The Angel

Enhancing the fire

Eun Jeong's POV

After I finished my work shift, I headed out through the back door.

"I sure did tell them that I would meet them but…….how will I find them?" I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly a chill ran down through my spine. "Looking at your halo thingy right now….I wonder how come I didn't notice it" someone whispered behind my back.

"Ayo angel!! You done with your humane work?" Taehyung said approaching from the front.

"Jeon Jungkook. You can move to a place where I can see you now." I said getting irritated.

"How do you know my name?" the prince of hell a.k.a Jungkook said appearing out of nowhere.

"Maybe you are popular up there unlike in the LOST" Taehyung joked.

"Ummm...WHAT IS"LOST"? "I said getting confused.

"Well… We call Earth, "The LOST" Taehyung said as a matter of fact.

"What do you call it up there, White Wings?" Jungkook asked staring at me, rather glaring.

"Ummm…We call the Earth….Earth??" I said not knowing what to say.

"You've got a dry humor." Taehyung said laughing loudly.

"So mind sitting somewhere so that we can have a friendly talk?" Jungkook said plainly.

"Why don’t you just walk me to home while we are talking" I suggested.

Suddenly Jungkook grabbed me by my collar and partially growled and said "You think we are your chauffeurs and stuff, White wings? I am the prince of hell. We are just curious so just give us answers. We'll walk away without any bones breaking."

"Well I don’t give a fu*k if you're the prince of hell. If you want answers, follow me. And if you call me white wings again…. I'll make sure that it's your bones that are broken." I hissed back. He was about to reply back with an amused face when Taehyung interrupted him.

"Wow! Where did you learn such a language?" Taehyung said separating us.

"You learn a thing or two when you are in the "LOST" I air quoted for extra emphasis.

"So are you coming??" I said looking back as I walked ahead.

"Why don't we just go to your home and talk then?" Taehyung suggested.

"Cool with me. But is Mr. Prince of Hell okay with it?" I said sarcastically. "We're okay with it. Let's go" Taehyung said and both of them disappeared.

"Wait-But...these guys….Do they even know where I live?" I shouted.

After some seconds they popped out of nowhere again. "Why are you still here? Didn't you say we are going to your home?" Taehyung said getting puzzled.

"Well unlike you supernatural beings….I can't teleport you idiots." I said through gritted teeth.

"Wha- But how is it possible?? I thought everybody could teleport. Now I know...MY whole life was a lie" Taehyung screamed.

"Wait…" Taehyung said and mumbled something in Jungkook's ear. After that he expectantly looked at me.

"Hell... You didn't hear what I just said, did you?" He whispered dramatically.

"Yea Yea I don't have super hearing powers as well." I said rolling my eyes and started to walk.

"But how is it possible? You are an angel. You should be able to do anything right?" Taehyung said clinging unto my sleeves.

"Is he always this friendly with the angels?" I asked as a matter of fact.

"Well... this is the first time we've seen an angel in the LOST" Jungkook said eyeing me.

"But how is it possible?" I mumbled to myself. "What is possible?" Jungkook asked who was walking behind me.

"Nothing. Let's save the talk for when we have reached home." I said and started to walk faster.




"So yea...this is my home." I said looking at my two storey building.

"Wait. How were you able to afford the place?" Taehyung asked looking at me weirdly.

"Because I am an angel" I said smirking and headed towards the door.

"Damn... I guess people up there are rich Jungkook" Taehyung said to Jungkook who just snorted.

"Sh*t." I said as soon as I entered my compound.

Taehyung and Jungkook just looked at me.

"I've got some visitors" I said looking at them.


Jungkook's POV

"I've got some visitors" she said looking at us.

"Boyfriend? White wings." I .

"Well let's meet this boyfriend of yours." Taehyung said and barged inside the house.

White wings tried to stop us but that just spiked my interest so I followed Taehyung inside the house.

There he was standing in the door looking as if he saw the queen of hell.

"What are you-" I got dumbfounded when I saw what was inside the room.

"WELL WELL … Look who is here." One of the guys inside the room said.

There were almost 10-12 angels sitting inside the room.

I hate to say it but it was in fact the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.


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Delia19 #1
Chapter 4: Why is that Jungkook seems bipolar...hahaha
Still love it.
Update please.. :-)