Same Destiny


Howl and Sophie had lived a long blissful life together...until death do us apart. 100 years later, a new era awaits the two connected souls. With love and magic in the air, Sophie will experience a life she has long waited for; a life full of adventure...with a handsome devilish man by her side of course.



It was rare for women to pursue education, however, this was the only way for Sophie to leave her home - a home that only consisted of girls playing "dress up" , getting visitors from courters, and carefreely drinking tea. Different from her sisters, she had no interest in money, fashion, and men. While it was convenient for her to attend school, Sophie had fallen in love with the abundant of books held in the library.

One thing in particular fascinated her the most from reading those books. In these books, there were tales of dragons, fairies, wizards, witches, elves, and dancing stars. Though magic is still alive, it is slowly fading away in society. In the last 100 years, people have lost the ability to learn magic without being born with it, only a selected few are born with magic now. In Sophie's school, there are segregated classrooms for the gifted and non-gifted. Those who are gifted are highly admired yet greatly feared. The boundary between humans and special humans are already expanding. Fear that there will be an overthrown of the crown, Queen Beth, grandaughter of the infamous Queen Sullivan, will try to restrict anyone from using magic. 


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