Trust Me Part 1

With you, I will be Happy
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Seungri glanced at the watch on his wrist, ticking slowly but steadily. Time, he mused, is a funny object. Never enough of it, but sometimes, there is too much. Never the perfect amount. He chuckled darkly. 

The smaller male on the ground wriggled around, the rough rope scratching his pale skin to turn a ghastly shade of red. He muffled around the dirty brown rag stuffed in his mouth, the pitiful wails unheard to Seungri. 

Seungri glanced at the sobbing boy, clicking his tongue impatiently. The man should be here any minute now, any minute now. The watch steadily ticked on. 

His phone buzzed and Seungri waited approximately two seconds before picking it up to hear a familiar voice announcing the arrival of the man. The man was here and he was ready for him. 

"Bring him in," Seungri whispered. The small boy gave a jump at the voice before writhing more against the ropes. Seungri looked at the boy with dark eyes and tapped the watch. 

"Just on time, isn't he?" He whispered. "Punctual man he is. Never late to a trade." The boy screamed louder than ever, the screams filling Seungri's ears like music. "Do not worry Jinwoo. Mino will take good care of you." The watch ticked. "And he will not harm you." Tick. "So make sure..." Tick. "To treat him well." 


A small knock shocked both of the men in the room, Jinwoo largely, Seungri not as much. After a pause for three seconds, the door opened to reveal the face of a handsome young gentleman. Behind him stood a smaller and shorter, but not less handsome, man with similar features. Seungri suspected them to be brothers. 

"Song Mino?" Seungri looked at the taller of the two. Mino nodded in agreement, a grave expression crossing his face. Seungri and Mino shook hands, their rough skin creating harsh friction. 

"That is indeed me." Mino's voice sounded deep and soothing, taking Seungri back to some memories of his father. "I have

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Maybe prompts might be nice? My imagination, as you all have seen on the last few chapters, is not that good and depressing because that is also my brain!


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Chapter 9: Woah... I don't know what to say...
soleyjun #2
Chapter 9: WTF what is this I just read?
Chapter 9: Wtf! Did Jiyongie just.????? Okay another chapter.., PLEAAAAASEE
Miggypot #4
Chapter 9: This is crazy omg!!! The craziest ive read!!!
Chapter 9: What did you doo??? Omg!! I can't believe this!!
I thought they'll have a sort-of-happy ending T_T
Chapter 9: Definitely not what I was expecting. You, my dear, have a wild imagination. The problem is I don't know if it's a good or crazy thing :P
Chapter 9: Oh my god what O.O wow