Step 4

Baby Steps
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They were fighting. Loudly. Angrily. The cutlery and china was on the floor, shattered. And this time, Yoongi wasn't holding his temper back. 

"Well you too!" yelled the elder man in the room, making his way into the his son's bedroom. Yoongi slammed the door and belatedly winced at the thought that it might wake Jungkook up. But, much to his relief, he found that his son was just as hard to wake up as he was. He heaved a sigh and slid down next to the cot in the middle of the room where a seven month old Jungkook was soundly sleeping. His lips ling on his tiny, little thumb.

Yoongi was quietly carding his fingers through his son's hair when the door to the child's bedroom opened and an infuriated Jimin popped his head in the crack, looking straight at him. With tight lips and a clipped tone the younger bit out, "you better come out here this instant, or so help me, I will not be whispering anymore."

Yoongi simply rolled his eyes, turning back to the child in the cot, biting his lips to keep a lid on his emotions. He was this close to having a full blown outburst. "Give it a rest."

"I will not!" Jimin was livid, his eyes bulging out in anger. His voice rising. "Now get out here or else-"

"What?" Yoongi demanded with hurt crossing his features. His hands fisted and his head held high. "I said give it a rest. So ing stop bothering me."

Of course, Jimin wouldn't. The younger man slammed the bedroom door with a jerk and marched down towards the elder. Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and pulled the man away, making him stumble a few times before he got his bearings. When they reached their room, Jimin turned the elder towards him, never letting his hold on Yoongi's wrist to slacken.

"This conversation isn't over." The younger boy seethed. Anger distorting his features in the worst way possible.

Yoongi tried to pull his hands out the boy's grips but Jimin wouldn't relent. "Clearly our definitions of conversation are different," he stated. Struggling against the grip on his hands, he continued in a hateful tone, "because this" he gestured to the death grip Jimin had on his wrist, "this is clearly a fight."

Jimin only tightened his hold on the elder's wrists and Yoongi winced against the tight hold. He could feel the digits forming indents into his pale skin. "It's turning into one because you aren't listening."

The elder winced once again against the tight clench around his hand. "Is that why you're resorting to abuse?" the elder questioned with hurt dripping from his eyes and words. That seemed to have worked, though, because Jimin's hold on him relaxed a little. When Jimin didn't reply back, Yoongi continued with trembling lips, "you think I don't want to slam your head into the nearest piece of metal right now?" A tear rolled down the elder's already red eyes. "But do you see me acting like you are?"

Jimin didn't reply and Yoongi pulled his hand out of his husband's grips in a sudden jerk of his hands. He wordlessly turned around with a scorn. He was already at the door when Jimin spoke and the hurt in his voice made Yoongi stop.

"Why are we fighting over something so stupid?" The boy sounded tired and Yoongi almost gave in. 

With his back still facing the boy, the elder husband glowered, "because you don't seem to understand the fact that Jungkook is 'our' son, not just 'yours'."

Jimin didn't give a reply and Yoongi stood rooted to the spot, waiting for the younger to say something. A while passed and Jungkook's crying was what shook the two from their spots. Yoongi moved first, turning the door knob and racing into his son's room. Jimin followed without a second's delay. However, when they reached the child's bedroom the two parents found themselves simply staring at the child in the cot. Unable to move.

Jungkook was leaning against the high bars of the bed, his hands out in front of him. He was reaching out to the two through the wooden bars and was crying relentlessly. But neither of the two fathers made to move towards him. The seven months old kept his crying, turning red with exertion; his fluffy cheeks, scarlet with tears dripping down. His tiny fingers egging them to take him into their embrace. His lips trembling. But neither Yoongi, nor Jimin, made to take a step towards the boy.

After what seemed like too long Jimin jerked in his steps and moved towards the boy. Bending over the wooden bars, Jimin plucked his son up in his arms and started jumping him up and down in his embrace cooing at the boy. Of course, Jungkook didn't stop crying, burying his face into his fathers chest. His tears already wetting

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Chapter 5: Jimin being overprotective to Kuki and I found it so cuteeeee lol
Yoongi has to deal with this situation. Hahahaha
Okay I'll wait for the next chapter ^^
Aimz19 #2
Chapter 5: omomomomo
this is really cute
Chapter 4: They are fighting..again. But thanks to Kookie, they make up soon. Sweet. I love this family ❤
Chapter 3: This is so adorable and sweet and cute and just... ^~^!! I love this fanfic
Chapter 2: I love the way Yoongi understand Jimin. It's so sweet. Please give me a man like Yoongi :'D
This is just the beginning, they'll face many difficulties in the future. I hope their love getting stronger then ^^
Chapter 2: omg, it is so cute!!!
misha65 #7
Chapter 2: It is amazing
Kaynne #8
Chapter 2: Eu sinceramente não sei o que eu mais gostei nesse capítulo. Taehyung eu sei que mais tarde vai ser bonito a interação dos bebês e Namjin como sempre salvadores da pátria. E esse final tão bonito. <3
Espero ansiosamente o próximo