Chapter Six

Let's Not Fall In Love (우리 사랑하지 말아요)
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It’s finally the first week of May, I haven’t talk or see Taehyung for 3 days. It’s also odd for me that he’s not even texting or talking to me.


Have I finally become paranoid or am I thinking too much over nothing.


At the same time, I’m glad that Taehyung is only in my class three times a week. On Monday, Tuesday and Friday and it is Wednesday today.

A little part of me feels great that I won’t see him and a little part of me needs to see him. Wondering if Sera ask a bunch of questions to him, well… they’re friends too.


But if Sera did ask questions, Taehyung should let me know on the spot. Maybe it’s a good sign that she’s not opening .



In class an hour later, I usually sit alone at the back because I like the quietness and I can focus better.

“Alright, go into groups of three and we’ll start the activity shortly,” Mr. Ahn informs.


Oh great, who will be in my group.


“Hey, hey gorgeous,” one of my classmates sit next to me, moving all of his stuff to my table, his name is Jackson.

“What? Really Jackson, I was here first,” Mino complains.

“Yay,” I fake cheer. “Sit down already, who cares who’s here first.”

Jackson sticks his tongue out on Mino causing him to hit Jackson on the arm and they both start to tease each other.


“Okay, I want all of you to think of a business you want to open. It’s fun and fresh and think of ways on how to attract your customers…” as Mr. Ahn is telling us about the project, I start to think of Taehyung.


“,” I curse under my breath.


When the group activity starts, Jackson and Mino were actually doing some of the work. Usually they would start complaining and saying that it’s hard.

“Do you think I can date her?” Jackson doesn’t sound sure.

“You can, she likes you no?” Mino says.


I can’t help but listen to their conversation.


“How do you know that?”

“I can tell by the way she’s acting around you,” Mino tells him and Jackson seems to get it. “How about you Jungjoo, are you dating anyone currently?” Mino turns to me.

“Uh, uh,” I hesitate. I’m not at the moment.

“Are you straight?” Jackson asks, leaning over, “Because we haven’t seen you with a guy at all.”

“Or are you both?” he adds.


“I am dating a guy!” I shoot to answer.

“Who?” they both ask at the same time, when I see their faces, they look like puppies waiting to be fed.

“Kim Taehyung. The guy who sits beside me with the broken arm,” That everybody is me ing situations. Now two people know, which makes it three and four including Hyorin.


“No way!” Jackson is surprise.

“He’s great for you,” Mino high fives me. “I hear he doesn’t do girlfriend stuff.”

“What do you mean?” I stop all my work and all ears are on Mino.


Mino and Jackson lean closer to me, “He only dates them for a day, and then dumps them. He doesn’t consider them as girlfriends, he loves to party, go out until mid

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