Step 1

Baby Steps
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"He's so tiny, hyung!" Jimin whisper-yelled as he stared at the little body snuggled in his arms with awe. The boy was jittery and giggly and composed all at the same time. The man beside him, his husband, hummed in agreement as he peaked over the younger boy's shoulders looking at the little living thing.

Jeon Jungkook. Their son, who they finally brought home after nine months of waiting for Miss Jeon to go into labor, was sleeping soundly in Jimin's embrace sniffling every once in a while and his tiny lips as he squirmed comfortably in his new father's hold. And Yoongi will be damned if he didn't run back into their bedroom to bring the camera to capture this beautiful moment.

Of Jimin smiling warmly at their tiny, little world. Of his sweet, sweet family.

"Our little baby boy" Yoongi whispered as they moved over to the couch. He waited for Jimin to get comfortable on the furniture and then moved next to his husband carefully, slowly, as he whispered to his husband in the most gentlest voice he could conjure, as if speaking louder would make this moment vanish. "Let me hold him please."

Jimin turned towards his husband at the request and found him gazing intently at the child in his arms. The emotion that flooded Yoongi's eyes made Jimin's eyes water as he choked an "okay" before turning fully towards the elder.

Yoongi braced himself for the moment. He wiped his hands fervently at his jeans and his lips nervously as he brought his arms out into a cradle form like he'd seen Jimin do just a minute ago. And Jimin placed the boy in his father's arms. Slowly and carefully. Cooing at the squirming baby.

And this time, it was Jimin's turn to capture the moment. Because as soon as Yoongi took hold of the baby in his arms, he cried. A single tear betrayed his tough facade as he embraced the child closer to his chest, lips trembling at the little ball of life in his hands. He dipped his lips to kiss the kid's forehead and a small whimper escaped the man's lips at the sound the child elicited at contact.

And then looked up at his husband to find tears marring his face as well. Happy tears, that Jimin had shed

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Chapter 5: Jimin being overprotective to Kuki and I found it so cuteeeee lol
Yoongi has to deal with this situation. Hahahaha
Okay I'll wait for the next chapter ^^
Aimz19 #2
Chapter 5: omomomomo
this is really cute
Chapter 4: They are fighting..again. But thanks to Kookie, they make up soon. Sweet. I love this family ❤
Chapter 3: This is so adorable and sweet and cute and just... ^~^!! I love this fanfic
Chapter 2: I love the way Yoongi understand Jimin. It's so sweet. Please give me a man like Yoongi :'D
This is just the beginning, they'll face many difficulties in the future. I hope their love getting stronger then ^^
Chapter 2: omg, it is so cute!!!
misha65 #7
Chapter 2: It is amazing
Kaynne #8
Chapter 2: Eu sinceramente não sei o que eu mais gostei nesse capítulo. Taehyung eu sei que mais tarde vai ser bonito a interação dos bebês e Namjin como sempre salvadores da pátria. E esse final tão bonito. <3
Espero ansiosamente o próximo