Chapter Three - History.

Hang on, this isn't right. [Short Story]


After going up a few levels and passed some rooms, we finally stopped somewhere. Their manager opened the door to a small room with some neatly arranged furniture. There was a desk with a large, black chair behind it. A few filing cabinets were lined along the back wall and a television against the left wall with a bubbling fish tank. On the right, a beige coloured couch sat under a few photo frames. The DBSK members were there. Scattered around the couch. They looked up, expressionless when I entered the room. Their eyes followed me when I walked towards them with the manager. They looked so intimidating.


"Sit." Jaejoong ordered, and I immediately dropped onto the couch. They all grabbed a chair and formed a ring around me, making me feel even more inferior. We were all silent for a while. The only sound heard was the steady ticking of the clock and the constant whirring and bubbling of the fish tank filter. 


"Right. Let's get to the point." Jaejoong finally spoke up, eyes fixed on mine. "You know why you're here. There are headlines everywhere now, stating that I have a hidden daughter. That I have a secret past life that no one knows of. Well, I'm sure you know that you're the centre of this mess. The creator of all this rubbish."


I simply blinked at his stern words. My guess was wrong. I wasn't here so he could apologise for abandoning mum and I.


"I know this is going to be really hard for you to believe, and really hard for me to earn your trust. Especially when you've known your mother for much longer than you've known me. Please, please at least listen to what I have to say." His voice softened. It sounded like he really needed me to listen to what he had to say. I slowly nodded.


"Thank you. I don't know how much I've stressed to you that I am not your father. I can truthfully say that I am not related to you in any way. But when you claim that I'm your father, I am sort of tied to you in a way. I know this is very confusing but you'll understand the whole truth after you've heard my side of the story."


I nodded and listened attentively as he started to speak. The rest of the members and their manager all tuned in as well as they don't seem to have heard of this part of his life before.


"So it all started when I was at the age of thirteen. Just when I hit puberty. My raging hormones just started to kick in and I fell in love with this noona. We had a five year age difference so it was hard. But then I found out that she had the same feelings for me too, so of course we started dating. Things were going alright but we got accused a lot because of our age. We didn't care and ignored them all because age doesn't matter when you're in love. We went out on dates and she picked me up after school almost every day because she would always finish earlier. Even though we hung out a lot, I still caught up with these guys (he gestured to DBSK), but she seemed more distant with her own friends. And eventually, she stopped seeing her friends altogether because according to them, I was 'too young' for her. Because of that, she was more clingy than ever and she was pretty much by my side twenty-four seven.


"Even with the good things, of course there were the bad. She still had her hormonal problems and I had mine. She was plain crazy sometimes and just got too clingy. I couldn't put up with it. We were seeing each other all the time I just got annoyed and sick of it. By this time, we had dated for two years already. Then the boys and I were luckily accepted into SM Entertainment so we had to practice a lot and we didn't have time for many personal activities. I thought it would be a good chance to take a break and maybe I'd fall in love with who she was before again. But no. She decides to take me home every bloody day after rehearsals and take me to school every bloody morning. I tried to live with it but it just didn't work out. After about a week of it, I decided that we shouldn't see each other anymore. I had no feelings left for her whatsoever. So I dropped the bomb on her one day after practice. She couldn't handle the sudden decision I made so she just dropped on her knees and pleaded me to stay with her. The scene was so messed up because a twenty year old girl was on her knees begging a fifteen year old boy. I just shook my head and left for home without turning back.


"The next morning when I walked out to head to school, I wasn't greeted by her at the door as usual. I was glad that she understood me. I felt quite bad but it's all for the best. She should make up with her friends again because it was wrong for her to ignore them just for me. So we went back to our old lives and I never saw her. I got so busy with the boys for our preparations for our debut that I almost forgot that I ever had a love life. It all came back to me when I saw her again after another two years. If you've been keeping up with the math, that makes me seventeen and her twenty-two. Anyway, she looked trashed and tired and when her eyes found me, her face lit up. She ran to me begging to get back with her even after all these years. I found out that she never did end up making up with her friends so she was lonely ever since we parted. I couldn't do anything about it as I didn't have the time to and I didn't have those feelings for her anymore. The best advice I could give her was to get over me and find someone better because after my debut, which was very soon, I wouldn't be seeing her again unless there was some miracle for her. 


"Even after that, she still didn't give up. She even went around spreading rumours that I had a child with her and that we only broke up to protect my future career. And might I add, she did a very good job at this. Since she was old enough, she even went out to the hassle of adopting a child to make it seem more real. But of course no one suspected her because she earned a lot of trust from our neighbours as she often assisted them for free. But then something made her decide to move to another country. I don't know the reason for it but I'm glad she finally decided to move on." Jaejoong concluded. We were all understanding of his words, but I was also a bit confused.


"That was very touching. But may I ask, why are you telling us about your past love? It doesn't sound like its connected to this situation right now..." I questioned.


"Because. That noona who I once loved was your mother."


I gasped and covered my mouth. My eyes were starting to brim with tears.


"So you mean..." My voice broke.


"Yes. This means that I am not related to you." Jaejoong simply replied.


"No. I'm... adopted." Thoughts were running through my head. This meant that I wasn't related to my so called mother. This also meant that because of an unknown reason, I was chosen to be abandoned by my biological parents. I felt so much pain because they decided not to want me. Being related to Jaejoong or not didn't matter now, I only felt unwanted now. An unwanted girl who no one likes because of my stupid actions now. I bet 'mother' doesn't want me either, she's probably only using me as a prop to get Jaejoong back. I hate my life.


"I'm sorry that I have to tell this to you. But you have to know sooner or later and it's best to know earlier so time can mend you."


He placed a hand on my shoulder. It appeared that he felt sympathy towards me. I looked up at him and he leaned in to give me a heartfelt hug. I really needed it. I don't think anything can ever mend my permanently shattered heart now.






That's Chapter Three for you! :)

How was it? It was another "look back into history" chapter.

Sorry if it was confusing, there was a lot of 'year-jumping' in this. If that's even a word xD

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it :)

It's coming to an end.

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great story!
This story is really nice (:
leedictator #3
I liked the ending ~! It`s really sweet, and her mother, or, so called mother is such a >.< Was this inspired from one of Jae`s past love life, the one with that noona who was a ? Because I`m imagining her to be that girl .. Anyways, I like this ~~! Sad it`s finished, but it`s better than nothing ^^
leedictator #4
OMGOSH! I JUST SAW THAT THIS IS FINISHED! ALREADYY?! Well, I`m gonna go read it now, so yeah ..
kevinwooismine #5
OMG!! what a brilliant Idea :D<br />
they're engaged!! :D<br />
such a happy ever after story!!<br />
leedictator #6
Nawww, this is so sad! But yeah, I agree with Jae, it`s better that she knows now then later on, it will hurt her more later. Anyways, I won`t be able to comment much from now to next week, I have exams D: Anywhooo, do update soon! I really like this story ~!
siwon- #7
THIS .<br />
SO .<br />
GOOD .<br />
OMG.<br />
WOMAN :)<br />
even when you were writing...i feel cut T_T
_euphoria #9
Only one comment for the last chapter? :(<br />
I'm disappointed, even though I don't have many readers. I'd love to hear from everyone, even the silent readers. I love comments so please do so!