felt relieved that she understood.She took her time and personally took us to our hoter room and gave us information about the hotel.


I took a shower before my mom while she was calling her new boss and letting him know we arrived safe. When i was done i could hear my mom talking to him and telling him that she already knew which school i was going to be in. When i heard that conversation i got goosepums all over my body.

" I'm not ready jet" i wispered to myself


I got out of the bathroom and my mom was getting ready to shower too. She passed by me and said " We have to talk". I knew already what it was going to be about. I got on my bed and went through my phone and there were millions of texts from my frieds.They were really worried about me and mom and they were wondering if we were safe. I answered to their texts and close my eyes so i could be awake when mom wanted to talk.


I heard the bathroom door open "Oh god here we go"

" Honey you know you have to go to school here right?" 

" Yes mom i know" I turned my body to face mom's bed. She laid down and faced me.

" There's a good school here called Bomoon Highschool and is really famous here"


" Why is it famous?" Mom smiled at me like saying there's something i will really like about it. I was so desperatedly to know that my foot started moving nonstop and mom had to stop me because it was bathering her to the point of srceamimg to me.

" Well its said that a lot of idols go to that school" I started laughing not believing moms words. I thought she was crazy why would idols go to the same school with other people that aren't even famous and can be most of the time on top of them. I'll have to see for myself but something i never thought is i don't know any idols from Korea..... oops.


" If you don't believe me you'll see " 

After talking i fell asleep really fast. Mom stayed up a little more getting my papers ready for school even tho she told me she didn't know when we were going to get me in.


* BOM BOM BOM* ( clock alarm)

Am a heavy sleeper so i don't hear the alarm most of the times 

" Honey get up" mom said while shaking my body.

" Why?" 

" We are going to your new school"  she was happier than me. But is only saturday!!

" School!!!!!" I screamed 

My mouth was wide open and mom was laughing so hard she had to laid back on her bed and hold her stomach. I could only stare at her with a mad face with my hands crossed and my bottom lip out,but even tho i would act cute she still wanted me to go with her because she wanted me to see the school.


" Yes honey get ready" 

I got a shower and when i got out mom aldready asked for breakfast delivery.

" Yes!! Breakfast" I love breakfast is my favorite thing in the world it makes me happy every morning.


" Eat fast i want to do your papers fast. We need to look for a house and buy your uniform."

We got to school and on the entrance we could see a couple of teachers chatting and laughing.


" Hello? Where is the school office?" mom asked one of the teachers, who was flirting with her cooworker.

" Oh HI. The office is on the right when you get in."


" Thanks Ms.Park" my mom had  read from her name tag on the teacher's shirt. I was impressed because mom has a bad vision. I followed mom all the way inside in a quite mode. The school principal  was inside when we got there. It looked like he was asking for some papers to his employee. He looked really nice and had good clothes on and he was a little to hyped up.

" Oh we have company! How can i help you?" he said while he was telling the employee to find the papers so it was ready when he was done helping us. He walked towards my mom and i, damm he was hella tall and his toxido was really neat and clean.


" Hello my name is Park Mi-Sun and am Lee Ji- eun's mom i want to get my daughter into this school."

" Am happy you decided on this school.Come here she will help you with the papers."

" Thank you " we both said while bowing to him. He took his papers and left.



It took almost an hour with the papers but we finally did it. I had a week to get ready and buy everything. Mom and i went to look for houses near the school and we found a two floor house. We got the house and sign the papers. Happily that everything was ready mom and i walked out the door of our new house. 

" I can't wait to move here mom" 

" I know! is so big and beautiful"


We went to have lunch together and had pretty good conversations. Mom told me more about her new job and her new boss. She said her boss was reall nice and was gunna pay her more than what she use to get in the U.S.Not lying it was a huge amout of money he was paying her i was impressed.

It was sunday and i had everything. I spent the day thinking about tomorrow. Mom wanted to clean the new house but she was already tired of her meeting on her new job and i couln't do it by myself.


" Honey is 10pm go to sleep tomorrow is your first day of school" mom was rubbing her eyes while walking inside her room and talking to me. She closed her door and before it was too late i told her in a loud voice " OK! Good Night!"


She replied back " Good Night Honey"

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