Day 1 - Snowfall (Eunhae)

Write A Day Challenge - December

    They say the first snowfall of the season is the most special, especially if you’re with people you love.


    But that’s not the case for me at all…


    “I hate the snow.” I muttered as I forcefully shut my curtains.

    “How could you hate the snow?” My best friend asked while sipping from his cup of warm liquid.

    “It’s stupid, white, and it’s everywhere!” I replied crossing my arms, “Why do you like it so much?”

    Kyuhyun, my best friend, smiled at the ground, “The first snowfall of last December was when I met my true love.”

    “Gross.” I cringed.

    “Oh come on, Eunhyuk, you can’t tell me you’ve never fallen in love before?”

    I thought for a moment. I had fallen in love, once…


    It was December 12th 2012, 2:15 PM. I was walking through the airport, heading to my flight back home, from Incheon to Seoul. I ran to get to my flight quickly but I had suddenly run into someone. We both hit the ground and papers went flying all around us.

    “Oh no! I’m so sorry!” The man said trying to help me out. “Are you alright?”

    I looked up and our eyes met. There was an instant connection between us. I could feel it in my heart and see it in his eyes. I had never fallen in love with someone so quickly.

    “E-Excuse me?”

    I blinked out of my thoughts and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, “S-Sorry. I’m just trying to get to my flight.”

    He smiled, “It’s okay. I wasn’t watching my steps.”

    I nodded and looked down at the papers scattered around the floor. I crawled over to one of them and picked it up, then went back to pick up more. Before we knew it, there was one piece of paper left on the ground. The man and I reached for it at the same time and our hands brushed lightly. We looked up at the same time and made eye contact again. There was a sort of innocence in his eyes. He blushed and looked away. I pulled my hand away from the paper and we both stood up awkwardly.

    “T-Thank you.” He said.

    I bowed slightly and grabbed my suitcase again. I walked past him but was caught by his hand. I stopped and turned back to look at him. He did the same.

    “What’s your name?” He asked in a hushed tone.

    “Eunhyuk.” I replied.

    He smiled, “Lee Donghae.”

    He looked away and let go of my arm. Before I could say anything else, he began walking off in the opposite direction. I stood and stared at him as he walked away. My heart had never beaten that fast before.



    I blinked myself back to life and looked at my best friend, “Huh?”

    “You didn’t answer my question.” Kyuhyun raised his brow.

    I looked away, “No. I haven’t fallen in love… Ever.”

    Kyuhyun rolled his eyes before standing up, “Okay, whatever you say. Listen, I’m gonna go over to Sungmin’s. We’re headed out to the Festival of Trees tonight. Why don’t you join us?”

    I thought for a moment before nodding, “Sure.”

    “Awesome. We’ll see you at seven then!”

    Kyuhyun headed toward my door and left to his petite boyfriend. I sighed and slumped down on my couch. Think about meeting Donghae, that wasn’t the only time I had met him…


    When 2014 rolled around, I was working at the local cafe downtown. I had just arrived for my shift and headed to the back. Clocking in, my boss caught me.

    “Hyukjae, I need you to deliver this coffee to table five.” Siwon, my boss said.

    I nodded, “On it.”

    Taking the tray of coffee from my boss, I headed out onto the cafe floor. I looked around and spotted table five. A man was sitting at the table, staring out the window. In front of him was a notebook and pen was placed between his fingers and he was fiddling with it. I took a deep breath and walked toward the table.

    “Here’s your coffee, sir.”

    The man looked from the window up to me and smiled, “Thank you.” He looked at my name tag, “Hyukjae.”

    I stopped in my tracks, “You… Y-You’re that guy I met two years ago!”

    He looked up at my confused, “Huh? Oh I think you’re mistaken, I’ve never seen you before in my life.”

    I shook my head, “No, I’m Eunhyuk! Remember? We met in the airport in 2012! I ran into you and your papers went flying and… I remember you!”

    He slowly averted his eyes from me and looked back out the window, “I’m sorry, I don’t know you.”

    I sat down at the booth across from him, “Yes you do! You’re Lee Donghae! I could recognize your face for miles!”

    He looked back at me and looked like he was holding something back. He took it upon himself to close his journal, tuck his pen behind his ear and the tufts of brown locks that covered, pick up his coffee and stand from the booth.

    “Thank you for the coffee, Hyukjae.”

    I stood also and watched as he headed toward the doors. I wanted to run after him but something told me not to. My calm, open hands turned into fists and I huffed in annoyance. ‘That was Lee Donghae.’ I thought to myself, ‘I know it.’


    I bit my lip and looked around the living room. It wasn’t until another year later that I accidentally met up with him again. This time was a bit different though. I had finally gotten the courage to actually say something to him.


    I was walking down the street that cold December night. The snow was calmly falling and I was cozied up in my furry, black, winter coat, black gloves, black jeans, and combat boots. I passed all the stores that were just getting ready to close. All their Christmas lights were up and everytime I walked past a store, it was a new array of colors.

    I went to turn the corner of the sidewalk but immediately stopped in my tracks. Someone in front of me stopped as well. I blinked a few times until I noticed who it was.


    He said nothing, he merely only turned around and began walking the other way. I ran after him and grabbed his wrist, turning him around.

    “Let go of me!” He shouted as he threw his wrist out of my grip. He stared at me for a moment.

    “Donghae, I know it’s you. Why do you keep pretending you don’t know me?”

    “Because I don’t.” He replied, “Yeah, we ran into each other at an airport, big whoop? It happens all the time to strangers.”

    “True but something was different about this.” I replied, “I don’t know how to say this but when I looked into your eyes that day, I saw a beautiful person, someone I wanted to get to know. Fate keeps bringing us together and I need to know why!”

    “You’re crazy.” Donghae began walking away.

    I quickly ran in front of him, stopping him in his tracks and blocking his way, “Wait, I want to get to know you! Can I have your number or something?”

    Donghae sighed and looked over my shoulder. I noticed him eyeing something. It turned around and looked at what he saw. It was a book stand. He walked around me and headed toward the stand. He picked up a book and handed the lady some cash, then asked her for a pen.

    She handed him a pen and he wrote his number in the book along with his name. I watched as he closed the book and held it up to show me. It was a copy of ‘My Kind of Christmas’ by Robyn Carr.

    “There, I wrote my number in this book. I’m going to put it in a bookstore and I’m not going to tell you which one. You’ll have to find it.” Donghae said.

    “And if I don’t?”

    “Then fate doesn’t want us to get to know each other.” He replied.


    After that, I was sure fate didn’t want us together. I searched through every bookstore in town for that book but every copy I picked up was the wrong one. When 2016 rolled around, I gave up completely. I haven’t met up with Donghae this year and I’ve given up all hope. Kyuhyun and I agree it’s a lost cause. Finding that book would be the hardest thing I could ever do. It could be anywhere by now.




    It was seven o’clock and I had just arrived to The Festival of Trees. It’s this huge festival where people uniquely decorate trees for Christmas and you can walk around and look at them. There’s also craft booths set up for people who make things to sell for the holidays.

    I headed inside the convention and looked around. There were quite a few people around the building and I tried to peek over heads to see if I could spot Kyuhyun and Sungmin but they were nowhere to be found. I shrugged it off and began walking around the convention.

    There were different colored lights on every tree around, different ornaments and themes. Everything from a duct tape tree to a tree made from ties, the trees were magnificent and unique in every way. I passed a few booths as well but only one truly seemed to catch my eye.

    An author had a booth set up and he was selling his books for the holiday season. I recognized the name of the author and slowly dragged my feet toward the stand. He looked up at me as I approached.

    “Hi there.”

    “H-Hello.” I said nervously.

    I looked down at the table of books.

    “You see one you like?” He asked.

    I nodded, “Yeah.”

    “Go ahead,” He urged, “You can pick them up.”

    I stared down at the cover of the book, ‘My Kind of Christmas’. I slowly reached my hand toward the book but quickly withdrew.

    “Well don’t be nervous!” The author laughed.

    I nodded slightly and picked up the book. As I touched it, I instantly lost hope that this was the book Donghae had signed over a year ago. I half smiled at the book and with the tiny thread of hope I had that this was the book, I closed my eyes as I slowly opened the book cover. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes and looking down at the inside of the book.


    I couldn’t believe it…


    Lee Donghae



    I stared at the book trying to process what to do. I pulled out my phone and stared at it before carefully typing in the digits on the page. I swallowed nervously and took a deep breath before pressing the call button. I lifted the phone to my ear and listened carefully. The phone was silent, it wasn’t buzzing at all and then I heard it…


    “We’re sorry, this number has either been changed, disconnected, or no longer exists.”


    I let my arms fall to my sides as I hung my head low in disappointment. I looked back up at the author and smiled shyly, “T-Thank you.”

    I set the book back down on the table and turned around but when I did, I saw someone standing there. Someone I didn’t expect to see. Someone as handsome as the snow was beautiful.


    “You called?” Donghae smiled and my heart instantly melted.




A/N: It’s December!! Woo hoo!!(: I’m running behind with writing these stories ahead so I’m hoping I don’t fall too far behind. Sorry if I miss an update or anything else! I’ll do my best not to! I want to thank you all for subscribing already! I’m excited for this fic! I’ll be updating another one daily as well called Naughty and Nice. Link is on the title(:

Thankyu to all my commenters, readers, subscribers, and voters! See you all tomorrow!

Have an Eunhae-tastic day!(:

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Mery89 #1
/Lemme me give to you kyumin cookies ahahah /
At the moment my fav is "Snowglobe" kkkk (the other are cute too) . Can't wait for read the other fics!
Chapter 4: I love Eunhae so much&they are soooo cute togther,thanks alot for the updating.
sayasayangtodae #3
Chapter 3: Agreed,,they are mint to be
Chapter 3: Cheesy Mint!! though I love it!! hihihi
Chapter 2: I want that magic snow globe too!!
kyuminempire #6
kyuminempire #7
Chapter 3: OMG THIS IS LIKE A PERFECT GIFT FOR ME THIS MORNING IMMA KISSEU YOU AND HUG YOU WAAAAAA. Thank you so much for writing this!!! Youre a gift to kyuminmankind <3
Chapter 2: I love magical story and this one is funny ;) I enjoy it a lot . Thank you authornim!
So Kyumin will not be the main pair?
excited for the kyumin!