Sincerely, Pierrot


Two orphaned childhood lovers end up at the mercy of fate as they get separated in a gruesome war. One becomes a wealthy commander’s son, the other ends up in a traveling circus.


To be affected by the war as a child was quite a tragedy. To grow up an orphan during the war was considered the highest misfortune. To the women who attended the cathedral, they were viewed as God’s forsaken.


To Seungkwan he was just a boy who sometimes went to bed hungry, and when he longed to be loved he was indeed, loved, by his closest and dearest friend.


Through the eyes of his 12-year-old self he was just a human treated like an animal. Sometimes being herded into a small classroom that smelled of old chipped chalk and decaying desks. He once learned about the life and death of a peculiar 1800s woman. Three-fourths of the words he couldn’t understand, and the rest he could, were so boring he nearly drowned himself with drool.


To be learning about things like that was odd but not the oddest that had happened since he came to the orphanage.


The oddest was when he came to learn the word love, and he began to feel it for himself for the first time towards his dearest friend.


That, to Seungkwan, would have to be the most bizarre thing that had ever happened.


So to grow up in the world during a war, to be without a mother or a father, to not have enough to eat, yes--it was strange--but he was not God’s forsaken like those ladies had said. To find someone to love as fair and as beautiful as Hansol was the best blessing of all. He was not God’s forsaken. He understood love where nobody else could.



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CrisscolferKlaine #1
Chapter 2: Was this posted somewhere else? Cause I already read it