Nothing's Over

Infinitely One - Shots ∞

  It was a busy afternoon and Hanbyul was preparing for another wedding.

“Joonmyun! Put that there. Yes, the- WAIT NO! Over there!” She hollered as she asked one of her assistants.

“Ahyoung! The flowers bring them here please.” She called as a petite lady brought the flowers to her. Hanbyul said thanks and check it in her list. “Uhm unnie. May I ask something?” Hanbyul looked at Ahyoung, “Go ahead.” “Will you organize your own wedding Hanbyul unnie?” She asked. Hanbyul chuckled, “Maybe Ahyoung, maybe.”

Song Hanbyul, the renowned wedding coordinator slash event organizer in Seoul, is handling another client who’s having the wedding today. Every time she would organize things like this, she would question herself, “When will I get married anyway.” She asked herself and walked away.

After several hours of preparation the ceremony had started. The couple exchanged vows and everyone clapped and the parents cried. The pastor declared them man and wife and everyone cheered. Another successful wedding planned by Hanbyul, seeing that everything went well she smiled.

The guests proceeded to the reception and of course Hanbyul is one of them. Guests, family, friends and the newly weds ate their dinner happily and had the time of their lives.

Hanbyul went out for some air and as she walked she accidentally bumped into someone.

Hanbyul lost her balance and slightly fell to the ground. Without looking to the man she bumped into she apologized. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking.” She said dusting off her dress.

The tall man did a double take at her and gasped. “Hanbyul? Is that you?” He asked.

Hanbyul looked up and she, herself was surprised also. “Sungyeol? Lee Sungyeol?”

“Yes, it’s me! How long has it been? Four years? Five years? How are you?” Sungyeol asked. Hanbyul who was dazed and still a little bit shocked from the meeting just stared at him.

“Hello? Earth to Hanbyul, Hanbyul to Earth?” Sungyeol waved his hands in front of her. “H-huh? Oh, I’m sorry.” She meekly smiled. Sungyeol on the other hand gave her a heart stopping smile.

Oh how she missed that smile of his. She missed everything about Lee Sungyeol, her schoolmate, her best pal, her first love.

They were college buddies, Sungyeol majored in music and Hanbyul studied Business Administration. Hanbyul developed feelings for Sungyeol when they were in college. She found Sungyeol very sweet although he had this choding attitude Hanbyul found it very cute. But Hanbyul was scared to confess her feelings because first, she wasn’t that sure about her feelings for him back then, she thought of it as infatuation only. Second, she was scared that it would affect their friendship so she just kept her feeling for him deep inside her heart.

She regrets nothing… yet.

Sungyeol rubbed the back of his neck and started a conversation. “So Hanbyul, how are you? What are you doing here?” He asked while keeping that smile on his face.

Hanbyul was getting off guard and starting to lose her cool in front of him. *Yah, Song Hanbyul! Keep calm and breath.* She scolded herself.

“I’m perfectly fine. I organized of Mr. and Mrs. Hwang wedding.” Hanbyul said. “How about you? What brings you here?” She added.

“You organized Minhyun’s wedding?” He asked, shocked. “Uh, yes I did? Wait, you know Minhyun-shi?” Hanbyul raised both brows at Sungyeol. *He’s the brother of my fiancée.* Sungyeol wanted to tell her that but something stopped him from doing so, instead he told “He’s… a friend.” Sungyeol looked away from Hanbyul’s gaze.

“Oh. I see.” The lady said. There was an awkward silence for a moment until Sungyeol’s phone rang. “Excuse me for awhile.” Sungyeol backed away a little. “Hello? I’m sorry. I’ll be there.” He said and hung up the phone. “Hey, aren’t you going to the reception hall?” Sungyeol went back and asked Hanbyul. “Uhm, maybe later.” She smiled. “Okay. By the way, I need to go. It’s nice seeing you today.” Sungyeol said. “Okay! See you when I see you!” Hanbyul waved and turned to go. Before she could get any farther, a light bulb popped out of Sungyeol’s head.

“Hanbyul! Wait!” He called and ran to catch up with her. “What is it?” She titled her head. “I changed my number actually; maybe it’s a good idea to exchange numbers so we’ll keep in touch.” He chuckled. “Sounds great! Hand me your phone and I’ll hand mine to you.” Hanbyul said.

The two exchanged numbers as well as exchanged smiles. “So I guess I’ll call you?” Sungyeol played with his phone. “Yeah, I guess.” She said, scratching her head. They went separate ways. Hanbyul felt weird because it’s like they were strangers again but she was beyond happy because she got to meet him again.


Several weeks after the meeting with Sungyeol, Hanbyul was busy again but there were times that she would check her phone every now and then for any calls or messages from him.

It was a hot afternoon and Hanbyul was in her office. She was busy checking some important files for an upcoming event for her client. She leaned on her chair and stretched up her arms and head. Hanbyul let out a heavy sigh and popped a menthol candy on . She was probably very tired today. Suddenly her phone rang and she immediately sat up and answered the phone.

“Hello?” She said eagerly. “Hello? Hanbyul? It’s me, Sungyeol.” Sungyeol said from the other line. Hanbyul face lit up. “Neh, Sungyeol shi?” She said and tried to hide her giddiness in her voice. “Are you busy today? Can we meet up?” Sungyeol asked. Hanbyul bit her lips and looked at the stacks of document in front of her. *Just this once.* She thought. “Sure! Where will we meet?” “Café Moderato in Downtown Seoul. Is it alright?” Sungyeol said. “Yes, it’s fine. I’ll be there. Give me 20 minutes.”

“Okay, I’ll hang up now. Bye!” “Bye!!” Hanbyul tucked her phone in her pocket and quickly grabbed her bag and went to her destination.

She parked her car in front of the café and went inside as fast as she can. She was 5 minutes late. Her eyes were looking for one person only when someone hollered “Hanbyul! Here!” She heard Sungyeol’s voice and she looked up to Sungyeol smiling at her and a beautiful girl next to him. It made Hanbyul a little bit irked and she didn’t have any idea why she felt like that.

She went over their table anxiously and not leaving her eyes to the girl. “Have a sit.” Sungyeol offered. “Let’s order first.” Sungyeol called the waiter and asked for their order. After a while their food came and began to converse.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation, Hanbyul. By the way, I want you to meet Hwang Seri.” The girl held out her hands and Hanbyul shook it “I’m Song Hanbyul.” “Nice to meet you too. I’m Sungyeol’s fiancée.”

Hanbyul stared at them with wide eyes. She can’t believe what she just had heard. Her as his fiancée? Sungyeol getting married? The man she loves will get married?

“You’re his what?” Hanbyul said firmly. “Uhm, Hanbyul she’s my fiancée.” Sungyeol spoke. He was proud about it until Hanbyul came. “The reason why I called is.” Sungyeol said but Hanbyul finished the sentence for him.

“You want me to organize your wedding? Is that it?” Hanbyul said expressionlessly. “Is it okay?” Seri asked with her sweet voice. “I’m busy with other events at this moment.” She said. Sungyeol frowned and was disappointed and Hanbyul noticed it. She thought about it in awhile then she suddenly spoke.”But for my best pal, I’ll do it.” Sungyeol looked at her in smile. “Thank you very much, Hanbyul!” Hanbyul weakly smiled and gave them a small nod.

They talked about the wedding plans. Seri wanted a beach wedding and Sungyeol was okay with it. Hanbyul can’t help but to feel uncomfortable. Honestly, she was very hurt. All this time, she thought she will have her chance but now, it will never happen. Now she regrets not telling her feelings for Sungyeol. If only she confessed her feelings back then, then maybe she’s the one that will get married to Sungyeol.

“Hanbyul-shi? How about in Busan? Do you think it’s a nice place to have our wedding? Hanbyul-shi?” Seri snapped her fingers in front of her. “Huh? Sorry. I wasn’t listening.” Hanbyul mumbled. The discussion had finished and Hanbyul still need to go back in her office to finish what she left.

“Thank you so much Hanbyul! We’ll  just call you again.” Sungyeol said. “Yeah.” Hanbyul whispered. Hanbyul turned to go and went inside her car and drove off. Sungyeol watched the car leave with worried eyes. *What’s wrong with her.* He thought. “Yeobo, let’s go!” Seri dragged him and the two of them left also.

Hanbyul arrived at her office and didn’t even bother to turn on the lights. She sat on the chair and let out a heavy sigh. It was evening already and the moon outside shines brightly. She remembered what happened this afternoon and still can’t believe that Sungyeol will get married. Little did she know, she was already crying because of the pain she felt in her heart.


Months had passed and it was December already, the month that Sungyeol and Seri chose for their wedding. Hanbyul tried her best to focus on organizing Sungyeol’s wedding but she can’t help to pity herself.

December 11, last day of preparation and tomorrow will be the day. Hanbyul was in Busan for last minute checking of the venue. “Joonmyun, make sure that it won’t fall off.” Hanbyul said. Sungyeol was there also. He was nervous for tomorrow. He approached Hanbyul. “Hey.” He whispered. “Yes?” Hanbyul said not leaving her eyes on her checklist. “Will you please look at me when I’m talking to you.” Sungyeol said in low voice. “Oh I’m sorry.” Hanbyul put down her list and looked at Sungyeol. “You seemed bothered.” She said.

“I’m nervous.” He admitted. “Then back out.” Sungyeol looked at her. It was supposed to be a joke but Hanbyul meant it half heartedly. Sungyeol gave her a “are-you-serious” look. She chuckled and said, “I’m just kidding. You don’t have to be nervous, you have to be excited. You’re going to marry the girl you love.” Hanbyul said as she looked far to the sea. Sungyeol gazed at her for a long time. *I don’t know if I still love Seri anymore.* He deeply thought. Hanbyul looked at Sungyeol with a smile and said, “Well, don’t be a scaredy cat! You can do it! I believe in you and I’ll be there for you no matter what.” She assured him and squeezed his hand. Sungyeol smiled at her genuinely. *I know you are Hanbyul.*

D-Day came. The guests arrived at the venue. The ceremony will start any minute now. Sungyeol can’t keep himself calm. “Bro, can you please stop doing that!” His best man Myungsoo told him to calm down. *I can do this.* Sungyeol looked at Hanbyul and she gave him an encouraging smile. The bridal car arrived and Seri stepped out. She looked dazzling in her simple beach wedding dress with light make up on her face. She walked with her father to the altar and finally stopped at the end. Seri’s father handed over her daughter to Sungyeol and said, “Take care of my daughter.” “Yes abunim.” The ceremony has started.

It’s time to exchange vows. “Do you, Hwang Seri take Lee Sungyeol as your husband for richer or for poorer, for sickness and in health and till death do you part?” The pastor said through the mic. “Yes, I do.” Seri said without doubt.

“Do you, Lee Sungyeol take Hwang Seri as your wife for richer or for poorer, for sickness and in health and till death do you part?” Sungyeol was quiet. Seri looked at him, “Oppa. Say yes.” She whispered.

Meanwhile, Hanbyul who was in the corner watched the ceremony with tears in her eyes. “No matter what, I’ll be there for you.” Hanbyul whispered to herself.

Sungyeol looked at Seri and he also looked back. “Lee Sungyeol?” The pastor tried to get his attention but Sungyeol was busy to look for someone. He turned his head to the corner and saw Hanbyul with tears in her eyes. The two of them gazed at each other for a long time. Hanbyul nod at him encouragingly then left the venue.

Sungyeol’s eyes widened. *No! Hanbyul! Don’t go!* He wanted to shout but he can’t. He looked back again to Seri who was already crying. Sungyeol spoke, “I’m so sorry Seri.” Then Sungyeol ran away to find Hanbyul. Seri felt numb and fainted.

Hanbyul was about to enter her car when someone hugged her by her waist. “Don’t go Hanbyul.” Sungyeol whispered in her ear.

“Sungyeol, what are you doing here? You’re suppose to be there” Hanbyul was cut off by Sungyeol. “And what? Marry the person I don’t love?” Hanbyul turned to face Sungyeol and looked at him. “What did you say?” “I said, I love you Song Hanbyul.” He said. Oh how she love to hear those words from him. “Since when?” She asked. “Since college.” Sungyeol honestly answered. “What?!” Hanbyul stared at him.

“Yes, since college.” Sungyeol repeated. She can’t believed what was happening now. Sungyeol loved her all along. Now she felt really stupid but was very happy also.

She kissed his lips with full of love.  "I love you too, Lee Sungyeol."

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Busy with school. I will try my best to update when I can. :) I hope you will continue to wait!! Thank you :) -geeneey


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naznew #1
chap 5 so sad...
Holy crap. Sunggyu's was depressing. I cried after I found out he has a disease. TT^TT I'm like a waterfall right now.
hwangyeonyeon #3
I love Sungyeol's One shot ♥. Mani mani saranghaeyo♥
TT.TT *thumbs up* TT.TT *claps* TT.TT It's awesome~
@chapter 2- (Sung Jong's story) Unnie!!! You're the best...I like it like it like it!XD I'm looking forward to Dongwoo's story too :)Aigoo Sungjong-oppa:">...Awesome story!
hoya's oneshot omggg i loved it :')<br />
keep on writing!
mus-ka #7
Sounds promising! :)))
I'll read all of them.<br />
But, I'll be anticipating 7 & 8 the most. c: