Day 3 - Peppermint (Kyumin)

Write A Day Challenge - December

    “I’m headed off.” I shouted back to my co-worker.

    “Alright, Sungmin. Have a good night!” He replied.

    “Will do.”

    I bunched up my apron and set it on the counter. Gathering my things together I headed toward the radio to turn it off for the night. When I approached it, I noticed something peculiar about it.


    My co-worker popped his head out of the door, “Yeah?”

    “Why do you keep leaving peppermint candies on things?” I asked holding up the small twisted candy.

    “Huh?” He questioned, “I’m not.”

    “Well someone is and this wasn’t here when I got here this morning.” I replied.

    Shindong came out from around the door and scratched his head in confusion, “I don’t know. It’s not me, I swear.”

    I sighed, “Alright, well… Have a good night.”

    “You too.” He replied.

    I headed out the door and walked toward my car. I was unlocking it when I noticed something on my windshield.


    I reached over and grabbed the item. Another peppermint candy. This has been happening for three days now and I can’t figure out why. I got in my car and drove off to my apartment. When I arrived there, I got out of my car and headed up the stairs. I lifted my mat to grab m key and there it was, another peppermint candy!

    I shook my head and grabbed the candy and key and headed into my apartment. I threw my keys at my couch and emptied my pocket of the peppermint candies. It seemed like a never ending flow out of my coat pocket. I have a bowl I’ve been keeping them in. I just want to know who’s doing it and why.

    I sat down on my couch and picked up my phone to call my best friend. After a few rings, he answered, “Hey Min, what’s up?”

    “You’ll never believe what I got today!” I said.

    “A new car?”


    “Another cat?”

    No! Come on, Kyuhyun, you know this.”

    He thought for a moment, “More peppermint candy!”

    “Yup.” I replied. “I seriously have no clue why it’s happening or who’s doing it. I found one on my windshield for christ sake!”

    “Maybe you have a secret admirer?” Kyuhyun suggested.


    “I don’t know, Min but hey, I gotta go. Since it’s Christmas Eve I gotta finish my shopping for tomorrow.”

    “Alright.” I replied, “See you later.”


    I sighed and looked toward the Christmas tree. There was one gift underneath it for Kyuhyun. He had been my best friend for eighteen years now and I was finally going to tell him how much I like him. Yeah, yeah, I know eighteen years, you’d think he’d already know that I’ve had a crush on him since I met him but he didn’t. Atleast I don’t think so…

    Anyway, I got him a plush bunny, since that’s what he always calls me, his BunnyMin. I looked back at the bowl of peppermint candies and cringed. Peppermint is something I love about the holiday’s, but this is just overdoing it…




    Christmas day came and I was nervous to meet with Kyuhyun. The cafe was closed for the day, so I had time to prepare for my confession. This can’t be too hard, right?

    I stared at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath, “Come on, Sungmin. You’re twenty-seven years old now. You can do this. Be a big boy and-”


    *Knock, knock, knock*


    I heard my front door and began panicking, “Oh no! He’s here! What do I do!?” I looked down at my fluffy black cat that was sitting on the bathroom sink, “How do I look!?”

    My cat meowed.

    “Well you don’t have to be rude.”


    *Knock, knock*



I took a deep breath and headed out into the living room. I headed toward the Christmas tree in my living room and grabbed Kyuhyun’s gift. Taking a few more steps, I reached the front door and hesitated before opening it. I opened my mouth as to say something but quickly shut it upon seeing a giant box sitting on my porch. I set Kyuhyun’s gift down on the floor beside me, then stood back up.

Blinking a few times, I looked up at the man standing there, “Delivery for Lee Sungmin?”

“I didn’t order anything.” I replied.

“No, but your friend did.”

I nodded slowly and signed the papers. The man left and I stared at the box. I tried to pull it inside but it was no use, so instead I decided to open it right there. I noticed a card taped to the top of the box and pulled it off. Opening the envelope, I pulled out a card and read it.

On the front it said, ‘I was mint to be in your life.’ I chuckled slightly at the pun and then opened the card.

“Sungmin, we’ve been friends for years and I think it’s time you should know…”

I blinked a few times as there were no more words anywhere on the card. I looked down at the box and began stripping down the wrapping paper that covered the box. The paper fell to the floor and I opened the cardboard flaps. When I looked inside, there was nothing but peppermint candies.

I dipped my hand in them and pulled out a handful, “Seriously?”

Suddenly, someone jumped up from inside the box, making me scream. Peppermint candies flew all around and landed everywhere, inside my house, on my porch, some even fell down the balcony to the ground below! I looked up at the person standing inside the box.


He smiled, “Merry Christmas!”

“It was you!” I shouted, “You’re the person sneaking peppermint candies everywhere!”

He laughed, “Yup, that’s right!”

“But why?”

    Kyuhyun blushed, “I-I couldn’t find anything sweeter than you, s-so I got you these.”

    I blushed as well, “Awh.”

    He smiled at me, “Sungmin, I have something to confess.”

    I looked down at the box, “Well could you do it inside? You know, not covered in red and white candies?”

    He laughed and nodded. I helped him out of the box and we both dragged the box inside. I went to close the door and when I turned around, Kyuhyun was standing right in front of me. I blushed and looked away.

    “Sungmin, I-”

    “Wait.” I said, cutting him off, “Before you say anything, I want you to open my gift.”

    Kyuhyun blinked a few times, but nodded anyway. “O-Okay.”

    I picked up the gift from off the floor and handed it to him. I watched as he carefully unwrapped it and stared at it confused.

    “A bunny?”

    My face turned red, “B-Because I’m your BunnyMin... Err at least, I-I hope I am...”

    Kyuhyun looked from the plush bunny, up to me, “Sungmin, I like you.”

    “H-Huh?” I questioned looking into his eyes.

    He took a deep breath, “I’ve been in love with you for years but never told you.”

    Something in my heart jumped and I smiled widely, “Me too!” I thought for a moment, “I-I mean, I always have… Err what I’m trying to say is-”

    Before I could finish my sentence, Kyuhyun leaned down and pecked my lips lightly, “I love you Sungmin.”

    I smiled, “I love you too Kyuhyun.” I looked over at the box of candies, “What am I supposed to do with all this peppermint?”

    Kyuhyun shrugged, “We could bake with it.”

    I laughed, “Yeah, we could.” He smiled down at me and I noticed, “W-What?”

    “You’re just cute.” Kyuhyun replied.

    “Am not!”

    “Are too!”

    He began chasing me around my apartment and that’s when I finally knew, we were truly mint to be.




A/N: Ah, the cheesiness! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I’ll see you guys tomorrow!

Thankyu to all my commenters, readers, subscribers, and voters!

Have a Kyumin-tastic day!(:

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Mery89 #1
/Lemme me give to you kyumin cookies ahahah /
At the moment my fav is "Snowglobe" kkkk (the other are cute too) . Can't wait for read the other fics!
Chapter 4: I love Eunhae so much&they are soooo cute togther,thanks alot for the updating.
sayasayangtodae #3
Chapter 3: Agreed,,they are mint to be
Chapter 3: Cheesy Mint!! though I love it!! hihihi
Chapter 2: I want that magic snow globe too!!
kyuminempire #6
kyuminempire #7
Chapter 3: OMG THIS IS LIKE A PERFECT GIFT FOR ME THIS MORNING IMMA KISSEU YOU AND HUG YOU WAAAAAA. Thank you so much for writing this!!! Youre a gift to kyuminmankind <3
Chapter 2: I love magical story and this one is funny ;) I enjoy it a lot . Thank you authornim!
So Kyumin will not be the main pair?
excited for the kyumin!