Chapter One - Lift Off.

Hang on, this isn't right. [Short Story]


Six years ago.


I wake up at 9AM on a normal Saturday. I got up, did a lazy stretch and looked around my room.


"Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, Yunho and Changmin. Good morning my boys, ready to start the weekend?" I greeted and smiled widely at the many DBSK posters pinned to my walls. I jumped up and seated myself in my chair, turning my laptop on as I did. I immediately looked through the fanfiction website for any updates.


"Oh. Em. Gee. She updated! She updated! And OMG we're going out on a date tonight!!" I squealed in excitement as I read through the chapter of the story featuring me, the reader, and Jaejoong, my bias in DBSK. Unaware, my mum had walked into the room and was silently reading the fanfiction behind me. Taking in every detail of where we went and what we did. Until an intimate scene came up, which was when I noticed she was there because she exploded.


"WHY ARE YOU READING SUCH STORIES?! YOU'RE STILL YOUNG! HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU READ SUCH STORIES ABOUT YOUR FATHER? YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR NOW!" My mother was red all over. This was the angriest I've ever seen her. But I didn't get what she meant.




"This is your father we're talking about. How on earth can you read things like these about your father?!"


"But I don't understand mum, this story is about DBSK's Jaejoong."


"THAT'S THE POINT! He's your father, sweetie, your father. I should've let you known earlier instead of keep this as a secret. I shouldn't have let you get so obsessed with these Korean singers if I knew you were going to fall so deeply in love with them! I'm such an idiot!" My mother spilled the beans.


I was shocked. This whole time I've been obsessing over Jaejoong, meant that I was obsessing over my... father. It was unbelievable, how am I going to stop having these feelings for Jaejoong when he's my dad? I was in a very hard situation right now. I want to and don't want to get over him at the same time, he's just too good looking! I didn't know what to do.


"Sweetie, I think I'm going to have to explain to you what really happened. It's probably time for you to know the truth." Mum was a lot calmer now and we sat on my bed while she told me about her past with Jaejoong and how supposedly I had no father when I actually do.


My mother has been telling me that my father died when I was at a very young age. She has never been back to Korea since then because she didn't want to bring back bad memories so she's been living in London with me now.


So basically the real story is, mum and Jaejoong were in a very close relationship many years ago. They spent a night together in a hotel and things happened. But when she found out she was pregnant with me things went down. She finally let him know that she was carrying his child and he left her for good. He was starting to get famous at the time and didn't want his past life to affect his fame. They had lost contact ever since and my mother was scarred for a very long time. Which is why I have never been to my home town in Korea. She was afraid that she would see him again. She had to withstand my posters as she didn't want to look suspicious. She wept throughout the process and couldn't help but feel bad for her. How could he do such a thing just to protect his fame? I guess that's what all celebrities do anyway so we can't blame him. 


Mum seemed to have softened up a lot more now and she appears to be more open about her past life since she told me about it. I forgave her for not telling me the truth earlier and we went back to living our happy lives.




The next morning, which was a sunny Sunday, I briefly got ready and rushed downstairs to have breakfast with mum.


"Good morning mum! What's for breakfast?" I sat down on the swivel chair and faced the counter. She smiled at me, but it wasn't a smile because she was happy, it was a smile you see when someone is happy for you.


"Your favourite, pancakes in strawberry sauce."


So that's why she was smiling. Oh I love mum.


"I have something to tell you sweetie."


I nodded as I the strawberry sauce off my fork.


"We're going to Korea, honey. Tonight."


I half choked on the pancakes. My attention turned to mum. I blinked a couple of times, registering what she just said into my head.


"Wh-what...? We're going to Korea, tonight?" I managed to say. She simply just nodded and smiled again.


"I know you've been wanting to go since you started liking those boys, but I guess it's a whole different reason now since Jaejoong is your father... I thought you might also want to see what your home is like."


My face lit up, I was so excited. I can't believe I'm finally going to Korea! My home. The home that I've never been to.


"But there's more..." I let her continue. "I've also decided to let you meet DBSK on the coming Tuesday. Which is the reason why we're going so soon. I should let you have some more freedom, I'm sorry I've been keeping you trapped here in London for so long without seeing your own country. I'm truly sorry sweetie."


"It's okay mum, apology accepted. I understand what you've been going through. I'm just glad that you're finally back in this world!" I laughed a little.


"Yeah, me too." She smiled at me and we gave each other a warm hug. After that excitement, I couldn't finish my pancakes.




"Did you remember to pack your toothbrush?"


"Yes mum."




"Yes I did mum. I've been through my bag a hundred times now."


"Ok good. Just making sure, I don't want you to forget anything because I don't want to spend all our money on just the basic necessities we have here in London."


"Don't panic mum! We're not leaving London for good anyway." I reassured her. We were staying in Korea for a good four weeks to take in everything and let mum catch up on anything she's missed. Not like she wanted to do that anyway but I insisted.


"Ok then, let's board the plane! Korea here we come!"


I have to be honest. Mum did sound the tiniest bit excited since she hasn't been back there in years. I'm expecting a very nice holiday there and I'm hoping that we could go back again if everything goes well. Finally. I'm going to Korea to meet DBSK!!!!!!!!

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great story!
This story is really nice (:
leedictator #3
I liked the ending ~! It`s really sweet, and her mother, or, so called mother is such a >.< Was this inspired from one of Jae`s past love life, the one with that noona who was a ? Because I`m imagining her to be that girl .. Anyways, I like this ~~! Sad it`s finished, but it`s better than nothing ^^
leedictator #4
OMGOSH! I JUST SAW THAT THIS IS FINISHED! ALREADYY?! Well, I`m gonna go read it now, so yeah ..
kevinwooismine #5
OMG!! what a brilliant Idea :D<br />
they're engaged!! :D<br />
such a happy ever after story!!<br />
leedictator #6
Nawww, this is so sad! But yeah, I agree with Jae, it`s better that she knows now then later on, it will hurt her more later. Anyways, I won`t be able to comment much from now to next week, I have exams D: Anywhooo, do update soon! I really like this story ~!
siwon- #7
THIS .<br />
SO .<br />
GOOD .<br />
OMG.<br />
WOMAN :)<br />
even when you were writing...i feel cut T_T
_euphoria #9
Only one comment for the last chapter? :(<br />
I'm disappointed, even though I don't have many readers. I'd love to hear from everyone, even the silent readers. I love comments so please do so!