Final Chapter - Happy Endings.

Hang on, this isn't right. [Short Story]


So after I had a long discussion with Jaejoong, DBSK and their manager, we finally agreed upon something. When mum came to pick me up, with perfect timing, I was already out of the building and it seemed like nothing happened. But of course we had to tell her what we were going to do.


"Hey mum..." I started.


"Hey sweetie, you okay? You don't look very well." She replied.


DBSK and their manager then walked out of the building and stood beside me.


"Sweetie look! Hurry up and tell daddy you're his daughter!" 'Mum' pointed.


"No. Mum. Jaejoong is not my father."


"What are you talking about? Of course he is!"


"No he's not. And you're not my mother either."


"What? So you decide to believe him and not your mother? I did not raise you to turn your back on me!"


I froze. She was right, I've only just met Jaejoong and I've already decided to believe his words? I nodded. Not knowing what else to do.


Her face started to boil. She stormed to Jaejoong and grabbed his shirt.


"What did you tell her?" She hissed.


"The truth." Jaejoong simply replied.


He was so calm about it. He was so calm through this whole situation. I praise him for that. She raised a hand and he closed his eyes. I cut in between them before Jaejoong could get hurt and I heard a sharp slap. I clutched my cheek as it slowly started to sting. Tears welled up from the pain I was receiving. Jaejoong protectively wrapped his arms around me and turned me away from her. I could feel his pounding heart against my shoulder. Was it racing from fear?


"Don't touch her." He ordered sternly. His expression was cold. 


"Why?! Why are you protecting someone you don't even know? Instead of turning back to me, you're protecting a random girl from the streets. Why did you leave me Jae? I was the one. Why did you do it?!" She wasn't showing any signs of sorrow, just plain anger.


"May I point out that you just indirectly admitted that she's not your biological daughter." Changmin added.


"Shut up kid." She snapped.


"Mum. I mean... anyway, don't tell Changmin oppa to shut up. He's right. You just indirectly admitted that I'm not your daughter. I guess that solves this issue."


"So what? You're still under my care until you're eighteen. You can't do anything about that."


"Actually, she can." Their manager who was silently standing aside finally spoke up. "Well, we can too. We've already decided what we'd do after confronting you. She no longer has to be under your care. So you won't need to keep up with this act and spend on her expenses. We'll simply just take her and look after her ourselves until she is of age."


"You can't do that. She is under my care no matter what. She doesn't have the right to choose who she wants her guardian to be."


"But she still gets to tell them her opinion. Plus, Jaejoong is a celebrity... don't you think that he can go to the limits to get what he wants?"


She was silent. It was visible that she had lost the battle. It looked like she wanted to murder all of us.


"FINE! Take her. You win. Do whatever you want. I hope you have a miserable life because of the decision you made on this exact day nine years ago. Don't think I forgot. I still remember everything. The exact date we started dating, the exact date we had our first kiss, and the exact date you left me hurt in the streets. Go on and take her, leave behind what you're missing out on." With that, she turned and left us in her dust.


I turned to look at Jaejoong and he smiled at me. A warm smile that made me feel like a huge stone had been lifted off me. A smile that assured me that my future was looking very bright.





So after that whole incident, I lived with DBSK and their manager. Their fans ignored me because I was supposedly only living with them to clean and cook. This made life for me much easier. Not only that, I mentioned that DBSK were my absolute favourite idols right? Well this was a fangirls biggest dream. To travel and be with them every hour of the day was the life. Of course during this long period of time, I grew a lot closer to the members. And who knew that my relationship with Jaejoong blossomed to being more than just friends? Like he says, age is just a number so it wasn't a problem between us.


Now that I'm eighteen and I that I have more rights, I can choose where I want to live. Jaejoong is retired at the age of thirty now and we are still in a happy and healthy relationship. He just recently bought a house for himself and so maybe I'll decide to join him. I would be stupid not to because what would that shiny diamond ring on my left hand be representing?




Because of one foolish decision, I was involved in an unforgettable event. But I don't regret this decision because it turned into something beyond imaginable. A wise person once told me that one will regret their actions, and that one will regret having not acted, but if they were wise they would much rather regret their actions.






Well that's it! This short story has officially ended.

I'm sorry if you expected more but I didn't really plan on writing anything else besides this. Maybe I'll add something in the future? I don't know. The future awaits.

Oh and like I said, I don't own anything so Jaejoong "retiring" is just fiction. Who knows when he'll retire. Maybe he'll never retire xD

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for the support :)

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great story!
This story is really nice (:
leedictator #3
I liked the ending ~! It`s really sweet, and her mother, or, so called mother is such a >.< Was this inspired from one of Jae`s past love life, the one with that noona who was a ? Because I`m imagining her to be that girl .. Anyways, I like this ~~! Sad it`s finished, but it`s better than nothing ^^
leedictator #4
OMGOSH! I JUST SAW THAT THIS IS FINISHED! ALREADYY?! Well, I`m gonna go read it now, so yeah ..
kevinwooismine #5
OMG!! what a brilliant Idea :D<br />
they're engaged!! :D<br />
such a happy ever after story!!<br />
leedictator #6
Nawww, this is so sad! But yeah, I agree with Jae, it`s better that she knows now then later on, it will hurt her more later. Anyways, I won`t be able to comment much from now to next week, I have exams D: Anywhooo, do update soon! I really like this story ~!
siwon- #7
THIS .<br />
SO .<br />
GOOD .<br />
OMG.<br />
WOMAN :)<br />
even when you were writing...i feel cut T_T
_euphoria #9
Only one comment for the last chapter? :(<br />
I'm disappointed, even though I don't have many readers. I'd love to hear from everyone, even the silent readers. I love comments so please do so!