She's Back

Infinitely One - Shots ∞


“Mom! I’m going out!” Sungjong shouted from the living room. “Okay sweetie. Just be home before dinner.” Her mom peeked out from the kitchen. “Yes, mom.” Sungjong went out the door.

As he was about to go out the gate, he suddenly stopped. He did a double take to have a closer look on who was across the street waving at him. When he knew who was standing across the street, his eyes widened. *No! Not her!!* He was actually panicking.  It was a girl in her 19 to 20 years with a short blonde brown hair. “Sungjongieeeee~!” She shouted in a cute voice. Before Sungjong can run away, the girl already crossed the street. “Sungjongieee!” She widely smiled at him.

Sungjong looked at him as she was crazy. “What are you doing here, Kim Jieun?!” Sungjong asked in an unpleasant voice. Jieun frowned at him, hurt. “You’re talking to me like I’m not welcome.” She said in low voice. *Well, hell yeah you’re not welcome! After making my life miserable, you had the nerve in facing me?!* Sungjong wants to spat that to her.

“I’m here for a vacation and I just want to visit you.” There were sincerity in her eyes but Sungjong didn’t notice it. “And what?  Make my life miserable again?!” Sungjong hissed. Jieun flinched. “Well, I’m going out. Don’t you dare follow me Kim Jieun.” With that, Sungjong left.  Jieun just stood there and watch him walk away.*Why don’t you even let me talk and apologize to you.* Jieun sadly thought.

“Argh! That Kim Jieun!!” Sungjong ruffled his hair in frustration. “That. Arrogant. Kim. Jieun! What does she want and she showed her face to me like that!?” Sungjong stomped his feet on the ground like a kid throwing a tantrum. “Gosh, I hate her presence!” He sat on a bench on an empty park in their street. He sighed and leaned on the bench. “That Kim Jieun. The one that I fell in love with naively.” He whispered and let out a heavy sigh again.


It was junior year for Sungjong and senior year for Jieun. Sungjong was a shy and quiet type student while Jieun was a loud and happy go lucky type of student. They were total opposites. In top of that Jieun loves to tease Sungjong.

“YAH! Lee Sungjong!” Jieun called. “Yes, n-noona.” Sungjong was shy and a little bit scared but he had this big crush on her before. Even though Jieun was like that, her beauty was pure and no one can resist that beauty. “Why are you so pretty?” Jieun asked Sungjong. The boy blushed and didn’t know what to say. “Are you gay?” Jieun added. Her friends cracked up. Sungjong shrank down in embarrassment. “N-n0, I- I am not n-noona.” Sungjong tried to be tough. “Really? Then why are you stuttering and sweating like a mad cow?” She and her friends continued to laugh. Everyone in the hall was laughing too. “I- I’m straight, n-noona. In fact, there’s this girl that I- I like.” Sungjong said proudly but he was still nervous like hell. “Ohh. Is that so? Interesting. Does the girl know that you exist?” Everyone chortled. Sungjong looked at her. *Yes, and I like that girl even though she always teased me.* Jieun felt a peculiar feeling when Sungjong looked at her and she looked away.

Honestly, Sungjong was about to cry but he tried to held it back. It has always been like this everyday. Jieun won’t stop embarrassing him in front of everybody. Don’t get me wrong, Jieun doesn’t hate him or anything, Jieun was not also a bully. She just loves to kid people. That’s her hobby.

When Jieun noticed that Sungjong was in the verge of crying, she softened. “Okay! Girls, that’s enough. Let’s go. See you Sungjongieee~” She conceitedly smiled at him and left. Sungjong just stood there and watched her leave.

At dismissal, Sungjong built up some courage to approach Jieun. “N-noona!!” He called. Jieun turned her head and saw Sungjong walking towards her way. “Noona.” He whispered. “What do you want?” Jieun asked expressionlessly. “I beg you. Stop playing with my feelings, as a man and as a person.” Sungjong knelt down and clasped his hand together. Jieun was amused, no, she was more than amused. Good thing there were few people around. “Yah! Lee Sungjong! Stand up!” She said in a low voice. “Noona! Please! Stop teasing me! I will do anything just stop teasing me!” Sungjong cried. Now they were attracting people’s attention. “Okay, okay! You’ll do everything?” She said. Sungjong nodded while standing up. “Then be my servant.” She said arrogantly. Sungjong just looked at her.  “I’m serious. In exchange, you’ll be my servant for a month.” She said. Sungjong was delighted but he was also scared. Who knows what kind of thing Jieun will make him to do. *It’s for my own dignity!* Sungjong thought. “Okay!” “You’ll start tomorrow!!” She said happily and left. Sungjong gulped hard and wished that tomorrow will work out for him.

Ever since Sungjong was Jieun’s servant, everything that Jieun said, Sungjong will obey. Jieun made him clean her locker, buy her lunch, make her project and even give her dog a bath and wash the sand box of Jieun’s cat.

All of these, Sungjong did and Jieun didn’t say a single word about Sungjong.

Being Jieun’s servant wasn’t bad at all, she didn’t make him do heavy works, just light ones. Through this, Sungjong knew Jieun more and fell for her even more. Actually, they were being close to each other now.

One day, Jieun asked Sungjong to help her with some groceries. “Thank you, Sungjong.” Sungjong handed the bags to her. “You’re welcome noona!” He beamed. That was the first he saw Sungjong smiled like that and her heart responded weirdly. *What was that?* She put her hands over her chest to feel her heartbeat. “Noona, are you okay?” The boy asked worriedly. “Y-yeah. I’ll better go inside. Er, you better go home too. See you at school, bye!” She hurriedly ran inside and closed the door shut. *I’m sure I felt something in my heart. No! It can’t be! I cant’t fall for my hoobae!!!!*  She peeked at the window and saw Sungjong leaving. *Can’t it be? I love Sungjong already?!*

It was Monday and the last day of Sungjong and Jieun’s deal. The last day that Sungjong will be Jieun’s servant.

*It’s my last day as noona’s servants, it means I won’t be able to see her more often.* Sungjong became sad at the thought but an idea came on his mind. *Or maybe not.* the boy smiled.

He went to school and he saw Jieun right away. She was talking to her best friend and Jieun looked troubled.

“WHAT!? You like Lee Sungjong?!” Her friend shouted. When Sungjong heard that, he became delighted. He was excited. There were fireworks exploding inside his heart. “NO!” You blurted out and Sungjong became disappointed.  “I didn’t say anything like that. How can someone like that boy? I mean he’s.” Before you can continue Sungjong ran away. *I thought she likes me. What were you thinking Lee Sungjong! You babo.*

Back to Jieun and her friend, “I mean he’s…” Jieun can’t even finish her sentence. *He’s a perfect boyfriend. He’s kind, caring and very responsible. Within a month, I saw the real him.* That thought made you flushed. “See, if you didn’t like him then why are you blushing?” Jieun’s friend raised an eyebrow. “Okay, okay! I admit! I like Sungjong! Are you happy?!” Jieun sighed. “Yes, and you should tell him that.” Her friend suggested. “I’m planning to do that.” Jieun said. “But not today.” She continued.


Jieun was at home, in her room. She got a piece of stationary and started writing.

Dear Sungjong,

I don’t know what happened that day, but you just disappear on me like that? And I didn’t remember doing anything bad to you, aren’t I? Well, like what I said to you, I’m just here to have a vacation and I’ll be going back right away to California. Please, let me say this to you. I’m very sorry for all the things I’ve done to you. All the teasing back then and also making you do things before. I hope you forgive me.


I didn’t have the chance to say this to you before I leave back then, but, I really like you Lee Sungjong. Not as a hoobae but as a person, as man.

I love you, Sungjonggie~


Jieun folded the paper into two and put it on an envelope.

She wrote his name in front and went to deliver it at his home. When she arrived at Sungjong’s house, she put the letter in the mail box right away. *I hope you’ll receive this.* After putting the letter, she left.

The next morning, Mrs. Lee check the mail box and saw one letter. “Sungjong, my dear. There’s a letter for you.” She called. *A letter?* Sungjong’s mom handed him the letter. He opened it and read it sliently. His eyes grew wider, his eyebrows met and his heart fluttered. *So she likes me all along? It was only a misunderstanding! Lee Sungjong, you’re really an idiot!* Without hesitation, he went out to find Jieun.

*She can’t be at the airport, is she?* “Where are you Jieun?” He whispered. Then he remembered the park.

“I really like parks.” Jieun said. “Especially empty parks.” She continued. “Isn’t it scary?” Sungjong asked. “Of course not! It’s not scary, but peaceful and quiet. I can relax there.” She smiled and Sungjong melted from her pretty smile. The two individuals ended on an empty park. *I already like empty parks.* Sungjong smiled. A cold wind passed by and slightly messed up Jieun’s hair. Sungjong looked at her and went to her closely. Jieun faced him. Sungjong caught a strand of her hair and curled it on her ear. “Sungjong.” She whispered.

“THE PARK!!” He ran as fast as he could. *Please let my instinct be right!* He ran faster. And yes, Sungjong’s instinct was right. Jieun was there, sitting on the the swing. Sungjong arrived at the park and he saw you. *My Jieun.* He softened. Jieun abruptly stood up and got her luggage. Sungjong shouted right away. “Jieun!!” Jieun turn her head and she saw Sungjong. “Sungjong.” She whispered. He hugged the girl tightly. “Don’t go.” He said. Jieun pulled apart. “Wait, did you receive my letter?” “Yes, I did.” The boy said. “Did you, forgive me?” She whispered. “I did forgive you.” Sungjong smiled. “You said something on your letter and I forgot what it is. Can you tell me one more time?” Sungjong teased and Jieun blushed and she knew right away what it is. “I love you, Sungjong.” “I love you too, Jieun.” Sungjong kissed Jieun on the forehead and hugged her with all his heart.

Here is the one shot of Sungjong~!
I hope you liked it!! ^^
Sorry for the late, late, late update. :( I've been very busy. ^__^
Annyeong! ^^v
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Busy with school. I will try my best to update when I can. :) I hope you will continue to wait!! Thank you :) -geeneey


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naznew #1
chap 5 so sad...
Holy crap. Sunggyu's was depressing. I cried after I found out he has a disease. TT^TT I'm like a waterfall right now.
hwangyeonyeon #3
I love Sungyeol's One shot ♥. Mani mani saranghaeyo♥
TT.TT *thumbs up* TT.TT *claps* TT.TT It's awesome~
@chapter 2- (Sung Jong's story) Unnie!!! You're the best...I like it like it like it!XD I'm looking forward to Dongwoo's story too :)Aigoo Sungjong-oppa:">...Awesome story!
hoya's oneshot omggg i loved it :')<br />
keep on writing!
mus-ka #7
Sounds promising! :)))
I'll read all of them.<br />
But, I'll be anticipating 7 & 8 the most. c: